Create A Property For DataGridView Items

May 16, 2011

I was wondering how I could create a property for DataGridView Items. I'd like each one to have a property called "Flooded" for this game I'm making (I thought it would be funny to make a game outside of an actual game engine). Can I declare a property or anything?

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LINQ - Create SubList And Skip Items With Duplicate Property Values

Apr 4, 2012

The problem is: I have a list of objects, with some containing the same PlanId property value. I want to only grab the first occurrence of those and ignore the next object with that PlanId. The root problem is a View in the database, but it's tied in everywhere and I don't know if changing it will break a ton of stuff nearing a deadline.

So, if I have a list of PlanObjects like such.
Plan1.PlanId = 1
Plan2.PlanId = 1
Plan3.PlanId = 2
Plan4.PlanId = 3
Plan5.PlanId = 4
Plan6.PlanId = 4

I want to take a sub-list from that with LINQ (italics mean an item is not included)
Plan1.PlanId = 1
Plan2.PlanId = 1
Plan3.PlanId = 2
Plan4.PlanId = 3
Plan5.PlanId = 4
Plan6.PlanId = 4

For my needs, it doesn't matter which one is taken first. The Id is used to update a datsbase record.

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Adding Items To A Listview Along With Tag Property

Jun 3, 2011

I can add items to a listview this way:[code]But how can I set the Tag property of that same item as the same loop? I tried going ListViewItem.Items (0).Tag = "something"..But that doesn't seem to do the trick. How do I do this?

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Create Property "As [ClassNameHere]" Disabled In Property Window

Sep 13, 2011

I am trying to create a property which is as a class, which contains other certant properties you can edit, i.e:

Public Class exampleClass
Dim _var1 As String
Dim _var2 As Integer


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Adding Items To A Listview As Well As Checkboxes And Tag Property

Jun 14, 2011

I've got this code which basically loops through a set of folders and subfolders and finds specific file types. And then lists these in a listview. Now, it's intended to list exe and msi files. And I've made it so that these icons can be doubleclicked after they have been listed. I do this by adding the path to the file in it's tag property.

But, my superiors want a checkbox next to each item. So that they can check each item they want installed. And then have a button which runs the path in each tag property one at a time. It's basically the part where I fill the listview with the checkbox, filename of the exe or msi file, tag and the icon that I'm wondering about.

This is the existing code. This includes just a Tile view of the listview. Public Sub getDirectories(ByVal strFilepath As String, ByVal strFileExtension As String, ByVal objControl As Object)

'Load first files from the root folder. Then loop each subfolder
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(strFilepath)
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles(strFileExtension, SearchOption.AllDirectories)


But there should be a way of combining these two right? I'm not sure how I can add a checkbox in the first column of the listview? I've already set the Checkbox property of the listview to True. But I could use some pointers here if anyone's got any. :)

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Items Collection Cannot Be Modified When DataSource Property Is Set

Apr 27, 2010

I am trying to refresh my combobox when an item is selected and added the highlighted code as shown below; [code]Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set.

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VS 2008 Property Grid Sub Items To Have Properties Too?

Dec 5, 2011

i have a clsTest with the following layout:

Public Class clsTest
Public Property Test1 as string


how can i make it so when i show clsTest's properties in a propertygrid it has the ability to expand clssettings properties? (kind of how font does it on a text box for example)

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VS 2010 : Make A List Items Property?

Nov 23, 2011

how to create a property like this:[URL]

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"Items Collection Cannot Be Modified When The DataSource Property Is Set?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a combobobox on my form, and I use the following code to populate the data from SQL Server:

cbname.DataSource = DSAssetName.Tables(0)
cbname.DisplayMember = "IDWLNAME"
cbname.ValueMember = "FIDWID"


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Excel - Property 'Items' Is 'ReadOnly' Error VBA To .NET Migration?

Aug 9, 2011

Update2 my answer to my question. Update I updated the code per @Eddy comment below, however I'm still getting an error on the myRange = Globals.Sheet...line.

Dim xlDown, i As Int32
Dim myRange As Excel.Range
myRange = Globals.Sheet1.Application.Transpose(


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IDE :: IntelliSense Shows () After Count Property For ListBox.Items?

Apr 21, 2009

I am a student in a Visual Basic class. We were working on a project using the Count property of the ListBox. I'm using Visual Studio Professional Edition 2008. When I enter a line in the editor that looks something like this: If lstResults.Items.Co

IntelliSense will generate a little balloon that says 'Public ReadOnly Property Count() I saw the () after Count and thought that meant that was the proper way to code it. So that is what I did. The code seems to work with ...Count() or just ...Count. I was wondering if there is some reason why the parens show up after the description of the Property in IntelliSense.

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Populate Text Property And Items Of Combobox Not Using Databinding?

May 12, 2010

I'm rewriting a VB6 application in VB.Net. So far I have 2 forms, frmLocations (frm1) and frmLocationInfo (frm2). frmLocations has a combobox, cboLocations, from which a selection is made and an "Ok" button is clicked, which then loads frmLocationInfo. frmLocationInfo has a series of textboxes to display info corresponding to the location that was selected - Location, Location Number, Phone, Fax, Email. There are also 3 comboboxes on frmLocationInfo - cboDepot, cboFreight, and cboDispatcher. I need their text property along with items to be populated, also with data corresponding to the initial selection made on frmLocations. I'll spare you all the difficulties I'm having w/the other comboboxes, and instead focus on cboDepot. I have gotten it to populate its text property to display the corresponding Depot, however, the items are not populating and all you see now when you click on the dropdown arrow is only the depot that shows up in the text property.

Here is the code for this portion.

Private Sub FillDepotCombo()
Dim sql As String = "Select distinct depot.depot_name, depot.depot_refnbr, from depot inner join locations on depot.depot_refnbr =


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Ranking Of List Items Based On Specific Property?

Feb 17, 2012

I need to determine the ranking of the List items specified by one specific property of the items.

I have the following Class:
Public Class LevelA
Property items as New List(Of LevelB)
Public Class LevelB
Property factor as Double
ReadOnly Property rank as Integer
End Class
End Class

For example, let's say I have three items in the List. I have set the factor property for the first item as 5.50, the second item as 6.60 and the third item as 3.30.Now I should be able to get the rank property of each item (the highest value should be ranked as 1). Here the first item in the list should have the rank as 2, the second item as 1 and the third item as 3.

What kind of procedure is needed for the "ReadOnly Property rank as Integer" for returning such values? It should somehow be able to access the list in the parent class probably?

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VS 2008 Items Collection Cannot Be Modified When The DataSource Property Is Set

Feb 13, 2010

I have two tables "Person" and "Alias" in a one to many relationship. I have a DGV for "Person" and want to use a combobox for the Aliases. I also have a textbox and a button for the user to type the alias name and click the button to add the alias name to the combobox and update the dataset. I keep getting the "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." Error. But if i use a DGV instead of a combobox for aliases, I have no errors and everything works fine. If I remove the datasource property for the combobox it will not get populated with the data already entered, so how, or can I, set it up where the combobox gets populated when the form loads and able to add items to the combobox????

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VS 2008 Referencing A Property In The Parent ITEMS Class

May 6, 2010

I have a collection class, say ITEMS, that inherits a Dictionary (of String, SINGLEITEM). From the SINGLEITEM class, I would like to reference a property in the parent ITEMS class, what is the best way to do this? For example, say the ITEMS class has an IsDirty property and I would like to set that if ANY of the contained SINGLEITEM objects is modified, what's the best way to go about doing this?

I know I could add a reference to the collection class in each SINGLEITEM class (since I override the ADD method, I could make this assignment), but this seems like overkill.

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VS 2010 Items Collection Cannot Be Modified When The DataSource Property Is Set?

Aug 26, 2011

Like i want it to read the lines i have in the text file but i get an error Each time i press the button Why?

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim objreader As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:UsersJamesDesktopMusicas.txt")
Do Until objreader.EndOfStream




Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set.

Error line



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Alter Items Added To Generic Collection (as Property Of Custom Class)

Jun 19, 2009

I have several custom classes in a VB.NET (VS2008) project which are related to each other through generic list collections. The lower tier classes refer directly to some of the parent classes (to make it easier to refer backwards up the chain). My question is, is it possible to add the reference to the parent class when the item is added to a collection, when that collection is a property?

Below is some sampling of code to illustrate.
Public Class FlexServer
Private m_FlexLicenses As List(Of FlexLicense)
Private m_Modules As List(Of FlexModule)
Public Property FlexLicenses() As List(Of FlexLicense)
[code] .....

In the code above I have the FlexServer class which refers has two lists as properties, one for FlexLicense and one for Modules. The FlexLicense class has a property to refer back to the FlexServer class that "owns" it. In order to update this property in code, I have to add the FlexLicense to the FlexServer.FlexLicenses list AND set the FlexLicense.FlexServer property. What I am looking for is, is there a way (in the property definition or wherever) to both add the item to the list and alter it at the same time?

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VS 2010 - ApplicationSettings Property Binding For Checked State Of Menu Items

Nov 19, 2010

I want to use property bindings under application settings to store settings for my program. However I have run into a problem. For some reason the checked property is not binding to drop down menu item's checked state. The binding works for text boxes and other controls. I have tried to bind both using the checked property, and checked state property. Auto check on click for the menu items are set to true.

Anyone have any recommendations in getting the app-settings property binding to work without the need to manually set that info and manually run My.Settings.Save?

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Set READONLY Property And Set Value To $.00 In Datagridview

Jun 11, 2011

i have this code to build datagridview column. I will fill this coulmn with the data from another column (I have done it) But now, I want it so that the table property READONLY: TRUE and the column TOTAL_PRICE to have $#.00 format.

Public Class columnLoader
Public Sub New(ByVal system As String, ByVal quantity As Integer, ByVal description As String, ByVal totalPrice As Double)


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C# - Create A Delegate For A .NET Property?

Apr 7, 2009

I am trying to create a delegate(as a test) for: Public Overridable ReadOnly Property PropertyName()As String My intuitive attempt was declaring the delegate like this:


So the question is, how do I make a delegate for a property?

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Create A Generic Property?

Dec 8, 2009

I'd like to do something like this:

Private _myCollection As IList(Of T)
Public Property MyProperty(Of T)() as IList(Of T)


Basically, I want to have a collection of items that may be of any type. Then, I'll be able to do something like this:

Dim myPropertyValue as <the type of some value>
if (MyProperty.Contains(<some value>))
myPropertyValue = CType(MyProperty(<some value>), <the type of some value>)

How can I do this? Or is there a better way than using a generic type?

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Create A Property For Objects?

Jun 9, 2009

I am trying to create a property for objects, though I am not sure if that is what it is called. For example, PictureBox.Image instead of Image I want to use my own property.

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Create A Property Handler In NET?

Mar 11, 2012

I want to create a property handler in .NET. I have already implemented the IInitializeWithFile, IPropertyStore and IPropertyStoreCapabilities classes but I don't know how to implement their functions to create custom properties and display data.[url]...

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Create A Property In A .NET Class?

Dec 3, 2008

When you create a property in a VB.NET class how do you tell it which category it will belong to when it shows up in the property window?

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How To Create A Property For Collection

Jul 14, 2009

I have class called "Employee" and I have a class called Department. They have an association. I need to create a colleciton of employees with the creation of a Departmant. I know how to do with using "private" member _AllMyEmployees. But I need to expose this private member using properties. therefore how do i covert thsi private member to a property? [code]

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How To Create A Property Like Combobox

May 20, 2012

How to create a property like combobox?

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How To Create A Property.subProperty

Feb 4, 2009

My final goal is to have a property contain 2 values, the first value will be used the normal way you would in a property,

myClass.myProperty = "myName"
dim str as String = myClass.myProperty
and the second value, will be metaData,


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How To Create Property Options

Mar 27, 2010

I have created a new user control (ctlMyBox) with a bunch of labels, textboxes, and a picturebox. I learned how to add simple custom properties (strings, integers..etc) to it using the "Public Property..etc" method.

However, as an example, I also want to add a "Theme" property with only three options (Light, Dark, and Colorful). Depending on the theme chosen for the control, the colors of the different labels will change.My current (primitive) solution to this is making the Theme property as a String, like so:

Private strTheme As String = "Colorful"
Public Property Theme() As String


This would require the user to know the exact names of the available themes. What I want is that when someone is coding to change the theme, a list of options would appear after writing ctlMyBox1.Theme = . The user would then select one of the three options, similar to when you select the checked state property of a checkbox for example. Unfortunately I don't know how to do this?

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C# - Create An Extended (custom) Property With EWS?

Aug 17, 2010

I have created a little demo application which is able to create a meeting request by using the Exchange WebService (EWS). I would also like to add some custom properties to this item but up to now I have only found examples which use the Exchange Managed API, which I won't use. There must be a way to create these properties by only using EWS... Does anybody know how and can provide a little code example?

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Change DataGridView Cells ReadOnly Property?

Apr 18, 2009

I have a Windows Form that contains a DataGridView. The DataGridView ReadOnly property is set to TRUE. The DataGridView as 3 columns. I would like to make the cells edible (ReadOnly=False) when the RowHeader is clicked. I thought that the following code would do it, but when I click on a RowHeader and then click in one of the cells in that row, the cell is still ReadOnly.

Private Sub dgvData_RowHeaderMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles dgvData.RowHeaderMouseClick


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