Compare Two Arrays And Remove Matched Item?

Jan 13, 2010

i have tese two arrays

if i find filter_ids in stroutids i want to remove those from stroutids array
Dim strOutIDs() As String = Split(OutIDs, ",")
Dim Filter_Ids() As String = Split(Me.ucIo_Entry.Filterd_RowIds, ",")


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VS 2008 - Enter String / Search And Display Matched Item

Sep 24, 2010

I've got a form which loads all the files from a selected directory into a list box, a user then enters a string into a textbox and then loops though all items in my listbox, there is a match it adds it to another list box - this is a simple method of search for all documents. I can only seacrh for perfect matching strings right now.

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Remove An Array Item By Selecting An Item From Listobx And Press Remove/delete Button?

Jul 18, 2012

How can i remove an array item by selecting an item from listobx and press remove/delete button?for an example, if i want remove index 2 from listbox, so the array should remove index 2 item and move the item of index 3 to index 2 and so on.

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Compare 2 Arrays Without Looping?

Nov 29, 2011

Is it possible to compare 2 arrays without looping? For this example, I need to compare aryFi.Count to currentarraycount. if aryFI.count>currentarraycount, then I need to add the ones in aryFi.count into a public array named pgarraylist. Since aryFi contains more items, I can't just take the .count-the difference in counts, I need a way to get the items contained in aryFi but not in currentarraycount. EDIT - currentarray is the list of currentarraycount Sounds confusing - but here's an example.

Public pgarraylist As New ArrayList
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.xls")
cntdif = aryFi.Count - currentarraycount 'currentarraycount is updated after changes occur and when loading program.
For y = cntdif To 1 Step -1


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Compare Two Arrays, Bytes?

Aug 13, 2009

How can i compare two arrays like :

Dim Ar1,Ar2 as array
Ar1 = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes("C:Try.mp3")
Ar2 = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes("C:Try1.mp3")

how can i compare that two?

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Compare Two Byte Arrays?

Mar 9, 2009

I am trying to compare two long bytearrays in and have run into a snag. Comparing two 50 meg files takes almost two mins so I'm clearly doing something wrong. I'm on an x64 machine with tons of memory so there are no issues there. Here is the code that I'm using at the moment and would like to change.[code]...

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Intelligently Compare Arrays With .NET 2.0?

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to make an intelligent stock pick/dispatch location system at the point of invoice from a stock database. Multiple locations are available to dispatch from, and essentially I want to make efficient dispatch, so if all items purchased can be dispatched from one location, they are grouped and dispatched as such, but if not, it groups what it can and dispatches the rest from wherever the highest stock level is available.Because the number of locations has to be variable, this system is scalable.Because the number of items is also scalable So, instead of listing suitable stock locations, I am now listing the quantity of stock available in each location for the respective items.

Items Locations
_________|__1___|___2__|__3__| - this is location IDs
Item 1 | 3 , 4 , 1 - this is the qty of stock available


I can turn this into a string which might be used to split and create arrays

stockDetails = "3,4,1|2,4,0|1,3,1|6,1,3"

Here, the comma separated values are quantity of available stock in each stock location and the pipes separate the individual items, so the table above is translated to the string above.I am not keen on multi-dimensional arrays and don't know how I'd create one without knowing how many stock locations there are.

We can safely assume That the stock quantities are in the correct order to correlate back to the stock locations IDs.
Each pipe separate series of comma separated values will have the same number of comma separated values.I just can't work out how to determine the pick locations! In the above example, all four items can actually be picked from stock location 1, providing only one of each item is purchased. Suppose though a customer bought 2 of item 3. Then the pick would have to be from location 2. All kinds of other scenarios can of course be presented depending on the number of items purchased, the quantity of items purchased and how many stock locations there are to pick from.I started off simply picking from the location with the highest available stock, but that made no sense when stock was available to pick from more than one locaton because we ended up with multiple dispatch locations which was not necessary.How can I analyse these variable length strings/arrays to determine the most intelligent way to dispatch.

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VS 2010 How To Compare Arrays

Jun 12, 2012

I'm trying to determine the highest customers in a single month of the year. I also need to add the corresponding month to that.

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Arrays - Compare Two Lists 2D And Determine

May 2, 2012

I declare my 2D lists:

Dim _invoiceitems As New List(Of List(Of String))
Dim _dbitems As New List(Of List(Of String))

Each List is filled like this: Example Code To fill:

_invoiceitems.Add(New List(Of String))
_invoiceitems(0).Add("Code #")

Well, now i need a third list called (_changesitems) Note that this result with the differences: be the result of subtraction of quantities if this is found (dbitems - invoiceitems).

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C# - Compare/sort Items From Two Arrays?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a question about efficient implementation. Lets say I have two arrays:

One array is all possible items in a house: Table, Chair, TV, Fireplace, Bed

The other is an array of items in a particular house: Table, TV, Bed

I also have two list boxes:

1. listbox for items in the house - the "HAS" list box
2. listbox items not in the house - the "NEEDS" list box

I need to list the items already in the house in the "HAS" list box as well as the items that are NOT in the house in the "NEEDS" list box. It seems to me that nested "For each" loops would be a start to solving this problem but I am not exactly sure which case needs to be nested.

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VS 2010 Two Separate Arrays And Then Compare Them?

Jul 2, 2011

I want to put the matches from a regular expression into an array or something that i can use to compare it with another array, it being the lines from a txt file names "users.txt". Code A:


And the second code will do the exact same thing. What i want to do is compare each line in the Txt file (Code B) to the reg expression matches (Code A) and for it to alert me if any is missing. So it needs to compare Code B to Code A. (PS. Order is irrelevant, it can be in different places as long as its there) In my other thread i got a little confused and couldn't clearly communicate what i was trying to do.

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Compare Arrays And Listboxes Values In VB 2010

Jul 22, 2011

I have a program that has to store a pre-made array that contains strings (moviename, moviegenre).

I setup all the items in the array already, example:

moviearray(0,0) = "Green Lantern"
moviearray(0,1) = "Action"

For this example, if the user selected "Green Lantern" from my listbox, then the label needs to display "Action". So yeah, it's a 2-column array: first column = movie name, 2nd column = movie genre. Now, I have a listbox containing all of the movie names (not entered by the array, but entered through the Item property of the listbox). When a selection is made in the listbox and a button is clicked, I need to have the genre of the movie output to a label. That is where I am stuck, I just can't figure out to compare what's in the list box with the first column of the array to output the 2nd column to the label.

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If Eval Compare Item 1 And Item 2 If Item 1 ="0" And Item 2 > "0.00" = Display Result

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to compare 2 dataitems and then display the result depending on the 2 values using if eval at run time?I have a ListView with databound controls. 1 is RedemptionChoice and the 2 is CashBack.When 1 reads "0" and 2 reads > 0.00 the output should read AUTO I have read many comments online and most point to create a new function within code behind but have found it impossible to implement on my own.I tried this as a test on the actual page:

<%# If(Eval("CashBackRedemptionChoice").Equals("0") & Eval("[CashBack]").Equals("0.00"), "Auto Cashback"))%>

2 needs to be greater than 0.00 for AUTO to be displayed. Hence I know this would not work. Just trying to give an example of what I would like.

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Forms :: Command To Auto Remove Item From Combobox If Item Is Blank?

Apr 3, 2011

I have used the command:

For Each Proc as process in process.getprocesses

to populate a combo box with the list of current process windows, however for every process that doesnt have a main window title there is a blank space, is there a way that I could tell it to not insert the item if it's mainwindowtitle field is blank?

View 7 Replies

Compare And Remove Duplicates Between 2 Listboxes?

Feb 10, 2012

Depending on the data being used, I can have up 10,000 items in each of the 2 ListBoxs. I need to find and remove any Duplicates between the 2.I am currently using the method of select and Item from Listbox1 and search in Listbox2. If I find a match, then remove both items. This goes back and forth until all the duplicates have been removed. This take some time.Currently have the code in Old VB6 and VB2008 Express.

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Compare Textboxes And Remove Duplicate Lines/text?

Nov 20, 2009

Compare textboxes and remove duplicate lines/text..

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Compare Each Item Of The List With Each Other?

May 13, 2010

I have two lists with strings as follows


List 2 is bigger than list 1. I am trying to compare each item of the list with each other as follows. The problem is that not all items are compared since Index1 <> list1.count. If I take this out I am getting an error ("index our of range").

For index1 As Integer = 0 To list2.Count - 1
If index1 <> list1.Count Then
if list1.item(index1) <> list2.item(index2) then


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VS 2010 Remove Null / Unused Arrays From A Program?

Sep 19, 2011

How to remove unused arrays from a program? The array is has an upper bound of 19. If the array isn't full, I get a null array error.

View 9 Replies

Splitting List Into 3 Different Arrays (5 Item In Each)

Apr 21, 2010

I have the following code that simply takes a list (length = 15) and splits it into 3 different arrays (5 items in each). Is there a way to achieve more efficiently?

For i As Integer = 0 To 4 Step 1
COURSE_Course1(i) = TempFullCourses.Item(i).ToString
Next i
For i As Integer = 0 To 4 Step 1
For c As Integer = 5 To 9 Step 1
[Code] .....

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Forms :: Compare The Selected Item Of The Listbox With The Database?

Jun 25, 2011

how compare the selected item of the listbox with the database and dispaly data again in the textbox of front end

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One Dimensional Arrays (accumulate The Value Of Each Item Of The Array) And Classes

Dec 12, 2010

I have written a class for my one dimensional array The idea is to collect user information, put the info into an array and accumulate the value of each item of the array so there is a running total. The problem is that the code is not totalling the array when my btnSum is clicked or maybe at all. I am getting no errors, but I am also getting no total.


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CanNot Remove Item From Listview

Dec 21, 2010

Below is the code that will and does add to listview1 when triggered, but, will not remove it. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this one out. There is not any error even when I step through.[code]...

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Remove An Item From A Listbox?

Mar 5, 2012

Im working on a program for a class project and part of it im required to remove one selected item from a listbox, in my case "lstCart" i have to first check if there is an item selected by the user, in which case i have to remove that item. Secondly, if there is no item selected i have to display an error message telling the user that they have not selected any item to be removed. Can anybody help me with this code? Ive tried a sort of nested if statement but that didnt seem to work very well.

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Remove An Item From An Array?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm loading a file into an ArrayList, then looping through the ArrayList and each time adding a DataRow to a Datatable, then using the Datatable as the DataSource for a GridView. My problem though is that the file has one field at the end that I don't want to display. I'm not sure though how to not to add it as a DataRow or what to do so that it won't be displayed. Do you know what I might do. This is my

' Declare and setup a StreamReader object to read the file
Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(fname)
Dim arrText As New ArrayList


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Remove An Item From List?

Aug 16, 2009

I have a BindingList (of Class) list that is the source for a datagridview and I'm trying to figure out how to remove a selected line from the list.[code]...

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Remove Each Item In The Listview?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a listview that has multiple entries and each entry has 2 subitems. I am wanting to know how to remove each item in the listview where the subitem(1) equals a certain string.

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Remove Item From ArrayList?

May 26, 2012

I'm having trouble with removing an item from an ArrayList. I've done it many times, I just can't seem to figure out why it's not working this time around.[code]...

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Remove Item From List?

Jan 18, 2010

I need a piece of code which will remove a highlighted item from a listbox.

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Remove Item From Listbox

Sep 14, 2010

I have a listbox that have some dates, what i need is to check every date if it is found in my database or not if yes i need to delete this item. i tried to do it but it gives error "InvalidArgument=Value of '3' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index"


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Remove Item From Listbox?

May 28, 2012

Tell me what I am doing wrong with this coding as it seems ok to me?

If any items in listbox2 is identical to items in listbox1 then remove from listbox2.

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