Conversion To MB Does Not Work?

Feb 15, 2011

I have the below code (which goes through the C: drive and gets file info data) and want to convert the length to a "respectable" number - i.e MB. The problem is that the line below does not do anything to the code.

Line is: strlength = strlength * (1024 / 1024)

Private Sub btnclick_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnclick.Click
Dim strFilesinfo As System.IO.FileInfo


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Conversion From C# To VB Work?

Feb 23, 2010

The original code:

public List<Contact> GetContactListEntityCompiledLINQ()
if (entities == null) entities = new CompanyEntities();
ObjectQuery<Contact> contacts = compiledQuery.Invoke(entities);
if (NoTracking) contacts.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;


Error 1 Extension method 'Public Function ToList() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of TSource)' defined in 'System.Linq.Enumerable' is not generic (or has no free type parameters) and so cannot have type arguments.

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Work Out Conversion And Loop Back To Menu Options?

Oct 24, 2010

I have this code below that I called a Conversion Wizard Because it converts temperature, weight and currency. It works so far but I am stuck. I don't know how to apply the correct loops to it. For example, Do While and Do Until. I want it to be able to work out a conversion then loop back to the Menu-options. So that you can do as many conversions as you like and end when option 4 is selected.

Option Explicit On
Module ConversionWizard
Sub Main()
Dim userOption As Integer
Dim farenHeight As Integer
[Code] .....

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Music Store 2 Tutorial - VB Conversion - Cannot Get The Partial View To Work

Feb 24, 2011

I am new to and have been working through the tutorial - up to lesson 10, however I cannot get the partial view to work.


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VS 2005 Add Multi Textboxes Resolve For Null - Conversion Cannot Work

Nov 6, 2009

I need to add multiple textboxes together and am using Cdbl, my problem is if i have an empty box then conversion can not work, so i have to put zero default in each Textbox, i really dont like they way that looks So i am looking for a way to to give an empty textbox a value of zero so the conversion will work


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Get VB 2002 Conversion To VB2008 To Work -- Config/manifest Error Unclear?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a VB2002 program that works. When I run it in VB2008, it updates, and runs and debugs until I shut down. When I try to start it up again from the updated SLN, or try to run the .exe in the BIN folder, I get the message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.

I checked the error logs and it says there is a syntax error in the first line of the vhost.manifest file in the BIN folder. The first line is the xml declaration and it includes the parameter standalone = "yes".

When I put the error message into Google I only get references to Visual C++ compiled programs running on machines without the C++ redistributable dll. That doesn't seem to apply here at all, since I have the VB 2008 express edition installed on this

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Conversion Error On Line 5 Stating 'Conversion From String 'S' To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Apr 8, 2009

a user will enter a number, n, which ranges from 1 to 30. they will also enter a "P" or an "S" (sum or product). depending on which was selected, it will calculate the sum or product of the numbers from 1 to n.i'm having a conversion error on line 5 stating "Conversion from string "S" to type 'Double' is not valid." [code]

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Text -> Excel Conversion (with Extensive Formatting Required After Conversion)?

May 11, 2012

I'm creating a program in that does the following:At a high level I receive a file in email, put the attachment in a monitored folder, import the text file to excel, format the excel, and then email the excel file to a list of recipients.

Here is my plan:

Completed: Outlook VBA to monitor all incoming email for specific message. Once message is received drop attached .txt file in a specific network folder.

Completed: ( Monitor folder, when text file is added begin processing

Not Complete: ( Import text file to Excel

Not Complete: ( Format Excel Text file.(add in a row of data,format column headers with color/size, add some blank columns, add data validation to some of the blank columns that allow drop down selections)

Completed: ( Save file.

Completed: ( Send file to list of recipients.

Obviously the items above that are not complete are the bulk of the work, but I wanted to get some advice on what some of you think would be the best way to approach something like this. The import and formatting of the file are causing me some problems because I just can't decide what would be the most efficient way to do this.

The way stated above. Import to excel -> format Having a template excel that contains all of the formatting already done for me and attempting to transition the data to this document (no clue if/how I can do this). Is it even feasible? Have the template already created and then import the text file to a new excel file, then transition that data to the excel template?

Something I thought about, in terms of formatting the document, was to record a macro of me doing all of the formatting that I'm going to need and then attempt to convert that macro into my code, but I'm not sure if that will work. I will need to verify that the text file comes in the EXACT format every time correct?

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Java Conversion To .net Conversion Errors

Aug 31, 2009

Here's 2 questions that I hope someone can help me on. This is in I keep on getting this error ' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Protected Friend'. Does anyone know how to fix this error?

The other errors i get are "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Val' accepts this number of arguments". I have listed below the code that I have coverted from Java. Where is my mistake?'the underlined areas are where it is giving me errors.


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LINQ Group By Multiple Values Does Not Work Well But Work Well In C#

May 29, 2012

I found that when group by multiple values does not work well with VB.NET, but it works well with C# ,here are my code, is there something wrong with my VB.NET Code? Here is my VB.NET code:


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PerformClick() Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have an application that requires data be entered, and after entering, a button is clicked to process that data. Clicking the button works just as it should--the data is processed properly. In constructing a test module, I provide a set of data values, followed by:


Nothing happens. I have used this syntax for years, and it has always worked flawlessly. I have triple checked everything else and isolated the problem to the failure of the PerformClick(). The PerformClick() is in a test subroutine that does nothing but fill textboxes and labels with default data, then calls the PerformClick() on the button to begin processing. Again, the button works fine, the data is entered as it should be, but the PerformClick() does not fire the click event.

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VS 2008 Could Not Get Form To Work On Work Computer

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form that works on my local Machine I created into. I have Office 2007 on this machine. I created the Form with the Excel 12 Reference. I move the Entire conetence of the Project folder to my work computer. Which has Office 2003. Do I need to recreate the form with the Excel 11 reference. I could not get the form to work on work computer. IT has a com error. I am acessing the EXE for the debug folder w/in the Bin Folder.

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DB/Reporting :: Will SQL Statements That Work In Compact SQL Server Also Work In The Express Edition Of SQL Server

Jul 25, 2010

will SQL statements that work in Compact SQL Server also work in the Express Edition of SQL Server?

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Work Around For PrincipalContext If Has To Work With .net 2?

Jul 21, 2010

Dim pc As PrincipalContext = New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, GetPath) ADUserInfo.PasswordVaild = pc.ValidateCredentials(LoginName, Password)

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Error:Project Work On Seven System-Don't Work On XP System

Oct 19, 2011

I'm using vb2008 with DB MSA2007 (save it to MSA2003) on Seven(7)System After I create my project I build it(make exe). then I took the file of project (application) and the DB from Debug Folder.

I tried to run this application with DB on another computer it's system is seven and MSA2007 and work very well. then I run it on pc it's system XP and MSA2003. it showed this error

Application Error THE APPLICATION FAILED TO INTIALIZE PROPERLY (0XC000135). Click on OK to terminate the application

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EXE Program Don't Work Debudding Of Program Work

Jan 8, 2012

I'm building a VB(2010) program to create the graphics for my laserprojector.The program works when I debug it in VB, but when I run the EXE program in the release directory, it doesn't work. The problem in the EXE program is theat I can't draw/view graphics in the picturebox..I coppied my whole program to a new VB project, but I'm having the same problem...In the original project, where the program works, there are no warnings or errors.

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Conversion From 6.0 To .NET?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a snippet that I need help modifying to work in VB.NET.1. Attribute VB_Name = "DBModule" gives error 'Declaration expected'.Am I missing a library reference here?Also, the project conversion tool chokes on four statements, one of which is: "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx"Can I simply find the file and place it in the project directory? How would I reference it then? Additionally, The project converter lists errors locating the following files: msflxgrd.ocx, AResize.ocx, richtx32.ocx, and msmapi32.ocx. TIA

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Conversion From C# To .net?

Nov 1, 2006

public class FloatToolStrip :ToolStrip { private Form floatForm; public Form FloatForm { get { return floatForm; }} c# is case sensitive so floatForm and FloatForm are different. is case insensitive so when the inline compiler sees FloatForm, it says it has already been declared.

how do I convert the blue code into

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Conversion From VC++ To .NET?

May 9, 2012

convert this code (Structure and its members) which is in VC++ to VB.NET.

#define GBIF_STRING_DATATYPE unsigned char
typedef struct
{GBIF_STRING_DATATYPEucMacAddress[GBIF_IP_MAC_NAME_CHAR_ARRAY_LENGTH];// unsigned since the adress components can be higher than 128


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FLV To MP4 Conversion?

May 10, 2010

I've looked for flv to mp4 conversion tutorials and library's on google but I haven't had any luck yet. I assume it's a complex process that requires flv and mp4 library's. I wont be affended if no one knows.

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PHP To ASP.Net Conversion

Feb 23, 2011

I am converting an old PHP porject over to ASP.Net (vb) and wondered if someone could point me in the right direction in order to convert this final snippet of code.There are 3 functions that are called from within this and i ahve converted those already and to be honest is the session arrays that are giving me the headache.I have thought about using Hashtables and DirecCasting but this was just confusing me further.[code]

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VB6 To .NET Conversion?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm working on a cryptography program that was written in VB6 and modernizing it in VB.NET and I've run into a roadblock with the conversion from strings to byte arrays and then back again. I've tried a lot of stuff and it's probably something really simple.

The VB6 code used to look like this:

Public Function DecryptByteArray(byRef arrByteArray() As Byte, ByVal Password As String)
Dim strInput As String
Dim strOutput As String


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VB6 To VB8 Conversion?

Jun 12, 2011

convert this code to VB8?

Private Sub mnuPoints_Click() mintBooks = mintBooks + Val(txtBooksRead) mintReaders = mintReaders + 1 mintBonusPoints = BonusCalculation(Val(txtBooksRead)) lblBonusPoints = mintBonusPoints
End Sub
Private Function BonusCalculation(br As Integer) As Integer


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.net - Conversion Of Interface To C#?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a control that overrides the protected GetService method and assigns it to the IServiceProvider interface:

Class MyControl
Inherits Control
Implements IServiceProvider


I'm struggling to convert this to c#. I've tried implicit v. explicit but I must be getting the syntax wrong.

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.net - PHP And VB 2008 Conversion?

Oct 29, 2009

I need help converting this into PHP:

Public Function Encrypt(ByVal text As String) As String
Dim charSet1 As String, charSet2 As String, i As Long
Dim pos As Long, encryptedChar, encryptedText
charSet1 = " ?!@#$%^&*


I'm making a text to hash thing like presented above but in PHP for my website.. The code above is home-made so its nothing like MD5 or SHA1. But if you guys do know a way to encrypt and decrypt MD5 in Visual basic 2008 please show me! (this must also work for PHP).

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.net - Specific C# To VB Conversion?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm trying to convert the following C# code to VB. The reults from online conversion pages I have tried doesn't make sense to me and VS2010 marks them as flawed. My limited C# knowledge about events isn't enough to solve this one.


View 1 Replies - T-Sql To Linq Conversion?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having a bit of issue converting the following t-sql statement to Linq (using 4.0 entity framework)


View 1 Replies Mvc - C#. Document Conversion To PDF?

May 20, 2010

I need to convert below mentioned file formats to pdf using C#/VB.Net. User will upload the file using FileUpload control and system will returns the pdf file after converting the document.

doc/docx to pdf
xls/xlsx to pdf
ppt/pps to pdf

Does ITextSharp provide such facility ? Please Only mentioned open source or free libraries.

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Assistance With ASP/VB6/RDS --> .NET Conversion?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm currently working for a client who owns a custom developed ASP/VB6/SQL2k5 3-tiered web application... The application has been developed over the course of 10 years by several different companies... I have a team who is in the process of rewriting components of this application over to a ASP.NET/C# applications, leaving the structure of the back end database in its current state (ie: no redesign of the database)... As you know, this is a very long tedious process when performed correctly... Our client is looking for a "wizard" type conversion tool or process instead of the redesign of the web UI and business objects... Several people on my team (including my architect and I) continue to tell our client this is not possible, that a full rewrite of the application is required... Can someone just validate my thoughts on this? Here are some of the technical specifications of the legacy application:

· VB COM objects are heavily reliant upon ADOR recordsets
· ~150k lines of VB code spread across 6 COM objects


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C# - Video Conversion In .net?

Jan 4, 2011

i want to know if it is possible to develop a video format conversion software in .net (C# or

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