Create A Thread And Associate It To The Run Method?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm trying to change/execute the example [URL]...onContext.aspx I've posted my project below. I'm getting a cross-threading error and I thought the point of all of this was to avoid that. (yes I realize I could just delegate... I'm trying to do something more complicated but am using this as a test bed)


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Call A Method That Started On A Background Thread On The UI Thread Calling BeginInvoke And Passing In A Delegate?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to call a method that started on a background thread on the UI thread calling BeginInvoke and passing in a delegate as follows:

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Function() UpdateApplicationDataUI())

to call this method:

Private Sub UpdateApplicationDataUI()
End Sub

However, I get an error in the call to BeginInvoke (the UpdateApplicationDataUI portion of the delegate is stating "Expression does not produce a value").

Me.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Function() New Action(AddressOf UpdateApplicationDataUI))

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Run A Method On The Main Thread From A Separate Thread?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm reading data from a serial port, but the DataReceived event of SerialPort is handled on it's own thread. I want to handle this on the main thread, but simply declaring an event and raising it still results in it being processed on the SerialPort thread. I'm assuming I need to declare a delegate I can call, but I don't see how that would work.

For example, I want to call Sub HandleDataReceived() on the main thread from the DataReceived thread, having HandleDataReceived() run on the main thread. How would I do this?

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Inheritance - Create A Method Called StartWorking() And Want FrmChild To Inherit - Method

Nov 25, 2011

I have a large problem with inheritance in The problem is the following:

I have 2 forms => frmBase and frmChild

In frmBase i want to create a method Called StartWorking() and i want frmChild to inherit this method.

But here is the tricky thing: when frmChild.StartWorking is called i would like the following => without calling MyBase.StartWorking()

I want frmBase.StartWorking() to be executed first and after a test in frmBase.StartWorking if blnValue is true then frmChild.StartWorking has to be activated. if blnValue is false that frmChild.StartWorking cannot be activated.

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C# - Reassign Thread To A Different Method .net?

Feb 16, 2010

Is it possible to reassign thread to a different method, once it has been instantiated. If not, are there alternatives?

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Call A Method In A Thread?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a class that runs as a thread. While the thread is running, I want to call a method in that thread. I do this commonly where a thread calls a method in the GUI with a delegate. But I'm confused how to do this when the called thread is not the GUI and there are no parameters passed to the called method.

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VS 2010 Run Method On Non-UI Thread?

Dec 11, 2011

Usually I use the synchronizationcontext to run methods on my GUI thread from a background thread. But now I need to do it the other way around and the synchronizationcontext class doesn't work on threads that don't have a GUI. What I basically need to do is, if there is anything going on on the thread I want to run my method on, I want to pause or interrupt it and run my method and then let it continue.

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.net - Is The Enqueue Method Thread Safe

Nov 2, 2009

Let's say that I have a module that has a Queue in it. For other entities to Enqueue, they must go through a function:


If I have multiple threads running and they want to call InsertIntoQueue(), is this considered thread safe? I am under the impression that there is only one copy of the instructions in memory necessary to perform the InsertIntoQueue() function... which would lead me to think that this is thread safe. However, I wonder what happens when two threads attempt to run the function at the same time? Is this thread safe, and if not, how can I make it thread safe? (and What would be the performance implications regarding speed and memory usage)

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Call A Method Which Has Two Parameters Using Thread?

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to call a method which has two parameters using thread. How can I do this? If I pass parameter to my thread.start() method, it is giving error.

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Cross-Thread Method Access?

Jan 29, 2009

I've got a problem. I'm running a different thread. The thread's sub is looping, doing various things during the program, and eventually tries to close the form. I get an error, because the other thread can't access the "Me" object, I guess. It won't close the form. I don't want to use Application.Exit. Is there another way?

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.net Thread Safe Method To Add A Listview Subitem?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to add a subitem to a listview in a threadsafe manner.In a single threaded application it works like so:


However if run in another thread it causes a cross threading error.I have looked at examples of delegate subs that use Invoke, but all examples i have seen involve updating the text property of an object, and i cant get my head round how to apply the concept to actually add a subitem to a listview.

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C# - Interacting With The UI Thread From An Async Callback Method?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a method that is asynchronously called when System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.BeginRead completes.

skDelegate = New AsyncCallback(AddressOf skDataReceived)
skStream.BeginRead(skBuffer, 0, 100000, skDelegate, New Object)

In that callback method, I need to interact with the UI thread.

Sub skDataReceived(ByVal result As IAsyncResult)
CType(My.Application.OpenForms.Item("frmMain"), frmMain).refreshStats(d1, d2)
End Sub

This causes an exception after the method completes. (when End Sub is executed)


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Canceling A ThreadPool Thread That's Being Blocked By A .NET Method?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a task that needs to be executed many times in a thread, so as to keep my GUI responsive. Right now I'm using the ThreadPool to accomplish the tasks, and it works perfectly. I get all the data I expect back from the threads, life's good. When those tasks are finished, I then fire off another set of threads to accomplish another set of tasks, in the same fashion. The work method of these threads uses a call to RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey, which does exactly that, opens a remote registry key. The problem is: if the user running the application does not have permission to open the remote registry the call will throw an IOException, but I expect this behaviour because the user does not have permission to do it. However, the call itself can take FOREVER.

I wrote the application initially to use delegate methods and used the WaitHandle.WaitOne() method on AutoResetEvents in a state object I passed to each delegate. I tried the WaitOne method using a timeout, which worked fine until I realized that even though the WaitOne timed out, the thread was still running. This is a problem because (from what I understand) processes are only given a certain number of ThreadPool threads and, once used, they must be finished in order to be released back to the threadpool. In my work method, I also have a variable that can be signalled when the thread should be stopped, but that (obviously) only works on code that I've can I cancel a thread that's stuck on a .NET method? Is there some sort of garbage collection method I can call if I give it a handle?

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VS 2008 Passing A Class Method In A New Thread

May 14, 2010

I am looking for a way to pass a class method into a new thread. On my form I have a few object that contain methods.

For example obj1.doWork.

Now I want to do

Dim t as new Thread
t = new Thread(AddressOf obj1.doWork)

However I get an error on this saying:

Error1Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' is most specific for these arguments:
'Public Sub New(start As System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart)': Not most specific.
'Public Sub New(start As System.Threading.ThreadStart)': Not most specific.

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Put Method In Main Thread From Background Without Declaring Delegates?

Nov 23, 2009

put method in main thread from background without declaring delegates

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Thread Safe Method Invoke Doesnt Work?

Jan 2, 2010

I Have a Function on my frmMain Class wich will update my control to something else after an invoke. When i type "?Label1.Text" on the Immediate Window, the text property IS updated, but when i go check the Form, nothing happened. The code is just like this


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VS 2010 Multithreading, Putting Class Method On New Thread?

Jun 4, 2011

Right now I have a Email class that has all the properties of an email to send it, and then a SendEmail function which takes those properties and uses them in the following

Public Function SendEmail()
'Exception handling


The loop goes through each email in the array to process its email, however with the multithreaded function I cannot call


So how do I call an objects method when its on a different thread?

And I'm making it multithreaded so I can easily pause the process, and because the program freezes when the send() function is working, this would resolve that.

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Callback Method - Cross Thread Operation Not Valid Exception?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a windows form that gets data from a scale via the serial port. Since I need the operator to be able to cancel the process I do the get data process on a second thread. The data collection process gets multiple readings from the scale one at a time. The form has a label that needs to be updated with information specific to each reading.

I call the method to get the data from the scale with this code.
Dim ad As New readALine(AddressOf thisScale.readALine)
Dim ac As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.GetDataCallback)
Dim iar As IAsyncResult = ad.BeginInvoke("", ac, ad)

The delegate for the readALine method is defined in the UI code.
Delegate Function readALine(ByVal toSend As String) As String

The GetDataCallback method:
Private Sub GetDataCallback(ByVal ia As IAsyncResult)
lblInstructions.Text = _thisMeasure.dt.Rows(_currRow - 1).Item("cnt") & ":"
End Sub

I get the exception on the "lblInstructions.Text =" statement. I thought the GetDataCallback method was part of the UI thread so don't understand why I'm getting the exception. I know this could probably be rewritten using a BackgroundWorker and it's appropriate events but for now would like to understand why this isn't working as expected. The application was written originally in VS2003 and just recently upgraded to VS2008.

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Multithreading - .net Avoiding Cross Thread Exception With Extension Method?

Jan 13, 2011

I am trying to implement a solution for updating form controls without using a delegate.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module MyInvoke


I get a cross threading error as though i didnt even use this method:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ComboBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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.net - Yield/Sleep/throttle Another Thread While It Is Executing A Method In An External Library - Specifically Jurassic?

Jun 25, 2012

I am using a .Net JavaScript implementation called Jurassic to run user-controlled scripts within my .Net 4 WPF application coded in VB.Net - C# answers are fine. The script engine runs on its own thread and provides an API for the script to interact with my application. This all works really nicely until a user executes a script that causes an infinite loop and takes out a core of the processor.


The reason I care about keeping the thread alive is because the user who wrote the script and the user who is running it may not be the same, and I want to keep the experience as smooth as possible the the user running the thread. There also might be legitimate situations in which a single JavaScript function would run for a long time and I do not want to kill that, I just want to stop being allowed to hog the resources.

Solutions that involve stopping the thread from slowing down the system but that still show high CPU usage are not preferable because I do not want the user to wrongly feel that the application is resource intensive.

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VS 2010 Error - Cross-Thread Operation Not Valid: Control TbPlaca1 Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Aug 13, 2010

In one application, I need use 4 simultaneous threads.When the threads finished, I need to update the text of a TextBox.So, I create 4 Textbox, and I wanna the threads change the text to FINISHED.Each thread change one distinct TB.I use this "example"

Dim Terminados As Integer = 0
Private Sub frmEnviarMensagem_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Enabled = True


The problem is, I have an error in the red lines.The error is: INVALIDOPERATIONEXCEPTION "Cross-Thread operation not valid: Control tbPlaca1 Accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."I don't use cross threading. Each TB only was accessed for the correspondent thread, and for the "main program".

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'Panel1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On." ?

Nov 3, 2011

This is the error message I am getting:

"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Panel1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." The reason I am getting this error is because I am opening up a new form and then calling these three things:


why I get this error message because it doesn't occur normally if I open Form2 after closing Form1, it only occurs when I open Form2 after closing Form4.

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Error - Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'txt1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jul 21, 2009

I have done a program using vb2005 to display reading from my microcontroller bs2 board but have encountered some problems. My code are as follows.

Dim Stop_Rx As Boolean
Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click


I've encounter an error which is, (Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txt1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.)

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Error : Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'l_users' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 21, 2012

When my client try to connect to server I'm getting this error : Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'l_users' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

Private Sub _socketManager_onConnectionAccept(ByVal SocketID As String) Handles _socketManager.onConnectionAccept
End Sub

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Threading Progress Bar In .net - Thread Operation Not Valid Control 'ProgressBar1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Feb 17, 2012

Would anyone be able to help me here please. I'm fairly new to and threading so im just trying to figure out what is happening.When I debug this I am getting the error thread operation not valid: Control 'ProgressBar1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

I'm a little lost as to why the error is occuring or how to fix it. I've had to put the progress bar in a separate thread otherwise the GUI crashes


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Waiting For Threads - Thread.join Suspend Execution Of Code On Calling Thread Until Spawned Thread Finishes Or Is Aborted

Sep 2, 2010

My understanding is that thread.join will suspend the execution of code on the calling thread until the spawned thread finishes or is aborted...

With that in mind, I tried this:

For i = 1 to 50
threads = New Thread(AddressOf test)
threads.IsBackground = True


However, the rest of the code runs when the loop finishes, not waiting for all the spawned threads to finish. Since the rest of the code needs the threads to finish (otherwise the rest will error).

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'Autocad' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 6, 2010

I have written an application that loads a form - frmCad as well as AutoCad. It does this via a class which detects when AutoCad quits.

Friend Class CadApp Private WithEvents AppObject As AcadApplication... Private Sub AppObject_BeginQuit(ByRef Cancel As Boolean) Handles AppObject.BeginQuit RaiseEvent Quit() End SubEnd Class

My main class loads frmCad as well as CadApp.

Public Class Cad Private WithEvents frmCad As CadForm Private WithEvents app As CadApp... Public Sub ShowForm() If frmCad Is Nothing Then frmCad = New CadForm frmCad.Visible = True End Sub... Private Sub app_Quit() Handles app.Quit frmCad.Dispose() frmCad = Nothing .... End Sub

When I debug the program, it stops at frmCad.Dispose()The program continues to execute, but all the code after it fails to work.Looking more carefully I get an error message which contains:-Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Autocad' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'label2' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On?

Feb 9, 2011

My error:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'label2' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. I want to be able to give my Public RunBot() sub access to edit Labels, buttons, etc without an error.


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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'lblStatus' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Apr 1, 2010

I'm getting the 'System.InvalidOperationException' error on acccessing a thread from other than where it was created. My code is:

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Public components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer ' changed from private


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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'statusHO' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 6, 2009

My problem is Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusHO' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusHO' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."


i used it and it works fine then. but as it is mentioned its not a good practice to use it. So what should i do? is it ok if i use this as i am not able to use correct practice. Mine application is not for enterprise purpose. its just my class project, and it works fine even if i put application working in background. System works ok. I dont know how to correct this error.As i dont have that much knowlege of threads.

So please guide me how to fix this in correct way otherwise i am force to go for bad programming practice
Please refer to Windows Mobile Developer Center > Smart Device Development Forums > Windows Mobile Development > Appendtext not working for all my code details

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