Disable The Network Connection From .Net Without Needing Admin Priveledges?

Apr 2, 2010

I may be SOL on this but I thought I would give throw it out for possible solutions.I am writing a computer access control service tcontrol my kids' computer use. Plan on open sourcing it when I have it working. It is written in VB.Net and needs to work on XP through 7.I am running into all sorts of security and desktop access issues on Windows 7.The service needs to run as admin to execute the NetSh command to disable the network. But I cannot interact with the desktop from the service so I IPC to a UI to handle other stuff, but I still cannot detect from the service if the desktop is locked. Argghh!

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Enable / Disable Network Connection Programmatically

Feb 10, 2009

It will apparently allow me to enable/disable my network connection programatically.I'm not sure how I should call it?I've tried several things such as:Network.SetConnectionState("Network Connections", "Local Area Connection 2", "1", "0", True)[code]

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Disable Form Unless UserType Is Admin

Jan 19, 2012

My question is i have a table called tblLogin and it has Username and Password and Usertype in it Admin, Normal in usertype. How can i get when the user logs in as admin it shows cmsAdmin and if not admin they are normal it disables cmsAdmin this is the code i currently use for my login system.


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Disable The Local Area Connection While Leaving The Wireless Connection Enabled

Jun 21, 2010

I am attempting to write a program that will disable the Local Area Connection while leaving the Wireless connection enabled. My company is using net-books in our stores to demo air-cards and we need to keep them off of the LAN. I'm new to VB and VB.net, and it's been a while since I did any type of programming. I've gathered some code that others have posted in forums and tutorials and I'm working through a tutorial book, but I finally believe that I am stuck.


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Disable Network Card With WMI?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to disable/enable a NIC on my local machine.

Here is my code:

colAdapters As
New ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapter")


it always returns with this error: Invalid methodparameters

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Disable / Enable Network Adapter?

Aug 2, 2010

We need to use VB.NET or command line to enable Network Adapters.OS: Windows XP Pro SP3User: Limited User Account which has been added to Network Configuration Operators, has the privilege to Disable / Enable when we right click on the Network AdapterRight Clicking on one of the Network Adapters has the Enable / Disable function that we want to use from VB.NET Code or Comand Line Function and works exactly as required.

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Disable Network Adapter Using Program?

Jul 12, 2011

How can i do about disabling a network adapter using VB.NET.

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Enable/disable NIC (network Adapters) ?

Aug 9, 2011

I want to write a small program to just enable/disable two network adapters. I searched over google and I found a few C# codes but didn't understand anything. I heard something called WMI. It seems they are other ways like enabling registry (which sounds wierd for me) or using command lines.

I really don't know which way should be used althought I didn't find any code to those either. something that works in win xp & vista & seven.

Because user want two switch between two NIC by enable one and disabling another one, I think I should first get a list of network adapters, then let user specify. I know It can be done easily by going to the network settings directly and do it by right clicking. But they want to do it through a program with single click.

Edit: I was able to get a list of adapters using WMI, Here is the page If someone wanted to take a look.

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C# - Disable Multiple Network Connections, Only Allow One Simultaneously?

Feb 17, 2011

We are looking to design a security application that does the following on laptops:If the ethernet adapter is used (cable plugged in) disable/block all other network connections (wireless WIFI, mobile broadband (PPP), virtual VPN adapters etc)When ethernet adapter is not being used again, all connections allowed.We have looked in the WMI a lot but there are no good ways of doing this. Only disabling the network connection is not secure enough because most mobile broadband applications try to re-establish the connection. This should be an application that works on all laptop vendors without any user interaction (such as choosing interfaces etc..).

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Enable / Disable Network Card Exception?

Aug 2, 2009

Below is my code which enables and disables all network cards in my PC.

It works fine but when I execute this code on a normal User Account, i get the exception " Unable to read beyond the end of the stream" .

Im also aware that as a normal user, one will not be able to enable and disable network cards. I tried changing the settings in gpedit.msc bt it still doesnt work.

How do I grant permission to the user so that he wud b able to disable and enable the network card using the code below?[code]...

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VS 2010 Way To Make Like 'admin' Form Where New Account Applies Will Pop-up When 'admin' Log In And Then Either Accept / Reject New Users?

Oct 10, 2010

i have a script with a login form that creates a folder per user with username.txt, password.txt, firstname.txt, and lastname.txt. - auto creates when creating new user.after i log in and change form i want an label showing the first and last name of the person logged in,how am i supposed to do that? is there any way to make like an "admin" form where new account applies will pop-up when "admin" log in and then either accept or reject new users?

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MAC Address And Enable/Disable Network Adapter Local Use Only?

Oct 22, 2009

Im trying to Get the mac of the local computer(s) on a network and Enable/Disable the Connectiong adapter that is UP (In use), i know i can do this with the system as it stands and for a while i've used a *.bat file to do this for me but not i want a more elabrate way of doing it using a program i make for this, i will also be making it Control other computers remote on my network the same with a simple server side, in the future!, i just need it to Work on the local computer, I've read up about diffrent ways of doing this, like Getting the MAC via Registry like so:


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Admin On Vista Doesn't Show As Admin Class?

Jun 9, 2009

on XP Pro, IsUserRole(eUserType.Administrator) returns true, if the class is administrator, and false if it's limited...

On Vista, it returns true, if it's the first administrator account, and false for anything else... I created a second administrator account on Vista, and it shows in code as "Standard" (or limited) user, the same as if I made a "Managed Account" on Vista...

#Region " [IsUserRole] "
Public Enum eUserType
Administrator = 0


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Unable To Use 2 Different Login Authorities Which Are Admin And Non-Admin

Mar 11, 2010

I'm designing a system, whereby am unable to use 2 different login authorities, which are Admin and Non-Admin. I am using VB.NET and Ms. Access and need help for the codes.I want something like, if i click on admin/non admin (with different passwords) a dialog box pops onto the screen and asks for the password. If the password is correct it should take me to the form i want. Something of this sort please.

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Database For Network Connection?

Nov 27, 2009

im creating a program that will connect to a database (not local).That database will be access by everyone of my officemate for our data storage.The problem is the sample for creating a database is it make use of lacol database which can only be access by single user.how connect to a database later on after my deploying my application.


interface program created: DONE
User input interface created: DONE

Database created(but not yet connected to the actual application): DONE

Scenario 2:

Program Deployed :DONE

Scenario3:how can i connect to the Database i created with program i just publish/deployed?

something like that i have a command button then it will open a dialog to locate an existing database then connect to that database (ms access database or sql database created in - creating database sample).

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Network Connection Does Not Exist

Feb 25, 2009

I have created a VStudio app. and I am encountering a problem when I use it. When I have filled out the form and have clicked submit, I get the error:
'''''''''Network connection does not exist''''''''
But, the connection does exist and I have checked it by running the link in vb, in my computer and it works perfectly. What else could possibly bring back this error???

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Repair Network Connection Using VB?

Apr 20, 2010

how can i reset my network connection using visual basic?i need to do something similair to


but using vb2008

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SQL Database Connection Via Network

Mar 11, 2010

How can I connect to sql server via network by using vb.net.

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Check Internet / Network Connection ?

Nov 19, 2011

This is the work of one responder for the most part, and is not indicative of the quality of most of the posts.But you can judge that for yourself.

If you are writing a program that is used to monitor the status of your network, then this thread may not be of interest.

If you are an application programmer that uses network resources to accomplish your goal, i.e. you are using SMTP, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, NTP etc., and you think that you need to check for a connection first, then read on.Follow up to this.Before getting all geeky let's take a little detour...

Five days a week I get up, eat breakfast, check my email, forums, etc., take a shower, get dressed, and then drive to school.Many of you probably have a similar routine.What is interesting about that is not what we do, but what we dont do,because of our expectations and experience.Here is what I dont do.

I dont stick my finger in the electrical socket to see if there is electricity for the coffee maker and toaster.I dont fire up the command prompt and ping some host on the internet to see if I have connectivity.I dont check the battery, tires, water level, clutch fluid level, washer fluid level, etc.,before I drive off.

All of that is based on expectation and experience.So why would you write an application that pings the internet before it did something (SMTP, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, NTP etc)???? Is your experience or expectation that the network will be down?To illustrate and hopefully convince you that, like Oblio, it is pointless, create a new form with three buttons. In the following examples I use a WebRequest / WebResponse as my 'Something'.Here is what some think is a good approach, the classic ping-then-do, what I think you shouldn't do.[code]....What is wrong with this code is that all of the network IO is being done without a Try / Catch block.

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VS 2005 How To Get Active Network Connection Name

Jun 28, 2011

code snippet to get active network card name, that is the network card currently connected to the internet in c# or vb.net?

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New 2 Vb And Needing Some Direction?

Jan 5, 2012

im searching for code examps on how to search multi-websites from user input within a desktop apps textbox and return active links into a webbrowser within the app...this even possible?

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Disable Local Area Connection In Vb6 Or Vb9?

Oct 2, 2009

How to disable local area connection in vb6 or vb9

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How To Detect Computer Network Connection Status

Jun 8, 2011

I have a problem when trying to detect the computers network connection status.

Here is the code I have used:
Dim IsAvalible As String = My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable
If IsAvalible = True Then Label1.Text = "Connected" Else <code>
<code>If IsAvalible = False Then</code> I <code>
Label1.Text = "Disconnected"</code></code>
End If [/ICODE] End If[/ICODE]

But for some even when the network is disconnected or the computers wifi is turned on I still get the result of "Connected". I think there something wrong with the code.

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Make A Connection To Network Database System?

Dec 19, 2009

Now I know we can not do a system like the SQL of the...[code]He only opened the database, is there any way to open and use Access database login information for it?I am unfamiliar with this program , someone people can help me?Empty, You can be a example to me !!I just want a can connect to the network database (Access Database) VB programming

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VS 2010 - What To Do When Network Connection Drops With FileSystemWatcher

Jul 15, 2011

I can't see anything in the method list that lets you know when a connection drops (and since it's constantly checking, it seems that could have been in there, to raise a flag when it can't find the connection anymore...no?). Is there a way to know if the network connection drops? Is there a way to reconnect it? Is it just a matter of turning EnableRaisingEvents() off and back on to re-establish the link to the network share?

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VS 2010 Disconnecting Network Connection And Reconnecting?

May 12, 2011

I have a USB 3G dongle from Orange which is like a dialup connection, rather than a wireless connection.

Is there anyway in vb.net to control this connection? So disconnect is and recconnect it etc?The reason for this is automatically getting a new ip address without manually disconnecting in network connections.

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App Makes Live Calls To Our Network Over Wireless Connection

Nov 3, 2008

I am currently improving an existing handheld application, this app makes live calls to our network over the wireless connection, if the wireless connection is not established I am displaying a holding screen to the user, this screen rechecks connection every three seconds.I want to put a button on this screen that closes down the application if the user does not want to wait any longer. At the moment I am using the application.exit command, however it continues to finish the first original thread (i.e. trying to process the dataset) before actually closing the application, I am looking for a way to kill the application there and then!

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File Modifiers Username Across Network Connection Impossible?

Apr 18, 2005

I'm running into this problem when it comes to determining a network logged on username and i hope someone can help me out or atleast point me in the right direction.Situation:1 Windows 2003 server that is serving files through Active directory. No Dfs installed, just plain files sharing.1 or multiple clients that access the files, make modifications and creates or deletes files. For arguments sake let's say that the clients are Windows XP computer and the users are logged on to the local domain (AD).Currently available:When the client alters, creates or deletes a file i have a (VB.Net Windows Service) script that tells me that this is being done and stores a record in a database for this action being performed.Desire:I wan't to know the client's ip-address, computername or logged on username so that i can store this to. I have tried about 20 different scripts but all check the username on the server side and not the client. So now i either get back "SYSTEM" or "NTAUTHORITYSYSTEM" instead of the user's AD name.Below is the code i use to monitor the directory and or file changes.The "writeDBLog" is where i want to pass the username to write to the database.


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VS 2008 Checking For The Active Network Connection (LAN / Wireless / Modem)

Jun 29, 2009

I am using the code below to test whether the user is connected using either a wireless or LAN connection. i.e. that the cable is plugged in, or the wireless is switch off. The code works fine for this. However, if you can spot any potential problems with this or you know of a better way I would be interested to learn more.


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How To Access A Page Thats Been Logged Into Through IE But Without Needing The Sloppy Methods

Sep 12, 2010

There is a site that I go to that has a website chat thats located at the bottom of every page. It allows you to talk to specific people while you're online and they're online.

Sometimes when I get into a good conversation I don't want to end it. I still have other things to do though.I wanted to make a small window that I can just drag around that will allow me to chat with people easier.

I've set up pretty much everything in this program except the actual retrieving of the information from the site and the replying to the chat. I know I could do this (I've done similar things in the past) by putting an invisible webbrowser object off to the side and just run my stuff through there. But I think thats kind of sloppy.

I've read in some of my classes and books and have learned how to make simple web requests that return the results. In its case, I had to return definitions from google. I tried this on a recent project but found that it didn't the permission to access any kind of secured account whether it was logged in or not because it was "unsafe".

Does anybody know how to access a page thats been logged into through IE but without needing the sloppy methods I mentioned earlier?

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