Efficient Way To Add Validation ?

May 4, 2010

Where to add this validation, or if there is a more efficient way of doing it and where to put it?


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Most Efficient/Elegant Address Validation?

Oct 15, 2010

I made this small location class so that I can better handle address information which I am going to be sending off in requests to the Google Maps API. One thing I have left to do is some validation to make sure that the address has enough information to return a result back. For the application, the level of accuracy should be as loose as a single City (meaning that it should work as long as a zip code or city/state is provided since it will find the geographic center of that area automatically in Google Maps)

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'With ... End With' Really More Efficient?

Nov 4, 2010

It seems that when using With blocks in VB.NET, the resulting MSIL larger than w/o. So this leads me to ask, are With Blocks really more efficient? MSIL is what gets JITed into native machine code, so smaller code size should imply more efficient code, right?


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How To Use MVC Pattern Efficient

Aug 9, 2009

How to use MVC Pattern efficient?

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More Efficient For Each Loops?

Jul 26, 2011

Is there a more efficient way of doing this code?

For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
Dim ts1 As String = row(0).ToString
For index As Integer = 1 To 9[code]....

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Which Sort Is More Efficient?

Aug 26, 2011

just wondering which of these two sort methods would be more efficient movies.OrderBy(Function(m As Movie) m.Title)


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Asp.net - Which Function Is Faster And Efficient?

Jan 5, 2010

I need to verify if a certain user exist on my asp.net site.I want to know if which of these two functions is more efficient, faster and better compared to each other and why.


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C# - Efficient Data Conversion Using .Net

Aug 1, 2009

I am working on an application that will need to read tons of records (close to 500,000) from one table and insert them into another set of tables in the same database. I though about using SSIS package for this but our DBAs don't want to use that. Now, I am thinking of a multi-threaded approach. I am thinking that I can have a few thread started that will read say (500) records at a time and insert them, then come back and read more.

Now, say I spawn off 3 threads of this application. The first thread reads 500 rows and starts processing them. Can I lock these rows that were already read so that the next thread does not pick them up? I am trying to find some articles regarding this on the internet, but perhaps I am not searching for the correct terms in Google.

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Efficient Way To Sample Data?

Jul 1, 2010

I'd like to sample the data from the Arduino @ roughly 200Hz. Is there a more efficient way to do this than using a timer (which is what I am currently using)? Currently I am using[code]....

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Is It More Efficient To Use UInteger Instead Of Integer

Nov 7, 2009

if there is no need for my variable to store negative values, is it more efficient to use UInteger instead of Integer? both are 4bytes and i've got a feeling unsigned works faster though i'm nt sure about it. note that the range of my variable is 0 to 2147483647, hence i could use a UInt32 or Int32 and both would give me the same result so i'm wondering about optimum performance.

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More Efficient Way To Create 1 MB File?

Jun 22, 2010

I have been reading books trying to learn .net on my own. I am working on an exercise that asks me to create a 1MB file. what i have below does work, but it seems to me there would be a more efficeient way. It seems like what i am doing would cause a lot of overhead. making a 1MB file easier than what i have?[code]...

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Most Efficient Way To Initialize A Table?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a program that must initialize a table that is usually about 10-15 thousand records. I have attempted several means to empty the records from it, but it always takes several minutes to accomplish the task or in some cases like a 'bindingsource.clear' command, doesn't work at all. I currently have it working using a simple loop to go through each record at a time and 'removecurrent'. but this seems extremely inefficient and it is quite slow.The real time consumer seems to come in with the tableadapter.update and tableadapter.fill that happens after the loop.[code]

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Fastest And Efficient Way Of Creating File In .NET

Jul 28, 2010

I've an arraylist having 30000 items in it, what's the best way of creating a text file on the fly from an ASP.NEt page? Currently I'm using the code below but it times out with large data,[code]

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Asp.net - Efficient Way To Combine Two List(Of String)?

Mar 16, 2010

Let's say I've got: Dim los1 as New List(Of String) los1.Add("Some value")

Dim los2 as New List(Of String) los2.Add("More values")

What would be the most efficient way to combine the two into a single List(Of String)?

Edit: While I love the solutions everyone has provided, I probably should have also mentioned I'm stuck using the .NET 2.0 framework.

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Asp.net - More Efficient Way Of Saving A Dataset To SQL Database?

Nov 9, 2011

I am looping through my dataset to save my database, I thought this might not be the best way. Is there a more resource efficient of doing it?

For i As Integer = 0 To CO.Tables("CO_Del").Rows.Count - 1 'CO is my DataSet
AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IsDelete", DbType.Boolean, 0, DBNull.Value)[code].......

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Asp.net Mvc - .NET - Efficient Collection Of Database Entities?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a Page class and a PageCollection class in a 3d party ORM framework. I can fill the PageCollection based on parameters (pageid, parentid, url etc..) (SQL query). But I need the data multiple times around the ASP.NET MVC website (Sitemap, Authentication), so I chose to load all pages 1 time and reference that (global) collection.

GlobalClass.Pages //is PageCollection containing all pages

I have now created functions which return a temporary subcollection or single entity based on the parameters mentioned before (pageid, parentid, url etc..).

GlobalClass.Pages.GetByPageId(id) //returns single page entity
GlobalClass.Pages.GetByParentId(parentid) //returns subcollection

The site however got very slow.

cache the subcollections (GetByParent())? create internal hash-lookup tables for the collection? Something else...?

Namespace BLL
Public Class PageCollection
Inherits CustomCollectionBase


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Efficient / Preferred Way Of Using Session Variables?

Jan 28, 2011

I have an ASP DataGrid and I'm applying sorting to it. Well, as I was looking at an example, they had a function similar in function, different in name, to[code]...

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Efficient Text File Handling?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm trying to create an application that reads in a log file, then converts each line to a class(I'm databinding a datagrid to the finished ObservableCollection).The implementation I've done but I'm struggling to reduce the time it takes to itterate the lines and convert them to classes.small log files are fine its the larger log files (25k lines +) which is my concern. I'm wanting to do this with say a max delay of around 5secs from loading the text file.my current implemenation of a log file I have of size 85k lines is several minutes which isn't great.


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Efficient Way Of Writing To Text File In .Net?

Jan 24, 2011

We have some information that we need to write (about 18KB) to a .txt file stored in one of our network drives. The file is re-written about once every 15 minutes but is read practically at least every second. We are currently using StreamWriter to write file.The file server is in remote location and the round trip ping varies from <1ms to 15ms.

The problem is, sometimes it takes as long as 6 seconds to write the contents to the file, which is definitely way too long even after we take consideration of the network speed. therefore, I am just wondering if there is any efficient way to write the file using VB.Net to improve the performance? Java has a very good tool named BufferedOutputStream, which unfortunately is not available in VB.Net (or I just have not found it).

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Efficient Way To Get Number Than Using Distance Formula?

Dec 4, 2010

While learning to Orientate of the Last layers of a rubik's cube, I thought that it would be fun to make a vb.net application for it(I know that it's super hard to do)I'm starting around the center cube, but was wondering if I did a part right..I'm working with squares, and was wondering the length from one corner to another. [code] Trying to figure out the distance from the top left to bottom right,I used the distance formula to test it out and got 70.71067811865475 sqrt((-50-0)^2+(-50-0)^2)Is there an easier or more efficient way to get this number than using the distance formula?

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Is It Efficient To Use LINQ To Parse Strings?

Mar 18, 2011

I've been using LINQ so much in the last couple of weeks that when I had to write a one line function to remove < and > from a string, I found that I had written it as a LINQ query: [code] My question is, is it better to do it with LINQ as above or with StringBuilder as I've always done, as below: [code] Both work, the second one is easier to read, but the first one is designed for executing queries against arrays and other enumerables.

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VS 2008 - Most Efficient Way To Search Database?

Jan 8, 2011

I was wondering what was the best way to search a database. Is it possible to perform bubble sort etc or any sort of binary search to the database instead of doing a linear search. If so how would I go about doing this through an Sql statement.

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VS 2008 Sorting And Searching (most Efficient)?

Aug 25, 2011

Ok so I have this program that shows data in a treeview and that data is from a datatable.I'm basically looping through the datatable row by row and adding nodes.The data looks something like the following:


I have a thread that is hitting the Database (where these records are stored) every 5 seconds to see if the list is smaller,bigger or changed.If so, I was just recalling the load_form sub but this was taking too long as the lists could potentially be very large. Also, there is a lot of logic that comes into play depending on what user is displaying the records in the treeview.I was wanting to know what would be the fastest way to compare the datatable that was previously used to initially create the nodes in the treeview to a tempdatatable that has the currently updated/added/removed rows and update the treeview accordingly?The only thing I could come up with was basically looping through the tempdatatable and comparing each row to the rows in the original datatable and plucking out the ones that had no match.Then recursively looping through the nodes in the treeview to find the spot that the new node should be added (based on that datarow's values).Or is there a better way to do this and I should scrap this?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Vs Html Which Is More Efficient?

Mar 15, 2011

I have written a program that goes to user defined webpage and grabs images of certain ids from the site by going through the source code of the site. My current program uses a webbrowser but what I am curious of is, if I write code that grabs the html document of the site (i assume thats just the text and doesn't download the whole page), then go through the text looking for the element id, then grab the image, would this more be efficient?

Efficient meaning, would it do the same task using less data, which would decrease the load time of the site. Also is it also even possible to go through an html documents element and grab a certain link? I know how to grab the html document, it was the grabbing of the link that I got stuck at.

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Most Efficient Method To See If Alpha Channel Is Used In A 32 Bit Bitmap?

Mar 18, 2011

url...But what I'm looking for is just see if any alpha (0-254) is used in at least one of the pixels. Would the Bitmap.Lockbits and BitmapData method be the most efficient (speedy?) or is there another way. I've tried toying around with ColorPalette and the Alpha flag, but never could figure it out (and even if it is a way to check to see if the alpha channel is used at all).

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Most Efficient Way To Handle Continual Database Access

Mar 6, 2009

Whats the best way to handle the connection to a db when it's accessed often? I have an app where the user selects an item from a drop down list(call to the db) and then a picture of the item is returned along with it's relevant information(another call to the db). Small application but basically every action results in a call to the database. Should i just be filling like a global dataset and then accessing the information from there(if thats possible)? The database is stored locally(currently an Access Db but will be SQL in the future)

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Most Efficient Way To Perform A Basic Table Lookup?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to create a simple program which can convert Units of Measure (e.g inches into centimeters, milliliters, meters, feet, etc). I want to create a function which has two parameters (unit to convert from and unit to convert to) and returns a conversion value (e.g. funciton passed parameters values inch and centimeter and returns value 2.54). In terms of strategy for the least processing overhead I am exploring a few options. I guess the slowest way would be some kind of nested If/Then or Case loop, so I wanted to use something similar to a 2D table lookup in excel (where the top row and the left column (key?) would have the unit types, and the conversion values would occupy the cells in the table body). Is this possible in VB? Could I load all of this into a 2D array or something? I read a bit about hashtables and dictionaries as well, Ideally Im looking for the least processor-hungry code since this function may be called upon frequently. Ill be using other functions to perform similar lookups on other 2D tables elsewhere too (i.e. matching a value on the top row and the left column and returning the coincident cell value in the table body).

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VS 2008 Most Efficient Way To Remove Multiple Charactors That Are Next To Each Other

Nov 8, 2011

Just wondering what the most efficient way to remove multiple characters that are next to each other is.so that running would become runing - notice letters can appear in there multiple times - the n in this case.[code]

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What Is The Most Efficient Method For Looping Through A SortedList In VB 2008

Oct 29, 2009

The code below shows me (I think) that the "for each" loop is about 10% faster than the "i to n" loop, but the "for each" loop creates 567k in new memory? Is this right? Which way is generally most efficient with regards to speed and memory usage? If you want to run this code in VB just add a button and 2 labels to a form.


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Which Technology Is More Efficient And Easy To Use Oracle Forms Or .net

May 24, 2011

I have a question about which technology is more efficient and easy to use oracle forms or .net . The database we use is oracle now we have to develope a new project insurance software (application) . I just want your opinion if .net would be more better to use for these kind of projects and if it has the same performance with oracle database as the oracle forms?

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