Datagrid Item - Searches The Selected Year Or Month In A Datagrid?
Dec 13, 2009
now i use acces as datasource to view the agenda in a datagrid and a combo box to select a year or month so i can find the selected month or year in the datagrid .how do i program it so that it searches the selected year or month in a datagrid
I am using Datagrid control to populate list of items/contents.I want to show what row has been selected, distinctive.What property of the datagrid control should i use ?
i have an database and i have a table there name ad "product_order" i have created a form like attached picture..i want o view all of items in datagrid view where customer_id ( a column of database table) = label value of your id and when i will click to view this form this form will load automatically..
Public Class Form8 Private Sub Form8_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub
I have a datagridview with transaction bindingsource I want the datagrid to show the sorted rows only not all the records when i enter a value into a textbox and click button sort.
i have combobox named year and combobox named month and a datagridview
i use acces as datasource if i select a year in the combo and a month in combx month i would like to see the selected year and the selected month of that particular year selected in the datagridview and also on top of the datagrid and not on the bottom
I,ve build an agenda within acces and now i use acces as a datasource now my question is how can i find the month of the selected year within a datagrv this my code
I have a search form on that will be pulling search template queries from a table in the underlying (an Access db on a share). The search form has a calendar control for filtering by date range, a listbox containing the names of the search templates, a second listbox which lists the fields in the selected template, and then some controls which show/hide themselves depending on which field is selected so that the user can pick a field and enter it's unique criteria in the appropriate control for filtering. Below these controls is a DataGrid, which will obviously display the results.
The problem is how to dynamically "transform" this DataGrid to display the selected search template. These templates do not represent tables in the underlying; rather they represent preconstructed SQL queries (stored in a table) which are essentially SELECT queries with joins and no WHERE clause (so they are the results of multiple tables joined together by their keys).
To be honest, I'm having trouble even generating the LINQ queries to represent these template dynamically, but that's not as important, since I can manually translate the SQL queries into LINQ. This is definitely not the preferred method, as the whole point of putting these templates in a table, rather than code, was to allow for future additions without rebuilding/redistributing the application interface.
Currently i have a ReturnSystemDate in a module, so that whenever i need the current date and time i call this method, however my data is saving as in 1 format and displaying in another. I have my variables set up as dateTime to store the current date and time, when calling i get 11/08/2010 Time, however when casting to Date as in CDATE() i get 08/11/2010 time. How can i stop this?
I am just trying to put an item into a datagrid from another datagrid.
So I got code like this which takes the right item but puts it into the wrong place. It is suppose to put it into Rows(0).Cells.Item(3) but it puts it into item(2) as it caunts from 0 to 3. If i try to put it into Rows(0).Cells.Item(4) I get an error - indexOutofRange.
I have a DataGridView that is inside a TabControl. After I bind the DataGridView with data, the first row is selected. How do I prevent this from happening. I tried DataGridView.ClearSelection and DataGridView.Rows(0).Selected = false. Neither of these options work. I think it has something to do with the tab control not being completely drawn before I call the methods. If I run this code from a button it works.
i have checked all over the internet, but they just hightlight rows using the datagrid attributes. How do you hightlight a selected row in a datagrid. I tried the onclick attribute but that does not work as it keeps the row selected when another row is selected.
I just started learning programming today so I'm a complete noob. Anyway I'm trying to dispaly the cell I selected from the datagrid inside a textbox but it's not working. Can you tell me what's wrong. I included the other codes just in case.
how to do select statement range from month to month using access database.. previously i use this code below when i'm using to selection those between day's or a week activities.. now, how to do range from month to month... the month format is numeric or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 (jan.-dec.) representing month the ttmmonth and ttmyear fields are numeric format also in the database... how to do? look here my code for displaying week activities...
I would like some help for getting a value out of a selected row of a datagrid. I am beginning ti find out that it is not very intuitive in VB2003 which is what I have to program in.
I am learning from tutorial sites, book and having trouble to delete row from datagrid view. can someone help me how to delete a selected row in datagrid on click of a button .[code]...
i have custom datagridI want text selected inside datagridcell when user do double click i write so CType(dgrdContenuto.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(1), DataGridTextBoxColumn).TextBox but go in error.
i have a problem with deleting certain information on my datagrid [Code] and this clears my whole grid, but i want it to delete only the selected row, what would the code be?
So Let me explain the situation, I have a Mainpage Form with a DataGrid Object on it. I have a Create Post Form and I want to use the create post form to also edit a post. Now only individuals who posted a specific post can edit it. I have all the validation code in to check the user etc. I used a simple boolean and then in the create post form created two subroutines, Newpost and Editpost. I have the New Post working perfectly, but i can't get the edit post to work.
Dim startdate As DateTime = Departdate.Value.Date Dim enddate As DateTime = returndate.Value.Date MainPage.SelectedPost = DirectCast(PostBindingSource.Current, DataRowView)
What I am trying to do basically is open an access query in a datagrid view and then be able to make changes to the datagrid and then save it back to the database.When I try to save:
I have a datagrid with customer data such as ID, name, email, phone etc.When I select a row (with a button or selectionchanged) I want to store that row's columns in variables like
dim email as string dim name as string email = dgCustomers.theselectedrow.theselectedcell
i have this addform to add, edit and delete records in marriage tab, baptism tab and so on and before we can see this form theres another form the emform my question is how am i supposed to code the "view this event" button, that when i click on the selected row my addform will show up with the row i click on the view button is selected/highlighted on this addform (btw i bind all the textbox in my add form on the columns of my marrige table)
im trying to let the datagrid show the selected time without scrolling.does anybody know how i can make the datagrid show all the selected time and automatically adjust.the selected rows to the datagr size