Create An Application Which Should Calculate The Number Of Dollars?

Sep 24, 2009

I am having trouble with the pennies calculator. I need to create an application which should calculate the number of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies a person will receive when they cash in the pennies at a bank.Eveything seems to be working fine except the nickles...

Option Explicit On
Option Strict Off
Option Infer Off
Public Class frmMain


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Change Calculator And Is Supposed To Calculate The Number Of Dollars?

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to learn how to use the modulus operator.this excersise is a change calculator and is supposed to calculate the number of dollars , qtrs, dimes, nickels and pennies from the change that is calculated.

in the form if i put a value in for owed = 30.00 and paid 34.25 my dollars returned = 4 and that is correct but the number of qtrs = 0 and should be 1. I am not sure how to correctly use this - any assistance you can provide is great - this is purely educational

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim owed As Decimal
Dim paid As Decimal
Dim change As Decimal


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Date Method - Calculate The Number Of Years For My Calculate Age Event Handler

Mar 30, 2009

I am trying to calculate the number of years for my calculate age event handler, however i am apparently missing a method or whatnot because im trying to calculate the age , can anyone suggest help on this. I need to subtract years to get my age but when i try the birthdate.Subtract (currentDate) method i get an error about not able to convert from LONG?

So below is what I have.

Private Sub btnCalculateAge_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateAge.Click
Dim currentDate As Date
Dim BirthDate As Date
Dim Age As Long


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Create A Program That Takes An Amount Entered By The User And Then Convert It Into Half Dollars?

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to create a program that takes an amount entered by the user and then convert it into Half Dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies when the calculate button is clicked. Each coin has its own function and is shown in separate text boxes... right now i cant get it to work correctly. When i try to get half dollars to work it rounds up and then the rest of the coins say 0. How should i do this?

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Create Console Application To Calculate 23 Numbers Of Fibonacci?

Sep 24, 2010

how to create console application to calculate 23 numbers of fibonacci?This is the script I had done but facing an issue:

Module Module1
Sub Main()
'area to declare all integer
String inputstring;


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Calculate Date From Year / Week-number / And Day-number

Jun 23, 2009

I have following code (in VBA, excell) for calculating a date.I have variable for yeay, weeknumber and daynumber from week, now i wanna calculate the exact date. [code] But when i place this code in don't get the correct month.It displays correctly the year, day and daynumber but is displays the month as '00'. What do i have to change?

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Create An Application That Prompts The User For A Number Less Than 100?

Nov 16, 2011

-Create an application that prompts the user for a number less than 100 and then when the button [Check Number' is clicked - displays whether the number is one digit or two digits.

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Create A Small Application That Will Force User To Enter An Even Number?

Oct 5, 2011

I need to create a small application that will force a user to enter an even number but i MUST use a loop. Here's what i've come up with:


Dim bynombrepair As Byte
bynombrepair = InputBox("Entrez un nombre pair")
If bynombrepair Mod 2 = 0 Then


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Create An Application That Allows User To Enter Number Of Tickets Sold

Apr 16, 2012

i'm having a bit of a hard time on setting up the calculations.There are three seating categories at a stadium. For a baseball game, Class A seats cost $15, Class B seats cost $12, and Class C seats cost $9. Create an application that allows the user to enter the number of tickets sold for each class and the total revenue.

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Create An Application That Allows User To Type In A 32 Bit Number Using Binary System

Jul 13, 2011

Can anyone help me to break down the instructions for this assignment.Create an application that allows the user to type in a 32 bit number using the binary system, and convert that number into the decimal numbering system.For example, the user types 000000000000 0010 (where there are 30 leading 0's, 1 then 0 from left to right), and the output would be 2.The user will type a string that is 32 characters in length.A For loop 'reads' each character using the x.substring(i,1) where i is the current character we are reading and 1 means one character only,and x is the entry the user typed (use a Textbox to get the entry but Inputbox is also ok).When you start at the first character (from the right) then that value is to be * 2 ^ 0 then the second character is to be * 2 ^ 1, then the third character is * 2 ^ 2, hence:( x.substring(i,1) converted to Integer ) * 2 ^ j represents the decimal value of the current number (0 or 1) we are reading.A variable is needed to accumulate all those values.After the loop is done, display the accumulated value.To test this code on a simple version, enter a 4 digit binary number, where 0010 is decimal 2, 0110 is decimal 6, 0111 is 7, and 1000 is 8.

My understanding is the user must enter 32 digits into a textbox. The textbox should place limitations that only allow the digits "0" and "1". This error could be displayed to the user with a messagebox that then asks to reset the value orginally inputted into the textbox. My understanding is I should continue creating the formula of the position of each character where the third character is *2^2, fourth is *2^3, fifth is *2^4 and so on? I don't understand the formula and how it works.

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Calculate Number Of Minute?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm trying to calculate the total number of minute that pass 8.00am .. there are few record that the time are greater than 8.00 am which is : 08:15:00, 08:07:00, 08:05:14, 09:01:01 15 + 7 + 5 +61 =88 minute so I should get 88 minute then show it on label1.text

Dim dc As New DataClassesDataContext
Dim q = (From p In dc.times
Where"Nick") And p.time > New TimeSpan(8, 0, 0) _


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Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Dates?

May 11, 2009

how can i calculate number of days between two dates.....for xample between 24/12/2009

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Calculate Number Of Months Between Two Dates?

Mar 3, 2011

I have two date values.


Dim d1 As DateTime = New DateTime(2010, 6,6)
Dim d2 As DateTime = New DateTime(2011, 2,2)

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Calculate Number Of Moths Between Two Days?

Nov 3, 2010

How to code to calculate number of moths between two days? For example, BeginingDt=09/01/2007, EndingDt=05/20/2009 should be list as below:


(If date of month >=15 will count as whole month, if <15 will be ignored)

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Calculate Number Of Years To Double It?

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to calculate the number of years it takes to double a user defined number. I have tried to take the number entered and multiply it by twelev and divide by two.

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Calculate Partition And Put In Sql Select Row Number?

Jun 4, 2012

trying to calculate the partitions for 8 portions, and putting in select statement for row number,something like,

If Not (dstotal.Tables(0).Rows(0)("totalrecord") = 0) Then
dPartition = CInt(dstotal.Tables(0).Rows(0)("totalrecord")) / 8
End If


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Calculate The Factorial Of Given Number Using Recursion?

Mar 29, 2010

calculate the factorial of given number using recursion.input the number in textbox and show the

result in another textboxrajeev ranjan, on 29 March 2010 - 12:38 PM, said:calculate the factorial of

given number using recursion.input the number in textbox and show the result in another textbox.

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Calculate Week Number In One Month?

Dec 8, 2006

How can we calculate week number in one month.I am bit confused about caliculating this week number in one month.for example if we take today date 8/12/2006.Now we are in which week ? 2nd or first week (in december month)Our zone is united kingdom..

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How To Calculate Number Of Lines In A Text Box

Feb 27, 2009

I am hoping that someone can help me with a problem I've got at the moment using Compact Framework.Net 2 SP 2.At the moment I have a UI with a series of text boxes and each textbox displays the contents of a database field. These are shown one beneath another with a scroll bar on the right hand side of the form. Each textbox has a set width which might.I would like to adjust the height each text box based on the number of lines it is holding, the font size and the font in order to avoid using scroll bars on each textbox.[code]

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Calculate The Number Of Months Between 2 Dates In Vb 2008?

Aug 5, 2009

I am attempting to calculate the number of months between 2 dates in vb 2008. Effectively subtracting a date in the past from the current date and then manipulating it to the number of months between the two.

I have done this in VB 6 previously, but can't seem to do it in vb2008.

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Function To Calculate Days Number Between 2 Dates?

Jan 1, 2012

i want a function to calculate days number between 2 dates

for example :

start date = 2011/11/13
end date = 2012/01/02

i want months to be 30 days always .

thats mean
18 days in November
30 days in December
2 days in January
sum = 50 days

View 4 Replies - Calculate The Difference Between Two Dates To Display As A Number In Days (VB)?

Nov 20, 2011

How do I calculate the difference between two dates to display as a number in days?I have 2 text boxes (txtHStart_Date & txtHEnd_Date) I have used an Ajax Calendar Extender to enter the dates in each of these text boxes.I would like to get the difference between these two dates to show in a seperate text box (txtNoOfDays)

I've seen the timespan function but can seem to get this to work. I'm not to sure how to declare the text boxes as the dates I would the calculation to be made from


Dim D1 As Date
Dim D2 As Date
Dim ts As New TimeSpan
D1 = txtHStart_Date.Text
D2 = txtHEnd_Date.Text
ts = D2 - D1

But I know this isn't right. I also don't know how to get it to display in the 3rd TextBox.

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C# - Function To Calculate Number Of Months Including Current One?

Feb 24, 2011

Datediff calculates the no of months between two dates, Is there any function which lets you to calculate the same thing but also includes the current month. Datediff +1 would give the answer, but just wanted to know if theres any inbuilt method.

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Calculate Date From The Given Week Number For Fiscal Year?

Jan 22, 2010

I m working on a site which requires me to calculate date(s) from the given week number for the year start set by the user in his setup.for ex. user set the year is from 1st April to 31st May in his setup and he selects week say 23rd then I have to find out dates for the week selected.

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VS 2008 - Calculate Factorial From Number And Display In Textbox

Sep 14, 2009

So I need to get a button to take the number that a user enters into a textbox, calculate the factorial from that number, and display it in another textbox. I can't seem to get this to come out right.

Here's some of the code I've been playing with.
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Function Factorial(ByVal txtFactorial As Decimal) As Decimal
If txtFactorial <= 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("Enter a number greater than 1")
txtAnswer = Factorial(txtfactorial - 1)
End If
End Function

Now I have to just work out the code part. Can a function be under a button? I'm getting an error about that. I'm also getting an error about the txtAnswer=Factorial(txtfactorial-1) part of the code.

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C# - Calculate Location And Number Of Intersections Between Multiple Date/time Ranges?

Apr 29, 2010

I need to calculate the location of intersections between multiple date ranges, and the number of overlapping intersections. Then I need to show which date/time ranges overlap each of those intersecting sections. It is slightly more complicated than that so I'll do my best to explain by providing an example. I am working in VB.Net, but C# examples are acceptable as well as I work in both.

We have several high risk tasks that involve the same system. Below I have three example jobs named HR1/2/3/4 with start and end date/times.

HR1 {1/6/2010 10:00 - 1/6/2010 15:00}
HR2 {1/6/2010 11:00 - 1/6/2010 18:00}
HR3 {1/6/2010 12:00 - 1/6/2010 14:00}


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Creating A Program For Which Will Calculate The Time Taken For A User To Make A Number Keystrokes?

Feb 18, 2012

I am creating a program for which will calculate the time taken for a user to make a number keystrokes. I want to start the timer running from the beginning of the first key stroke and end on the final keystroke. Each keystroke has been linked to a label which will change colour according to whether the key has been pressed. When the keystrokes have been finished I want to save this timespan in a field in a database. To test that the timer is running I have made a messagebox which will show the time taken however it is constantly showing zero and the label for the final keystroke is remaining in the keydown colour.

Public Class Form1
Dim dteStart, dteFinish As Date
Dim span As TimeSpan


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Make A Program Calculate The Number Of Comparisons An Insertion Sort Makes?

Jul 15, 2009

I got a list of 16 items and I have sorted them and I want to show the number of comparisons the program had to make using the insertion sort?(in a textbox for example)I mean is there a formula?

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When Type In 50 Dollars Should Get 58 Bars?

Mar 9, 2011

The output I am getting is is not what I am suppose to be getting when you type in 50 dollars i should get 58 bars and 2 coupons but when i run it i am getting 57 with 7 coupons left

Module Module1
Sub Main()
' declare variable


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Create A Random Number Generator That Iterates Through A Series Of Number Between An Upper And Lower Bound?

Jun 24, 2010

i wanted to create a random number generator that iterates through a series of number between an upper and lower bound. say between 1 and 100. Basically I want the number generator to pick the numbers randomly and then display them until all 100 numbers are picked without any duplicates. so thats easy I can code that. But what I don't know is how to show those numbers in the order they are generated on a windows form. So i have basically a variable that I will let be changed 100 times (or however many times I want, I don't want their to be a size constraint just using 100 as an example) and each time the number is generated I want it displayed on screen (in a list or something not sure what. Hopefully some type of scrollable list) and each successive number also to be displayed in same format beneath it so that I can see the list in its entirety. What type of form control do i use for that? I could do for each iteration but then user is required to hit ok after each iteration and that would obviously be a bad idea if user selected a large number to work through. Anyways, code isn't exactly necessary just point me in the right direction, i.e.what control (if any) to to format the change in data?

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