Create A User-defined ImageList?

Jun 13, 2009

Is there a way to create a user-defined ImageList? I would like the user to be able to assign images to ImageList that would be stored for use in future sessions.

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Create A User Defined Menu For .pdf File Right Click?

Jan 30, 2010

Why is it that when I close the application that I've made, it is still seen as running in the background in task manager? I open my forms using the .show() method, and when I need to close them programmatically, I use .dispose().

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Create User Defined Paper Size To A Network Printer?

Sep 30, 2010

How can I create a user defined paper size to a network printer on Windows XP ?

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'User Defined Type Not Defined' When Trying To Define A New 'process'

Dec 29, 2011

I am trying to redirect command line output to a list box in a vba macro, and I've found some code that I think might point me in the right direction, but I keep on getting the same error. When I use this code [code]It gives me the error in the title and highlights the first declaration line.What does it take to define a new "process".

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Datagrid.mouseup - Error "user-defined Type Not Defined"

Jun 21, 2010


a messagebox appear that show user-defined type not defined i had try another code but it still same error.. i'm using vb6

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Converting A User Generated List Box To An Array And Then Generating A User Defined Number Of Random Strings And Placing It In A Textbox?

Apr 28, 2007

I'm converting a user generated list box to an array and then generating a user defined number of random strings and placing it in a textbox.The code I have works fine as it will generate the number of random strings the user wants, except sometimes a line is blank at the top of the list but is counted as a string.

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Use Of User Defined Controls?

Jan 23, 2012

I have created a User Defined Control that contains Add, Save, Edit, Search, Delete & Close Buttons. I added this User Defined Control in a New Form & How can I call Add, Save, EditSearch, Delete & Close Buttons of User Defined Controls from the New Form. What is the Code for calling a button of User Defined Controls from its Parent form?

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.Net Examples Of User-Defined Exceptions?

May 22, 2011

example of a user-defined exception in VB.Net. I already have two examples that I was able to find online, but other than that, I cannot think of any more. I need to find at least 5 to put in my notes, and then submit to my teacher.The two I have so far are: invalid login information (such as improper username or password), and expired credit card information on an online store.

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Accessing A User Defined Function Or Sub?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm a new user of VB.Net. I do have doubt on accessing a user defined Function or Sub. In some place of program, I do see the term "Call" when using the Function/Sub. In some other place without "Call". But both works perfectly. May I know the difference between the two.


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Converting A User-defined Type?

Apr 16, 2012

I apologize in advance about asking a newbie question. I am a less-than-intermediate programmer who has done most of his work in VB6, and now trying to wrap my mind around the new concepts of the NET languages.In VB 2010, I have a Structure called "Direction", with one data member -- an integer named "Value". It's supposed to represent a value of degrees from 0 to 359.

Public Structure Direction
Private d As Integer


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Creating User-Defined Types?

Nov 19, 2011

Well I had a thread going that branched out to this topic, so rather completely veering off the main topic there, I felt creating a new thread was adequate.So as the title says, I'm trying to create a user-defined type. It's not a simple type at that but a user here had showed me a way to fix all my problems. That was to create a type BigDecimal. Which my initial thought was to utilize the BigInteger type. Being that the Integer Part, and Fractional parts would be split off into two variables, both BigIntegers. Which would be combined at the end as a "decimal". However I have many many questions see that this is my first attempt at truly creating a type of my own. So as of right now I'm basically swinging in the dark here.


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DB/Reporting :: User Defined Searches?

Apr 23, 2009

Im using a simple access database with only 2 tables and I creadted a form with a datagrid to show all data inside the tables, and now i want to create search buttons for each field of the table . like, "seach by Name", Seach by date" etc... i tried to use the simple code


Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim cod As String
cod = InputBox("Type the Id to search: ", "Search By ID")
If cod <> " " Then


My biggest problem now is that this code works very well to search by id (which is my table primary key), but now i want to search by other fields and this code only allows to search by primary key! Is there any way to use something similar to this code to search by other fields?

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Display User Defined Patterns?

Apr 20, 2009

This program would allow users to click a button and display three different types of patterns (shown below). The user could also enter the number of rows they wanted to display and a character that they wanted to use for the pattern (*, &, etc).[code]...

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User Defined Directories Creation?

May 28, 2009

I am having trouble with this code. Can someone tell me why the "Project Processing' section doesn't run at all? The 'Client Processing' section runs and executes find but it seems the 'Project Processing' section does not. very frustrated at the moment!


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User Defined Sorting Of Database

Aug 24, 2009

I have a database of 7 items that I want the user to be able to choose the order in which each is listed for use further along in programming. I'm thinking of using combboxes bound to the database. I found out that each combobox will have to have its own dataset otherwise they will all show whatever the current one that has focus changes to. Is there an easier way to be able to do this or is having 7 datasets bound to the comboboxes the best way? For this purpose I don't need all the contents listed in a DGV, only need the component name for now if this helps. Database programming is new to me and I'm a hobbyist programmer from VB6 days making the transition.

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VS 2008 User Defined Property?

Aug 6, 2009

I have derived a textbox. This user control works fine everywhere. However, i have added a property in this as follow:

Public _propertyValue As Boolean
Public Overridable Property AllowNull() As Boolean

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Create An IMAGELIST In A Main Form And Add To It Then Have It Accessible Within A Child Form?

Mar 22, 2011

I want to create an IMAGELIST in a main form and add to it then have it accessible within a child form. I found several MS examples on database shared access but this is NOT the concept I am after. Straight forward:


So, within the child form it want to do whatever I like to the IMAGELIST! I have tried passing the object by reference and anything I could think of.

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.net - SubmitChanges With LINQ To SQL And User Defined Functions?

Mar 7, 2012

On the SQL server I create a UDF. Let's name it fnCompanyDetails. It selects some information about a company from several joint tables.I then drag-and-drop this function in the new .dbml of my VB project. I want to use it with LINQ. Smth like this:


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Adding User Defined Properties To Textbox?

Sep 2, 2009

Can we add a user defined property to a textbox (NOT TO A TEXTBOX CLASS)?
e.g. MyTextBox.MyProerty = "GOOD"

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ArrayList Of User Defined Structure Type?

Nov 19, 2008

I have a structure like this:

Public Structure Interval
Public temp As Double


'I want to be able to add to the array like an ArrayList though... 'after assigning values, like this:


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Call A CLR User Defined Function Within The Assembly

Feb 14, 2012

The main function receives data, uses additional functions to calculates the result and gives it back. But at one point, the function needs data from the SQL Server. I wrote a second UDF, made it visible and deployed it to the SQL Server. I see now two functions under > programmability > functions > scalar value functions:

1. The main function (IsCalcDay) and

2. The function with the data access (IsHoliday)

If I call directly the second function from VST in the debug mode, it works fine, bur if I call it via the main function, the code stops if the connection will be opened. The error is "Data access in this context is not permitted. The context is a function or method that is not marked with DataAccessKind.Read SystemDataAccessKind.Read or a callback to retrieve data from the FillRow method of a table-valued function or a UDT validation method." (translatet from German, probably slightly differnt in English)

VST (2010 prof) and the SQL Server (2008 R2) are running in my virtual W7 maschine.

Here is the code of the second function:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes


Why can I open the connection if I call the function directly, but it fails if the function is called from another function?

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Change Cursor To USER-DEFINED CustomCursor?

Mar 7, 2011

Maybe I have missed something obvious. Currently I am using the feedback interrupt to change the cursor to one of the Windows supplied cursors

Instead of using the pre-packaged cursors, is it possible to use my own custom-cursor (icon), and if so - are there any rules re size etc., or can I use something like a png/jpg etc.. ?

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Copy User-Defined Class Object?

Mar 12, 2010

I would like to make a "deep copy" of a class object that I have defined. See Visual Basic 2005 Code below

Dim MyStuff1 as new MyClass
Dim MyStuff2 as new MyClass
mystuff2 = mystuff1

Unfortunately the statement "mystuff2 = mystuff1" makes a "shallow copy" of mystuff1. Therefore, if mystuff1 is redefined then so is mystuff2. What do I have to do in MyClass to implement a deep copy method such that operations on mystuff1 and mystuff2 are independent?I would prefer something like

mystuff2 = mystuff1.deepcopy()

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Determine Form User Defined Control Is Placed On?

Jan 25, 2012

I'm writing a control that needs to check a property of the form it's placed in.Is there a way to do that?

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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below. declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form.


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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type In .NET?

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below.declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form. VB6 (Code inside Module)'Global type array to hold printer info.

Public Type OShare
PrinterName As String
BackupName As String
CurrId as Integer
End Type

'Declare dynamic array for printer info as user-defined type declared above.

Public g_Share() As OShare
VB6 (Code inside Form)
Public Sub LoadPrinters()


when pgm runs and when it reach ".PrinterName = myReader(0)" line, it crashes. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. using immediate window i can see the myReader(0) value. how can i create dynamic array for user-defined type in

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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type?

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below.

declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form.

VB6 (Code inside Module)
'Global type array to hold printer info.
Public Type OShare


how can i create dynamic array for user-defined type in

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How To Write User Defined Error Handling

Nov 7, 2011

I knew that the VB.NET has an error handling with Try..Catch statement. As I know, if there is any runtime error happen in the Try routine, it will only throw the error in the Catch. But what if there is no runtime error and I need to throw an error when I found the value of the calculation reported is invalid? Like for VB6, we can write the 'On Error Goto ErrHandler', so in VB.NET, how should we define similar method? For example, there is a simple mathematical calculation where the division of two numbers will never > 5. So if I found the result of the division is greater than 5, I want to throw an error to say the result is invalid.

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User Defined Array To Populate A Table?

Jun 16, 2011

I am very new to programming so sorry for the simple question, but I am at a lose. What the program needs to do is take a user defined starting and ending range, and then build a table based on that range. Inside the table each record will need to have two check boxes.

So for example the user enters in a starting of ABC01 and ending ABC03 and clicks the button the table is populated like this;


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User Defined Scripting - Keep Getting Errors When I Try Load My App?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm trying to add VBScript to my app, I've followed the guide here: http:[url].....But I keep getting errors when I try load my app, heres some of what I have so far:

Public Shared Function VBScript()
Dim ScriptControlClass As ScriptControl = New MSScriptControl.ScriptControlClass
ScriptControlClass.Language = "VBScript"[code]......

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