Created A Dll File Contain 1 Function "MyMsgBox" Get One Parameter And Return Non?

Oct 27, 2010

i want to learn about dll injection....lets start with small thing...i created a dll file contain 1 function "MyMsgBox" get one parameter and return non...i want to inject it to another proccess exe file and execute the code...

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VS 2008 Way Of Declaring A Parameter In Function And Return A Value?

Apr 26, 2010

I have created my own ListViewItem class, and added some custom properties to it of attributes. What I have at the moment is a tooltip which shows all of those custom properties (about 18 of them).What I want to be able to do is if multiple are selected, to show a tooltip, but if a property (say Title) for all of them is "My Title" it will show that, otherwise if they are different, I would like it to show "VARIES"Is there a way of declaring a parameter in my function and return a value? [code]

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Loose Typing - Created A Function With No Return Type

Jun 4, 2009

I was playing with vb 2008 express and i created a function with no return type. Basically what it does is i specify a table name and a column name and it returns the value within but it doesn't type it until it gets to the calling variables type. So i have on function that i can use across all my tables.

dim mydate as date = getvalue("tblSRs", "datelogged")
msgbox (mydate)
dim desc as String = getvalue("tblSRs", "description")

Both return the correct values. were you always able to leave the typecasting till the end and whats the major downfall?

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VS 2008 Template Function That Can Receive Different Parameter And A Type Parameter

Mar 9, 2011

I want to have a "template" function that can receive different parameter and a type parameter, like:[code]But Vb told me that tupeList is not defined... is there a way I can do that?

View 2 Replies - Execute A Stored Function In Oracle Or Sql - Adding The Parameter Values Of The Function

Dec 13, 2011

I need to execute a stored function in oracle or sql through I created a command object. Depending on the database type(oracle or SQL) i am preparing the Command text as Select functionName(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) from dual; (For Oracle) Adding the parameter values of the function. Now performing the ExecuteScalar which is not working saying invalid parameter. This works with ODBC connection string. But ODBC doesn't with 64bit. My Requirement: Code should execute a user defined stored procedure by taking the values at runtime.

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Pass Function (Of TElement / TKey) As A Function Parameter

May 28, 2012

I want to make a GetAllContacts method which takes a sort parameter of type Func(Of Contact, TKey) which is the same type that the OrderBy method for an IEnumerable(Of Contact) takes.[code]"Too many arguments to extension method 'Public Function ElementAtOrDefault(index As Integer) As Contact' defined in 'System.Linq.Enumerable'." on the second parameter.

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Return Type Of Parameter Is Not CLS-compliant

Jun 28, 2010

I have a base class with a static function that returns a typed dataset. I have several classes that inherit the base class with a non-static function that returns the same typed dataset. On these methods I get the 'Return type of parameter yadda
is not CLS-compliant' I don't understand where this is coming from. I have non unsigned integers/etc. in this dataset.

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How To Pass A Parameter In A Dataset Created From An Access Database

Oct 19, 2010

I have created an application in which I have to make a report with ReportViewver from Microsoft.Everything ok until now. I have created the report and for this report I have created a dataset. This dataset contains data for every month in every year from 2010 to 2015. With this dataset I am populating a graphic but my problem is that I want to select the year and create graphic for one year.I do not know how to insert a parameter in the dataset. In sql is very easy by in Access is different and if I try to put something like ...' where year_column=@year_parameter' I receive an error.

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.net - Will Sqldatareader With Using Statement Ever Return An Output Parameter

Aug 21, 2011

Here's a simple code snippet of a larger function as an example.

Using conn as New SqlConnection("conn string")
Using find as new SqlCommand("ExampleProc",conn)
Dim rParam as new SqlParameter("@RESULT",SqlDbType.Int)


I know the Output parameter is returned after the SqlDataReader is closed. From what I think I know, the Using statement will call .Dispose on the SqlDataReader, so will that basically wipe out the Output parameter? If so, what is the best method to call a SqlDataReader that also contains Output parameters that closes and disposes everything correctly? Let me add that based on what I've read you only have access to the Output parameter using a SqlDataReader after you call .Close on the SqlDataReader.

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How To Handle Variable Type (parameter & Return Value)

May 25, 2011

Is it possible to replace these two functions

Function f1 (s As String) As class1()
Dim a() As String = Split(s)
Dim b(UBound(a)) As class1


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Return Object As Parameter For NHibernate Entity?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm writing a solution where the data entities are passed to clients using datasets through a WCF service, with nHibernate as ORM. My predecessor has written some translator classes, converting datasets to entities and vice versa. In most cases he's declared the return object as a parameter for the object.

For example:

Public Shared Function CreateEntity(ByVal ds As DataSetObject, ByVal entity As EntityObject) As EntityObject
Dim row As ds.EntityObjectRow = ds.EntityObject(0)
entity.Id = row.Id


He's not with the company anymore, so I can't ask him why he's done it this way. Hence my question here. Is there some performance gain, or traceablity thing with nHibernate by using the first implementation rather than the latter?

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Return An (Anonymous Type With A Function) From A Function?

Mar 3, 2011

Just so it's known, this question is mostly academic, even though I tried to use the concept in a real-world solution. I realize the example is contrived, but I believe the concept is valid.I want to write some fluent code like this:


I realize that I can't force an anonymous type into a specific type (like implementing an interface or some other class), and I don't want the overhead of defining a specific class just to match my desired fluent name with the actual method name. So I was able to make the code work like this:

copy(my_first_file).to.Invoke(my_second_file)So there is no IntelliSense or type awareness there, and I have to include the Invoke in order to have the method run. How can I get more type safety and exclude the Invoke method, under these constraints: Anonymous Type returned from Method No additional classes or interfaces Preferably, I do not want to pass in another parameter to the copy() method that tells what type to return, unless copy becomes a generic method (but I think that means defining another class/interface, which I don't want to do)

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Reporting Services - Input Parameter Needs To Return All Records If Left Blank

Jul 9, 2009

I have an input parameter for my stored Proc, Instead of choosing available values from a drop Dwn, the customer wants an empty input box that when left blank returns all records. the parameter type is numeric(6,0) in the Db. I have not found a way to leave the input blank and retrieve all records. my default value for all records is '-99' and also is declared as the default value for the param in the proc.

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Dynamically Created Button Requires 2 Clicks To Return View State?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a page dynamically, but I falling at the first herdle. I have create the below after reading may blogs/post/articles. The problem I have is when I click the first buttons I created nothing happend, if I then click it again it works.Can any one tell me where I'm going wrong?

ASP Page:
<%@ Page Title="Create / Amend Quotes" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Quote.aspx.vb" Inherits="BIS.Quote" %>


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Calling Function With Hex Parameter?

Dec 14, 2009

The following two statements seem the same to me but the first throws a design time error, and the second does not. The first one is passing the first parameter in hex and the second passes the first parameter as its decimal equivalent.

Public Shared ReadOnly Test As New Guid(&HCC58E280, &H8AA1, &H11D1, &HB3, &HF1, &H0, &HAA, &H0, &H37, &H61, &HC5)
Public Shared ReadOnly Test2 As New Guid(3428377216, &H8AA1, &H11D1, &HB3, &HF1, &H0, &HAA, &H0, &H37, &H61, &HC5)

Here is the error associated with the first statement:

Error 1 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' can be called with these arguments: 'Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Short, c As Short, d As Byte, e As Byte, f As Byte, g As Byte, h As Byte, i As Byte, j As Byte, k As Byte)': Constant expression not representable in type 'Short'. 'Public Sub New(a As UInteger, b As UShort, c As UShort, d As Byte, e As Byte, f As Byte, g As Byte, h As Byte, i As Byte, j As Byte, k As Byte)': Constant expression not representable in type 'UInteger'.

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How To Pass Parameter For Function

Dec 9, 2009

I have a statement:
dat.XoaNhanVien(Me.dtgcapnhatthongtin.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value, message)
That is a function for deleting info. Now I want to create other function and get above function to parameter. I mean:
Public Function func(Byval func as " What type can be ?")

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Oop - Put A Default Value To A Parameter Of A Function?

Dec 9, 2010

its just like that in other langauges (php in the example)

function myFunction($message,$sender="nodoby") {
return $message." by ".$sender;

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Use In .net A Function And An Interface Created In C#?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm trying to use in a function and an interface created in c#. The function is RegisterDragDrop and the interface is IDropTarget:

Public Shared Function RegisterDragDrop(ByVal hwnd As System.IntPtr, ByVal pDropTarget As GongSolutions.Shell.Interop.IDropTarget) As Integer the second parameter points to an IDropTarget interface.

I'm implementing this interface in as follows:


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.net - Sub / Function Array Parameter Altered?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a Sub with an array of strings as parameter:

Private Sub des(ByVal array() As String)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(array)


When I call the function inside my main function , the value of str changes even if the array is passed to the function Byval

Dim str() As String
str = {"11111", "22222", "33333", "44444", "5555", "66666"}

I tried making a copy of the array in the Sub, but it still changes in the main function

Private Sub des(ByVal array() As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim array2() As String


I read on a site that you cannot pass arrays ByVal ,is this true? If so , how should I proceed?

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Add A Optional Parameter In Visual C# Function?

Mar 14, 2012

How can i create a optional parameter in C# as we create in VB.Net

Public Sub Demo(ByVal a As Integer,Optional ByVal b as integer=3)
End Sub
I want to declare this in C#


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Argument Not Specified For Parameter Of Private Function

Mar 3, 2011

I am using visual basic and trying to create function. I am getting this error:
"Argument not specified for parameter '_IsDayRateCheckBox' of private function CalculateParikingCharges(_HoursDecimal As Decimal, _IsDayRateCheckBox As System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox) As Decimal'.

This is the code.
Private Function CalculateParkingCharges(ByVal _HoursDecimal As Decimal, ByVal _IsDayRateCheckBox As CheckBox) As Decimal

This is how I call the function.
Dim HoursDecimal As Decimal
Dim AmountOwedDecimal As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(HoursTextBox.Text, HoursDecimal) OrElse HoursDecimal < 0D Then
ErrorLabel.Visible = True
[Code] .....

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Call Function Parameter Data?

Feb 3, 2012

I have had some trouble on what to put inside the parameter named CallFWT as without it i would get a value of 0[code]...

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Call VBA Function With Parameter Passing

Dec 29, 2008

I wrote vba function in excel and I want to call this function in with parameter passing.

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Function That Can Receive Different Type Of Parameter?

Mar 10, 2011

Is it possible in VB to have a function that can receive diffrent parameter, like a String or a Integer or a custom class type?

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Function That Takes A String As A Parameter?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a function that takes a String as a parameter And in it I have variables, so if I call it it's like

Dim Text As String = MyStringConverter("Hello Mr. " & Name & " " & Surname "!")

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Parameter Of Function/sub From A Fixed List?

Nov 28, 2011

I have been a VB user for quite a long time starting from dos-basic types. But only now I encountered with a quite a newb problem :) I tried to search MSDN for it for about a few days and at the end I have to ask this question here because I could not find anything about it.

From time to time I use functions or subs where one parameter is a word from a defined list.


private function my_function(byval THE_PARAM as string) as ..........

where THE_PARAM could be "work", "home", "bus", etc. 5 words all together.

How can I define a function so that when I use it on the text of the program I had a hint not just like "THE_PARAM is a string", but I had a choice of those pre-defined words, so I could choose a word from that list.

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Pass A Form As A Parameter In A Function/Sub?

Mar 23, 2010

Can I pass a form as a parameter in a sub like public Sub GetData(Byval Frm as form) and access its controls?I have few forms (you can say: FrmAccounting, FrmEngineering, FrmIT) with almost the same controls in each of them (txtEmployeeID, txtEmployeeName, optMale, optFemale etc), where no two forms are open at same time, and each of those forms have a Button which opens a new Form (you can say FrmCollectData) now I want to fetch data in FrmCollectData depending on which form it was opened from.. like if user was on FrmEngineering and it clicks button to open FrmCollectData.. form collectData fetches data from FrmEngineering Controls and if user was on FrmAccounting and it opens FrmCollectData, form Collectdata fetches data from FrmAccounting..

earlier, in VB6.. In one of the Sub written in frmCollectData I checked which form is opened by setting flags in each of forms (frmEngineering, frmAccounting etc) and then I passed the same form in a sub which writes data in frmCollectData controls.. but am not able to do the same in VB.NET.

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Pass Array To Function As Parameter?

Dec 7, 2010

I would like to pass array to function as parameter. Here is an example for variable that is not array:


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Pass Control As A Parameter To A Function?

May 27, 2009

i am designing an application in which contents of an excel file are displayed in the ListBox. i have created a class which contains methods for doing this. Statement used for function call is:

oSheet = obj.displayColumns(oWB,


line where i am getting error is underlined. Is it possible to send controls as a parameter ?

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Properly Use Arrays As A Function Parameter?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm currently working on a school project and I have stumbled upon various problems. I'm supposed to write a software tool based on a mathematical model.

In total, the model has 12 parameters and 2 constants used in it, so I figured it would be a good idea to store the parameters in 2 separate arrays - one containing 6 parameters which have to be entered by the user and another one with another 6 parameters which should only be changed in a settings kind of window for tweaking (they are set to default values provided by the model).[code]...

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