IDE :: IntelliSense Shows () After Count Property For ListBox.Items?

Apr 21, 2009

I am a student in a Visual Basic class. We were working on a project using the Count property of the ListBox. I'm using Visual Studio Professional Edition 2008. When I enter a line in the editor that looks something like this: If lstResults.Items.Co

IntelliSense will generate a little balloon that says 'Public ReadOnly Property Count() I saw the () after Count and thought that meant that was the proper way to code it. So that is what I did. The code seems to work with ...Count() or just ...Count. I was wondering if there is some reason why the parens show up after the description of the Property in IntelliSense.

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Listbox Conrol Shows Only 65000 Items On Vista?

Oct 30, 2009

listbox conrol shows only 65000 items on vista

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Listbox Conrol Shows Only Half Items On Vista?

Jun 10, 2009

i have simple application which contain one listbox. i am loading item in listbox from one file. around 130000 items in it. when i run this application on xp computer i am able to scroll down all item perfectly from first to end. But when i run this application on vista machine, it only shows 50% of item if i scroll down with that bar on right on listbox. but when i reach end of list (which is item number 65000) and than use "Down arrow " of listbox it move to item n umber 65001 and later and scroll bar move again center of listbox. After i move to record number 65001 and more by clicking down arrow and use scroll bar at center to move further down to end it again shows 65000 item. But in windows xp it shows all item perfectly.

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Make A Progress Bar That Shows When Acces Some Items On A Listbox?

Dec 1, 2009

How can I make a progress bar that shows when I acces some items on a listbox. It fills only when I click on listbox items, and then gets empty imediately.

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Make A Progress Bar That Shows When I Access Some Items On A Listbox?

Dec 1, 2009

How can I make a progress bar that shows when I access some items on a listbox. It fills only when I click on listbox items, and then gets empty immediately.

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VS 2008 : Count The # Of Items Containing (U) In A Listbox?

May 23, 2010

in a list box which is populated by the end user using this code

Dim lb1s As String = Form1.Folder.SelectedPath
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(lb1s)
Dim mydirInfoArray As IO.DirectoryInfo() = di.GetDirectories


I have 3 text boxes i want to display the number of items in the list box which contain certain words,So for example in textbox1 i want it to display the total number of items in the list box which contain "(U) or [u] or [ntsc-u]" etc, this will be triggered via page load or a button which ever works best.

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Line Count (File Qty) From Listbox Items?

Jun 4, 2012

Here is the current code I am using to add files and check the number of lines in each file that was selected (file qty). This is also added into a seperate listbox for viewing.

Dim selectedItems = (From i In ListBox2.Items).ToArray()
For Each selectedItem In selectedItems


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Listbox Items Count Check Failing

Feb 21, 2009

I don't know what is wrong with this code, but it is not detecting when there are no items in the listbox. It ALWAYS returns that there is something in the listbox, even when there is not and keeps erroring on the line of code in BOLD.[code]

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IntelliSense Shows Parameters Needed That Do Not Exist?

Mar 8, 2012

Well a mod closed my topic in ASP.NET. I tried to move it there since this probably has more to do with ASP.NET. Anyway here it is again. ng the method takes more parameters than I created.

Web service project -
Method header in IService.vb:
1Function GetValue(ByVal country As String, ByVal amount As Decimal) As Decimal


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Visual Studio 2010 - Count Listbox Items While Running A For Each Loopt?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a list of links and need to check some data in it.

i placed all the list in a listbox and each item is verified for some result

now i want to see how many items are processed and how many are still need to process

Example: in a label it must display total count of items and items completed and it must change once a item is finished.

over view of my code is:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
For Each item In ListBox2.Items


Once an item is finished label must change the count.

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VS 2010 - Make A Listbox Count The Number Of Selected Items And Display It In A Text Label

Jul 28, 2010

I am just wondering how I can make a listbox count the number of selected items and display it in a text label. My listbox selection mode is on MultiExtended.

Also, can someone provide the definitions for:


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Property Get / Set Using IntelliSense?

Sep 28, 2011

I do not get intellisense working when creating a Property. How do I get intellisense to work here? Intellisense seems to work otherwise, just not with the Get / Set instantiations.

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Listbox Items Colour - Two Types Of Items Populating In A Listbox (checked Listbox)

Apr 28, 2009

I am using VB.NET (version 2008). I have two types of items populating in a listbox (checked listbox). For example: lets say one is type "A" and other is "Type B". Their names maybe same so if the user sees those items in listbox then he won;t be able to determine their type until he click on them and checks out its properties. I wanted that I add each item to listbox and colour them so that blue for example means type "A" is there and red means the other. So this way I will be able to know at a glance that how many item of what type is present. I guess it may not be possible to do that in a standard checkedlistbox. I am also using component factory's krypton controls which enhance the gui of an application. But I dunno if I can progress using that.

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Hide A Method/property For Intellisense?

Sep 28, 2009

I have a Class A that inherits from a base class. In the class A i have build some methods/properties.What I want is that some methods/properties from the base class are not visible in the intellisense which makes it easier for a developer. Basically i want to hide all the methods/functions/etc.. which are no use.Is this possible whithout having to use the EditorBrowsableAttribute for every item?The best way would be to tell the class that it must hide all props/methods/functions/etc... and after that i can specify which MUST be visible.

'by default hide all props/functions/etc.... ????
Public Class Test
Inherits ComboBox


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Intellisense Not Picking Up Sender Property?

Sep 24, 2009

When working with the code within a control's subprocedure if you type it brings up intellisense as you would expect: Code: sender. Within the intellisense there is no text property listed to select from however if you just type "text" after the "sender." it allows it. It also doesn't capatilize the T in text after you leave the line as you would expect to see when working with other properties. This is the first occurence that I've seen where an item was not included in intellisense but allowed it without errors. This is a big code saver and discovery for me as it cuts my other previous methods of extracting the control's text down to a single simple line.

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Textbox Shows Count..database Retrieve Row?

May 3, 2012

There are 3 textboxes->textbox1,textbox2,textbox3 and 1 button.In textbox1 bname will be stored and in textbox2 aname is stored.Bname and aname are columns of databasetable.This are not unique.There are same bnames and anames records.What I am trying to do is:when the user clicks on button then the code should match textbox1 and textbox2 with the databasetable and get the count of rows that match this data.
And print the count in the textbox3.If there is no similar bname and aname in the table then the count should show 0.I tried doing this but am pretty sure that its not right as its not working.

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Textbox Shows Count..databse Retrieve Row?

Jan 11, 2011

There are 3 textboxes->textbox1,textbox2,textbox3 and 1 button.In textbox1 bname will be stored and in textbox2 aname is stored.Bname and aname are columns of databasetable.This are not unique.There are same bnames and anames records.What I am trying to do is:when the user clicks on button then the code should match textbox1 and textbox2 with the databasetable and get the count of rows that match this data.And print the count in the textbox3.If there is no similar bname and aname in the table then the count should show 0.I tried doing this but am pretty sure that its not right as its not working.

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Intellisense On Items Declared As 'Object'?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a shared Queue that I use to dump various messages contained in different Classes, so I have its type as Object.The prob is, the messages are dequeued and processed but since the message type vary, Intellisense doesn't show the classes properties or methods. How does one find get Intellisense to work to?

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IDE :: TextBox VerticalOffset Property IntelliSense Error [VB 2010]?

Jun 17, 2011

In attached screenshot we can see that VerticalOffset property is ReadOnly. However,IntelliSense description says that we can also set value. Attachment:

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Bind A Dataview.count Property To A Textbox.text Property?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a dataview an i would like to show the count property in a text box.

i tryied the following

me.textbox1.DataBindings.add(new DataBindind("Text",DataView,"Count"))

But i have a exception.

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VS 2008 Count How Many Items Contain A Word In A Listview Box & Remove Items?

Sep 27, 2011

i have a listview box full of items, image below:

when i click a button i would like a msgbox to pop up displaying how many are alive.

How would i do this ?

Also how would i remove all items that status is "Dead"

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Get Items To Show Up In Shopping Card But Nothing Shows Up?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to get my items to show up in my shopping card but nothing shows up

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VS 2008 - Writing A Program That Shows The Sales Tax Of Items?

Oct 4, 2009

I am a first time poster and fairly new to using VB 2008.I was having some trouble with writing a program that shows the sales tax of items (i.e cars, food, etc).


The buttons are in the middle and the four text boxes are marked with brackets and underscores.I know how to code the "clear" and "exit" button but I am having some difficulties with the calculate button.

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Data Shows In Datagrid But No In Listbox

May 3, 2009


it shows up correcntly on the datagrid view though with the same code above expect the bit in bold changed. How would I get the data to show on the listbox?

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Debugging Shows That All Items In Checkbox List As Unchecked When There Are 3checked?

Aug 17, 2010

so im dynamically populating a checkbox list. I have confirmed that my text and values are correct for each checkbox but when I check a few and click my event button when I loop through the items they are all set to select=false...

Dim resource As ListItem
Dim SelectedHashTable As New Hashtable
For Each resource In chkResources.Items


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VS 2008 Listbox Shows Files In Directory

Mar 4, 2010

I have it set so when button3 is clicked that the listbox displays the textfiles in a designated folder.[code]Now what I would like to have happen is a way for: Selected listbox2.item (A.txt, B.txt, or C.txt) read the selected textfile into Textbox1.text(I want to click on A, B, or C and have it just open/read that textfile into the textbox.)I have a feeling this is something simple - but for some reason I am having trouble grasping it.

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VS 2008 - Save Data In A Listbox With Dialog Shows Extensions

Apr 3, 2010

how do i save everything thats in a listbox and save dialog shows extensions like .txt .text .html .htm .url types and it writes to where you save it too also check path files would be awesome.

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Where Is Count Property DriveInfo.GetDrives

Mar 6, 2012

As you see some months ago i use count property in one of my code

But now when i use driveinfo.getdrive.count it doesn't have it?

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Listbox Remove Parts Of Items Containing And Blank Items?

Mar 27, 2012

So I want it to remove any text in the list box that has a "Job" in it and just replace it with a blank nothing.

Like if the listbox looked like this


then it would change it to this


I also would like a way of removing any blank items from the listbox.


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Image Location - When Select An Item In The Listbox, A Picturebox Shows The Preview Of That Certain Product?

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to build a project where I have a set of products in a listbox. When you select an item in the listbox, a picturebox shows the preview of that certain product.I practically finished the entire project as well as the picture part; however, I realized that the way I set up the coding, I used image locations from my hard drive meaning that someone can't view them on another computer.This is a portion of my coding:

[highlight="Dim PicSelection As String
PicSelection = ListBox1.SelectedItem
Select Case PicSelection[code].....

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