Custom List / DGV For Auto-wrapping Columns

Dec 19, 2009

I attached a screenshot of my IRIS program and am wanting to implement a new feature, but I'm not sure how to do it. On the left hand side, you can see I have a bound datagridview control that displays a device name and an IP Address from a table in a database.What I want to do is have the option to launch a new form that has ALL the devices visible (including their state: green or red) and based on the size of the form, be able to auto-wrap to a new column.[code]So basically, instead of being able to only see the devices in the DGV on the left as it is scanning, I want to be able to see ALL of the devices in multiple columns in a new form. I looked on codeproject for a custom control to do this, but didn't really find anything.

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DataSet Designer / Auto Add Columns

Sep 22, 2009

in my VB.Net application I've created a Dataset that call an existing MS SQL Server stored procedure but after the wizard close no columns where added... how can I add all the columns returned by the stored procedure without adding them manually (off course the stored procedure might change in the future) in which case manually will not work.

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Format GridView Auto-Generated Columns?

May 29, 2012

I am trying to format the width of my gridview columns dynamically for easy of use in editing and updating. Is it possible to have multiple column widths defined? Here is the code I am using to create the gridview...

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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Auto-resize Columns Based On Char Count

May 11, 2009

I am trying to figure the best way to programmatically re-size table column headers in ReportViewer.Basically, my current resolution is the following: ColumnWidth = Header Caption_CharacterCount * 0.32...Where 0.32 is an estimated width of a typical character using my current font size.The issue is that the width leaves a lot of whitespace for longer captions.The more characters a caption has, the more whitespace I end up with.The issue with estimating this way is that not all characters are the same width. A good example would the the "I" character, which takes up less screen width than the rest of the alphabet.[code]

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Auto-Resizing The Columns Of Datagridview When Form Is Maximized?

Dec 15, 2010

I set the anchors of the datagridview in order to automatically re size when the user maximises the windowsform. After setting this, Datagridview is resizing when user maximises, but the Column width is NOT. It is still showing same as before.

How to automatically increase or decrease the width of the columns when user maximises / Minimizes the widows

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Auto-size Listview Columns To Fit The Column Names

Jun 30, 2009

I'd like to autosize listview columns to fit the column names. From what I saw this should do it but it doesn't work for me. Can someone see what I'm doing wrong or know of a way to do it? The listview is designed to dynamically build the coulmns based on the number of coumns in a recordset.


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DataGridView And DataBinding With Custom Columns

Sep 9, 2010

My requirement is as follows, I am calling a procedure and I'm populating a DataTable. Assume that the procedure is returning emp_id, emp_name, designation and status. When I use DataGridView1.DataSource = <Name of the DataTable>, I get all the columns populated into the DataGridView. How can I display only selected columns in the DataGridView. For e.g, I want to show only emp_id and emp_name.Similarly, as to how I can increase the width of the columns of the DataGridView by writing code.

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Add Custom Columns To A Table That LINQ To SQL Can Translate To SQL

Aug 26, 2009

I have a table that contains procedure codes among other data (let's call it "MyData"). I have another table that contains valid procedure codes, their descriptions, and the dates on which those codes are valid. Every time I want to report on MyData and include the procedure description, I have to do a lookup similar to this:

From m in dc.MyDatas _
Join p in dc.Procedures On m.proc_code Equals p.proc_code _
Where p.start_date <= m.event_date _


Is there a way to turn a complex lookup (i.e. a non-trivial join) like this into something SQL can recognize so that I can define it in one place and just reference the description as if it were a field in MyData? So far the only thing I can think of is to create a SQL view on MyData that does the linking and bring that into my data context, but I'd like to try to avoid that.

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Use Custom Comparer When Sorting By Multiple Columns?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a ListView (GridView) that I want to sort by 2 columns, so if 2+ items have the same value in Column 1, it sorts by Column 2. Pretty easy. But empty strings show up at the top when sorting A-Z. I'd like to move them to the bottom. I made a comparer (IComparer) that takes care of this, but I'm not sure how to use it.[code]...

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Pass Generic List To A Function That Has A Custom Defined List

Apr 7, 2011

it seems always at this time I cant figure out how to do something maybe it has something to do with lunchtime.

Im having trouble using a method that is defined by an outside company

This is a link to their integration guide:


This is their documentation for the class Im trying to use

OrderQueryWebService Class

This class is for SID in particular and is made for use with the notification methods. This is for the Order Query Web Service specifically, allowing clients to return the status of transactions for their merchant, whenever they want to.

/ <summary>
/ Pass through the variables required and receive a list of Transaction
objects showing transaction status


The MerchantCode, the MerchantUsername, the MerchantPassword are all good the List is a custom type called SetComHash.Transaction

Everytime I try adding a string to the list such as the transactionNumber and some other values it gives me a type error:

"Value of type string cannot be converted to 'SetcomHash.Transaction'

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Auto-generate Custom Number For Database In Vb

Jan 27, 2012

I would like to generate a tracking number as primary key for my database.

There will be total 12 letters for each tracking id. Example: 2012010001-1

The "2012010001-1" is actually from combination YYYYMMxxxx-v where YYYY is the current year, MM is the current month, xxxx is the auto generate number(increment) and -v is the version where it can be -2 -3 but using the same YYYYMMxxxx.

For both YYYYMM is not a prob as i can get the value from Date.Today.Month/Date.Today.Year. But how am I going to ensure the xxxx is an auto increment but will be reset back to 0000 every new month.

For example:

2012010000-1 (Month January, so start from 0000)


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Auto-suggestion Text Box Custom Control?

Nov 30, 2011

I want to create an custom control just like an Autosuggest control for my windows application. When I type, it should show a grid for the suggestion have the typed value.for an example if I want to search a student "ashish". As soon as I type A in textbox, it should show its First Name, Last name, Address, its image and some other info into a grid or grid like format beneath that control. All those info will come from Database.

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VS 2010 Custom Type Array / List With Adding Items And Specifying Custom Type Variable

Jun 21, 2011

I recently downloaded VB 2010 Express so i am quite new to the language, but i have worked with dark basic, which seems to b very similar.Anyway, my problem is that i cannot seem to correctly set out my array of a custom type/class. i am trying to create two arrays, one of available entities and another of selected entities of which the user selects the entities to be dealt with in irrelevant ways. i have creates a button (called test) which adds some entities to the available list and all the entities come back the same value but they shouldnt be as you'll c in the code. i have run the step into command a found that "available.item(#).Name = " will change all of the entity's names.As of current i am working with lists as the array kept asking for a 'new' statement but i couldnt figure out where to put it.[code]

View 7 Replies - Convert From Custom List To List Of String

Mar 25, 2010

I have the following code:


The intention is to convert an IList of custom objects to a string equivalent comprising each element in the Ilist. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to get the underlying data of the custom object, and of course as in the above example, using object simply gives me a string of types definitions, rather than access to the underlying data.

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Create An Auto-sized RichTextBox In Custom WPF Control

Jan 6, 2010

I have previously used the arguments of a contentsResized event on a Winforms richtextbox to get the new size of my RTB. I am now developing a WinForms app with a custom WPF RichTextBox. My whole reason for doing this is to use the out-of-the-box spellchecker. I need my RichTextBox to expand and collapse vertically as the text is changed. The elementhost will also have to resize to allow the whole RTB to display on-screen.

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Custom GMail Vacation Auto-Responder (Using IMAP)

May 20, 2009

I've always found deeper-knowledge articles elsewhere, but your community is the most co-operative and your forum article-editor is the best.I'm a Systems Engineer who works in an Anonymous Company. My indirect supervisor (my boss's boss) wanted to have a custom GMail Vacation Auto-Responder that would:Have a list of involved GMail accounts.2- Connect to GMail and identify unread messages.3- Auto-Reply to the senders of those unread messages with a custom auto-reply template.Well, this could have been done easily using the GMail Atom Feed url... but since the atom only provides access to the very latest 20 unread messages, it could not be used for that purpose.

So, I had only one of two choices, either use POP3 or IMAP. Of course, IMAP was the right candidate for many considerations, the most prudent of which is its resourceful command-set. I had to design the tool (a Windows Service in this case) with minimal data transfer/session time in mind, because Google becomes touchy when you over-use IMAP with its servers.I was new to the whole Socket/IMAP thing, so I had to get my feet wet. I designed the tool, planned it well, and thought the best work-flow would go like this: Well, my boss's boss had some comments - that he never really declared which makes them IMPLICIT :D :D :D - on the way the tool works, but he decided to spell the word only when I announced that my proto-type code is done. He is not supposed to be technically involved - I mean into code - although he really involves himself into bits and bytes, and he has not even seen the code, not to mention that he might not fully understand it, but yet somehow he declared that what I did was a waste of time.[code]

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Equivalent Of C# Auto Property With Custom Access Specifier?

Jun 28, 2011

I was simply wondering if in VB.Net there is a shorthand equivalent to this kind of C# including the private setter:

public string Test { get; private set; }

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Text Getting Selected When Don't Want It - Auto-complete = Suggest With Custom Source?

Apr 28, 2010

txtBox has key up event that fires, if txBox.length = 2, a sql select to dataset for custom source of autocomplete.when user types in 2 letters it selects the 2 letters and when 3rd character is typed of course it erases the first 2 if you dont unselect..

Private Sub txtBox_KeyUp(sender, e ) Handles txtBox.Keyup
If txtCriteria_Lanemgr.TextLength = 2 Then
Dim strSQL As String


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Add Certain Columns Into A List?

Jan 11, 2012

I have some data and would like to add certain columns into a list. So if my data is


Although the code works, im wondering how i could relate the director to the movie with the two list types i have?

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Get Custom Properties For A Custom Control Into The Visual Studio Properties List?

Nov 25, 2009

What I've done is create a User Control Library (Project) and I've added a single User Control to that project. The control contains a single FlowLayoutPanel, and I created a Property on the control itself to pass the FlowDirection from the Control to its FlowLayoutPanel child.

Build, reference, component appears in the Toolbox and everything works fine, but the property on the control does not appear in the Properties window when I go to edit it at design time.

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VS 2005 Custom Messagebox: Auto-resize Form To Accommodate Text?

Aug 20, 2009

After using a form as a replacement for MessageBox I do have a need to make it automatically adjust its size to fit its contents, is there any rule out there that we need to abide to when it comes to sizing the form acting as MessageBox?

I am thinking I could use a panel that will auto-resize and just resize the form according to the size of the panel but I am not sure that will work as I haven't tried it yet.

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Getting A List Of Columns From A Dataset?

Aug 19, 2011

how can I get the array of column names from a datagrid. The datagridview is bound to a dataset that contains a datatable.

Example: Columns [A B C D E F G] then you would check the array and see if any values match those

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Use Textbox Custom Auto-complete Mode With Data From Saved In Different Records Of A Field?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a textbox, a sql database, a binding source bound to the sql database. I can use auto-complete mode of the textbox with custom strings and it suggests in in a drop down form as the user types in a textbox. How can I use autocomplete mode with datasaved in different records of a field using the bindingsource?

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Add Four Columns From Datatable To List View

Oct 6, 2011

I have list of columns in DataTable to be added in list view. I have specified to the listview of columns in the order to appear and Datas as well.[code]

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Adding Columns To DataGridView's In A List?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a program where i let the user dynamically add DataGridViews to the interface, those are also added to a list for easy management. All of the DataGridViews have their own datasources. I am using a Databinding source to get different DataGridViewTextBoxColumns to add.

The problem is the following: When the user adds the first table the following code runs:

dataGridList(dataGridList.Count -1).Clear()
dataGridList(dataGridList.Count -1).Add(NameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn)

No problem there and the right data is displayed, but when the user adds the second table i get an exception thrown:

"Provided column already belongs to the datagrid view"

I think this is strange since i access different DataGridView's right?

The point of all of this is to be able to view different columns in all the DataGridViews depending on the users choices.

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Multithreading - Create Custom Objects/list Of Custom Objects In .NET?

Jan 24, 2010

I need two seperate lists, which every item is Integer, String, Bitmap - and one which every item is Integer, String String. However I don't know how to do this, or even where to look - I've googled for custom objects and custom object lists. What I'm trying to do is this.Custom Object1 is Integer, String, Bitmap Custom Object2 is Integer, String, String

In one thread I'll be adding items to List1(Of Object1), and processing them, and adding the results to List2(Of Object2), however I need to be able from other threads to look at the list and say only give me the items where Integer = (my thread ID), is this possible? Any help, or even links to information that would be relevant to this request would be helpful?

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Drag N Drop In A List View Within Is Own Columns

May 27, 2011

I was just wondering, if I have a list view control, with 2 columns, and insert items to those columns, ex:[code]My GOAL is to NOT use a lot of listviews controls to interact from one col to another. Like a drag and drop function between multiple columns.I have found a lot of examples but they only are between from one listview to another.Have you tried This? I want to do this in[code]and some more for the Itemdrag and dragenter events.

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Sort The Data By Columns In A List View?

Jun 22, 2010

how do you sort the data by columns in a list view, for example, clicking the title of the column to sort by ascending order.

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.net - Sort Datagridview Columns When Datasource Binded To List(Of T)?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a datagridview with its datasource binded to a List(Of T). Now i would like to sort on any of the columns.My code:

'Database access : items = List(BlogPost)
dgBlogPosts.DataSource = items
'My BlogPost Class
Public Class BlogPost


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Formula In List View From Imported Data In Other Columns?

Jun 7, 2011

Another noob question from of these days I'll get the hang of this VB!I am importing data from an Access table that has four columns/fields. I have set up the relevant headings etc on the list view control...but I have also set up a 5th column as I want to have that representing the percentage change between columns 3 and 4 (which are numeric).

Here's my code. What I want to know, is that having confused myself with code I've written / adapted from advice given etc where do I put in a forumula to add something to a column in my list view that is a calculation based on two columns imported from the table?


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