Detect The Same Input In The Textbox

May 11, 2010

I'm using VB Express 2008 and I want tto write a simple code.


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Input Any Words In Textbox - The Program Will Reply By Sound Of What Input In The Textbox

Jul 7, 2009

i use visual basic 6 i already try making a button to play sounds. by clicking the button and the sound will out. so that i want to know were could i start, when you input words in textbox the program will speak what you have type in the textbox.

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Creating User Input With Textbox.text Input Then Displaying In Messagebox?

Feb 19, 2012

If my Category and Forum selection is incorrect I am sorry and feel free to move it. I'd like to have the users input in the message box that will show. For example: There is a textbox and the user puts in their name as Bob. Then the message box would be: What my main goal is, is being able to include the users input they type inside the textbox inside the message box.

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VS 2005 - Login Failed - Input Valid Username And Password In Form Textbox To Input Strings In Php

Sep 25, 2010

I have a problem with the code, I have input the valid username and password in the form textbox to input the strings in php, but it keep displaying the messagebox that says login failed.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your username")
ElseIf Textbox2.Text = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your password")


I don't really know why it keep displaying the messagebox that says it failed when I have input the valid strings in the first place.

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How To Detect Input From A Barcode Reader

Feb 25, 2008

I am planning to buy a USB barcode reader. I don't want to use it as a keyboard wedge scanner.But before I do I wonder if it's possible to see whether the input comes from a barcode reader.I need a Windows Service that detects whether a barcode is scanned and depending on the text on the barcode starts another program.Is this possible and has anyone experience with this?

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Read File Input Instead Of Manual Textbox Input?

Sep 28, 2011

My objective is to, instead of entering in the data manually into the text boxes, I want to read in a textfile. The Calculate button will contain the code to read in the file and assign it to the appropriate textboxes. Save the separate file in the \bin\Debug folder.

The text file just needs to have 3 integers on 3 separate lines.The code I posted works without and errors, but.I am having some trouble integrating the Stream Reader.


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Detect Data Type Of User Input?

Mar 15, 2012

How do I determin if a user has given me what I am asking for in terms of data type.

Example if my prompt to the user say "Give me a number of double data type"

How can I tell that the user entered a double xx.yy?

Or if I am testing for integers and I get user input ABC.GH?

I know about CDbl and CInt and CStr but these don't work unless data is provided. Also how do you test if the conversion took place? Also how do you differencate between 12.00 being integer?

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Create A Folder And Dropping A File In It, With Area To Detect Input

Dec 25, 2010

Make a folder, based on an input file - example :

You have a file named Movie1.avi on your desktop, u open up the program (that I want to make) and then simply drag drop that file into a box area, and then the program will create a folder, with the same name as the input file, but without the extension (folder name Movie1) and then automatically put that file into the folder it just created.

The new folder will be created in the same dir as the input file.

Multiple file support - is NOT needed.

I know how it will be done, but I don't know the code..

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Detect MIDI Input - Software Don't Recognize Digital Piano?

Aug 11, 2009

I made a musical software. Its only to my personal use. And I have a digital piano (model: Cassio Privia PX-800), with USB conection. I need to know how my software can detect my digital piano and how to detect what key note was pressed. I tried this sample code: [URL](at the end of the page there are a icon to download the project) but no success.

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Detect If Press Enter In The Textbox Change Event And Not In Textbox Keypress?

Dec 13, 2011

how can I detect if press Enter in the Textbox Change event and not in Textbox Keypress?

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Save From TextBox To Another TextBox And Keep Also Previous Input

Mar 25, 2011

I have 3 TextBox control, 2 is for keyin data and 1 is for Display data,


What I want is to display combine input data from TextBox1.Text and TextBox2.Text to TextBox3.Text I mean keep any previous data input in same TextBox and saperate it using a comma (,) or (;) for combination I am using (@)

Example: In TextBox1.Text I put 200 and TextBox2.Text 2000... Click button Save and I want it to be display in TextBox3.Text as 200@2000 and again I Enter 500 in TextBox1.Text and 5000 in TextBox2.Text Click save button and I want it be display in TextBox3.Text as 200@2000;500@5000 which is 200@2000 is the first input data... and it continue as many as it can.

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Detect Textbox Change?

May 7, 2012

The Textbox_TextChanged event fires when a key is pressed or when text is pasted while cursor is in a text box.

Is there an event that fires on Textbox1.text="NewText"? How do I detect this?My reason for doing this is I would like to reformat text property automatically on assignment rather than do something like textbox.text=myreformat("Newtext").I can put code in validating or validated event but then I'd have to force focus/lostfocus to trigger one of those events.

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Detect When The Cursor Is In And Out Of A Textbox

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to Visual Basic and i am using VS 2008. I have a form with multiple (7) text boxes. What i would like to accomplish is basically, when i click on textbox 1 a predefined message would load to label1 and when i click on textbox2 label1 would now displays a different pre-defined message and etc... I've tried using the "focus" parameter of the textbox but it doesn't work. So i am thinking of using the cursor as a way to solve my problem but i don't know how to work with it. I found a very similar thread titled " Detect when the cursor is in a textbox/typing in webbrowser?" on this forum but i don't think it applies to my situation.

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Detect Image Size In 2 TextBox's?

May 7, 2012

What I have: 1 OpenFileDialog, 1 PictureBox, 2 TextBox's This is what I got so far, but I'm just stuck on how to have the width of the image automatically detect and put the images width in pixels in TextBox1, and the height in TextBox2.

Public Class Form1
Private sizew As Integer
Private sizey As Integer


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How To Detect Updated Textbox With Linq

Apr 19, 2011

If this is a stupid question, then let me know. I can't just figure it out.First of all, this is my question. How do I detect the changed value on those text boxes?I have an idea that I create a another string values that have the original values and compare them right before saving or form closing event. This sample just have 3 text boxes, but I have 50 + text boxes on my one form. I can do it that way, but that is not really smart idea.Can I use abcDB.SubmitChanges() to detect any data changes on text boxes?

Dim sqlQuery = (From obj in abcDB.HelloWorld
Select obj.Fname, obj.Lname, obj.PhoneNumber).FirstOrDefault()
me.textboxFname.text = sqlQuery.Fname


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Accept Input For Textbox 1 And Textbox 2?

Jul 14, 2010

I have two textbox controls and I want to accept input for textbox 1 and textbox 2. However, when user enters text into textbox 1 I would like textbox 2 to mirror the same text as it is typed.

I am sure this is a very simple procedure however it is new to me and I am having trouble finding an answer with search engines. Most result are coming back as text that one can read backwards in a mirror which is not what I am looking for.

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Detect / Suppress Invalid Characters In TextBox?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a TextBox with a list of filenames in it. The user is able to change these file names, but I don't want them to enter invalid characters, such as slashes or question marks.

I've tried two approaches, but they are not satisfactory:

1. Detect the key pressed with the KeyDown event:

Use e.KeyValue to detect keys like Keys.Oem5 (= backslash), then use 'e.SuppressKeyPress = True' to suppress the key.Problem is, with different Keyboard layouts, The Oem5-key isn't always a backslash.

2. Filter the text:

Use the TextChanged event and do a Replace("", "") on the text for every invalid character (there's 9 of them).Of course this will create 'lag' with every keystroke, especially if there's a lot of text. Also the text-cursor and scrollbar will jump back to the top-left when using Replace.

In short: I'm looking for a way to detect the character that is being entered and suppress or remove it when invalid.

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Detect If A File Was Pasted In A Textbox (and Not Typed)?

Sep 29, 2009

How can I detect if a text is pasted in a textbox (and not typed?)

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Detect When The Cursor Is In A Textbox/typing In Webbrowser?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm using a custom webbrowser to display a special intranet for my company.I need to be able to display a custom keyboard whenever the user can type in the webbrowser. So if they click on a textbox within the page to type, this custom keyboard appears.when the user is in 'typing mode'. I thought maybe checking when the cursor changes to 'ibeam' which is the typing cursor? How might I do that, or is there an easier way?

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Detect When The User Has Changed The Content Of A Textbox?

Feb 26, 2011

I want to detect when the user has changed the content of a Textbox.

The following does not work for me, because: When the user navigates through the database (using my navigation buttons), the textbox is also changed, but NOT by the user making input. I would only like to know when the user EDITED the Textbox.

Private Sub mskStudentNumber_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mskStudentNumber.TextChanged
If Not Movement Then '' If not navigation


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Detect What Forces My Textbox Contextmenu To Close Soon After A RightmouseUp?

Jul 23, 2011

When you you right click on a textbox the context menu is automatically open.

I have put a textbox inside a relatively complex user defined user control.

The annoing thing is that when I try to open the context menu with a rightclick the context menu is open but it shuts down soon after.

I tried to see if the mousedown or mouseUp of my (preview and not) usercontrol could interfere with this but i did not find anything.

Is there any trick that I can use to see what forces my context menu to close soon after is open?

Is there something in Vb2008 that allows me to see the steps widthout using breackpoints

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.net - Detect Text Changed On Textbox Whilst Ignoring Databindings

Feb 28, 2011

I have some textboxes bound to a bindingsource and bindingnavigator.

I want to detect when the values have changed and prompt the users to confrim if they want to update.

When the form is first initalised and when then binding navigator moves to the next record the text_changed event fires on textbox where I have a boolean to determine if things have changed.

Is there a way to set my boolean only when valid data changes have occured or a better way to detect if things have changed

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Detect Alphabetic Or Numeric Key In A Datagridview Control And Send Handled Key To A Textbox?

Feb 6, 2012

I'm working on a Form that contains a datagridview and textbox, I need the datagridview detect any letter of the alphabet or numbers, then select the input and send the key pressed to input.

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Controlling The Input In A Textbox?

Oct 12, 2010

A requirement my thesis panelists ask of me is that I should be able to control the text input in a textbox. For example, in a textbox that's for inputting student numbers, it should only accept numbers and the dash character (-

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How To Validate Different Textbox Input

Apr 1, 2011

i have this code:

If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
Label2.Text = " feild empty "
Elseif TextBox1.Text <> "1234" or "7463" or "3625" or "7642" Then


it works when its only only content "1234" but i need to place more than one possible valid input.

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Restrict Input For A Textbox?

Feb 16, 2006

I have some textboxes that I only want numbers in and only want a range of numbers to be valid. Also I do not want to use NUDs. I already have the textboxes connected to functons and subs so I do not really want to change them.How would I do this?

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User Input In TextBox?

Aug 7, 2011

How can I get my app. to remember the text that was enterd into a TextBox by a user?

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Using Textbox Input As Filename?

Sep 4, 2009

I want to know how could I use the input in the textbox as my filename. I intend to use the input in textbox (the input is obtained using a barcode scanner) as a filename for a text file.

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Validate Input In A Textbox?

May 4, 2012

how one would go about validating input into a textbox for example:

Lets say the first letter the user enters has to be 'A' and the third letter the user enters has to be any number ranging from 0-9 and the length of their input cannot exceed lets say 10.

This is what I have so far:

If txtOperatorID.TextLength > 10 Then
bErrorOccured = True
sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage & "-No more than 10 chars" & vbCrLf


The coding for the length works(is there a better way to do this)? The coding for the first letter to be A works but then I have no idea how to set validation for any proceeding characters entered. Am i right in thinking I have to find their position somehow in the string if so how?

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VS 2008 : Get Input Url In Textbox?

Jan 18, 2012

im trying to create an instant messenger i have textbox where user can type anything like url do i get the url string that entered in textbox when i press button.i just want to change the string url using replace function.

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