Different Asp.net Checkboxes In Webform With Different Text As 450, 550, 500, 900?

Dec 13, 2010

I have different checkboxes in vb.net webform with different text ...

checkbox3.text=550 and so on .....

i want when i check checkbox1 and checkbox2 then in textbox1 the text would be 400 means as many as checkbox i select the sun of checkboxes selected will be calculated in textbox using VB.NET i m using Visual Studio 2008

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Count The Total No. Of Asp.net Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of asp.net checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using vb.net ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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Three Checkboxes On Asp.net Webform?

Jan 3, 2011

If I have three checkboxes on my asp.net webform.. if 1 is already checked on pageload event then output in textbox would be 2,3 if 2 and three checkbox would be checked... even after.I want if the checkboxes are already checked on page load event, we have to ignore that checkboxes, and add recently checked checkboxes, checkbox2 and checkbox3, will be entered in textbox 1 as 2,3.

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Javascript - Checkboxes And 1 Textbox In Asp.net Webform?

Nov 9, 2010

I already have 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox in asp.net webform when i check 1and 2 checkbox then result in textbox will be 1,2 I have the following code :


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Check All The Checkboxes On A Webform (aspx) Page, Which Is Inside A Master Page?

Aug 30, 2009

I am trying to check all the checkboxes on a webform (aspx) page, which is inside a master page,depending on the ID of the checkbox. The checkboxes are created dynamically, so I only know the prefix for finding it. So, I need to find these checkboxes by iterating the controls on the page somehow. It's not working out.


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Checkboxes And 1 Textbox In Webform If I Type In Textbox 1,2 Then Checkbox1 & 2 Will Be Checked?

Nov 13, 2010

I have 4 checkboxes and 1 textbox in webform if i type in textbox 1,2 then checkbox1 & 2 will be checked !

directly after if i type 3,4 in textbox then the all 4 checkboxes will be checked But i want the checkbox will be checked accorcding to the data displayed in text box ..if textbox1.text =1,2 then only checkbox1 and checkbox2 will be checked and others are remain unchecked ...

and if i checked checkbox3 and checkbox4 then only 3 and 4 will be checked and others are unchecked...

how to do that in page load event I want to do this with 50000 checkboxes ..and more.... which displayed in my webform


But if i type 1,2 in textbox then checkbox 1 and 2 would be checked and agin i type 3,4 then checkbox1,2,3 and 4 all the checkbox will be checked ...but i want ...what everi type in text box only that checkboxes will be checked and others will remain unchecked.....

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VS 2010 Fill Out A Webform Where The User Gets A Image In A Picturebox And Then Enters The Requested Text?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm trying to fill out a webform where the user gets a image in a picturebox and then enters the requested text.But when i submit it to the forum nothing happens This is the code of the html page:

<input id="response_field" type="text" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" name="response_field" autocomplete="off">

How could i add this: value="test" to the above line while the page is beging generated so its part of the webpage?

With WebBrowser1.Document.Forms("form")
.All("response_field").SetAttribute("value", "test")
End With

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If Multiple Checkboxes Are Checked / Then Copy Checkbox Text And Label Text

Apr 28, 2012

I would like to know if there was a way to loop through all the checkboxes on a form and if the checkbox is checked then I need it to copy the text from the checkbox and the label. Thera are 23 of these labels with two checkboxes for each.I need to be able to paste this in notepad and have it formated as such

Yes 1. Are you older than 18?

No 2. Do you like dogs?

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Add Text In A List Box Via Checkboxes?

Mar 22, 2010

what i need to do is to add text in a list box via checkboxes. For example if a check box is checked, then a certain text (e.g. "Flea Treatment") gets added to the list box. In my project there are around 15 checkboxes, and not all of the may be clicked. So what I want to do is, when there are values in the list box (Only words!) then I press the Save button and all the values (i.e. all the treatments, e.g. Flea, de-worming, myxomotosis) inside the list box are saved to my database. The table inside the database, is called tblNotes, and has only 4 fields, one of which is a unique ID field, which is the primary key; the other field is the one where I want the values inside the list box, to be saved. As for the other two, they are for standard textboxes, with a fixed length, they are already working.My problem is this: The list box won't save to the database, and I want to know how I could save it. This is the code I have for saving it to a database (btnSave):

Private Sub btnSaveNotes_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveNotes.Click
'The purpose is to save the changes made to the record on the screen
'Check if compulsory fields don't contain data, show error message and place cursor back in field[code].....

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Disable Checkboxes According To Textbox Text?

Nov 15, 2010

Possible Duplicate:if i type in textbox 1,3 then checkbox1 and checkbox3 will be disabled not checked !! i want to disable checkboxes according to textbox textFor example --- if i enter 1,4 in textbox then checkbox1 and checkbox4 will be disabled and even after that when i type 2,3 in textbox then checkbox2 and checkbox3 will be disabled and checkbox1 and checkbox4 will be enabled again ...Remember : i wanna use this coding with unlimited no. of checkboxes...How to do this ?The code mentioned below can checked according to textbox text --but i want to disabled ony not checked ....

Protected Sub TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyTextBox.TextChanged
Dim separator As Char = ","c


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How To Check Checkboxes According To Textbox Text

Nov 13, 2010

If in textbox the default textbox value id 1,2,3,4,5,6 ...... upto 55then the following checkboxes would be checked according to the text display in text box...if textbox1.text =1,2,3 then in my webform checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 would be checked ... on page load event...

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Displaying Selected CheckBoxes Text In Textbox

Nov 13, 2010

This code will display selected checkboxes Text in textbox as in the order I checked it 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. But it will not display selected checkboxes Text in textbox after 9

Partial Class _45seater_WebUserControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim str As String = Nothing
Dim id As String = Nothing

How to show after chekbox10, checkbox11, checkbox12 in text box as 10,11,12 ......so on using this code

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How To Multiply Different Selected Checkboxes Text Into Textbox

Nov 13, 2010

If i have 55 checkboxes with different text 1,2,3,4 and so on and a textbox where it display how many no. of checkboxes checked.i want to multiply the multiple selected checkbox text with how many checkboxes are checked in other textbox..i want to do this using vb.net, asp.net

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Putting Text In A Textbox When 2 Checkboxes Are Checked?

Nov 9, 2010

I have 3 webforms controls: 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox.

When I check checkbox1 and checkbox2, then in the textbox it should appear as 1,2.

How can this be done using ASP.NET webforms controls?

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Update Checkboxes Based On Text String?

Mar 11, 2010

i'm trying to refresh a few form checkboxes based on text typed into machinetxt.text with what is currently stored in the database. i put this into the refresh button click event. here is my code:

Private Sub machinerefreshbutton_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles machinerefreshbutton.Click
Dim mycon As SqlCeConnection


i've tried tweaking the select statement but it still gives the error that the machinetxt.text string is not found in the database. Even though i type it in exactly as shown in the database.

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Can Whip Up A Program That Deals With Text Boxes, Buttons, Checkboxes

Apr 21, 2009

I can whip up a program that deals with text boxes, buttons, checkboxes, etc. fairly easily. I know how to deal with arrays and stuff like that, and I am just barely able to open/write to files (I don't quite have it down, but almost). However, when it comes to drawing graphics. Right now all I'm looking to do is create a function that will draw a pixel or really tiny rectangle at my command to use as the building block of drawing images. I saw some example code here:

Of how to have it draw a rectangle upon opening a form, and I was able to do that. But I guess I'm not quite sure how to make a function like that be performed when I do something like press a button (or just anywhere in a segment of code).It's probably because I don't understand this line:


I understand that it makes a non-public sub called Form1_Paint, but I'm not quite sure about the arguments passed and what "Handles Me.Paint" really means. I'm not sure how to make this (if I can make it) into a function that I can call anywhere (in the button1.click code, for example) to make it display a pixel.

how I could do that? Either that, or just explain what the piece of code above is actually saying?

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Css -8.5 X 11paper To Webform?

Apr 30, 2011

Basically what i have is a vb.net form that when a user clicks the submit button I am going to store the values in a SQL database. This i have done already.What I would like to know is what is the best way to approach after the user clicks submit to submit the form to the database then should I use a separate button to call the values into a crystal report or report designer? Or is there a CSS template that will mimic the size of a piece of paper on the web and print as seen on the screen.

I tried to create a website 612 x 792 which from what i googled was the size of a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper however although it looked great on the web when i printed it decided to print 4 pages when it should only have been 2 pages.Here is the part of my css code that i am trying to make the size of a paper

background: #b6b7bc;
font-size: .70em;[code].....

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C# - Sending Information From One Webform To Another?

Nov 27, 2009

i'm generating HyperLinks, all of them (depending on the circunstance, could be 1, 2 or 1000) send to the same webform:

from default.aspx
to envia.aspx

i can't use session, or anything i already know, because i can't create as many methods i want (that would not be good, due to possible large numbers)example, there are three lines i print on demand:

house [link]
car [link]

i want the three links to load the same aspx webform sending as a parameter a string with these lines.

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How To Achieve Using Winform / Webform

Jul 27, 2011

I want a modal screen on startup of the computer, so that user forces to make some action on that screen. Also I want to disabled close button of the screen, It should cover entire Desktop.How to achieve using winform/webform? is parent/child form is the only solution fro this/?

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Prefill A Webform In The Browser From An App?

May 23, 2009

In my app I will open a browser that goes to a webpage with a form that has a few fields, something like:

username - textbox
membertype - option list
Windows or Linux - checkbox
Feedback - textarea
Submit button

Now I want these to be prefilled from my app. It has these varialbles stored in variables already so it would be nice if I could prefill some fields when browser form open so my user only have to type in the feedback manually.

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Using Webform In IronPython Asp.net Website?

Nov 12, 2009

I tried to bring a previously done webform made in vb.net to an IronPython asp.net website with no luck. After seeing it didnt work, I tried to write the simplest codebehind vb.net webform to see if there was a problem with vb.net in an IronPython website and I got the following usual error "be sure that the defined class in this file matchs with the one in the attribute inherits and that it extends the right base page (page or control)" (sorry if the translation isnt the most accurate I get that message in spanish)but if I create a vb.net webform in the same website, with the sourcecode in the same file (with the vb.net code between script runat="server" tags in the same page) I get no problem. Do I have to configure something for both kind of sourcecode languages to run in such way in the same IronPython website, like configuring something in the webconfig file or is there some compatibility issue for doing that which can't be resolved?

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VS 2010 Several URL Links In One Webform?

Jul 15, 2011

So I am making an app that has several buttons, the idea is when you press a button it will open a form that it's a browser, each button open a different link.

My question is if I have 10 links do I have to make 10 forms with browesers for each or there is way to each button make the browser form open the link I want.

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[Innerhtml] Submitted A Webform?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm working on a Habbo easy-login client, but I can't hit submit for the love of god.. my code looks a bit like this:

Me.WebBrowser1.Document.All("Username").SetAttribute("value", txtUser)
Me.WebBrowser1.Document.All("Password").SetAttribute("value", txtPw)

I'm pretty certain I have the name right for login.. The User and password fill in wonderfully. (I've tried this on other web forms and I couldn't hit submit on them, either)

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Datagridview : Converting From Winform To Webform?

Dec 9, 2011

In words, what control can I use to set and display column and row header data then allow the user to populate the rest of the grid? The webforms gridview control will not display at all if its contents are empty. What's best practice for this kind of user entry? Do I embed an excel spreadsheet? I will also need to read the user input too.

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Embed The Html Code In ASP.NET Webform?

Dec 22, 2010

How to embed html code and display the result according to the html code pasted in the textbox multiline asp.net webform..The example of this is www.orkut.com scrapbook ...

when any body post a graphic comment then it would embed the html coding in scrapbook and he results will be displayed i scrapbook on button submit click ...

Here is the picture what i want -- i want code snippet for this

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For Each Label In WebForm Hide Panel

Oct 21, 2011

I am brand new to Vb.Net and was wondering how I could loop through each label and say if the label.text = 0 then Hide panel1. How would I get that accomplished?


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Post To A Webform In Internet Explorer

Jun 9, 2009

So, my problem is:I have a database and I wanna select a field ..I usually do this with access: dim chosen as string

chosen = textbox1.text
Dim querysql = "select * from table where field = " & chosen & ""

But with SQL it doesnt work =S I really need to make this work ..

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Treeview Selection To A Textbox To A Webform?

Feb 16, 2009

Im working on a project that has an explorer like treeview control. The control works great. What I need it to do though is once it gets to the end of the folders and sees a valid text file i want the text file to open into the textbox I have placed next to it while still opening anything that is not a plain text file the way it normally would. The code I have now is below and works to open the application or file with its corresponding program but I cant get the text file to populate the textbox.


A second issue im having trouble with is after the file has been opened in the textbox i want a button to send the text to a webpage form that is in the app. Its an actual webpage that I have embedded into the app. with the webrowser control. Its a simple textbox on the webpage. So basically I need to double click the file on the treeview that opens the file into the textbox(editor) I have made then with a single click of the button select all/copy then paste it into the box on the webpage all within the same application.

I have a file open that I can use to manually open a text file in the textbox that works great. I have tried to manipulate that to the treeview with no success. I have the button to select all and copy. Now if I can just get the text file to open on double click from the treeview and the send to the webpage control and my app is complete. Well almost Im working on a spellcheck feature for it but that's just extra functionality id like to add.

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.net - Send Response To Asp.net Webform Request Via Other Server

Jun 17, 2011

I have two web servers with public IPs, for example Server1 with IP and Server2 with IP see the picture:

There is an asp.net webform at Server 1. My intention is:

For every http request to that webform in Server1, the Server1 just pass the request's information to Server2 for logic processing and subsequently Server2 sends the response back to client (i.e. normal browser)

My questions are:

What information that Server1 needs to pass to Server2, so that Server2 able to send response back to client? note that at Server2, there is a TcpListener instance. This TcpListener instance acting as receiver for that webform request information from Server1. What is the suitable object (i.e. the class in System.Net or related namespace such as System.Net.Sockets) at Server2 for sending response back to client? Suitable here means able to meet my intention.

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Get Data From Sql Database Into The Datagrid On A Separate Webform?

Oct 30, 2009

How to get data from sql database into the datagrid on a separate webform??

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