Dataview Distinct Values Not Sorted Correctly?

May 24, 2011

I am trying to do this:

Dim viewdata2 As DataView = fxts.fxtsdata.Tables("clients").DefaultView
Dim viewsorted2 As DataTable = viewdata2.ToTable("clients", True, "Surname", "Name")


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DataView RowFilter - How To Select Distinct

May 29, 2003

Is it possible to select distinct in the rowfilter method?

I have something like:

'Create a data view so we can get each items name
Dim dvwItemNames As New DataView(dtlItems)
dvwItemNames.RowFilter() = "SELECT DISTINCT Name"

This gives me a syntax error exception. I tried just "Distinct Name" but this had the same result. "Name" is the column name. I would rather do it this way then looping through the entire table and putting the name in an array list or something.

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Datagridview - Add A Row Programatically And Have It Sorted Correctly?

Jun 5, 2009

I have a datagridview named "DG" bound to a datatable. The grid has one column that requires me to determine its value, so the grid has the virtual mode property set to true.When i try to add using the dg.rows.add, i get a message saying 'operation not valid while in virtual mode'.If i set the virtual mode to false and execute the dg.rows.add line i get."Rows cannot be programatically added to the datagrid's rows collection when the control is databound"Ok....i cannot use rows.add when in virtual mode,.....and i cannot use rows.add when i am in data-bound mode.So then next thing i try is ctype(dg.datasource,datatable).rows.add , This gets the row into both the underlying table as well as the into a new row located at the bottom of the grid.

I try this: dg.sort(dg.columns("Row"),ascending) and get this "Operation is not supported when VirtualMode is set to true." i try seting virtual mode to false and get this: "Data-bound DataGridView control can only be sorted on data-bound columns."The column "Row" IS a column in the underlying table.If i click on the column header it sorts correctly.All i want to do is add arow and have it be located in the correct place in the sort order.

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VS 2010 Return XML Values Sorted?

May 28, 2012

I havew a smal xml file which looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<flv url="">Windows</flv>


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Sort Data In A Sorted List Using Values Instead Of Keys From Highest To Lowest?

Jun 15, 2010

How can I sort data in a sorted list using values instead of keys from highest to lowest?[code]...

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Get Distinct Values In Column 2 Of A DGV?

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to get distinct values in column 2 of a DGV using the following LINQ query:

Dim AllocatedRoomTypes = From r In Me.AllocatedDGV.Columns.Cast(Of DataGridViewCell)() Select r.ColumnIndex = 2 Distinct

but I get the following error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell'

I understand that the problems lies with the Cast, but I do not know how to correct it.

What I am trying to acheive is this:

Value is Column 2 of DGV



View 6 Replies - Generate Columns From Distinct Values?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a three column table which lists every person, every event they may have attended, and what percentage of the time they were there. I would really like to display this on one page with the person names on the side and the event names across the top.

Here' an example of what I have:

Smith Rock Climbing 50
Allen Rock Climbing 78


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C# - How To Get Distinct Values From DataTable In DataSet

Dec 23, 2011

I am using strongly typed dataset and have many tables in that. The problem is now I want to filter data from
function which has a query like
select * from table_name

How can I filter a particular table and distinct values from it. Also if I try to filter it return all column but rest have null values except the one I asked, so I cannot assign it as a datasource to a datagrid or combobox. How can I do this..

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Finding Distinct Values In Array?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a database which need to be assigned into array arr()(), e.g.

arr(0)(0) = aa arr(1)(0) = ab arr(2)(0) = aa
arr(0)(1) = bb arr(1)(1) = ba arr(2)(1) = ba
arr(0)(2) = cc arr(1)(2) = cc arr(2)(2) = cc

I need to find distinct / unique value in each arr(k)(0), arr(k)(1), arr(k)(2); where k=0..2. Then i need to insert the result into array cat as follows:

cat(0)(0) = {aa} cat(0)(1) = {ab}
cat(1)(0) = {bb} cat(1)(1) = {ba}
cat(2)(0) = {cc}

I've tried code below but it doesn't work. The assigning process into array arr()() from DB is OK. Problem only come up if I try to find the distinct value (If Not (cat(j).Contains(ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item(j))) ... End If).

For i = 0 To 2
list(i) = New Integer(3) {}
For j = 0 To 2


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Get Distinct Values From List(Of T) Using Linq?

Mar 10, 2012

I have a List(Of Hardware) - the List is called HWModels

Class Hardware has the following Properties:


The List is populated by reading a CSV file, once it's populated, I want to return the distinct records based on the ModelName

I've attempted by doing it as follows:

(From a In HWModels Select a.ModelName).Distinct

But this isn't right because I end up with a list of only the ModelName's and nothing else.

How do I get the Distinct function to return all of the other class members within the list?

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Get Distinct Values In A Column Of Datagridview?

Mar 9, 2011

Like "SELECT DISTINCT(Col)" in sql query, how do we perform this in datagridview?[code]...

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Use Linq For Select Distinct Values?

Mar 28, 2012

I'm pretty new in Linq and the first problem I've is to select the Distinct values from a ObservableCollection( Of T)

I've tried with[code]...

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VS 2010 Sum Distinct Values Of Column

Apr 18, 2012

Im having trouble getting the sum of a "Status Column" It is unbound. It has 2 Items "Active and Inactive" I would like to have lblInact.Text to show the total of Inactives of that column.

View 20 Replies

C# - Selecting Multiple Distinct Values In Database?

Sep 27, 2010

I have this online quiz that generates random questions, but the only problem is that it repeats the previous questions. I have limited questions (I have 10 questions in my table, but I have limited the number of questions to be 5. The output would only display 5 random questions) which I named as RequiredRecords.



I have tried to visit this question, but it doesn't resolve my problem. Below is some of my code and SQL statements I used.

I figured out that there's nothing wrong with my query on creating random questions and I can display it with no duplication, but there's something wrong with my other codes that makes the program having a duplication.

Code Behind using VS2008 3.5
Partial Class Student_DetailView
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Shared TotalRecords As Integer


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Distinct Values In LINQ With Anonymous Types

Jul 2, 2011

Supposing the referenced List below contains 2 elements:
Dim Countries = From c In List _
Select New With { .Country = c.Country, .CountryID = c.CountryID }

The code above returns
.Country=Spain .CountryID = 1
.Country=Spain .CountryID = 1

How can I get the distinct values? The Countries query should contain only
.Country=Spain .CountryID = 1

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Get A Subset Of Unique Values In Column(1) Of A DataView?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there a way to get a subset of Unique values in column(1) of a DataView?

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Get Distinct Values And Converting Back Into DataTable?

Mar 14, 2012

I have a "result" which is DataTable and I like to get the x distinct values(City) and convert it back to DataTable how do I do this the code below gives me an error

Dim query = (From x In results.AsEnumerable()
Select (x.Field(Of String)("City"))).Distinct().CopyToDataTable()

so what I want is records of distinct cities I can get that but the problem I am having is converting it back to Datable.

Edited:I am using "where" in this statement and it does convert to Table(works fine) but not on "select"

Dim results = (From myRow In ds.Tables(1).AsEnumerable()
Where (myRow.Field(Of String)("xxxx") = xxxx)
Select myRow).Distinct().CopyToDataTable()

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Get Row Count Of Distinct Values In A DataTable Column?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a DataTable that has several hundred rows.I want to get a row count of distinct values in a particular column.For example, I have a DataTable of Product Orders, but I want to get the number of unique Customers.

I was using this code, but I can't rely on it because my binding source is filtered from time to time.If my binding source has filtered out all rows datatable.DefaultView returns 0 rows.

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Linq To DataTable Not Producing Distinct Values?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a datatable which has been dynamically generated from FoxPro tables using a UNION Select statement. e.g.SELECT * FROM x UNION SELECT * FROM y UNION SELECT * FROM Z ORDER By v_alue1This produces a datatable with about 100 rows, each containing many fields, one of which is c_olor. From this datatable, I would like to select the distinct colors and then output in a dropdown.I have a public class Color which just has one property which I can then use as the DataTextField and DataValueField for the dropdownlist

Public Class Color
Private _c_olor As String
Public Property c_olor() As String


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VS 2005 Filter A Combobox With Distinct Values

Dec 27, 2011

I have a combox and a datagridview on a form, the combox filters the datagridview but doesnt have Distinct values. I found this on one of your post. I have a Products DB Table with ProductID, Series, Description and UnitPrice, I am trying to filter the the datagrid using the column Series with the combobox but i get multiple values of the same thing in the combobox, where i would like to make it Distinct.[code]

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VS 2010 Select Distinct Values From A DataTable?

Sep 28, 2010

Is it possible to select distinct values from a DataTable?

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[VB 2010] How To DISTINCT Values When Have Multiple ComboBoxes

Dec 8, 2011

I f I have 1 combobox then my SQL query will be:

Dim objConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:DB.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=Pass1;")
Dim objdataadapter As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT LOCATION FROM Table", objConnection)

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Distinct Values - If Sample Column Value Is The Same - Want All Comments Value To Be Concatenated

Jan 31, 2011


sample comment1

sample comment2


if sample column value is the same, i want all comments value to be concatenated

do while



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Format DataColumn Values In DataView.Filter Expression?

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to build a filter string for my DataView, but I have run into a problem. My underlying DataTable contains values that are formatted when displayed in my DataGridView.For example, if the DataColumn contains 1.52 and the DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "n0" then 2 is displayed.So the user sees 2, then sets the DataView.RowFilter = "DataColumn = 2", and no DataRows are returned. Is there a way to format the DataColumn in the RowFilter string? For example, DataView.RowFilter = "FORMAT(DataColumn, "n0") IN (2, 4)". This filter string should return 3 rows. If not, can LINQ do this?

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Distinct.ToList Not Working With Null Values Present In List. Is There Another Way?

Nov 8, 2011

I load a list from a database like the example below. The class has more properties that the database table holds so when I load the list from the DB, there are Null values for certain properties of each item in the list. When I try List = List.Distinct.ToList, it never works (when null values are present).


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C# - Get Distinct Rows From Datatable Using Linq (distinct With Mulitiple Columns)

Jul 13, 2010

I am trying to distinct on multiple columns and get datarows from datatable. but getting error.

Dim query As IEnumerable(Of DataRow) =
(From row As DataRow In SourceTable.AsEnumerable() _
Select row.Field(Of String)("ColumnName1"),


I want another datatable with distinct row based on given columns from SourceTable.

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DataView.Sort - DataView.Find On A DataTable That Is Already 'ORDERED' By The Column

Nov 20, 2010

If want to do a DataView.Find on a DataTable that is already 'ORDERED' by the Column I am seaching, so a DataView.SORT should not be necessary, but it throws an Exception if I don't give a .sort command before the .find command. Is there any way to avoid this apparant duplication ? and speed up the search time. Its a very large table - 1 million rows. I am using VB 2010

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Sorting With DataView - Dataview Always Sort The Highest Number Is The Buttom

Jan 5, 2012

I got a problem with dataview that get data from datatabel (Col1 : ID,Col2: Time) and I'm sorting by Time in desc ... when the values for example {40.21,80.21,70.25,25.2} the dataview sorting them as I need but when one of values goes above 100 for example {40.21,80.21,100.25,25.2} the dataview always sort the highest number is the buttom, I don't know why ..

This is a sample code

Dim dt As New DataTable

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Values Not Updating Correctly In Database After Being Operated On In A Loop

Mar 18, 2011

I have the following code:


The problem I'm facing is that the update happens correctly only for the first of many values. All the other values are calculated and consequently, updated incorrectly in my table. I am almost certain that the looping is what is causing the problem but have been unable to find a way around it.

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Filter Out The Distinct Values From An Array To Another Array?

Jul 17, 2009

i have a requirement like i need to filter out the distinct values from an array to another array.

Dim str As String
For Each str In all
If (Not all2.contains(str)) Then
End If

i tried the above logic to get the distinct list but it is telling contains and Add are not the members of system.array?

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