Create A Link From DataGrid (in ASP .NET ) Control To The Datasource

Jun 16, 2009

I have create a table called Employee and tried to create a link from DataGrid (in ASP .NET ) control to the datasource. I have created and added the connections tring as all using the wizard. When I need to check generate insert, update, delete statements and pessimistic concurrency the check boxes displayed "disabled".

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Create Link To Open User Control In Program Form To Use At Design Time?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got a VB.Net form application that dynamically loads user controls based on which navigation link the user clicks on. I'd like to make it easier to use at Design time by putting a link of some sort to open the User Control at design time. The link would go onto the form in the space where the User Control will be going. This just saves a little time from having to browse through the files to open the correct file.

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Create One To Many Data Entry Form Using Datagrid Control?

Mar 5, 2010

logic to build this kind of data entry form using grid controls in vb .net.

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Combobox Datasource From A Datagrid?

Aug 12, 2010

I have defined a datagrid which has combobox in one of the columns, is there anyway to modify the datasource of the combobox (the source of the list) at run time?

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Set The Datasource Of A Combobox Or Datagrid?

May 17, 2012

just curious what happens when i set the datasource of a combobox or datagrid or what-not to a dt then when i want to change what's in the combobox etc., i just set the datasource to a new one. i am cleaning as i go but just want to know what happens to the old datasource:


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Build Datasource With Datagrid Values

Jan 7, 2010

anyone know how to do this? build datasource(datatable) with values from a datagrid.

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Datagrid With Joined Tables As Datasource Bindingsource?

Sep 25, 2011

When I update a record at table [Product] with the integer that stands for [Supplier Name] from joined table [Suppliers], this does not appear in my datagridview. Instead, I have to reload the table to dataset to make it visible. What about datarelation? Is it better that loading a joined table over the dataset? Note that I have never dealed with datarelations before.. How can I make a datagrid column to show "Supplier Name" instead of recordID that represents this supplier?

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DB/Reporting :: Changing Datagrid Datasource Using Dropdown?

Mar 27, 2008

I'm trying to make my datagrids datasource change when you select a particular item from a drop down menu but all I get is blank cells! any ideas? I don't think it is changing the colums property automatically either.

If chooseType.Text = "Add / Edit Players" Then
updateDB.DataSource = PlayersBindingSource


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Extra Row In Datagrid When Using Filtered Dataview As Datasource?

Jun 9, 2009

I am filtering a dataview which is used for a datagrids datasource.At runtime when I apply the filters (using Checkboxes to determine the RowFilter text) I get an additional blank row at the top of my grid. This is then treated like a row & is filtered out with other rows that don't fit the filter criteria but comes back when I remove the filter. Basically, its part of the underlying DAtaview it seems. It's not persisited to database but I can't seem to get rid of it when I'm filtering.

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VS 2005 Checking If A Datagrid Is Assigned A Datasource

Jan 5, 2010

Is there a way to check whether a datagrid is assigned a datsource. How can I distinguish a unassigned datagrid from a datagrid that is assigned a datasource.

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List Of Structure As A DataGrid DataSource VB2010 Expres?

Feb 17, 2012

It's my first time playing with the DataGridView properly and I've hit a little snag...I need to display data in a DataGridView for ease of viewing, and I have a list of all the data. It's a list (of a structure), and I've got no idea how to do this. I can set the datasource as the list, but that doesn't work. I've read up on the topic but don't really understand. Am I forced to use classes not structures in this instance?

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Add Link To Datagrid

Oct 2, 2010

I thought I had this figured out but now im stuck again. I need to have a clickable link in a cell in my datagrid that will open a pdf file on my desktop. I made 2 programs. The first used an access database and put in this


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Link In Datagrid Did Not Responce?

Feb 5, 2009

I have datagrid which has field where user can view the enter link from textboc into the datagrid, the error is when i click the link the datagrid it didn't can i make it the link well responce when it hit or click..

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Datagrid Control - Fill And Use Each Datagrid Indepentent From Each Other?

Jul 22, 2009

I have on my form two datagridviews that correspond to the same table. They are both databound. They have been created automatically through dragging them from the datasources windows.One is datagridview and the other datagridview1. When ever I navigate through a datagrid the corresponding row on the other grid changes as well. I do not want this. Also I want to be able to fill and use each datagrid indepentent from each other. To fill a datagridview on load I use this code

Me.AllServicesTableAdapter.workstation(Me.Database2DataSet.AllServices)This code does not let me choose which datagrid to fill.

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Data Binding - Programatically Add Link Button To Datagrid - Click Event Not Firing

Oct 28, 2011

I have a datagrid where I am programatically adding a linkbutton on ItemDataBound.


The linkbutton is adding to the grid cells correctly, but when you the click event is not firing.

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Create Pivot Table From Datasource?

Jan 4, 2011

here i'm trying to show the pivottable but i'm having problems?

Sub Button1_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Add A Value And Text To Combox Control Without Datasource?

Nov 11, 2009

I want to add items to my combobox but am not able to add a value and a display text.

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How To Create Login With DataSource On SQL Server 2005

Feb 20, 2009

I am a beginner in and I need to customize our application based on end user requirement in the office, I need to create Login Box for the Application to protect my database. I have a loguser table in SQL with field on userid, username and a hashed password for everyuser. Now I created a new project in and I am confused to what to use on the toolbox? First I use the windows forms to create the txtbox, command button and labels, but then I am confused already I can only create local login in my pc windows account, I need the log-in on my database application based on their username and password saved on the tables.

DatabseName=Jupiter, TableName=UserLog,
FieldName=Username, Userpassword,
Example in forms I created lblUsername, txtusername, lblpassword, txtpassword and btnLogin.

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Assign A Datasource To A ComboBox Control During Runtime?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm trying to assign a datasource to a ComboBox control during runtime. When I do so, I get the attached message. Here is my

cmbAddressDesc.DataSource = dbDataSet4.tblAddressCodes.addrDescColumn

dbDataSet4 is a typed dataset. I want to learn how to use an Interface. The error message is suggesting using an IList. How would I do this. I'm having trouble finding good documentation on this.

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CustomObject As Datasource Doesn't Update Control

May 17, 2011

If I bind an BindingList(Of FooBar) to the datasource of my datagrid the controls gets updated whenever I add an item to this BindingList.[code]...

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Populate GridView Control From A Linq To SQL DataSource?

Jul 22, 2009

If I used a generic list Class to hold data objects that I am pulling from SQL Server using Linq to sql to populate a datagridview would I need to make any modifications to the datagridview control to accomodate multiple columns or would I need to make any modifications to the generic list class to accomodate the multiple columns in a row that is typical of a record in SQL Server? And one more thing which I believe is the easy part. To bind the list to a datagrid view would I just use the datasource property of the datagridview control.

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Control Arrays - Combobox Select A Datasource At Runtime

Jul 26, 2010

I have a form where I have to use control arrays to create a multiple input form i.e. rather than processing one transaction at a time up to 16 transactions must be processed. The following really havent given me much problems at this moment labels and textboxes. I use a for construct to create all the controls including a combobox. This is where my question comes in this form combobox has to be linked to a table in a database. But furthermore and this is where it gets complicated for me anyway each seperate combobox must move independly if i select row 5 in the table in combobox 4 combobox 5 which is havent touched should still be on row 1. How do I accomplish this. I'm using a webservice. I have tried passing a loaded dataset . The code that loaded the dataset is as follows

Dim DSInfo As New Project1.localhost4.AccInfo
DSInfo.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials


this code doesnt however provide a link to the table equallly creating a dataset in the combobox method ,loading it and then setting it as datasource also provides no link. I know i'm missing something.

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Filter DataSource For DataGridView Control With Textbox String

Dec 29, 2011

I have a list of customers (over 50k) that I am trying to change the way my users search and interact. Presently, they fill in parts of a first name, last name, home phone field(s) and then click a button and it searches and presents a listview list to the user for selection of the one they are trying to find. Fairly straight forward behind the scenes with a customers object making the call to the sql server on the network and returning customer objects as indicated. I want to add a datagridview control and display all customers and then have a textbox for the user to type their selection into and have the datagridview update accordingly.

I want the filter to be dynamic as the user is typing. What I have so far is the datagrid loaded with data and the text box. I also have a stored procedure that takes a string(the text box) and returns the customers collection object as the "new" datasource. But as you are guessing, that is to many calls to the database over the network. Just not very efficient. Once I have the original collection object, how can I filter it dynamically in memory as the user inputs characters into the textbox.

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How To Display An Image In Picture Box Control When A Cell Clicked In Datagrid View Control

Jul 16, 2011

Im doing a mini project and i need to display an image in picture box control when a cell clicked in datagrid view control .the image is linked through the database ms access and im using frame work.

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VS 2008 - User Control With DataSource, DisplayMember And ValueMember Property

Nov 19, 2009

I need to create a user control which can be used in my all projects. I have created a user control with a TextBox Control and a ListBox Control. My goal is that as soon as any character is pressed in the textbox, Listbox's item which starts from that character should be selected. I have done all the coding needed for the functionality but my problem is that when I add this usercontrol to my form, I should be able to change the DataSource, displaymember and valuemember properties at designtime. But I cannot see these properties when I add the control on the form.

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Adding Control Population Of Control & Navigation In Datagrid View

Jul 8, 2009

1. when i pick a value from a combo in next col of data grid which also have a combo should populate conditionally.

2.when i edit the cell having combo previous selected value is overwritten by first value of combo it should be if i select any value from combo but should not over written default as i click the cell. (edit mode is on click) pressing enter key cursor should jump to next cell in same row . means navigation should horizontally but should jump to first cell of next row if cell is last cell

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Change Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Datasource To ODBC Datasource?

Jan 30, 2011

I use and windows form and sqlserver

I added Data Source(Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)) to my project. and now I need to change it to ODBC Data Source .

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Create A Link To File?

Oct 21, 2010

How can create a link to file.

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Month Calendar Control As Datasource Object For Access 2007 Query Criteria

Mar 26, 2009

I am trying to find a way to use a month calendar control as an object data source, such that when end user selects a given date, or a date range (1 week max), it will supply the date range criteria for an access query, and the results will wind up displaying in a data grid view below the month calendar. I am having a really hard time..

how to write the date criteria into the access query for something like this

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Getting Link In WebBrowser Control?

Jan 29, 2010

Is there a way to get the link in a WebBrowser when the user hovers over it?

Like in IE and Firfox the statusbar shows the link if i hover over a google result

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