.net - Why Only Getting One Output Value (and No Debug Output) From This Code?
Jun 14, 2012
I'm just going to throw all my code in here in case there's something wrong with a piece of the code not in the "SelectName()" sub.
Module Module1
Dim selectednames As String = ""
Dim index As Short = 0
Dim inarray As Boolean = False
Here's an image of what it does (I suppose you can see what went wrong)13 inputs, 3 outputs expected, only 1 output given.As from what I've figured out so far, it's doing the correct amount of loops etc. It's just as soon as it starts generating the "winner" for the 2nd game key it doesn't get a string value from namesarray.Also, why is
For x = 0 To totalnames - 1
Debug.Print("namesarray(" & x & ") = " & namesarray(x))
not giving me a debug output?
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Mar 18, 2010
For some reason the following code is not giving me all the data I need using the streamreader.
Dim myprocess As New Process
Dim StartInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
Dim strOutput As Stringg?
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Oct 1, 2010
In my case, I'd like to output to a ListView or TextBox or for that matter, any control which can accept text. For this purpose, I'd like to have a general purpose Trace/Debug listener which I can hook to in order to process the messages (convert to a ListViewItem or something) before outputting it. Is there any way I can achieve this or do I have to build my own Trace Listener? If it's worth noting, I run VS2010 ultimate & VS2008 professional. Solution should be in preferably be in VB.NET but C# is okay.
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Oct 6, 2011
I have a fellow employee who is learning Visual Basic and in one of her assignments she is using the debug.writeline statement. Example: Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Debug.WriteLine("This line always prints") End Sub When you run the program, nothing prints to the Output window. I have tried it in VS2008 and VS2010. Brian Allison
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Dec 24, 2010
Nothing is printed in my debug output window anymore.
.Print does nothing.
"Debug > Output" shows empty Output window.
Note: "Tools / Options / Debugging / General / Redirect all Output" is checked.
software developer
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Feb 26, 2011
I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional in trial mode... and suddenly the Output window won't show my Debug.Write() stuff. It had been showing it for the past month.I have been using the 2010 version for 30 days (after upgrading from Visual Studio 2003) in trial mode. I just renewed the trial for the extra 60 days, and the "About Visual Studio" window says I still have 59 days left.
I have verified that the application is running properly, without errors. When I purposely generate an error, the Output Window properly shows the error and the stack trace I've already checked my Build>Configuration... it's in "Debug" mode, not "Release". The Debug.Write() text is not going to the Immediate window, either.One other point, I tried running the same application in the Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition, and it complained that it could not debug the specified code, though it did properly build it so that it would run in the build. Could Visual Studio 2010 Express have modified something in my project files to disable the debugging output?
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Oct 21, 2011
Since reinstalling VS2010, it has not been displaying proper debug info. I don't think I changed any settings but I have had a hunt through the options and can't see anything I might have messed up. I have had a quikck search and other people seem to have had the same problem but no solution. I'm running Windows 7 x64 with latest updates, if that matters.
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Nov 30, 2007
I've created a SSIS script task for debugging: printing SSIS variables and their values. This is done with (a maybe restrictied version of) Visual Basic. Rather then creating a message box or writing to a file I'd like to write to the debug output of Visual Studio - or to some other window available in Visual Studio when running a SSIS task. Something like fprintf( stderror, "Hello world!" ) in C. I suppose I need to get the Stream Writer Object connected with the debug output. But how do I do this? I also tried Console.WriteLine() but this didn't succeed.
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Mar 1, 2012
What I am trying to do: There are three powershell scripts with different time delays as shown below.I am trying to run them asynchronously in .NET and I followed this article to implement Asyncrhonous programming. Where I am stuck:The I am not able to retrieve output after the events are invoked.The scripts are being called but then the program ends and it shows "Press any key to continue" in console windows.I don't what I am missing here.
Info: JobRequest is a class that I use to pass around information keep track of jobs.
Sub Main()
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript2.ps1", "-arg1 4 -arg2 5", 1)
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript1.ps1", "-arg1 2 -arg2 3", 2)[code]......
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Sep 25, 2011
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(3 + 2)
End Sub
Why I don't see in Output window number 5 as output?
View 4 Replies
Oct 20, 2011
I am working on this project in .net. When you go over to the browser you will see five different restaurants and the button below says to change color and if you click on that you are able to change it. What I am trying to do is beside the name of the restaurant have the address, phone number but I really don't know how to code it in. I'm sure I do but my mind is not remembering how to do it. Below are my codes..
Here is my class code:
Public Class Restaurant
Private _Id As Integer
Public Property Id() As Integer
how to write the phone number and address beside the restaurant so that way they all show up.
View 1 Replies
Jan 27, 2012
in VS 2008, I started a new VB console project, using default options. I wrote this simple program:
Module Module1
Sub Main() Dim ArrayOfInts() As Integer
ArrayOfInts = New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
However, I cannot find the output from the calls to writeline. Not in the Output window, not in the Immediate window and not in the console output.
Or, do I need to do something extra to get these to appear?
View 11 Replies
Apr 7, 2009
I need help with ASP.NET in the VB.NET language.Currently I have a server that contains a script called Query.aspx. I want this script to evaluate another script, as an example "Test.aspx", and print the evaluated response out as Query.aspx's response.
View 6 Replies
Nov 6, 2009
When I made the code in the sub generic and passed in the values the timer needed (hour, min, timername) from a start button it seems not to matter which start button is pressed as the labels output the information for the last button pressed.
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Apr 30, 2011
On our software factory grid servers, calling VBCodeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource randomly fails.
What does the 128 error code mean ? The version of vbc.exe used is the one in the .NET 2 (SP2) folder. Forcing the compiler to work in a new dedicated temp directory does not help (we update TMP and TEMP env variable on runtime, we checked that each vbc use a dedicated temporary folder based on process id and some static counter)
View 4 Replies
Jun 14, 2009
I modified some code to suit one of my other programs, but have come across a difficulty: For some reason, the output file is not outputting. I can tell all the calculations are being made (my computer is loud), but it's just not outputting.What should I look out for when modifying stanav's code that would cause the output file not to be outputted ?
View 6 Replies
Aug 26, 2011
How to reconfigure code to output specific values rather than collection
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Sep 9, 2009
What is the best way to keep my source code separate to the output from compilation? I can change the "Build output path", but I am still getting files created in the "obj" directory whenever I compile. I want to have a directory tree that only contains source code.David Streeter
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Sep 27, 2010
I downloaded some sample code which includes a database query within the markup code. It makes a query to the database and displays the results of the web form and I would like to divert the output to a text file and I am not sure how to do this?Can this be done from here or would it just be easier to code it in the source and make a new connection to the database?
Sample code:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringIP %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ip-to-country] WHERE [ID] = ?" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [ip-to-country] ([ID], [BeginingIP], [EndingIP], [TwoCountryCode], [ThreeCountryCode], [CountryName]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
View 1 Replies
Jan 16, 2012
I currently this code on my app that works great to loop through a page and grab the label of an input value of a form and then print the value to a rich text box.I am now trying to revamp the code to give me the ID the value if the label contains a specific name.For instance if the label before the input field contains the word Username then I want the application to output the ID of the input field rather than just everything that has a label.
Here is my current code:
Dim web As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb = New HtmlWeb()
Dim doc As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument = web.Load("http://shaggybevo.com/board/register.php")
Dim nodes As HtmlNodeCollection
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Aug 12, 2009
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
In the above code as soon the the output appears in a window,the window disappears....How to solve this problem?Do i need to add some code to hold the output window for a longer time?
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Sep 4, 2009
I am writing a program which was pretty easier until I got to a certain part. I need to write a code that will let me input 2 alphabets and they will output in alphabetical order
Please Enter alphabet 1: b
Please Enter alphabet 2: a
View 3 Replies
Jan 6, 2011
Can someone tell me how to stop the output of this code from placing a page break after it finds the selection.It's placing a blank page at the beginning and end of every printout.I suspect it has to do with the insert.break method, but cannot figure out what needs to be changed. [code]
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Apr 20, 2011
im using Trace to trace and debug my Application which works fine. Now i wanted to output my Trace Information to a text file like below:
Dim c As Integer = Console.ForegroundColor
Dim ts As TraceSwitch = New TraceSwitch("SPMassUploader-TraceSwitch", "")
Dim tw As New TextWriterTraceListener(Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfffffff") & "-" & "output.txt")
View 3 Replies
Jul 9, 2010
How to configure specflow to output step definitions in a nunit output window?
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Aug 3, 2010
I have already updated 90% of some code that i have 1 day to do but i dont know how to do this.
Open "c: empimport.iif" For Output As #1
Print #1, "!TRNS" & vbTab & "TRNSTYPE" & vbTab & "DATE" & vbTab & "ACCNT" & vbTab & "AMOUNT" & vbTab & "MEMO" & vbTab & "ACCNUM"
Print #1, "!SPL" & vbTab & "TRNSTYPE" & vbTab & "DATE" & vbTab & "ACCNT" & vbTab & "AMOUNT" & vbTab & "MEMO" & vbTab & "ACCNUM"
View 3 Replies
Feb 22, 2009
how can i create an output like "picture 2" instead of getting output "picture 1"
View 3 Replies
May 3, 2010
The following sub prints 5/3/2010 8:39:26 to the tracelog file as per code below. How do I add milliseconds to the output?[code]...
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Aug 21, 2010
I'm having trouble with a calculation in VB and it's a simple one but for some reason I keep getting an output of zero.
Here's the code for the calculation and the click button:
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Sep 30, 2009
I have this visual basic that calls a stored procedure. When I run it through visual studio on my local machine, it works fine. However when I move it to a server, it doesn't output any data from the sql. The page still loads, it just doesn't show any data in the labels. Any ideas why? [Code]
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