Detect The Attacks Using Honeypot In .net?

Jun 21, 2010

i need to know how to detect the attacks using honeypot in

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ADVERTISEMENT - SQL Queries Open To SQL Injection Attacks?

Jan 29, 2010

I have re-written my code I would now like to check if my code is still open to SQL Injections after this work. I believe the code is now working as it should, but any blinding errors that you see i'd love to hear about too. My code is now looking like: -code removed-

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DB/Reporting :: Is Application Immune To SQL Injection Attacks

Sep 18, 2008

I'm developing a VS2008 ASP.NET VB.NET application that uses a SQL Server Express databaseALL database access is via parametrized stored procedures, where I pass the data for each field to the stored procedure as a parameter.

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Detect Changes In CSS?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to write an application that can detect whether a value in CSS file has changed or not

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Detect X64 Or X86?

Apr 29, 2010

Why there's no built-in function to detect platform, I need to know I am running on x64 or x86?[code]...

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Best Way To Detect Row From Table

Jun 3, 2011

My table gets its information from a Mysql database online. I'm not sure which would be quicker to retrieve the row that contains the information specified.[code]...

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C# - Detect When The Value Of A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Changes?

Dec 7, 2011

I have a dataGridView control with a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn column, the question is Which event of the dataGridView I must use to detect when the user change the selected value of a particular DataGridViewComboBoxColumn?

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Detect CapsLock On / Off

Jan 30, 2010

How to detect whether Caps Lock/Num Lock is on/off on a keyboard?

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Detect Changes In Files?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a text file, about 30mb's in size which gets modified regularly (lines are appended - logfile), but what I would like to do is only read the contents that have been added since the file was last modified.

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Detect End Of DataSteam WMP?

Feb 24, 2010

How can I detect when the WMP has reached the end of the current song? I'm making a media player, and have my songs in a list box. Here is my code for playing a song.

CurrentSong = SongPaths.SelectedItem
WMP.URL = CurrentSong
Label2.Text = "Now Playing: " & Songs.SelectedItem

Songs and SongPaths are both listboxes (SongPaths is hidden) As you might have guess, Songs has the song names in it, and SongPaths has their directory path, the two listboxes are in-sync (Choosing "SongA" in Songs, will select the directory of it in SongPaths)What I need to do, is detect when a song is over, so I can call this code:

i = i + 1
Songs.SelectedIndex = i
'Will select the corresponding item in SongPaths as well.


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Detect How Much Memory Each Tab Is Using?

Aug 31, 2009

How can i detect how much memory each tab is using

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Detect If Abc.exe Is Active/on Top/using Etc?

Mar 30, 2011

With active i meant for example you are using browser now, so its active when you skip to another window, its not active anymore

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Detect If It Is A Directory Or Not?

Feb 3, 2012

If I have a path, eg "C:emp", how can I detect if it is a directory or not?

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Detect If The DST Is Currently Enabled?

Mar 30, 2012

I need to find an easy way to know if the local machine's 'automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time' option is enabled.

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Detect Key Down And Up Outside Form?

May 31, 2009

I guess no need for further description... here's my other post for app that i'm makeing

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Detect Sound VB And VC++

Nov 16, 2008

iam need 1 program detect sound on computer if have sound it will alert " currently have sound"if not" currently no sound"

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Detect SSL In Web Browser

Mar 4, 2009

so basically most major browsers detect if a site is using ssl if their url is "https" as oppossed to "http" is there a way to detect this and if its using ssl make the url textbox background color be yellow?

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Detect USB COM Port?

May 6, 2010

I had tried to use vb.net2008 to detect a USB mapped to a com port, I basically followed[code]...

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Detect Vista In .NET?

Jan 5, 2009

How can I detect if my current OS which my program is running under, is Windows Vista?note that there are 2 versions of Vista:Vista and Vista SP1.The build number of Vista SP1 is the same as Windows Server 2008 and that makes the problem!I just want to make sure my OS is vista?

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Detect When The Esc Key Is Pressed?

May 20, 2011

All i wish to do is have some simple code, which can detect when the esc key is pressed, (if possible can you point out where i need to change to set it for an other key).

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Detect Whether Ie Is Running Or Not?

Feb 8, 2010

I want to create a windows app which can display a message box whenever i open or close the internet explorer window. As the internet explorer window is opened a messagebox showing that "internet window is now opened" and when it is closed a msgbox showing "ie window is closed".

Kindly help this newbie in writing the code for the same that how can my app made in detects that ie is opened.

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How To Detect A USB Device

Oct 23, 2009

I need to detect a usb device when it is connected to PC.I found next code that is working. But it works only with Mass Storage.Imports System.Management

Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents m_MediaConnectWatcher As ManagementEventWatcher
Public USBDriveName As String


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How To Detect If Sprite Is Going Up Or Down

Mar 31, 2012

I Use the following code to detect if a sprite should be going up or down and the response

If (pos.Y + 100) >= Sprite.BottomY Then
Going_up = True
pos.Y = Sprite.BottomY - 130
End If


but it's pretty terrible. It only works when the sprite starts at the top, and when I want to change the BottomY and TopY, it just starts glitching. What is a better to detect if the sprite should be going up or down?

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How To Detect IP Dynamic

Oct 8, 2009

My friend's IP address is dynamic, this program can not detect the IP dynamic but can detect IP static. How to make this program can detect IP dynamic?

Dim mymailmsg As New MailMessage()
Dim myHost As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName
Dim myIPs As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(myHost)

For Each myIP As System.Net.IPAddress In myIPs.AddressList
tempIP = myIP.ToString()
TextBox1.Text = tempIP

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How To Detect Keystrokes

Jul 3, 2011

I am fairly novice hobbyist developer. I am developing a simple calculator app. How can I detect the keystrokes, like when the user presses "1" key on numpad or they "1" key above Q key? I want to call the same subroutine that runs when the user click on the butten control "a "on calculator's main form.

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How To Detect Network

Jun 22, 2010

i need a code on how to detect network in the dashboard.

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How To Detect New Process

Feb 6, 2012

i have wanna rebuild some protect for gaming programs..i need help in i run programs need know "how detected new programs?" and "how to detected malcious programs so my program not kill good programs?" [code]after using this got crash on programs and closing my project

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How To Detect The First Application Run

Jan 31, 2012

I want to ask the user a barrage of questions regarding configuration settings within the application. All that is handled, except that I want to ask them on the first run. (Kind of like a "Welcome form".) My question is, what is the easiest way to detect the first run and how would I go about doing so? Side note: regarding the link above, which location would be a good location to set a key value? (I've never really worked with the registry much until now.)

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How To Detect VbCrLf

Feb 1, 2012

I need a way to detect the kind of fileformat that a text file has. I been trying couple things, such as:


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Keypress Down Detect?

Jun 29, 2010

Is there a way to do something when the left mouse curs is down. ive tried:

If apimouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0) Then

do things


i have this on a timer so i want as long as mouse is down do this...yess i have declered mouse event but when i try it ignore apmouse event and do the things even if not cursor is down If you donīt Believe in it, Then it Doesnīt Exist!

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