Each Loop With DataRow And DataRowCollection But It Gives Output Very Slow?

Jan 4, 2010

I fill data in C1FLEXGRID from DataTable using for...each loop with DataRow and DataRowCollection but it gives output very slow. How can I solve it.

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.net Loop Through Datarow And Add Each Value Into A Listbox?

Jul 23, 2010

Private Function ColumnEqual(ByVal A As Object, ByVal B As Object) As Boolean


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Loop DataColumns In DataRow

Apr 17, 2012

I am converting data table content to string, Say the dataset has 12 rows and 8 column.
At the end, the Dict contain 12 rows or 96 columns. what's wrong with my code below, how do I reset the row?

Dim ds As DataSet = ClsDB.GetDataSet(sql)

If Not ds Is Nothing AndAlso ds.Tables.Count > 0 Then
Dim row As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, String))


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While Loop Causes The App To Go Slow?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a simple code that looks up a text file, reads the line of text, splits the string by semi-colons and then posts the results.

After it has done this, I have created a really simple while loop to waste 10 seconds before going for it again.... here is the code:

Private Sub checkTemps()
While Abort = False


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Setup Timer To Slow Down For/Next Loop?

Jun 20, 2009

I have a For/Next Loop that adds values to column in a DataGridView. I want to set up a timer to slow the For/NExt Loop down. So the DGV will load and then the user will click button on the form and the DGV will have numbers added into all the rows of a specific column. For simplicity, assume I want to load the numbers 1-100 into each cell and I want to see each number as its passed.

I am not sure how t set up the time to work with the For/Next Loop in the Button1_Click event. Do I have to use a Timer1_Tick event as well and somehow associate it with Button1_Click event?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Sql Server Loop Running VERY Slow

Apr 20, 2011

1. load gridview from an uploaded excel file (this would probably be about 300 records or so)

2. compare manufacturer, model and serial No to my MS SQL database (about 20K records) to see if there is a match.[code]is there a better way to find a match between the two?

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Loop Through Dataset.Datatable Slow Performance In .Net 1.1?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a program in where I need to loop though the entire dataset.datatable. I takes a long time. What is the alternative I can use to do the some job but faster?

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Slow Loop Performance While Updating Data?

Jun 8, 2012

In my winform application, I have 2 datatables, both contains 37000 rows. Table 1 has 171 columns and Table 2 has 4 columns. A While loop runs to update values in Table 1 from Table 2 for 4 columns. A For loop runs inside While twice to update values. It takes more than 5 min to do so. which i think should be a task of 5 seconds.

Columns being updated are:
Int64 - 1 Columns
String - 1 Columns


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VS 2005 - Print The Entire Datarow At A Time And Then Loop Through All The Rows Present In The Datatable?

Mar 26, 2010

I have created a datatable and now i need to print it,so i did the following:

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage

Dim xPos As Single = 20


The code works fine.But in the above code as you can see that i am printing the each rows content of the datatable one by one and after printing all the contents of a single row i am looping the code again for printing each and every row present in the datatable. So i want to know that inspite of printing each and every data present in the row of the datatable,is it possible to print the entire datarow at a time and then loop through all the rows present in the datatable?

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Display Output Of A Loop In Textbox?

Mar 20, 2012

Im new to coding and this is my first post . so please forgive me if i end up sounding stupid i've been trying to get output of a for loop into a textbox or label for example


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Loop Through Labels To Output Text From Array

Nov 22, 2009

I'm trying to loop through Labels that are named Label1 through Label16 and output integers from Array into the Text property of the labels. I think everything works except I can't figure out how to assign MyLabel the value of the current Label # in the loop. [code]

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Fibonacci Numbers Loop And Output To Multiple Labels?

Mar 29, 2011

I have attached the form in initial state. What you don't see in the initial state is 10 hidden labels. I want the loop(which I am calling as a function??) to compute the numbers and display in the labels. Example, if I input 1 for the first term, 3 for the second term and 4 for the total terms, the first 4 labels should become visible and have in them one solution each:

1 - 1
2 - 3
3 - 4
4 - 7

Am I way off with what I want to do? Cannot use arrays, must be a loop.This is the compute button:

Private Sub BtnComp_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnComp.Click


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Loop Through Datatable And Output Results To A Text File?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a data table that has thousands of entries. The table has employee production information: YearMonth, Employee ID, Pages worked and Jobtypes (e,k,o and r). I need to calculate a sum of each jobtype and a sum of pages worked for each jobtype, for each individual employee. I am pulling this data from an Access database and so unfortunately I am unable to use LINQ.[code]...

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Updating A Datarow With Another Datarow?

Apr 28, 2010

I have two datatables with similar structures that I want to make one existing row to be updated from another datatable.

For example, "tableA" has three columns: "one", "two", and "three"; with "one" being the primary key...

and "tableB" has three columns as well: "one", "two", and "three"; with "one" being the primary key.

Say there is a row on tableA that is different than a row on tableB (with a matching primary key). What I wanted to do, as efficiently as possible, is to take the that row from tableB and replace the one on tableA so it'll be modified.

I'm not sure if there's an easier way of doing that instead of using loops for setting the row's items.

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Evaluates Loop Condition In Do...Loop Statment To Determine Whether Loop Instructions Should Be Processed

Mar 14, 2011

Makes the following statement about the code below:

**"The computer evaluates the loop condition in the Do...Loop statment to determine whether the loop instructions should be processed. In this case, the inputsales <> String.Empty condition compares the contenst of the input sales variable to the String.Empty value. As you know the String.Empty value represents a zero length, or empty, string if the inputsales variable is empty, the loop condition evaluates to True and the computer process the loop instructions. *If on the other hand the inputsales variable is not empty, the loop condition evaluates to false and the computer skips over the loop instructions.

Based on the code I think it is the opposite: ...that while the inputsales value is not empty it should evaluate to true and process the loop and if it is empty it should evaluate to false and skip the loop?

See below.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Globalization


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No Output In Asynchronous Program - Retrieve Output After The Events Are Invoked?

Mar 1, 2012

What I am trying to do: There are three powershell scripts with different time delays as shown below.I am trying to run them asynchronously in .NET and I followed this article to implement Asyncrhonous programming. Where I am stuck:The I am not able to retrieve output after the events are invoked.The scripts are being called but then the program ends and it shows "Press any key to continue" in console windows.I don't what I am missing here.

Info: JobRequest is a class that I use to pass around information keep track of jobs.

Sub Main()
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript2.ps1", "-arg1 4 -arg2 5", 1)
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript1.ps1", "-arg1 2 -arg2 3", 2)[code]......

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Unable To See In Output Window Number 5 As Output?

Sep 25, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(3 + 2)
End Sub

Why I don't see in Output window number 5 as output?

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.net - Why Only Getting One Output Value (and No Debug Output) From This Code?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm just going to throw all my code in here in case there's something wrong with a piece of the code not in the "SelectName()" sub.

Module Module1
Dim selectednames As String = ""
Dim index As Short = 0
Dim inarray As Boolean = False


Here's an image of what it does (I suppose you can see what went wrong)13 inputs, 3 outputs expected, only 1 output given.As from what I've figured out so far, it's doing the correct amount of loops etc. It's just as soon as it starts generating the "winner" for the 2nd game key it doesn't get a string value from namesarray.Also, why is

For x = 0 To totalnames - 1
Debug.Print("namesarray(" & x & ") = " & namesarray(x))

not giving me a debug output?

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Get Next Datarow?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to look at the next datarow in a datatable such as For Each dr in dt.rows

type = dr("Type")
type2 = dr("Type")

how can this be the next record? Of course, I would need to write an exception for the last record...

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Set The Value Of The Dtp From A Datarow?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a form with a datetimepicker. On load of the form, I set the value of the dtp from a datarow, with the following vb.net dtpRequiredDate.Value = dr.Item("RequiredDate")

This works fine. But when the form is loaded subsequent times in the session (form is not disposed on closing, shown as dialog), when presented to the user it just shows todays date, not that set by the above code. Stepping through code, the Onload code runs, and the dtp is set by the above code. Checking the value in debug at this point, the value of the dtp is correct. There is no further code in onload. But by the time it is displayed to the user shows todays date again. I have set a break point on the valuechanged of the dtp but it never fires again after it has been set by the above code.

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.net - DataRow Is Not Changed

Oct 4, 2011

Can anyone explain exactly why Method 1 in the following code does not alter the DataTable where the other 2 methods do? It's obviously some kind of referencing issue, but why exactly?


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Adding A New Datarow?

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to add new operators (their name, category, password etc) to a dataset called "operators". (Though I could be adding any new datarow to it's relevent dataset). My program has allowed for the entry of all relevent data and filtered it to make sure it is acceptable. The user has pressed the UPDATE button and my program must now add the new datarow. (My code is in bold!).

I assume that I must first establish a connection to my database, so I start with :-

Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)

'I feel that something is needed here to reference OleDbDataAdapter - but what?

Conn.Open() 'Is this line needed?
Dim DSetOPERATORS As New DataSet("operators")
Dim DRowOPERATORS As DataRow = DSetOperators.Tables("operators").NewRow


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Get Data Out Of A DataRow?

Sep 8, 2009

I am trying to get data out of a DataRow. Example:

Dim dr_simslot = dsFSC.tblSimSlot.Select("SimID=" & simID)

What I want is to say something like this:

Dim temp = dr_simslot.columnname

This is because I know only one record will be in the datarow.

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Get Last Row In (for Each Row As Datarow In Dt.rows)

Mar 31, 2012

for each row as datarow in dt.rows
if row is last row in dt
msgbox("last row in datatable")
end if

how do i detect the last or first the row is in datatable

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Get PrimaryKey Of DataRow?

Apr 19, 2012

I have a master DataTable that may contain some DataRow.RowError. I create multiple subset DataTables from my master DataTable using the DataView.ToTable method whenever the user wants to apply a filter or sort to the master table. However, the ToTable method does not transfer the RowError property of the data rows in the master table to my new subset table. So in order for me to transfer the row errors from my master table to my subset table I have to use a loop. The code below works fine, but with one exception (see below code).

Dim dtMaster As DataTable = Me.ds.Tables("Current")
Dim dtSubset As DataTable
Dim dv As DataView


Note, the primary key may contain 2 columns, however this is a rear case. If you know of any other solutions to transfer row errors let me know. I don't have to use the Find method.

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IDE :: How To Clear DataRow

Oct 5, 2010

Code is in VB 2008,

In code i am using Datatable, using that select method datarow
Dim dt as New Datatable
Dim dr() as Datarow = nothing


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Increment Datarow By Value 10?

Aug 9, 2009

Public Class frmVisitor
Private dbConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection()
'To add a DataAdapter


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.net - Why Does The Compiler Think This Is An Object Instead Of A DataRow

Aug 2, 2010

I'm using a LINQ query to translate data inside a DataTable object to be a simple IEnumerable of a custom POCO object.

My LINQ query is:

Dim dtMessages As DataTable
'...dtMessages is instantiated ByRef in a helper data access routine... '
Dim qry = From dr As DataRow In dtMessages.Rows


However, the compiler is throwing a warning message under dr As DataRow with the message: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object' to 'System.Data.DataRow'.Why am I getting this error and what do I need to do to fix it? I would have thought that dtMessages.Rows returned a collection of type DataRow. Is this not correct?

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Addin Datarow In Datatable?

Mar 15, 2012

I've VB.NET function that reads data from an Excel sheet and adds rows in a Datatable.

Private Function LoadDataToRows(ByVal TableName As DataTable, ByVal Header As System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection) As Boolean
Dim HeaderDataExcel As String = String.Empty 'Data Header


But no data was add to the table, only emty rows.

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Adding Datarow In Datatable?

Mar 15, 2012

I've VB.NET function that reads data from an Excel sheet and adds rows in a Datatable.

Private Function LoadDataToRows(ByVal TableName As DataTable, ByVal Header As System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection) As Boolean
Dim HeaderDataExcel As String = String.Empty 'Data Header


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