Code For Loading List Of Plugged In USB Devices?

Sep 11, 2010

This is my code for loading list of plugged in USB devices:

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
For Each Drive As IO.DriveInfo In IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives


I would like when a button (lets say buttontest) is pressed it will show all files of a CD (only MP3) into ListBox5, then when buttontest2 is pressed the files in ListBox 6 will be copied from the CD to the selected USB device?

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VB Code To List All Webcams Or Video Capture Devices?

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to add the ability to select a camera to my program to start with I need to list the currently installed devices in a drop down menu much like what is used in MSN's webcam selection but the only thing that I can find that comes close is

Declare Function capGetDriverDescriptionA Lib "avicap32.dll" _
(ByVal wDriverIndex As Short, _
ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal cbName As Integer, ByVal lpszVer As String, _
ByVal cbVer As Integer) As Boolean

This, even with 4 different webcams installed, returns "Windows WDM image capture"

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List Name Of All Connected Devices On Lan?

Oct 28, 2010

i am trying to enumerate all IPs on my local network, but i am not having any luck. The only thing i have came up with so far is a really tedius "get my own ip and scan the subnet with pings" which surely isn't the best way? I am really only trying to get the ip of a tivo box, and i can determine it's a tivo by mac address or name. My router lists the "computer name" of the tivos as a long string of numbers with the prefix "tivo".What about broadcasting a ping packet? I could also attempt to connect with telnet to port 31339 on every one of them.

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Get A List Of Bluetooth Devices?

Jun 27, 2010

got a good sample of using VB to get a list of Bluetooth devices? And to maybe send and receive a file.Also, I'm using VS2005. Is there any better Bluetooth resources available if I upgrade to VS2010?

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VS 2010 List COM Devices?

Nov 5, 2010

I want to make program I want to make a program and I need the user to choose a com device to connect to it I made a drop down box but I want to put devices in it

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How To Programmatically Detect Webcam Plugged In Or Not

May 31, 2010

How can I programmatically detect whether a webcam device is plugged in to the PC or not, return 'True' or 'False.

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Locates A USB When Plugged In And Then Copy Them To A Certain Directory

Jul 27, 2009

Im trying to make a program that locates a USB when plugged in and then copy them to a certain directory and then stop the USB from being accessed until you untick the checkbox that controls that directory and sorry I don't have any code

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Explore The Options Of Having External Hardware Plugged Into USB

Sep 24, 2010

I'm wanting to explore the options of having external hardware plugged into a USB port or Serial Port so my computer can communitcate with buttons or visa versa.


How and where can I start on this?

Also are Serial Ports on there way out and should I focus on USB?

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Efficeintly Loading Combo Box List?

Sep 30, 2010

I have 3 combo boxes on a form. They are all going to load the same list. This list is in a database. My first thought was to attach the list to the combo boxes as a datasource. That would require me to create the datasource 3 times to load the same list. To me that seems terribly inefficient. If I attach all 3 combo boxes to the same datasource (list object) then when one cboBox value changes, they all change. So my thought is to load the list once into a list object, then create a loop that loops through each item in the list and adds it to the 3 combo boxes.

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Loading An Array List On Form Load?

May 8, 2009

Okay, so I have been developing my own MP3 player recently, and now I thought I would make the player remember what songs were in the playlist when it shut down. It now remembers the playlist file that was used last, but I would still rather make it so that it remembers all the songs without saving the playlist.

I've been using a setting to save the playlist file, but when I try this: doesn't work. The savedSongs is a System.Collections.ListArray. Heres the code at Form_Load I'm using at the moment.

Dim loadSongs As New System.Collections.ArrayList
loadSongs = ExperimentalPlayer.My.Settings.savedSongs
lbl_songname.Text = ""


Should I use some other kind of variable to save the filepaths? Well, the other option is that I use a text file for that, but I'd rather make it like this.

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Loading Text File To Sorted List

Jan 15, 2009

I wrote the code and it works great but then i thought i'd have a little challenge and go above and beyond. i decided to make a highscore leader board system. i used the following variables and sub classes to make it but im having a slight issue...


The idea is that i wanted to make the system able to associate a name with a score, sort the score from greatest to lowest, save it to a text file, load it from the text file, repeat.
so heres a quick list of what i have working...
-Stores name and score
-Sorts by score then outputs
-occasional index of -1 issue
-saves score and name to a text file
-loads score and name when the form loads
-CANNOT add new data to the sorted list...

Thats my main issue. When i have data loaded from last time i try to add a new score to the list but then it gives me an error.

InvalidOperationException was unhandled Failed to compare two array elements

-pointing to the line...

In the details of the exception it continues to say...InnerException {"object must be of type String"}
i don't know which parameter its referring to tho, the variable name is already of type string and count is type integer.

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Adding Progress Bar While Loading Image List To Listbox?

Aug 7, 2011

I am trying to add Images using open file dialog and folder browse dialog and populating the image list to listbox.While adding these Images I need to show the progress bar for every image it loads.

I am trying to get that but when the value of the progress bar say something around 25 0r 40 it is stopping at that point but I need to show the progress bar until it completes the 100% and then populates the Image list.

Here is my code:

Private Sub AddImages_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddImages.Click
If Not Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "Backup") = True Then


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File I/O And Registry :: Loading Files Into A List View

May 23, 2009

I can't find any way of loading all files with e.g (.txt) from a specific directory: C:UsersChristianDocumentsMy Logs I use Visual Basic 2008 .NET, this is how I try to get it:

1. When the form loads it should retrieve the full path and title of the files and then put them in the List View control.

2. When the user marks one file in the list view and then clicks a button the text content should be displayed in a multi line textbox.


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.net - Reduce The Lag Of Loading A Huge List Of Text Lines To A Listbox?

May 27, 2009

I am using file.readalllines to read the file into a string, then using listbox.items.addrange and splitting by vbcrlf to insert the items. Is there a way to reduce the lag it causes for loading huge lists?

View 6 Replies - Show Loading Message On SelectedIndexChanged Event Of Drop Down List

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to show message "Loading..." when a user select an item in the dorp down list.

Mark up:

<asp:Label ID="lbl_LoadingMessage" runat="server" ></asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl_Chapter" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True">


The method I'm using above is not working. When I select a new item from the drop down list, it works as expected except the message "Loading..." is not showing at all.

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Getting Method For Loading CheckedListBoxes And Saving Checked Items To List?

Oct 26, 2011

I gather case info from a DB table into a list(of T) list and display it in a checkedlistbox. When an item in the checkedlistbox is selected (highlighted, not checked), the selectedindexchanged event then retrieves account information from the DB for that case and loads the different accounts for that case in another checkedlistbox.

My issue is figuring out the best way to save the different items that are checked in the accounts checked list box. Since the accounts are loaded dynamically given the selected item in the cases listbox, what would be the best way to save which accounts are selected for each case?Below is my current method of loading the listboxes and selectedindexchanged procedure. I'm fairly new to programing and this is how I was taught load most controls, by list after saving to the list from the DB (which gets very complicated when you have to keep relations between items in separate lists).

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim CasesList As New List(Of String)
CasesList = Db.GetAccounts(CDbl(txtAccountBalance.Text))


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Loading Information From A Text File Back Into 8 List Boxes?

May 18, 2010

Basically my program creates a text file based on whatever is contained in the 6 list boxes. What i need it to do is load the text it created back into the relevant list box. text file looks like...

Consignment Number-----Shippment Method------Expected Departure Date
CC33-1EA------------Express Air-----------18/05/2010


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Make Program Feel If Any Device / Usb Device Plugged Into Computer Or Unplugged

May 5, 2010

how can i make my program feel if any device or usb device plugged into the computer or unplugged.url...

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VB Code Case Statement - Added A List Box With A List Of Names

Jan 13, 2011

I am used to C like languages such as C#. I added a list box with a list of names. In the code behind I added the below code. When I run the code I am getting the MessageBox but it will state "UserName favorite color is " but does not show the color. I thought it might be misspelled or non-matching names but this is not the issue due to the names being correct.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub lstData_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstData.SelectedIndexChanged

'Declare Variables


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Forms :: Alter Webbrowser Src Code Before It's Done Loading?

Dec 9, 2009

there's an img src=blah on a web page that I am loading with a webbrowser control, and I want to alter it to say img src=blahblah instead ... What I've been doing so far is waiting for the document to complete, doing a .replace, then saving the file to the hard drive, and finally navigating to that local altered version.I was wondering if it's possible to skip the step of replacing and reloading the local page, and instead, just dynamically alter the original source code of the page AS it's loading the first time. Can this be done?

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Loading Images With Different Filenames Using One Line Of Code

May 27, 2011

I am currently new to visual basic and I am using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. I am trying to create a small game in which i want to use 8 images. These images are imported in my resources under images as _0.gif _2.gif up to _7.gif. I could write code for each of the imageboxes individually but i prefer doing it in an array as shown below. As you can see I use the variable "i" to run a for, next loop.
picbox(i).Image =
So that not every time it loads the image. _1.gif but it loads the images _0.gif through _7.gif, based on the "i" variable.

i As
= 0 To
picbox(i) =
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Datagridview - Loading Data From Sql Server Datatable - Modify Or Delete The Product List

Feb 3, 2012

I have a form to add, modify or delete the product list..i have a datagridview in which i m loading data from sql server i have a text box which accepts code for the product..i want that when i press a key, all data starting with that key should be highlighted in datagridview.....

i have product codes
D001,, etc..

Now i press A in text datagridview all data with A should be highlighted

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VS 2005 Code For Clear List In List Box?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to know what is code can be write for clear all item in list box??..Here i attach my code for looping for.This looping will display are result in list box. For info i am using visual studio 2005.Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOnWard.Click
Dim num As Integer


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Code Compiles, Throws Exception When Loading Project At Runtime?

Mar 28, 2011

I've got a code sample below that will compile, but not run. Start it in the debugger by clicking the "step into" button on the toolbar, and an exception pops up before it reaches the first line of user code:

"Could not load type 'TestPrivileges.Win32Module+TOKEN_PRIVILEGES' from assembly 'TestPrivileges, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'."

Comment out either the 'Dim ... TOKEN_PRIVILEGES' line in the module or the 'Public Shared ... TOKEN_PRIVILEGES' at the end of the class, and the problem will stop occurring.Visual Studio 2008 as well as 2010 does it.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim newState As Win32Module.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = New Win32Module.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
MsgBox("Here I am")


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Loading Page In Multiple Windows If It's Processing In One - ASP.NET | Dream.In.Code?

Dec 4, 2009

I've discovered a problem that's fairly huge in my work environment and unusual. I'd say that it's impossible for it to be happening except that it is happening.

You have a window (we'll call it window 1) open with a page in it, you enter some data on the form, push the button to submit the data...behind the scenes a decent amount of work is going on.While data is processing in window 1 , you open window 2 and try to load the same page that is processing data in window 1.Window 2 will not render the page until window 1 is done doing whatever it's doing behind the scenes and has re-rendered on the screen.This is happening for all .NET pages in our environment.

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VS 2010 - Graphics - Code Into The Form Loading Event It Wouldn't Show ?

May 11, 2012

I tried to make a menu for my game, but when I placed the code into the form loading event, it wouldn't show. Then I placed a button and moved the code into the button click event and it worked. Thus, I know the code shouldn't be wrong. How can you make the graphics( as in lines, rectangle,etc) show up when it starts up?

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Get All Sound Devices

Jan 10, 2011

i need to get all sound device on pc as input and output after that i want to create a comobox to make the user select once of sound device

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Add Support For MTP Based Devices?

Apr 3, 2007

I'm writing a media management tool and want to add support for MTP based devices.I've been reading through the SDK docs and with the help of some C# examples have managed to make a start on getting some VB code working.

I've come across a few anomolies that I hope someone can help me with!In the examples IPortableDeviceManager.GetDevice appears in C# to receive a string array. But in VB.NET it appears to only receive a string. I have a similar issue with IPortableDeviceManager.GetDeviceFriendlyName which according to the C# samples appears to receive a char array, whereas in VB.NET it is accepting a UShort.


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Detect Special Usb Devices?

May 17, 2011

i have a question about detecting some usb devices. I use two different usb devices : Safenet HASP and Maxim iButton.Is it possible to detect that these usb devices are connected.

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Error While Ejecting USB Devices

Dec 10, 2009

I am having trouble ejecting the USB device. It gives an error saying " The device cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device later" To duplicate the problem, I created a very simple application with two forms. Form 1 has a button to the Form 2.


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