Controlling Opacity Of Form Shown In A Form?

May 27, 2009

The end result we're looking for is a slideshow effect where a section of our main form shows a sequence of secondary forms which fade in/out on a timer.We can fade the forms in/out when they're shown individually, but the opacity setting doesn't seem to work when they're shown inside another form. What I've got, for testing, is code that should simply reduce the opacity to 10% after showing the inner form for a half-second, long enough to notice the reduction-except I don't see any change.

Dim f As New Form2()
f.TopLevel = False

The opacity change takes effect without refreshing the form when shown 'stand-alone' but I've tried refreshing both the inner & outer form anyway, with no change.

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[2008] Make A 100%-opacity-label With 50%-opacity-LabelBackground On A 50%-opacity-form?

Mar 5, 2009

When I set the opacity of a form to 50%, the opacity of a label on that form is also set to 50%, but I do not want so, is there anyway to make a 100%-opacity-label with 50%-opacity-LabelBackground on a 50%-opacity-form?

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Make The Form's Opacity Match The Opacity At Different Parts Of The Image?

Jan 13, 2007

I have a form with a PNG image as its background image. How can I make the form's opacity match the opacity at different parts of the image? (for example, I have a drop shadow that fades from black to transparent. How do I acheive this effect on a form?)

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Set The Opacity Of A Form (not Form1) Down To 50% But Leaving The Buttons And TextBoxes At 100% Opacity?

Nov 1, 2011

How can I set the Opasity of a form (not form1) down to 50% but leaving the Buttons and TextBoxes at 100% Opacity?

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Form Opacity = 0% And PictureBox Opacity = 100%

Jul 23, 2009

How can you make a form invisible...but leave the picture box visible?


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VS 2008 Opacity/Invisibility Of A Form Inside A MDI Form?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a MDI form containing 2 other forms that I first created via GUI and than manually added to the MDI form.Form1 = MDI formForm2 = Form containing a WMP and buttonForm3 = Form containing a butoon. This form's opacity is set to 50%, to make it semi invisible.My MDI Form looks like this

Public Class Form1
Dim f As New Form2
Dim g As New Form3


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Forms :: Increase A Forms Opacity Without Increasing The Opacity Of The Controls In The Form?

May 30, 2009

How to increase a forms opacity without increasing the opacity of the controls in the form?

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Find When Dialog / Modal Form Is Shown For My Main Form?

Feb 3, 2010

I want to be able to check if there is currently a dialog or modal form shown for my form so that I can close it.
Is there a way to do this?

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VS 2005 Form Load Vs Form Shown Events?

Aug 25, 2010

aside from the difference mentioned below, what are other difference the two events might have and how will affect the application as a whole? What is more preferred to use and why?

Form Load:
*Do stuff*
Form shows up on monitor
Form Shown:
Form shows up on monitor
*Do stuff*

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Change The Controls Opacity Without Change The Form Opacity?

Jul 29, 2009

I want to change my controls opacity .I know how can i change the form opacity but I want to change the controls opacity without change the the form opacity , such as : "I want to set my form opacity = %100 and the button opacity = %50 " or "I want to set my form opacity = %50 and the button opacity = %100 " I'm using visual studio 2005 .net .I want to do that in basic language

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Using Opacity Of A Form?

Feb 22, 2009

I searched around google for a couple of hours to see if I could find anything on what I wanted to do.

Needless to say, I didn't find much. Basically, what I want to do is, when my main form loads, I want to load another form that sticks to the desktop but is transparent (Opacity) except for the text I want in it.

The only thing I could find is how to reduce the opacity of the form. I don't want the form to have a border or be able to be moved around by the user. I still want the user to be able to put icons over it, but not mess with it. I also don't want it to show up on the task bar. Kind of like a background in it's own right.

I'm not even sure if a form is what I need to do this. I imagine that it can be done.

*Edit: I found an example of what I want, but I'm going to fill my form with different info [URl]..

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Any Way To Reduce Opacity Of Form?

Jan 28, 2012

Is there anyway of reducing the opacity of a form to 80% but at the same time have my buttons and text boxes to remain unhindered at 100%? When I reduce the opacity of the from the opacity of the text boxes reduce as well. How could I stop this from happening

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Partial Opacity Of The Form?

Dec 16, 2011

How can I make a partial opacity form something like this but with a working code:

me.opacity = 50
button1.opacity = 100
picturebox1.opacity = 100

How can i do this?

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Show A Form In Two Different Opacity?

Aug 16, 2011

My situation is something like this.

I have a form as frmPopup which has a panel as pnlCtrlHolder. I'll using this form a popup and display a third form as control in this panel.

on form X.

dim frm as frmPopup
''Set the properties for this frmPopup


This makes entire form with frmContent with opacity =60, but I need this only on frmPopup but not on frmContent.

I am working on Winforms application. I understand that I am adding a form as control on a form with opacity as 60. But is there any way to achieve the desired result. .

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Make A Form Invisible Without Using The Opacity?

Mar 18, 2012

make a Form invisible without using the opacity?I am using VB10.

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Opacity Of A Form Controlled By User?

Mar 30, 2009

I would like to show a form... example: Form13.Show()However, I would like to have the Opacity of the form controlled by the user and I am having trouble figuring out the coding. Ideally I will have a track bar to choose the level of opacity and a "Show" button for the user to click. But I am trying to tackle one issue at a time. I am using VB 2008 Express edition if it makes a difference.

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VS 2008 How To Make Form Opacity

Jul 6, 2009

Is there a way to change the opacity of the main form without changing the opacity of the controls within it? I'd like the background to be semi-transparent, without affecting the buttons, etc

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[2008] Change The Form's Opacity?

Jan 21, 2009

would like to know how to program if i wanto change the programs opacity!I also got a drop down menu but idk how im gonna do..I was try like

If combobox1.text = "50%" then
Me.opacity = 50%


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Load Form With Lower Opacity To Normal?

Jul 29, 2009

when i run form his opacity 0% to 100% autometic change...

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Transparency/Opacity On Custom Shaped Form?

Sep 14, 2011

I have a custom shaped form with a transparency key of black. With the opacity set to 100%, I do not see the garbage around my custom shaped form As soon as I change the opacity, I see a transparent square(my borderless form) around my form.

How do I make it where my form retains its custom shape, and can have an opacity of less than 100%?

If you want something you've never had, you need to do something you've never done.

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VS 2008 - Setting Mdi Form's Opacity Within Parent

Feb 26, 2011

I can't find a way to change the opacity of a mdi form within it's parent. I can change the parent form's opacity under properties, but can't change the embedded mdi form's opacity under it's properties. Opacity = 0.5 doesn't change the opacity of the mdi... works fine for the parent form. I was hoping that the embedded mdi forms functions would still be independent of the parent in order for me to change it's opacity.

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Controlling Button On Form?

Jun 21, 2010

i have an external board controlling various things on the board is a button which i would like when pressed activates code within a button on my vb form i have tried but that only well selects the button on my form rather than activate the code this code is in a timer which scans all 5 pushbuttons on my hardware

[ If ReadDigitalChannel(2) = True Then
End If ]

this is the code that the button on my form runs

[ If table1 = False Then
Button1.Text = "Off"
table1 = True
d1 = TimeOfDay


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Change Opacity Of Background Image On A Form With A Trackbar?

Feb 20, 2012

how can i change opacity of a background image on a form with a trackbar.

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Changing Opacity Of A Form When The Mouse Leaves And Enters?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to make it so when someone places the mouse cursor inside the form the opacity is 100% but when it leaves then it drops to 75%. This is my code:

Private Sub Form1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseEnter
Me.Opacity = 100%
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseLeave
Me.Opacity = 75%
End Sub

The forms default value is 75% and it works fine when I mouse over. However when the mouse leaves the opacity doesn't drop. What am I doing wrong?

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VS 2008 Get The Opacity To Be Reduced When The Form Loses Focus?

Jun 18, 2009

I have my form set up to be able to be kept on top if the user so chooses. When it is set to be kept on top, I want the opacity to be reduced when the form loses focus. When I set opacity on init, it works fine. When I use this code, it doesn't work:

Private Sub Form1_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LostFocus
Me.Opacity = 0.2
End Sub


Maybe I misunderstand how LostFocus and GotFocus work, but according to MSDN this appeared to be what I wanted.

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IDE :: Controlling A Modal Form From A Module?

Nov 17, 2009

I have a situation where I need to display a Modal Window from a module and feed the contents to that modal form from the module.I am showing the form , feeding data to it from a class module and trapping the events in it using a timer control from the module.It works fine with Show() method but it doesn't with ShowDialog().If I used ShowDialog() then I was not able to continue with the code followed by it and not able to update any contents in the modal form.

I am using VS2003 version.Is there any workaround to this?

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VS 2010 : Controlling Usercontrol From Form?

Jul 31, 2010

how do you control USERCONTROL button1_click event from form's button2_click event?

button 1 = hidden button on usercontrol1
button2 = visible button on form1
form1.button2 should click usercontrol.button1

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VS 2008 Change Form Opacity Without Changing Control Opactiy

Mar 16, 2011

I need to be able to change my form's opacity without changing the opacity of the components.

I really only need to do this on one form in my entire app, so this is getting a little frustrating

I've been researching for about half an hour now, trying to figure out if it's possible, but I'm coming up short.

I've seen some WPF examples and if it really comes to that, I'm more than willing to change the app from a WinForms app to a WPF app. I've made a WPF app before, so I'm familiar with it. But, I don't want to have to remake my entire project for this one form.

On that note, does anyone know if I can make a WPF form how I need it and just import it into a WinForm app? It doesn't seem possible, but it's better to ask than not. I'll look into this more.

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Controlling The Minimized Size Of A MDI Child Form

Nov 21, 2009

Is there a way to control the size of a minimized MDI form. When I minimize a child form, it apprears at the bottom with the form buttons (minimize, restore and maximize) and just about 2 or 3 characters of the Title Text. I would like to have more of the title text showing so the user can figure out what window he wants to restore if he has a couple of them minimized. If not that, is there a way to have a "tooltip" popup when I move the mouse over the minimized form.

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VS 2008 : Setting The Form Opacity Programatically In The MouseEnter And MouseLeave Events?

Feb 14, 2010

setting the form opacity programatically in the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events.The problem isn't with the actual events, the problem is that the events occur in places where I don't want it to happen.So in my project, I have a form with 3 user controls in it. The user controls are docked in the form so no actual space from the form is available to the user.

I have the methods:

Form1_MouseEnter(~) Handles Form1.MouseEnter, UserControl1.MouseEnter, UserControl2.MouseEnter, UserControl3.MouseEnter
Form1_MouseLeave(~) Handles Form1.MouseLeave, UserControl1.MouseLeave, UserControl2.MouseLeave, UserControl3.MouseLeave

when you enter the form, the form opacity is set to 1. And when left, the form opacity is set to 0.7 .However, what happens right now is obviously that when the user changes the mouse position from one user control to another, the form opacity flickers (turns to 0.7 and back to 1 really fast).

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