Delete Checked Row From Datagridview?

Dec 12, 2010

I am new to 2008. In a datagridview I added a column with checkboxes. I need to delete the checked rows only.


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Add A Checked Row From Datagridview Into Excel?

Nov 10, 2009

how to add a specific row from datagridview into an excelI have checkboxes in the datagridview. So I need to add only the checked rows into exce

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Datagridview Checkbox Checked?

Mar 21, 2011

I have the following code:

Private Sub dgProductAdj_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgProductAdj.CellContentClick
If DirectCast(dgProductAdj.CurrentRow.Cells("Repeat"), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell).Value = True Then
For Each irow As DataGridViewRow In dgProductAdj.Rows
If irow.Index <> dgProductAdj.CurrentRow.Index Then


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How To Checked A Checkbox To Datagridview

May 2, 2010

I have a datagridview that is bound to a binding source. I used the following code to add a checkbox column to the datagridview:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Dim cbx as DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn


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Checked Dataitem Of Datagridview In Textbox?

Oct 11, 2011

i m populating a datagridview with two columns i.e checkbox and papername.I m trying to show papercodes(not present in grid but in database ,in the same table where papernames are)in a single textbox with a comma seperator, when i checked papernames accordingly.


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Datagridview - Make Checkbox Being Checked

Mar 20, 2011

[Code] The code is to make when one checkbox being checked, other checkbox within the gridview will be unchecked. But this code did not work at all. Is it my event handler wrong or code problem?

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DataGridView Checkbox Not Getting Checked When Clicked?

Aug 12, 2010

This is my first time using the checkbox in a datagridview. I added the column at design time and it is false for readonly and frozen. But when I click on it at runtime nothing is happening. Do I have to check it through the event?

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Hide Checked Rows In A Datagridview In .net?

Mar 26, 2012

How to hide checked rows in a datagridview in I want to show only the records which need to be checked or unchecked.

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Set A Default Value Of Checked For A Datagridview Checkbox Column?

Aug 9, 2009

I have datagrid view i added a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn here i want to set by default check after data loaded in datagridview

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Subtract Cell Value When DataGridView Checkbox Is Checked?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a bound datagridview that contains a column that stores how many hours an employee has worked in a day. That column gets summed up using an expression and then displayed in a label. I have another column that contains checkboxes. When the user checks a checkbox, the hours in that row should be subtracted from the total in the label. How can I accomplish this?

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Disbling A Button Until Both Column Datagridview Checkbox Is Checked?

Aug 21, 2011

I have 2 DatagridViewChecKboxColumn. What I want to happen is that a (Submit)button will be disabled until the checkbox2 will be checked. How will I do this if my checkboxes are DataGridViewCheckboxColumn? What loop will I do,because there's a possibility that I'll be checking the last checkbox?

CheckboxColumn1 is "Parent" and CheckboxColumn2 is "Child", they are related to each other. It's a requirement that the Parent has to have at least 1 Child meaning it can be One(P) is to ManyŠ or One(P) is to OneŠ. If the user didn't meet the said requirement, the system should not allow him to insert the selected records to the database. That's why I've decided to Disable the button unless the user checked the two checkboxcolumn. Meaning if the user only checked the checkbox/es in the Child column, the button will remain disabled, same concept with the Parent checkboxcolumn. The button that I'm talking about is what I call "Consolidate Button".

I tried this:

Private Function HasParentAndChild() As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean = False
Dim hasParentCode As Boolean = False


I tried this, but still not working. It does disable the button but in random clicks/checks meaning after 3 clicks in anycheckboxes the button will be disabled and be enabled again after how many clicks. Dont know what the problem is. Tried to debug but I dont get it.

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Display Data From Checked Box Column Row In The Datagridview Control

Mar 14, 2011

I am having trouble in allowing the user to select the row in the datagridview.

I managed to include the checkbox column in the datagridview but i do not know how to wrte the code such that when the user wants to update or edit the data in the checked row, he just have to check the affected rows checkbox, can be one or many, and then click on ok button, which will then lead him to the data updater form, allowing him to update the data.

Currently i have the below code which can populate the checkboxclumn only.

dbProvider = "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
dbSource = "Data Source = '" & Form1.TextBox8.Text & "'"
con.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbSource


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Make Display Status Of Checkbox Checked In Datagridview?

Apr 29, 2012

I have a datagridview with 3 columns 1-ID, 2-CategoriesName, and 3-Select

I want to make the status with label status that can be show to users the numbers of categories were selected by checkboxes (It's mean that count or sum the rows been checked by checkbox on each row) and this is the code i got from searching true or false because it did not work so please need helping from forum to steering me in the right direction.

Private Sub dataGridView1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
Dim dgv1 As New DataGridView()


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VS 2005 - DataGridView Select Column - Getting Boolean Value Of Checked Rows

Oct 29, 2009

I have added an unbound checkbox column to my DGV. I have two questions on handling it:

1. How to have a checkbox on this Column header, which on checking must check all the rows in the DGV and vice versa?

2. How do i get the Boolean value of the checked rows in DGV on event handling? In other words, how do i know what rows are selected?

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Javascript - Insert Checkbox Checked Value When Checked To Textbox As Comma Separated String

Nov 9, 2010

Insert checkbox checked value when checked to textbox as comma seperated string in or javascript

suppose i have 3 checkboxes and and 1 textboxes in my webpage.aspx

when i checked checkbox1 and checkbox2 then in textbox it will appear as 1,2 only on checkboxes checked event ...

and i want its revert also :

if i set textbox de

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Save Multiple Times By Doing A LOOP Depending On The Number Of Checked Checkboxes On A Datagridview .NET 2010?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a datagridview with checkboxes in the first column and I want to do a loop on saving the serialnumber(s) when the users decides to check a number of checkboxes Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


the problem with this code is that it only inserts the serial number of the LAST checked checkbox and the number of entries of it depends on the number of checked checkbox for example ... if I checked the rows with the serialnumber 123 and 55652341, first the row with the serial number 123 then second 55652341, only 55652341 appears in the database and it is entered twice(twice because two checkboxes are checked)

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Checked List Box Checked Data Pass To Listview [with If Uncheck It Is Removed]

Sep 22, 2011

my form contains a checked list box [data coming from the database] a combo box [bind to a database table product] and a listview [was previously a listbox]


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Loads Up 4 Images If Usb Stick Is Checked And A Different 4 If Memory Card Is Checked?

Feb 20, 2010

project im working on for my course,the idea is a photo printing machine that loads up 4 images if usb stick is checked and a different 4 if memory card is checked. and then whatever image is selected appears in the big picturebox on the left [URL] i have 2 print size options set as radiobuttons, radiobutton 1 = 6x4, which costs 25cent per photo, radiobutton 2 = 8x10, and is 50cent per photo.i also have a textbox which will display the number of copies to be printed So here's my dilemma, when the print button is selected alongside one of the radiobuttons i want it to display a message saying something like this "you have selected (whatever the amount of copies)of this photo sized 6x4, or 8x10 depending on which radiobutton is selected, and i want it to display the total cost which is the number of copies multiplied by the rate for the print size selected, then an option saying "Do you wish to proceed" Yes or No.

I did something similar to this in class earlier in the year but cant remember it, it was an airline booking program with 3 types of payment cash, visa or mastercard,upon booking a message popped up saying there is a certain percentage discount for using visa or mastercard

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Forms :: Radio Button Checked And Not Checked At Same Time

May 15, 2010

im making dynamic sql statement rmode is a radio button and tmode is a combo box


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Got A Checked Listbox On Form Which Saves The Checked Items?

Jun 6, 2012

I've got a checked listbox on my form which saves the checked items to a spot in my database on the .ItemCheck event.But there's a problem, when I begin checking items, I check the box and click off it, but it doesn't save. (This is if I've only chosen one item)

If I choose two or more items it will save, but unchecking them takes a lot of clicking around to figure it out.Is there a better event that I can use? I've tried the SelectedIndexChanged and that has the same result, there's a lot of clicking around in the checkboxes to end up with the desired selected items, and it does not allow a single item.

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Listview Checked Item - Get The ID Of The Person Whose Box Is Checked With Sub

Apr 30, 2011

In a listview with check boxes, there are two fields being loaded, ID and Lastname. With this information I want to get the ID of the person whose box is checked with this sub:


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VS 2008 Checked Treeview Get All Checked Nodes?

Sep 22, 2009

I trying to get what I think should be a simple thing. I have a checked treeview. I need to get the text of each checked node into a string. For the life of me I can't get it. I am trying to loop thru all the nodes and see if they are checked but I keep getting a "object reference not set to an instance of an object" but I don't know why.

Dim value As String
Dim node As TreeNode
Dim i As Long


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Can't Delete Row In Datagridview

Jul 14, 2009

I use this code to delete row in datagridview. but it is error :

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index[code]...

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Datagridview Delete Row?

Mar 10, 2009

program outline:I have a sql databse Records which has 3 columns accountid, passwords and validity. I successfully programmed the insert record function via Add button. I also have Datagridview. I want to have a function which will delete the record from the datagridview & database when i would click the right button. I have properly applied the contextmenu for the datagridview. but However i am couldn't able to function it properly. how to do thisow to delete record from datagridview by using right click functi

Imports System.DateTime
Imports system.Data.SqlClient


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Delete One-by-one In The Datagridview?

Oct 13, 2009

I have 1 datagridview which display the columns which is name,telephone and selection which is the checkbox and 1 button which is delete button. So what I wanted is that to delete one-by-one when the checkbox is selected. Here is the code that I use which is to display the data:

Private Sub Contacts2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sql As String


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Delete Row From DataGridView?

Oct 27, 2009

I bound the DataGridView with Database.I have checkboxes in the first column.I want that on button click,delete rows whose checboxes are checked?

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Delete Row In Datagridview?

Jan 7, 2010

I want to delete row in datagridview, this (DataGridView1.Rows.Remove(DataGridView1.CurrentRow)) works fine if row is selected , but if it is not and you press on the delete button appears error, for this i wrote this code

On Error GoTo 1

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Row Delete From DataGridView?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm new to VB and using a datagridview for the first time. I've spent the last 2-3 days trying to get row deletion to work and can't do it. I've tried every piece of code I can find on the internets, and none of them are doing it.I have the selection mode set for full row, with a delete button on the form. Clicking it will delete the row from the DGV, but the changes are not going back to the database. Here is the code I'm using right now in my delete button event handler:


The row disappears from the DGV, but not from the database. I've gone back and started from scratch a few times now

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Button In DatagridView To Delete Row?

Mar 18, 2009

how to go about the code for a button to delete the row in a datagridview. i have rows of data in there with a button at the end of the row. the difficulty im having is assigning the values in the row to delete it from the data grid and then update the database to remove the entry.i've tried this but it doesnt work? i'm sure there will be some short statement to do it but dont know what it is.

Private Sub rentalDataGridView_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles rentalDataGridView.CellContentClick
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In rentalDataGridView.SelectedRows[code].....

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Cannot Delete Any Records From DataGridView

May 14, 2012

imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form3 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
Dim ra as Integer
[Code] .....

Attached File(s)
deleting.txt (793bytes)
Number of downloads: 9

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