Converting A User Generated List Box To An Array And Then Generating A User Defined Number Of Random Strings And Placing It In A Textbox?

Apr 28, 2007

I'm converting a user generated list box to an array and then generating a user defined number of random strings and placing it in a textbox.The code I have works fine as it will generate the number of random strings the user wants, except sometimes a line is blank at the top of the list but is counted as a string.

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Accomplish Is When The User Presses A Button, "moneyamount" Increases By A Random Number Generated?

Jul 4, 2009

the goal i want to accomplish is when the user presses a button, "moneyamount" increases by a random number generated. the problem i am having is that after the action is finished the script does not seem to save the new value and always starts at zero. here is the script:

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dojob1button.Click

Dim moneyamount As Integer = moneyamount + Int(Rnd() * 10)
moneylabel.Text = "$" & moneyamount
End Sub

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Largest Number In Random Generated Array?

Nov 2, 2009

For my assignment I have to tell the largest and smallest number in a label, and the numbers are generated randomly in this code:

Dim intNumbers(14) As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Create A List Box Of 25 Randomly Generated 0s Or 1s - When Put The Loop In, It Only Repeats The Same Random Number?

Mar 25, 2012

Beginning VB 2010, had a project that requires us to create a list box of 25 randomly generated 0s or 1s. Problem is when I put the loop in, it only repeats the same random number, not different one each loop. What am I doing wrong?This is the code I have so far...Code in Question:

'Declare new random object
Dim RandomGenerator As New Random
intRandomNumber = RandomGenerator.Next(0, 2)[code]......

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Converting A User-defined Type?

Apr 16, 2012

I apologize in advance about asking a newbie question. I am a less-than-intermediate programmer who has done most of his work in VB6, and now trying to wrap my mind around the new concepts of the NET languages.In VB 2010, I have a Structure called "Direction", with one data member -- an integer named "Value". It's supposed to represent a value of degrees from 0 to 359.

Public Structure Direction
Private d As Integer


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Generating The Number Of Textboxes Nicely When The User Input A Number

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to draw textboxes when the user enters the amount of textboxes to be drawn on one form and the textboxes get displayed on the another form. I have found these codes online but it works with inbuilt codes I guess. That is, the number is already hard coded in the form.


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User Selects Number Of Products From Datagrid / Adds Them To A Basket Using Array List

Jun 8, 2012

I am making a minor basket system which the user selects a number of products from a datagrid and it adds them to a basket using an array list (arrItemID).However on the ViewBasket form I want another datagrid however a query is formed listing the selected products. Though the datagrid seems to be empty (though the query when outputted to a text box is ideal. [code]

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How To Do Array Of Textboxes When User Input Number Of Textbox To Be Loaded / When Button Clicked

Jun 22, 2010

how to do array of textboxes when a user input a number of textbox to be loaded and when the button clicked, the array of textbox that the user enters will appear?

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Number Guessing Game - Allows A User 10 Attempts To Guess A Random Number Between 1 And 50

Nov 9, 2009

I am attempting to create a game in Visual Studio 2008 that allows a user 10 attempts to guess a random number between 1 and 50. I have a label box in which I would like to display the remaining guesses as they decrement. The code so far appears below.

My two (I am sure very basic) questions are:

1. How would I pass the random integer generated through the Generate Integer function to the AmIRight button's click function? I was trying to decrement the counter each time the "Am I Right " button is pressed.

2. I would also like to evaluate each "guess" when the "Am I right button is pressed. Is it possible to nest a Select Case statement in a For Next Loop? Option Explicit OnOption Strict OnOption Infer Off Public Class frmMain Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub txtGuess_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Random Number Lotto Match With User Number Picks?

Nov 4, 2008

I am trying to create a lotto simulation, but don't know how to continue.I am using numericupdowns to allow users to select 6 lotto numbers. and labels to display what they have chosen, but i'm not sure how to prevent duplicates without creating a large number of If statementsMy question is, is there an easier way to prevent duplicates without writing a bunch of if statements?here is my code:

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Lotto1, Lotto2, Lotto3, Lotto4, Lotto5, Lotto6 As Single Lotto1 = Val(NumericUpDown1.Text) lblLotto1.Text = Lotto1 Lotto2 = Val(NumericUpDown2.Text) lblLotto2.Text = Lotto2 Lotto3 = Val(NumericUpDown3.Text)


I don't understand how to save the user selected numbers, let the computer generate 6 random numbers, and match the two sets of numbers together to see how many matches there are. As far as I understand the numbers should be stored in 2 separate arrays and then matched together to find any matches.

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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below. declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form.


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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type In .NET?

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below.declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form. VB6 (Code inside Module)'Global type array to hold printer info.

Public Type OShare
PrinterName As String
BackupName As String
CurrId as Integer
End Type

'Declare dynamic array for printer info as user-defined type declared above.

Public g_Share() As OShare
VB6 (Code inside Form)
Public Sub LoadPrinters()


when pgm runs and when it reach ".PrinterName = myReader(0)" line, it crashes. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. using immediate window i can see the myReader(0) value. how can i create dynamic array for user-defined type in

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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type?

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below.

declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form.

VB6 (Code inside Module)
'Global type array to hold printer info.
Public Type OShare


how can i create dynamic array for user-defined type in

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User Defined Array To Populate A Table?

Jun 16, 2011

I am very new to programming so sorry for the simple question, but I am at a lose. What the program needs to do is take a user defined starting and ending range, and then build a table based on that range. Inside the table each record will need to have two check boxes.

So for example the user enters in a starting of ABC01 and ending ABC03 and clicks the button the table is populated like this;


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Refelction To List Properties Of A User Defined Structure

Feb 23, 2009

I am having some trouble using Refelction to list the properties of a user defined structure. I need to get a list of the properties and their values.[code]

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Apply For Each Loop On An Array Of User Defined Class?

Jul 18, 2011

I was knowing that For Each loop can only be applied to those classes that implement IEnumerable interface . But recently i accidentally wrote a code that is using For Each on my class's objects collection and my that class is not implementing IEnumerable interface .Below is the sample code that i am testing on :

Sub Main()
Dim personList() As Person = New Person(2) {}
personList(0) = New Person("s1", "s2")


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Adding User Defined Properties To Textbox?

Sep 2, 2009

Can we add a user defined property to a textbox (NOT TO A TEXTBOX CLASS)?
e.g. MyTextBox.MyProerty = "GOOD"

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VS 2010 : Create A Program That Rolls A Dice A User Generated Number Of Times And Give The Frequencies Of The Numbers That Come Up?

Oct 26, 2010

I need to create a program that rolls a dice a user generated number of times and give the frequencies of the numbers that come up.I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the frequencies?

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Random Number Generator Generating Same Number Many Times?

Sep 17, 2011

I have this program generating a firstname and lastname from a file. When I run this program I enter information in three textboxes. The first two are the salary low and high(salary1.text, salary2.text) and the last one is the number of "copies"(copies.text) that I want.. When I put a number such as 10 in the text box it outputs some of the same names. The firstname file has around 100 records and the lastname file has about 1000 records Why is it generating the same name The problem is even worse if I do something like 1000 copies.. it outputs the same thing 8 times and then does something different another 8 times

Public Class Form1
Dim sex As String
Function randomfirstname()
Dim infile As IO.StreamReader


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Generating A Random Number?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm wondering how I would go about generating a random number in VB.Net. As I am developing an ATM system for a bank, a randomly generated 4 digit PIN code would have to be assigned to each person.

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Standard Deviation Calculator - Random Number Of Numbers Input By User

Feb 19, 2011

Im working on writing a program for doing standard deviation and as of right now im running into one slight issue with subtracting my mean from the original numbers. I will post most of my code so you can get an over view but i mostly just want help on this one little part for now. Im going to be making a website for school and put some programming stuff on it so i wanted to make just some random programs for it so this is school related but not really homework. It's line 26 and 27 that this is relating to. When i put a stop in my code and look at the result of arrayDifferences it gives me 0.0 when it should be -1. I know i can go this route and say arrayDifferences(1) = arrayDifferences(1) - arrayAvg but seeing as how i want this to be a random number of numbers input by the user i cant do that.


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Random Number Generating Same Number Every Time?

Jun 7, 2006

I heard that you have to add some code to a random number generator

results(1) = Int((5 - 1 + 1) * Rnd() + 1)

so that if it is used again and again it keeps generating new numbers as apposed to what this piece of code does by itself which is creates the same number every time.what is the code?

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Program - Requests A High Number And A Low Number From User - Searches Array And Finds All Elements Within Two Numbers

Jan 24, 2010

I need to write a program that requests a high number and a low number from the user, then the program searches the array and finds all elements within the two numbers. The program is used to search for past presidents, so if I type 43 for low number and 44 for high number, the program will display:

George Walker Bush
Barack Hussein Obama

I think I have an idea of how to search up to a certain point, but not to stop at a certain point....Here is the code that I have for that particular sub procedure:


Private Sub btnDisplayRqst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayRqst.Click
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("PRESIDENTS.TXT")


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Generating A Random Number Outside Of A Sub Procedure

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to make a number be generated as this Windows Form loads, then the user guesses by entering a number and clicking a button to check whether it is correct or incorrect.

I have the code complete, I'm just confused on how to declare the random variable outside the button sub procedure so it only generates one time.

Here is my code.[code...]

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Generating Random Number Within Specified Range

Apr 7, 2009

I'm using VB.NET 2008 Express Edition and I'm trying to create a simple program that will roll a number of dice I choose. It does this by generating a random number within a specified range (I'm rolling 3-sided dice in this case so I'm generating numbers between 1 and 3) and adding each number to a textbox to create a total of all the dice rolled so far.

This is my
Private Sub butRoll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butRoll.Click
Dim RandNum, i As Integer
Dim RandomClass As New Random()
'if at least one dice is rolled
If txtD3.Text > 0 Then
[Code] ......

Now the problem I am having is that although my random number generator is generating the right numbers (confirmed by checking the txtLastRoll textbox), when I add it to txtTotal, it seems to be getting another number from somewhere and adding that to my random number then adding it to the total and I have no idea how this is possible! txtTotal always starts as 0 but txt1 is not showing that. Normally I would just set txtTotal to 0 there but if I do that, I won't be able to add the numbers together. I've tried finding a pattern in the mystery numbers appearing in txtTotal but they just seem to be random.

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Hangman Game - Generate Random Number When User Press Start Button

Jul 29, 2009

i've created a hangman game (Fully working) but since you can only "play" with one phrase (10 letters) it gets boring fast. Basic the current game works by on form load i define the slots (10 string which each hold a letter) and give them there letter. then the user type in a text box and if the textbox = any of the slots then the lbl repasenting that slots changes its text from "_" to the letter.

Anyway what I would like the button to do is when the user presses the start button a random number is generated. The program then looks into a textfile and based on which number is generated it takes a certain line (10 characters per line in a phrase) , moves them into the slots and the game starts. Is that possible to code or it too complicated. The textfile will be in the applications folder (words.txt).

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Generating Salt - LENGTH Of Salt Be Random - Fixed Or A Random Number Within A (min/max) Range ?

Nov 26, 2011

VS2010 (SP1) / .NET 4 on Windows XP. The question is simple, the answer; not so much. When generating a salt, should the LENGTH of the salt be random, fixed or a random number within a (min/max) range? I am using RNGCryptoServiceProvider to generate the salt, just unsure of the length of the salt.

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Random Number Generated Between 0-10 - Cant Get To Loop

Feb 21, 2010

I am using some arrays that are pre-filled and I am having a random number generated between 0-10. That random number will then go in to all 5 arrays and pull the item from that location. I think try to take the sentence that is generated into another string. Once that is complete I then go through the final array to pull all the sentences and concatenate them together.

Currently I've only been able to get 1 sentence to print out of 5...a fresh pair of eyes would prob see where I am going wrong...I've been at this for awhile and wouldn't mind some advice to where I am going wrong.

Public Class MainForm

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub


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Generating 9 Digits Random Number Including Leading Zero

Jul 15, 2010

I want to generate random number, which is 9 digits including leading zero if the number is less than 9 digits, say 123 will be 000000123. I have the following code which doesn't include leading zero :
Dim RandomClass As New Random()
Dim RandomNumber = RandomClass.Next(1, 999999999)

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Getting Largest And Smallest Number From An Array And Placing In 2 Dif

Nov 2, 2010

I have the code written for everything except when I try to display the highest and smallest numbers from the array into a label it display 0 for both the smallest and highest number. Question: Create an application that lets the user enter 10 values into an array. The application should display the largest and smallest values stored in the array. *The form is a list box with 2 labels and a button to retrieve the 10 numbers and put them in the list box then the other button puts the highest and lowest number in the 2 labels

(I am not sure how to display line numbers in my code on VB2010, please if you know tell me and I will edit the post)


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