Develop A Billing Sw Using .net As Front End And Ms Sql As Back End?

Feb 19, 2011

i m trying to develop a billing sw using as front end and ms sql as back end. i 'll need two tables for this. So, how can i design form for this purpose. means what tools should be used for item entries

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Using .net As Front-end And Access As Back-end?

Dec 13, 2010

In my project i'm using as front-end and access as back-end. in te project after enteringb the details to tha database i've to give bill to the customer. how can i design a bill? and how can i transfer the data from the page to bill?

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2D Rendering From Back To Front With Different Heights

Jul 26, 2010

I'm wondering what the best way to render a scene made up of multiple-sized tiles, from back to front, with different heights. [code] Objects are sorted based on not their initial X/Y value, but their X/Y+Height value. That way, objects are rendered based on where they 'touch' the playing field. E.g., X/Y = top of a tree object, X/Y = trunk of the tree object.People (including the player) will be just normal map objects that get rendered and updated within a huge sorted list every frame. Right now, fudging around with my code allows my Player (32x64 pixels) to stand infront of a building but has her feet get overlapped with a patch of grass, which doesn't work. However, changing the sorting algorithm makes the player disappear in the building but you can see her feet.Also, should my players be included with the list of map objects? Granted, these will only be graphical representations of their data stored elsewhere (won't be cleared when map changes), or should I throw them into a whole new rendering list (which might open whole new problems). url...From what he says, he has 4 different layers and then draws the actor between Layer 3 and 4, with layer 4 being objects that will always appear on-top of the person.So, it appears that his player isn't a map object but an actor rendered separately from everything else.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting A VB Front End With A MySQL Back End

Mar 27, 2012

how to connect a visual basic front end with a MySQL back end. I am not proficient in VB or MySQL and was not able to find anything on google as a result.

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VS 2008 Send To Back, Bring To Front

May 11, 2009

I know there is an option when you right click a control you can bring it infront of another control and stuff, but....

When ever I draw a line in my script using

myGraphics.DrawLine(pen:=myPen, x1:=1, y1:=1, x2:=e.X, y2:=e.Y)

I want to know how I can make this line appear over a Panel, Label, and other stuff... like Bring to Front in a way.

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VS 2008 Send To Back, Bring To Front?

Jun 17, 2009

I know there is an option when you right click a control you can bring it infront of another control and stuff, but....hen ever I draw a line in my script usingmyGraphics.DrawLine(pen:=myPen, x1:=1, y1:=1, x2:=e.X, y2:=e.Y) want to know how I can make this line appear over a Panel, Label, and other stuff..

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Implement Send To Back And Brig To Front In Windows Application?

May 11, 2009

I am Developing one designing this i have to implement Bring to front and sent to back properties.

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Bring To Front And Bring To Back For Dynamically Created Controls?

Jan 16, 2009

windows VB 2005 datagridview I have a datagridview created dynamically, added to the form using controls.add()when I press enter key in a cell a list appears also generated dynamically and added to the form using controls.add().Ok. when it works fine. But the list view appears behind the grid - I want to appear the list view infront of the gridview

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Bring An Item To Front, Instead Of Having To Click On "bring Back" The Items Not Wanted?

Jun 1, 2011

Is there an easy way to bring an item to front, instead of having to click on "bring back" the items not wanted?Clickcing on it in the property window should show it, now nothing happens

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Creating A Billing Application?

Feb 18, 2010

Attached File(s) (239.61K)
Number of downloads: 265

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Billing Project Source Code?

Feb 1, 2008

send me source code for any billing project

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How To Make A Server / Client Billing System

Dec 21, 2010

anyone can teach me how to make billing system which is server - client.i will put the sql database to one pc then clients - the gui system.i want to run may system from other pc then connect to sql database which in another pc..

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Making A Billing System / Dynamically Changing UI?

Aug 15, 2011

we're working on a billing systemCurrently I am working on the categories module. Here's the thing:I need a dynamically changing UI. So the user can add categories, delete them and teh UI would accordingly add or remove controls automatically.I used DataGridView, but since the fetching and storing of data will not be done in a database, I need to fetch it and update it using an HTTP API, the data bindings are causing problems as I need to update, Insert or delete data using functions instead of letting VB do the hard work. I tried creating a datatable and checking for changes everytime user added/deleted/changed a row, but again the problem is: in a datatable I am not able select what type of control represents the column. For Example I have a parent category column where the control needs to be a combo box. The datatable's columns don't seem to provide an option and are automatically set to text box.I am thinking there is a really cool way of doing this that I am unaware of. all the VB.NET books I have read only seem to use DataGridView in conjunction with some sort of a database and not independantly.

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VS 2010 Number Of Days In Billing Period?

Jul 19, 2011

If a billing period always starts on say the 22nd of the month and ends on the 21st of the following month then all I'd have to really figure out is how many days are in the month the billing period started right? I hate working with Dates! This is what I've come up with using the idea above...Note, Dates are strings in the first column of a Listview in the format of, mm/dd/yyyy.

' get month from start of billing period (last item in LV) ' example of dates: 06/22/2011
Dim BillStartMonth = CInt(ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).Text.Substring(0, 2))
' get Year from start of billing period (last item in LV)


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Billing System Project Using Vs2010 And Sqlserver 2008?

Aug 24, 2011

currently i am doing a billing system project using vs2010 and sqlserver 2008. i got 2 form, one for invoice & one for delivery order, and a button to submit the invoice details to DO form.

would like to ask a few question,

1) once i add new transaction, the invoice number will be auto increment and save all details into database table.

2) the invoice number cannot use again even after the transaction being canceled.

3) how to make the DO number and invoice number the same as per transaction done / undone.

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Forms :: Make A Coffee Shop Billing System?

Apr 4, 2011

I want to make a coffee shop billing system ..but don't know how to give a start to it ..I have searched and searched but no responses any where so far . I have not seen any billing softwares so don't know what all buttons,menus and database need to be created for the same ...I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with frame work 3.5 and would like to use SQL database for connecting...

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Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same userdetail page. How to track that.

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Passing Back Lisbox Values When Going Back To Previous Page?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a search page with a couple of pulldowns. Dependig on the values of them I show a grid matching the searched criteria, basically a table with links the user can navigate to. My problem comes when the user wants to navigate back. At the moment I have a "Back" button which simply redirects the user to the initial search page. I think it would be a good improvement to have the values of the pulldowns filled in with the values the user selected, this way when he presses the "Back" button he would not have to restart the whole search process again.

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Get My Toolbox Back To Normal - Can Put It Back On Auto Hide And Such

May 31, 2009

I'm not sure what I did, But I would like to get my toolbox back to normal where I can put it back on auto hide and such.

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Delay In Back To Back Messages Through Socket

May 10, 2012

We have a server application and a client application that communicates with each other using socket.

When the server application sends 2 messages about 16-31 ms apart, the 1st message is received by the client application with little delay (like 16-32 ms after it was sent). But the 2nd message is received by the client application a lot later (like 200 ms later) than when it was sent.

We already disabled Nagle algorithm (set NoDelay = True) in the socket in both the server and client application.

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Smtp :: Sending Back To Back Emails?

Jun 17, 2011

We are having problems with sending back to back emails on one of our web sites. The site is built with .net framework 2.0.We can send the first email without any problems on every try. But to send a second email you need to wait about 20-30 minutes.the problem.One thing we tried was changing the smtp email server. We tried a third party smtp server but the same problem persisted. So I think the problem is not with the smtp server but with our .net code.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail


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Have A Slew Of IF Statements Back To Back?

Mar 2, 2011

I am creating an application that will be faced with multiple decisions to make and I want to know if it is possible to create around 20 if statements to excute or decide between before excuting?

The application will encounter multiple websites but each website will have the same elements but not neccessary in the same order so I was going to tell the app to loop through the IF statement and if the condition is met to run that sub routine where it starts over and loops through the IF statements until next condition is met.

Is this possible in VB.NET or is 20 or so IF statements to many to use at once?[code]...

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Records Back-to-back In A Msgbox?

Dec 19, 2010

I have a dBase file named PROBA, with two cells: "VNEV", "KNEV".I would like to see the records back-to-back in a Msgbox.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Public Class FormCount1
Public Sub Recordszm() Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'DataSet1.PROBA' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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.net - Add A @ In Front Of A SqlParameter Name?

Apr 20, 2012

In one of our application the parameters passed to a stored procedure in this way

Dim parm As New SqlParameter("searchText", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
parm.Size = 50

and the procedure contains a parameter as @searchText

ie the parameter name passed from the code is searchText and that in the stored procedure is @searchText .

But it is working properly, i am always getting the required results.

So my question is like so there is no need to specify @ before the parameter? Whether it will append @

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VB As A Front To Access?

Oct 15, 2011

I created a database in Access 2010. I am thinking of creating a front end in Visual Basic and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this. Is it doable? Or should I save my time and use access's front edn?

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.net - Cutting Off The 0's At The Front Of A Record?

Feb 6, 2012

Basically, I have an Access database with Primary keys that are structured with this format ("02"000).When I try to paste the number, it ignores the "02" and goes straight to 000.For example, here is the code;

PeriodRoomID.Name = ("R" & ds.Tables("sqlSpecRoomRequest").Rows(i).Item(1))

What PeriodRoomID.Name should be is R02001.What PeriodRoomID.Name comes up as is R1.It ignores the "02" and ignores the 0s. This makes sense mathematically but it is not what I want. I need a way to get the exact output and not some simplified version.

The query;

SELECT SpecialSoftware.SpecSoftID, SpecialSoftware.RoomID, SpecialSoftwareNames.Description, Rooms.Capacity
FROM SpecialSoftware, SpecialSoftwareNames, Rooms

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Add A Decimal Point In Front Of A Value?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a value that shows a integer value between 0-100. For a little math, I need to be able to add a decimal in front of the value. So if the value was 50%, I need it really to be .50%.

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Bring A MsgBox To The Front

Oct 13, 2008

The current project i am working on runs in the system tray most of the time, but at certain events it shows up some MsgBox's, but unforunately these are always in the background and i sometimes miss them due to this.Is there any way to make the MsgBox come to the front when it pops up?Using VB08 and am fairly inexperienced.

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Bring Different Application To Front?

May 27, 2012

i have searched quite a bit around several places and anything i tried just didnt do what i needed,i need to bring an Application to the front of the desktop, or any other open application and enter text,for an example i have notepad up, i want it to bring it to the front and have it type something,

Edits: its a Windows Application, Not a Console Writeline

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Creating A Client Front End?

Aug 18, 2010

I have created a website service (see code below) that gets information from the database.However i am now stuck on creating the Client side. I have included code after the web service of what ive done so far for the client side.Webservice code......
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Services


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