Combine C# And .net?

May 29, 2009

I have a friend who is very good at c#, but i am using and not clearly experinced with c#. i want work with my friend can we do ?

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Combine A Last Name To A First Name?

Apr 27, 2010

How do I combine a last name to a first name to create a list of names in a table from a form? I have tried to use the technique of creating a 5 uppercase letter record identifier, but I can't get the name to allow for different length names without truncating.

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Combine VB And CPP

Apr 8, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to include / 'run' C++ code within I think I read somewhere about turning the C++ Code into a library and can access it that way, but not 100% sure if I did in fact read that right or if I'm dreaming things up. Basically, I want to design a basic UI, ie just a button or 2, and when the button is clicked I'd like it to use the C++ Code.

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.net - Combine Vb With Excel?

Mar 12, 2011

how can i get cell text value from excell sheet in visual basic and then after changing its text send it to back excell. when i open excel file i should get the changed value in file.

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Any Way To Combine Two Queries?

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to UNION the two queries below without success.
MyConnection1 As
[Code] .....

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Combine 2 Statements

Oct 31, 2011

how to combine this 2 statment..

IsConnected("Select * from manager_table", False)
Call Loader()
IsConnected("Select * from Clerk_table", False)
Call Loader()

i hve 2 listview, 2 table from accessdatabase..i put listview in tabcontrol..1 in tab 1 & second in tab 2...

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Combine 3 Functions Into 1?

Nov 22, 2011

I'v got 3 functions that I'd like to combine into 1. There is only one line in each function that changes. can think of a few ways off the top of my head, but not sure which is "the best", or "proper way" to accomplish this.

Private Function CheckQuads(ByVal QuadNumber As Integer) As Boolean
Dim intArray(3) As Integer
Dim x As Integer = 0


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Combine An If/then/else With A Try/catch?

Apr 7, 2011

I need to combine an if/then/else with a try/catch and I can't seem to make it work. Basically I need this:

code that might bomb
Catch ex As Exception


I thought I could check Err.Number once I was out of the Try/Catch block but that doesn't work because apparently Err.Number exists within the Catch block after an exception is caught, but outside of the Catch block Err.Number is zero again. How can I do what im trying to do? Im about to NOT use try/catch and resort to On Error Resume Next (aaahhhh the days when things were simple and just worked)

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Combine C# And .NET In A Solution?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a solution, Winforms, mainly composed from VB.NET projects (Wiforms, Constrols and business classes).

How, I added to it a WPF project, but wrote it in C#. Actually, every time I make a modification in the WPF C# project, I need to (re)build the C#WPF project. Is there a option to make it work like other (VB.NET) projects (accept and "see" the changes without rebuilding the C# project)?

An example:When I reference project "R.VB" in project "M.VB", I add a method "DoTest" in the "R.VB" and use that method in "M.VB" without compile errors.

If I add "DoTest" in the C# WPF Control and try to use it in "M.VB" project, I recieve a compile error "DoTest" is not a member od "R.C#Class".

View 5 Replies

Combine Program With C#?

Jul 9, 2010

I have two projects, one written with and one with c#,I would like to use the one more as a Class and make the c# project the 'main' one.I have already read that In order to do that I need to compile the project as a dll and import that dll into the C# project.I am having hard times making it work.Does anyone know how do I import the dll and use the functions that are implemented in the dll?

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Combine Shift With Another Key?

Feb 9, 2011

I don't know how to get shift modifier key as when I pressed shift and another key, it show message box "Modifier shift key"

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How To Combine 2 Statments

Jun 8, 2011

how to combine this 2 statment.. [code] i hve 2 listview, 2 table from accessdatabase..i put listview in tabcontrol..1 in tab 1 & second in tab 2...

View 4 Replies

How To Combine Files

Jun 7, 2009

I am wondering how to combine files (exe, dll, jpg etc.) into a single standalone executable. Can this be done?And when i open it, it will automatically launch the included files. However The joined files should be fully encrypted

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How To Combine Richtextboxes

Oct 27, 2009

How do I combine richtextboxes? Currently, I am directly saving rich text to a RTB with ".rtf" and I would like to append the rich text information to that box from another RTB. Something like: RTB.rtf &= newrichbox.rtf do not throw any flags but also does not work. What I am ultimately trying to do is save multiple richtextboxes to a single RTF file. I was trying to do it by combining them all into one RTB and using ".savefile()" or is there a better way? Maybe appending them to the file one RTB at a time?

What I'm doing is generating a report, so I have built generic rich text templates that go into multiple RTBs that will create the form sections and I have left placeholders for the data I am adding, so I do replaces on the placeholders to insert the data. However, there are a couple dozen different possible formats for the report based on user options, so I built each section into its own RTB so I can just write out the relevant sections when it comes time to generate the file.

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How To Combine Two DataSets

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to combine two datasets, each with 1 datatable and each having the same schemas. Datatable 1 would have a list of records. Datatable two may, or may no, have some or all of the records from table 1 plus more records. I would like to remove all the records from table 2 that are present in table 1.

This is what I got so far:
For Each table1 As DataTable In ds.Tables
For Each row1 As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
ds.Tables(0).PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {ds.Tables(0).Columns(0)} 'Where 0 is the index of the column that's your key
row2 = ds2.Tables(0).Rows.Find(row1("ID"))
'if its found, delete it

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.net - How To Combine Multiple Lines Into One

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying to figure out a way of combining the below Dim statements into one line and maybe also combining Return dblResult into there. currently it is three lines and I have been told that it is possible but kind of lost of how to do it


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Combine 2 .exe Files Into 1 .exe File?

Oct 21, 2009

i would like to ask how can i combine 2 .exe files into 1 .exe file. for example,

1) a.exe
2) b.exe
combine into ab.exe

a.exe must install first, after that b.exe will continue.

View 13 Replies

Combine 2 Byte Arrays?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm trying to combine 2 byte arrays and then create a new byte array that contains the contents of both but running into a problem. The error says 'Source Array was not long enough.' I'm trying to combine HeaderByteArray and bytBuffer into newByteArray. I don't understand what Source Array is not long enough means and how to correct this.[code]...

View 9 Replies

Combine 2 Items With A Split?

Mar 29, 2010

Im trying to combine 2 items in a listbox and in between them theres a split[code]...

View 7 Replies

Combine 2 Text Files

May 22, 2012

How can I combine 2 or more text files into one? I prefer to use vb script but other ways is ok too.

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Combine 2 VB Scripts To Run On-Click?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a webform that users put in details and this goes to a database - this all works fine.The form is a FormView (Expression Web) and as I have added to other stuff to the page I can't use the standard "insert" button on the form view some I have add an asp-button to run the insert - this also works fine.What I am trying to do is to get the page to send me an e mail when a user has completed the form - this is the problem ,The insert works fine when I click a button,The send e mail works fine when I click a button BUT I need to combine them so the user only has to click once.At the moment I have two functions running on 2 buttons

InsertButton_Click and SubmitForm_Click

How can I combine this to both run on InsertButton_Click[code]......

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Combine A Windows And Web Application?

Feb 28, 2009

I can combine windows application and web aplication.Can i develop main page in web application then i want to access to the windows application.(e.g there's a button to link process mgt page.But process mgt page is developed in windows application).Else, if i do a view page on windows application and to retrieve the data is from web application. Example, users may fill the form through website, then to display the information is in windows application.Can i retrieve the data from the same database(SQL server dbase).

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Combine Events In Program?

Jun 27, 2011

I was wondering if there is any way to combine events in I am using a windows form and have three events for each button that does a different action. I would like to put all three events in one method but am having trouble doing this. Below is an example of one of the buttons. For the ease of the question I removed all the code inside each sub.[code]....

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Combine Multiple Files Into One?

Jan 11, 2010

How do I combine multiple files into the one file with a new extension. No need to be compressed. So I avoid Zip or similar solutions. (Actually don't want to add third party solutions into my application.)

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Combine Multiple VB Arraylists Into One?

Sep 8, 2010

I have three arraylists (datasets and subsets) that I need to combine into one arrraylist so I can databind it to a repeater control and then present data to the user. As far as I know, you can only bind the repeater with one datasource (please correct me if this is wrong) that's why I'm combining these arraylists.Each arraylist has an ID from the database which I can use as a datakey to keep the data aligned. How do I combine these lists?

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Combine Several Strings Into One Xml Document .net?

Jan 17, 2012

I am trying to write several strings that contain the values of several dictionaries to a single XML file.What would be the best way to do this? I thought xDocument looked the best way, but i am struggling to write multiple strings to one document.

I intend to read from this XML file so it needs to be valid.

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Combine Two DisplayMember In A Combobox?

Aug 31, 2010

Is it possible to combine two DisplayMember in a combobox? the output should be like this in the combobox.[code]...

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Compare And Combine Two Strings?

Jul 13, 2009

Is there a simple way to compare and combine two strings? Example:

String 1 = "The dog jumped over the fence"
String 2 = "The brown dog jumped"

A function or something that takes those two strings and returns: "The brown dog jumped over the fence"

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How To Combine Combo Box Contents

Mar 16, 2010

I have this, birthday selection which is in 3 combobox, 1 for month, 1 for day and 1 for year. But my database table has only this birthday attribute(no year, month or day).
How can I combine the items that are selected in those 3 combo boxes so that they would be fitting in the birthday column?

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How To Combine Two Byte Arrays Together

Jun 8, 2011

I think there is function but i cant find it

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