Connection String Obtains Its Value In A .net 2008 Application?

Jul 16, 2011

I am trying to understand how a connection string obtains its value in a 2008 application. By stepping through code,I found that a connection string obtained its value from the following line of code:

RemotingConfiguration.Configure("Useall.Desktop.exe.config", false);

By doing a search on the .net application, I found the Useall.Desktop.exe.config file in the bin/debug folder of the application.Thus I am wondering if the connection string information is initally obtained from the Useall.Desktop.exe.config file or would it obtain its inital values from an app.debug.config file?Would you explain the .net remoting and configuration manager interdependency to me? If they are separate items?

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How A Connection String Obtains Its Value In A 2008 Application

Jul 16, 2011

I am trying to understand how a connection string obtains its value in a 2008 application. By stepping through code,I found that a connection string obtained its value from the following line of code:

RemotingConfiguration.Configure("Useall.Desktop.exe.config", false)

By doing a search on the .net application, I found the Useall.Desktop.exe.config file in the bin/debug folder of the application. Thus I am wondering if the connection string information is initally obtained from the Useall.Desktop.exe.config file or would it obtain its inital values from an app.debug.config file?

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Connection String In A Application

May 2, 2012

I used to work only with websites before. I know that in ASP.NET website, the connection string is found in the web.config file. My problem is now I have started working with VB.NET applications which needed to be interfaced to a database. How is a connection string created and where should I put it?


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Assign A My.Settings.Item Connection String To Cmd.Connection Connection String Value?

Aug 25, 2009

How do I assign a My.Settings.Item connection string to cmd.Connection connection string value?

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = My.Settings.Item("csStaffHoursWorked")
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "spSaveDeltekImport"

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Connection String In Application Settings

Jan 14, 2010

I'm trying to give my users the option to move their database to a different location, currently the datasource is set as an (Application Connection String) in the Project Settings, I know that when the scope is set to "Application" it cannot be modified but I'd like to know if there's a way for me to edit the location through code of my database in the application settings without crashing the program, can this be done? The purpose is to give whoever uses my application the freedom to choose where the database should be.

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Connection String For Client-server Application?

May 5, 2012

I want to create a client-server application, it means I just need 1 database on the server.I have a computer and a laptop. I set my laptop's IP to and my computer's IP to I place the database on my computer, the database name is db_transportasi.Problem is, how to connect my computer's database from my laptopSpecification :I'm using this string below for my connection :Data Source=ARVID-THEODORUSSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DB_TRANSPORTASI;Integrated Security=TrueI already setup my SQL Configuration Manager, enabled the TCP/IP, switch to the IP Addresses tab and set the IPAII Port Properties to 2301I turned off my firewall so I don't have to set any exceptionQuestion

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Connection String Tool For Users Of Your Application?

Jul 9, 2009

Is there a way that we can use that Add data source wizard that is in vs to our own apps?

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Change LINQ To SQL Connection String While Running The Application?

Jun 11, 2012

I have a VB.NET application that used LINQ To SQL. Right now, I am using a single server and it is working properly. My problem right now is that my application will be used in another branch and with another server. I have to make the application able to change the connection string according to their server IP

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Using Typed Datasets' Connection String For Client Application?

Jan 20, 2012

I have set the connection string of my dataset(typed) asData Source=MyHomeServerSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dbTestSharing;Integrated Security=TrueThis is going to be a client side application. I need to change the machinename in the connection string so it could connect with server.

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Reading Connection String From Config File In Windows Application

Sep 20, 2010

I'm using vs2010 and can't get this to work. The same code has worked in earlier versions. What has changed?

config file:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Data Source=MikeLaptop;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2008R2;Integrated Security=True"/>

Dim strProvider As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
strProvider is always = nothing
How to do this now?

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Storing 2005 Connection String, Username And Password Outside The Application?

Aug 13, 2009

Does anyone know how to store the connection string in a file rather than hard coding it in the application. For example i have declared this connection string in the form to connect to oracle database and it works. But i assume this is not the right way to go by if one is looking for more secured environment.

strcon = "Provider=MSDASQL;" & _
"Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _


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The Connection String Could Not Be Found Or Data Provider Associated With The Connection String Could Not Be Loaded

Mar 11, 2010

I got this Error Message while I try to preview the records in Dataset Designer:"The connection string could not be found or Data provider associated with the connection string could not be loaded"

Here is my dataset.xsd code

<Connection AppSettingsObjectName="MySettings" AppSettingsPropertyName="loginConnectionString1" IsAppSettingsProperty="true" Modifier="Assembly" Name="loginConnectionString1 (MySettings)"


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Change Connection String From Class Library In Main Application At Runtime?

Jan 16, 2009

You can change the connection string at run-time like this. You make the connection string setting available for writing as a separate property inside the MySettings class:

Partial Friend NotInheritable Class MySettings
Public WriteOnly Property RunTimeConnectionString()
Set(ByVal value)


Then, in some place when the application is being initialized (before using any table adapters of typed datasets), write something like:

My.Settings.RunTimeConnectionString = My.Settings.ProductionConnectionString

Where ProductionConnectionString is a simple String setting. It is a User Scope setting so every user can change it (by assigning a value to it, similar to the code above) and save it by calling My.Settings.Save()This code works well for connection strings which were initially created in the main project and stored in it's settings (= app.config file).

The connection string in the app.config actually has a longer name: MyApp.MySettings.MyConnectionString.When you have a connection string stored in the app.config in a class library project, and reference that project in the main project, the app.config files will somehow be merged, so the class library has it's settings.The thing that don't know how to do, is change a setting from the class library at run-time. I could copy the connection string setting from the class library to the main project's app.config. I must keep the same name, which looks something like: MyClassLibrary.My.MySettings.MyConnectionString.Can the same principle I showed above be somehow applied to this second connection string?

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SQL - Make Application To Detect Itself The Name Of Server Present In Computer And Use It In Connection String

Oct 1, 2010

Ok I have a question about connection string in Im using the string [Code] but here I am specifying the serverName by its name, now if I deploy my application and send it to another person to use it I see that server name is changing according to the name of the computer. Is there any way where by I can make my application to detect itself the Name of the server present in that computer and use it in connection string?

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Application Setting - Switch Main Server And Backup Connection String With Combobox

Mar 5, 2011

I have a little problem with application setting in 2008. I want to switch main server and backup server connection string with combobox. [Code] It did change the Application Setting connection string in the main form when combobox1 was changed. But the problem comes, when child form was called. On the child form there is DataGridView with Dataset using application connection string. Even the Backupserver was selected on the main form, child form dataset connection string doesn't change. I don't know how to pass the current connection string to child form dataset although it is set to use application setting.

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Store The Connection String In The App.config File That Include The Application.startup Path?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm creating window application with VB.NET and flatfiles.the problem is how do i store the connection string in the app.config file that include the application.startup path?

<add name="cn" connectionString="provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "data;Extended Properties=text;" />

i got some error when writing to app.config.

"Missing attribute value on attribute 'Application.StartupPath'."

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Old ADO Connection String Using 2008?

Mar 3, 2010

I had a job interview today where I was asked to build a GUI for an MS Access 2003 database using VB.Net 2008 and old ADO. I looked on [URL] to find the correct one and I wasn't sure given the diverse development environment.

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VS 2008 Sql With Connection String?

Sep 19, 2009

When i start computer or after restarting the first time when i open my program show this message: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.What is problem here is connection

Public conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS1;Initial Catalog=PesniDB;Integrated Security=SSPI")

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Sql Server 2008 Connection String?

Apr 27, 2010

My application is 2008 with sql server 2008 , the application is working on the server . whereas in the client i got the error which i attached below Error" A Network - Related or instance - specific error occurred while establishing a connection to sql server. The server was not found or was not accessible.Verify that instance name is correct and that sql server is configured to allow remote connection"

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VS 2008 - App.config Connection String

Mar 2, 2010

I have been reading/researching/taking advice on connecting to my db by storing the connection string in my app.config. I have the connection string named "MyDB" in my app.config file. However, I cannot figure out how to use it in my code. I use mySQL. I added the configuration.dll reference. How do I pull the connection string from the app.config file and open a connection with it?

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VS 2008 Encrypted Connection String

Jan 13, 2010

Connection strings can stored in encrypted form in configuration file.

But some one can easily use the "UnprotectSection" method to decrypt the connection strings

I don't know how does this thing make it secure.

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VS 2008 Variable In Connection String?

Mar 15, 2010

My program asks the user for the location of the database and stores the location in the variable "filename"I then have this:Dim ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & filename

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[2008] Third Connection String Will Not Work

Jan 17, 2009

I have two connection strings coded and in their different contexts, they both work in VB.Net 2008. However, the third connection string will not work if it has the extra ;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1 so I wonder why. Is it perhaps the words 'Extended Properties' in the third example that makes it fail?


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Vb 2008 Express Connection String With SQL 2005?

May 9, 2009

I am trying to connect VB 2008 express with sql 2005 standard edition on a reomte server. Is this possible or VB 2008 express version limits this Can some one guide me with the connection string to achieve this.

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Modify Connection String In Web Config?

Sep 13, 2011

You will find attached the source code of a small program. I wanted to know if it was possible to modify the connection string in Web.config and use a connection to MySQL. I made some attempt, but does not connect.

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VS 2008 - Apparently Invalid Connection String

Mar 20, 2009

Before I explain, the connection string I am trying to use is copied directly from elsewhere in the application that has always worked and still does.
Data Source=|DataDirectory|cdb.rmd;
Persist Security Info=False;

My problem is that no matter if I go to "Server Explorer", "Data Sources", or any other option it will not let me add a datasource/database. Up to this point I have done everything at runtime but now due to reporting issues I need to create a dataset in design view.

This is what happens:
I click "Add connection..."
I choose "Microsoft Access Database File" (Which it is...)
I click "Continue"
Form shows up with a field for my connection string, which I insert (shown above).
I click "Ok"

I get the following error:
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0.
The "Test Connection" button is apparently useless as the connection passes even if the field is blank.

I have attempted reducing the connection string to only what is absolutely necessary.
I have copied the string directly from replacing my filename.
I have renamed the file to an .mdb extension.
I have used the full path from C: all the way to the file.

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VS 2008 : Create The Connection String To The SQLCE DB?

Jul 22, 2009

I have filled a DataSet from a SQL Server table and I have also set up synchronisation with a local copy (for offline use). The local copy is saved to a SQL Compact Editon database file.

1. Create the connection string to the SQLCE DB

2. Execute a stored procedure (a copy resides in the DataSet) against the SQLCE database

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VS 2008 Connection String Property Has Not Been Initialized

Feb 9, 2011

when the codes below is run, when it loses focus, the error 'connection String Property has not been initialized' shows and when i commented on the lost focus section, and click on saving, the sme error shows and ' da.Fill(ds, "Branch")' is highlighted.


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VS 2008 Multiple Connection String Manipulation?

Oct 27, 2011

I am creating an VB 2008 application which uses 2 connections strings in according in which computer is running (my test machine, and the production server). How should i manage the connection string in order not to change manually the connections string which are many inside the code??

I have read that you can read them from an external line, or if you put both connection strings in an external file, according in which machine the program is running can actually the correct string?

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VS 2008 Vb2008 Set A Connection String Using Openfiledialog?

Dec 4, 2010

Not sure this is the most efficient way but i am trying to set a connection sting via the openfile dialogue. Is this possible? Im trying to enable a user to specify the excel file they want and to access the excel data using data adapter and fill table etc. Im use to working with access db files but not excel.

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