Exit From A Multi-line Text Box Without Deleting The Text?

Dec 25, 2010

How to exit from a multi-line text box without deleting the text inside when press enter

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Parsing Multi-line Clipboard Text Into A Single Line And Pasting Into A Textbox?

Feb 7, 2011

a user copies multiple lines of text (say, from an email) into the clipboard. Based on my observations, when one tries to paste the text into a single-line textbox, only the first line is actually pasted in. (I am aware that the "obvious" solution would be to set the Multiline property to True, but there are reasons I am looking to avoid this and to put multi-line data into a single line.)

In the TextChanged event handler, I wrote code that parses the clipboard data to successfully convert it to a single-line, comma-delimited format.

Private Sub txtMassTrackingNo_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles txtMassTrackingNo.TextChanged


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Deleting A Line In A Text File?

Jul 25, 2011

I am doing some txt file programming and i came to the problem...I could write what is in a combobox in a txt file to then read it when the app is opened again.But if i want for example to delete a line in the text file.I want for example if i have in the combobox 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 and i select 5 and i touch a button delete , i want the application to check if the value(5 in this case) is in the etxt file and delete

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Read Second Line Of Multi Line Text Box

May 27, 2010

I have a textbox in my application and it is set to multiline.I have the following information in the textbox..How can I can to read the second line of the multi line text box [code] So The messagebox should say "100 London Road"

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Deleting A Line From Text File Using Edit?

Jun 21, 2010

Ok so i have a uni assignment to delete lines of text out of a text file, so far i have figured out how to search the text file for specific bits of text, i,e name of user, ive also used a loop to find out what line in the text file the specific line exists as...my

code so far is
Dim line As String
Dim Input As StreamReader


the selected policy is what im tryin to use to write over the line of texts that already exists however i think that maybe instead of deleteting what exists it will just move it down a line and make a blank line

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Deleting A Text Line In Windows Forms Project

Jan 10, 2011

I am busy with a project converting VS2005/2008 sln files.

I am quite far but have came acroos a problem with my source code.

I have found the files I need to change, I have changed them to the version that I need.

I now need to read the files back into my program and delete the line I have changed as it contains project numbers that are irrelevant. Then I need to save it.

I have got as far where I have searched for lines that begin with 'Project'. I have changed this also so it's now a question of reading the files in, Deleting the line with the 'Project' number and saving them.


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Searching A Text File Then Deleting That Specific Line?

Mar 15, 2012

I know how to search a text file for a specific line, but what I don't know is then how to delete that line?My text file is set up as such:

021,Donovan,56 Eynesford Crescent,Bexley,SE5 1TR,09/08/1967,13 March 2012,Bronze
062,Fredrikson,6 Freil Road,Gravesend,GR9 TRB,12/06/1995,13 March 2012,Silver

So I know how to search for the 3 character integer at the beginning of each line, but how do I then delete this line?

I'm currently using this code

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form6
Private Sub SearchBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchBtn.Click


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Print Multi Line Text Box?

Apr 24, 2009

how do i send the contents of a text box to a printer, i have delecared a new print dialog but cannot work out how to pass the parameter of what to print?

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VS 2008 Deleting A Line In A Text File That Ends With A Certain String?

Jun 12, 2011

ine from a text file. This is for an ASP.net Webpage. I will have a file called ources.txt. Example data of this file looks like this:

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Insert / Retrieve Multi Line Text?

Jan 15, 2012

I am using VB.net 2010 and SQL client server.I have to make a Weekly Report Manager that stores an Trainees' weekly activity, which would probably be in a paragraph form.I think I can use Textbox (multilined) or Richtextbox for this.But When I tried to store and read the stored data it is not multilined.


INPUT in textbox/richtextbox: I am a good trainee inserted it in database as textbox.text or richtextbox.text and the result will be:

I ama goodtrainee

So if I retrieve the data it displays a single lined text.How can I do it properly?

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Make A Multi Line Text Box Pop Up Page?

Aug 5, 2010

I need to link a image button to a pop up page with a multiline textbox for input. When the user clicks the notes image a popup page will appear with a multiline text box that allows users to enter notes. There needs to be a save button that will update the notes field in tblinventorycomponentitems if user entered text and a cancel button for if the user changes their mind. The notes image button is located in account_ customerinventory components_edit.aspx in a dataGrid with an id of "GroupDataGrid".

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VB2008 Deleting Spaces, Putting Each Line Of Text Into Its Own Label Or Textbox?

Oct 13, 2009

OK, SO i have this program that outputs all the servers on a specific game. It outputs it to a text file. HOWEVER, There is a lot of annoying spaces. This is kind of hard to explain, so ill try to explain it. This is what The text file looks like. 2302 2302 2302


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Adding Additional Lines To Multi-line Text Box?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a line of data that represent a data import. When the import is done, I would like to keep that exsisiting line, and add another line for the next import. So I have a display of mulitiple lines, showing multiple Imports.So this is one I have for the first section, it loops through the data so you see the rows incrementing

TextBox1.Text = clsDatRow.iFirstVal.ToString + " ROWS:" + iCountRows.ToString + " " + Date.Now.ToString

Now, I can I keep the line of data, and add a new line so for the next import, it does the same thing. It ried vbnewline, but it just clears that line, it doesn't move down to a next line.

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Button Output Text In Multi-line Textbox?

Feb 28, 2010

So what happens is. I have this JAVA Code which i am making out of a vb form to help me develop quicker in that. So, when i click "Button1" a formula enhances and gives an output "TEXT" Which i want to choose what lines it shows on my "MultiLine Textbox".

Basically, How do i make it so when i click a BUTTON a text is written in a MULTILINE-TEXTBOX which i get to choose which bits of the text goes on which line.

the example is:
("this goes on line 1")
("this goes on line 2") ect.

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Multi-line Text As A Custom Control Property?

May 10, 2010

When I put a label on a form, the Text property in the designer can be expanded to a multi-line edit box. (This is in VS2005.)

Is there a way to get that type of edit box on a custom String property of a usercontrol?

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Multi-Line Text Box - Display The Data Vertically?

Jun 7, 2011

My application reads the following data below from an xml file into a multi-line textbox - also scrollbar enabled (vertical). The data read into the textbox displays as "A1A2A3A4". Can someone recommend how I can get the textbox to display this vertically instead?Using VS & VB 2010 as new developer.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Rows> _
<Row Sortorder="1"><Supplier Deleteme="false">A1


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Show Multi-Line Text Box On Separate Lines

Feb 27, 2010

I am trying to show the following code in a text box on separate lines. Is it possible to code in a hard return?


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[2008] Disabled Multi-line Text Box That's Scrollable?

Jan 15, 2009

Is it possible to make a multi-line text box still scrollable while it's disabled? The closest I can achieve this is to set the text box's ReadOnly property to false, which will gray out the text box, and still scrollable, but the text in the box remains black instead of being gray. Changing the forecolor of the text box does not have any effect. The color of the text changes back to black when I set ReadOnly to true. I want to be able to mimic the disabled text box visually.

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Change The Vertical Scrollbar Width On A Multi-line Text Box?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm working on a VB.NET application using VS2010 for an application that will run on a touch-screen. I have a problem with a mutli-line text boxes, ListBoxes and DataGridView controls which contains a vertical scroll bar. The scroll bar is too small for anyone with big fingers. Is there any way to make that scroll bar wider so that it's more "finger friendly"?

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IDE :: Allowing Multi-line Text In The Properties Page Of UserControl?

Sep 21, 2009

I have a UserControl that has a Property - Text. How can I allow multi-lines of text to be created in its Properties (as a TextBox)

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FCL For A Method That Will Allow To Erase A Line Of Text From A Text File And Replace It With Another Line Of Text

Dec 19, 2008

I've been looking through the FCL for a method that will allow me to erase a line of text from a text file and replace it with another line of text. Neither the StreamReader nor StreamWriter have a method for replacing or removing Text from a text file, as does the string object. Are there any available methods for erasing just certain lines of text from a file, and then replacing them with others?

In my code, I'd like to locate a certain line in the text file, and then at that point in the text file, use a For...Next Loop to replace each successive line of the text file with new text:

Dim user_data_file As String = "user_data.txt"
edit_input = New StreamReader(user_data_file)
Dim edit_line As String = edit_input.ReadLine


However, I can't find any methods that will allow me to do this.

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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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Binding TextBox.Text Causes 'Input String Was Not In A Correct Format' Error When Deleting Text

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to bind a textbox to a binding source (using the IDE DataBindings Editor) and it works fine except for one thing: if I delete the text I get the subject error. What I want to happen is the datarecord field be updated to a dbnull value -- how do I get that to happen?

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VS 2008 Reading Text File Line By Line - Put Into Text Boxes

Sep 21, 2009

Basically what I'm trying to do is read a text file line by line. After each line is read, it will put each line into a separate text box. I've been trying to do this for a while and so far I haven't been able to. I tried using a for loop, but that just put all my lines in to one textbox.

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Reading A Specific Line From A Text File And Displaying It In Individual Text Boxes?

Feb 16, 2010

I've been writing a weight program for flooded pressure vessels and I'm having trouble retrieving the data from the text files I've been saving. I know how to write the data to the text file, but retrieving it with OpenFileDialog is not so easy for me.The user has individual text boxes that they input strings or numbers into and when they save the file, each text box input is written to one line in the text file. For example, the first text box is for the username, therefore the first line of text that is saved is the person's name, the second text box is the customer, thus the second line in the text file is the customer name, and so on.

(Actually, the first line of text in the saved file designates whether English units were used or Metric units because when the user retrieves the saved file, English units will open one form and Metric units will open a separate form, so some If...Then statement will need to occur).I need to be able to read the first line, have either my "EnglishForm"form open or my "MetricForm" form open, and then have each subsequent line of text be displayed in their corresponding text boxes. I know I need to use ReadLine or LineInput, but I don't have a clue what to do.Assuming the syntax I've displayed below would just magically work (if only life were that easy), it would look something like this

If FirstLineOfTextInFile = "English" Then
ElseIf FirstLineOfTextInFile = "Metric" Then[code]....

And so on...I read a lot of articles from the MSDN library and exhausted each link that I've looked through from Google and Bing, but most only retrieve data from the file to a single text box through some loop or streamreader and don't take into account multiple forms.

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Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text?

May 15, 2006

Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text

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Make An If Statement The "if Textbox2.text Has Only One Line Of Text?

Jul 8, 2010

how can i make an if statement the "if textbox2.text has only one line of text then..."

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Read Text From A Listbox Line By Line And Put Current Line In A Label?

Jan 16, 2011

how to read text from a listbox line by line and put current line in a label?

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Save Text Property On Form Exit

Feb 5, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to save the text property of a label or any object when i exit the form. For example, if i type in "hello world" in a text box and exit the program, i want "hello world" to become the new text property of that text box when i exit.

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Changing The Text Of A Certain Line In A Text Document?

Sep 2, 2011

how to change the text of a certain line in a text document? For example:

Open = 1

Let's say that is on line 19, and I want to change that text to

Open = 0

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