Debug The Managed / Unmanaged Boundry - VS2010 On Win7 64bit?

Jan 13, 2012

debug the managed / unmanaged boundry environment: VS2010 on Win7 64bit

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C++ Unmanaged Code Versus Managed .net?

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to develop a dll in VisualStudio2005 in that will communicate with a spectrometer attached to the USB port of the computer.Now the dll exists in C++ and it works like a charm. It is unmanaged code.Now if I try to translate this code in (because our app is in VB and my boss wants it in VB for maintainability) I have problems.

First of all, I am trying to create a file to open that port. The code in C++ looks like below and it works. Needles to say I tried to call the C++ dll from our app and it works. If I call the vb dll it doesn't. It gives me "access denied" no matter what I tried. I am not sure if my CreateFile is wrong or it's .net. I read somewhere that I need a manifest file included in the dll? Has anyone experience something like this? Why would i get "ACCESS DENIED" all the time?

// close and clear current stuff
swprintf( sDevice, L"\\?\usb#vid_0765&pid_%s#******#{%s}", Device, PRIVATE_IID_STR );


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Calling Managed Code From Unmanaged C

May 30, 2012

I need to write a DLL in C that is used a plugin for an existing application.The DLL has to be compiled by the Visual Studio 2008 compiler with the following options.[code]It's then linked to applications library's.What it actually needs to do and what's causing me the issues is that within one of the methods it needs to pull data from a sql server 2008 r2. From what I've seen today you wouldn't be able to do this directly in C as SQL Server past 2005 is designed to communicate with CLR languages( C#, C++, VB.Net).It was suggested that I handle all the database communication with a VB.Net dll and then call said function from within the C dll. Most of what I've found on the topic of calling managed dll's from unmanaged code has talked about pinvoke or com wrappers and mainly from the perspective of c++.

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Marshaling Data Between Managed And An Unmanaged C Dll?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to get some data from a C Dll via a structure and I am getting incorrect values back. I tried a couple of examples I found but they do not work. Since I do not know the proper way. I do not know how to fix it. Can anyone give me any advice, hints, redirection or any assistance what-so-ever. I've been struggling with this for weeks.

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Marshalling Data Between Managed And Unmanaged Code?

Feb 19, 2010

I am having a problem marshaling data between managed and unmanaged code. So I need to inspect the data at the byte level. What I need to do is store a number, say 8 into a 4-byte integer then copy it to an array bytArray(4) and compare those bytes with other data. I also need to set up the same array and copy it to an integer variable.

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Get RTF To Print In Win7-64bit?

Oct 14, 2010

Depending on what component is handling the print for you, some of them are not 64 bit ready (i.e. 32 bit only). To use them you must compile your application as 32 bit only. It will then run on the WOW platform that Win7 supplies.

You change this option on the PropertiesCompile screen. Press Advanced Compile Options and review Target CPU:

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Using NDde With 64bit Win7

Apr 27, 2010

Does the NDde class work on 64 bit platforms?

I have used it successfully on 32 bit Win XP VB2008 Express application, but I am having trouble in 64bit Win7 environment.

Specifically the .Connect method is throwing an exception {"The client failed to connect. Make sure the server application is running and that it supports the specified service name and topic name pair."} NDde.DdeException

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VS 2010 Compile On WIN7 64bit

Aug 19, 2010

I'm using 2010 express, where can I find the compiler option for 64bit? or, it will compile for 32bit only? or, it should work for both 32 and 64 bit in most case?I'm using a 64bit component in the program, vb express reports error when I compile it, but if I use the 32bit compnent, then it is ok.does it mean express 2010 automatically compile to 32bit? or somewhere I should set the win7 64bit (which is what i'm using).just start using win7 64bit & vb express 2010, got confused

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Guru Challenge Beep In Win7 64bit

Mar 18, 2011

I just switched to Win7 Ultimate edition 64bit and now the beep functionality via internal speaker (system speaker on motherboard) does not work anymore.The reason is described here (basically M$ trying to clean up their code):url...I used "Console.Beep(a,b)" to notify me that a process has ended.Any ideas how to send some kind of acoustic signal through the internal speaker (any loud noise would do for my purposes).

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IDE :: Debug Not Working In 64bit?

Oct 12, 2011

I've downloaded the 64bit debug symbols and told the IDE where they were located. But for some reason, VS won't build a 64bit debug EXE.

This is my first time doing 64bit so I never had to worry about it before. Is there something I need to do in the IDE that I don't know about? I went to Project Properties and set things to 64bit debug. But when I compile the program, it makes a 32bit program.

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PInvokeStackImbalance Error In VS2010 Calling Unmanaged C Function With A String (works In Previous VS Versions)

Aug 9, 2010

In VS2010 I'm encountering a PInvokeStackImbalance error when I call an unmanaged C function that takes a string argument. This only happens in VS2010 (works fine in earlier versions of vs). I know the MDA is more strict in VS2010 but I can't seem to figure out what the actual problem is.


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Strange Behavior Between SQL Server 2008 R2 And VS2010 (Win7 And WinXP)

May 16, 2012

I develop my VS2010 project in my laptop with SQL 2008 Standard. In my laptop everything is working good, using the following connect string as global public string when the main form loads:


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Win7-64bit: Performance Of "new Bitmap(filename)"?

Nov 21, 2011

I have written a Forms application that analyzes a lot of (~1400) 8-bit jpg images from automated lab-equipment. I am in the process of migrating from WinXP to Win7 and to my surprise I noticed that analysis was 5 times slower under win7 compared to win XP (!?!?!). I investigated further and found that the loading of the jpg images was the step that was takning longer! The simple code demonstrates the problem: On XP i get 70 images per second, but only 12 images per second under win7. Has anyone else noticed this performance drop, and can something be done to improve it?


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IDE :: VS2010 - Cannot Edit While Paused In Debug

Jan 7, 2010

VS2010 - Cannot edit while paused in debug

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IDE :: Debug & Release Builds Overlap In VS2010 SP1

Mar 16, 2011

It appears there is a major change in behavior with my projects now that I've installed SP1 for VS2010.


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VS2010: Debug And After Compilation - Monitor The Clipboard And Save Its Contents To A XML

Nov 9, 2011

I have seen a different behavior before, but this time my application just doesn't work properly when debugging, while it does everything perfectly after compilation.

My project is beginning and does just one thing: monitor the clipboard and save its contents to a XML. It has just one form (frmMain), which, when loaded, puts itself in Windows clipboard listening, via WIN32 API. Then, whenever receives a message, the form has to check if it's from clipboard and, if so, saves the actual contents.

The code is below:

Public Class frmMain

Private Const WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE As Integer = &H31D
Private XmlDocument As System.Xml.XmlDocument


So, as I've said, after compiling, everything works perfectly. However, when debugging the "AddItems" function is never called. I set a stop point in the line Win32 API is called (in frmMain_Load) and the execution NEVER STOPS THERE! Debugging line by line, I found out that after executing some lines from frmMain_Load, VStudio just jumps to WndProc and never comes back to frmMain. I mean, the form is shown, and the rest of its initialization code is never executed. Because of that, my form is never added to clipboard listening (this command is at the end of frmMain_Load) and, consequently, all messages my window receives are not from clipboard, and, therefore, nothing is saved.

Is it normal to VStudio just bypass some code because a event triggered other method? This could lead to lots of complications and it's not consistent with after compiling behavior. A proof that what I said is actually happening is this: I passed the last 5 lines from frmMain_Load (where the Win32API is called) to the beginning, so my program would call the API before initializing the XML file. OK, now what I have: the API is called, but the XML commands are never executed. Consequently, "AddNewEntry" is called, but I have a null-reference error, because my XML was never initialized. Have you ever faced that bizarre behavior? What can I do so my debugging is correct and I don't have to compile my program for each test I want to do?

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VS 2010 Transparency Just Background As Win7 Does While Running Under Win7 Plataform

Jun 6, 2011

I know the propertys transparency key and opacity. It isnt what I am looking for. I need to have my form to have the same Glass Effect the as win7 does while runing under win7 plataform. Like, if i have glass effect in the top I should have it in the background.

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Set Boundry Values For A Program?

Jun 20, 2011

For a program i have created it shows who the eldest is out of 2 people by them entering their name and age and then the answer is displayed.

i need to set boundry values as i cant have people writing their age is -1 or 400 or have a letter in it like 434d or have people enter numbers in for the name

how do i write code to stop users entering incorrect data into the text boxes i have provided for their details to enter as well as display a message box.

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Winforms MDI "Desktop" Area Boundry

Mar 2, 2009

The default MDI parent control has a large "desktop" area that can display multiple child forms. Users can drag forms to the edge of this desktop area so that most of the child form is off the screen. (A scroll bar then appears in the MDI parent) I don't like this feature. Is there a way to lock down the edge of the desktop area so that the child forms remain fully visible?

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.net - VB 2010 Express: Debug.WriteLine Optimized Away Completely In Debug Version?

Aug 31, 2011

Simple question that does not seem to be covered: If I use a lot of Debug.WriteLine statements in my code, will they be completely absent in my production version?

I mean: Is the compiler smart enough to not emit any code for those calls? Or would I have to surround them by #if DEBUG..#end if directives?

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Use Unmanaged C++ Dll In .net?

Jan 8, 2010

i need to pass commands through a C++ dll to and the other way around. is there some code that needs to be in the C++ dll to make it work? im not good at C++ at all,

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Com Dll Vs Native Dll Vs Managed Dll?

May 3, 2010

What's the advantages of the above types of dll? Is there any other type?

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How To Use Managed Callback

May 12, 2011

I am writing classes in VB.Net (both managed). The main class "A" creates an instance of "B". Class "B" must call a method of Class "A". I need to know two things (syntax, etc...):

1. How does class "A" tell class "B" what method to call?

2. How does class "B" call the method?

The method must pass back an array of Shorts (in this particular example), either as a return value, or as a ByRef argument.I don't want to use an event if I don't have to. The execution is timing critical. (I assume event handling involves a lot of overhead by the operating system, but I may be wrong.)

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Any Method Into Unmanaged Lua?

Oct 9, 2010

im trying to make a simple wrapper for lua. The only problem so far is that lua only accepts a method in a specific format.Delegate Function LuaC Function(ByVal lua_state As IntPtr) As Integer..That is how lua wants the method to look like. So it only accepts a function that looks like this: [code]

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Use Dll In Unmanaged C++ Project?

Jan 5, 2010

I created a dll called "WSdll.dll".I compiled it, created a type library (tlb), and registered it globally(gacutil)..It includes a file called wsutils.vb, which includes a namespace called "wsutils".In the namespace, there's an interface (with attribute) called "IWSconnection", and a class called "WSconnection".The interface and class are public, as are all methods and properties.[code]...

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Managed Alternative For GetBestInterface?

Apr 27, 2012

I have absolutely no background on programming in C (or any other unmanaged languages for that matter) yet I would like to use the GetBestInterface function from the IP Helper API in my .NET application. I tried to understand how P/invoke calls can be used to make calls to native methods, but there are many things that just don't make sense to me (like how types in managed code map to unmanaged types).

Is there an alternative function somewhere hidden in the System.Net namespace that does roughly the same thing? Or could I write my own alternative using existing base classes combined with some magic? Because that's basically what it seems to me: magic. There is no real explanation for how the method accomplishes what it does as far as I can tell...

I just discovered the LocalEndPoint property on the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class which I think could be quite useful in this. To my understanding it will do the best-interface-picking on my behalf and I'll just need to get the NIC that corresponds to the local endpoint.

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Managed Memory Leak?

Jun 13, 2006

I am having a very strange memory leak that seems related to databinding. It is very hard to reproduce, so I won't post any code here to do so, but will just describe the problem.We have data entry forms which have controls which bind to custom business objects through a BindingSource object.

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Start Another EXE In Managed Code?

Apr 10, 2009

Is it possible to start another EXE in Managed Code? At this time, all I can do is use:


Is there another way to call another EXE within the same project?

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VS 2010 Managed Thread?

Jun 20, 2012

Is there anyway to create an OS or Managed thread, so that it can never be interrupted. Thread/Process priorities are not enough.

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.net - Load An Unmanaged DLL From A Stream?

May 18, 2012

I have an application written in .NET 4.0 that needs to load in memory a native DLL (written C). At the moment I am using a P/Invoke call to LoadLibrary passing the path where the DLL is located. This works, but due to the fact that this DLL comes from a DB, I would like to know if it is possible loading it through a stream, avoiding then the necessity to store the DLL somewhere in the filesystem.

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