Force A Form Or Component To Redraw At Design Time In Visual Studio?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a component which hooks up with the paint event of assigned control and draws on its surface, Whenever i make any changes to the component i need to resize the form or control at design time in order to see the changes.

I want to ask if there is any other way to refresh the contents of a control at design time which forces it to redraw.

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IDE :: Component Will Not Render At Design-time, But Works Fine At Run-time?

Jan 30, 2009

using VS2008, targetting framework 3.5I have a rather complex UserConrol which does some of its own rendering.I display this UserControl on a form.Opening that form in the Designer creates an instance of the UserControl in the Designer, which tells me a NullReferenceException is occurring in one of my rendering methods.I have attempted to correct this by making alterations to the UserControl's default constructor, but have not found success.

View 1 Replies - Force Visual Studio 2010 To Use Visual Basic 10?

Mar 9, 2012

To reproduce the error I'm getting:Create a new Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET web site in Visual Basic, targeting .NET 2.0Type "Public Property Test As String" Observe "Visual Basic 9.0 does not support auto-implemented properties." error Visual Studio 2010 is happy to use VB 10 against .NET 2.0-targeted Windows Forms applications, this only appears to be an issue with ASP.NET.Is there a way to force Visual Studio 2010 to use VB 10 when targeting .NET 2.0?

View 1 Replies - Double-clicking On A Form Control In Visual Studio 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler

Sep 23, 2010

The title pretty much precisely asks the question, but I shall repeat;

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting? I have used '/resetsettings' already, and other answers to similar questions do not solve my problem. I have reinstalled, gone through every menu I can find (though I may have missed something)I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

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VS 2008 Handle Click Event Of Component During Design-time

Feb 10, 2010

I have a UserControl with a Panel (Panel1). The UserControl has a property Items (type ControlCollection) that returns the Controls collection of Panel1.Via a custom CollectionEditor, I tell the designer that it should add my custom controls called Item (inheriting Control). For the sake of example, the Item control is just a control with a random background color:[code]The custom CollectionEditor creates new Item controls using the DesignerHost service (and its CreateComponent method), so that they appear as actual components in Panel1, selectable during design-time just like any other control.It might be a little hard to see (because the colored Items are docked to the top), but I have selected the red item, which can also be seen from the Properties list.

As you can see in the code, I attach a Click event handler to each item as it is added to Panel1. When clicked, a MessageBox shows the color of the item. Obviously this is just for the sake of this example, but the point is that I need to be able to click an item and something then needs to happen.This works fine during run-time. I can click each item, and the MessageBox shows.The problem is that it does not work (quite obviously) during design-time. When I click it during design-time, it is simply selected (as any other control) and of course does not register any Click (nor MouseClick) events.But, I need the Click event to fire even when in design-time! Clicking an item corresponds to selecting it, and when selected (even in design-time), some other panel (not shown in this example) should be brought to the front so it gets visible. Now, I have created lots of things very similar to this (clicking an item during design-time), but there has always been one major difference: those items were not actual controls on the form. Instead, they were drawn manually on to their parent (and they only looked like separate controls). Obviously there was no design-time support for those 'items' (as they weren't controls), but I could handle clicking them quite easily: by handling the MouseClick event of the parent, I can check the location and see if it falls within an item. If so, that item was 'clicked' (artificially).This time, the items are actual controls, and this method does not work (the parent does not receive a MouseClick event either).So, does anyone know of any way to do this? The only way I can think of right now (although I have no idea how to implement it) is to somehow 'listen' to changes in the designer selection.

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Need To Force A Redraw When A Key Is Pressed When It Is Dropped Down

Jul 22, 2010

I am using a DrawItem and MeasureItem events to paint a combobox with a DrawMode of OwnerDrawVariable.Basically, I'm trying to have the user highlight a selection with the mouse, and then press the space bar to toggle the Save status of a song list. Then I call the Me.Refresh() event for the form in an attempt to redraw the form and the ComboBox.The problem that I am running into is that only the Combobox itself (not the drop-down area) that is a control on the main form is redrawing, and the text that is behind the mouse-highlighted selection of the drop-down list is not changing from Red to Black as I believe it should. If I move the mouse to another selection, then the color does in fact update.[code]

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.net - Force The Visual Studio MSI Package To Overwrite An Updated File?

May 14, 2012

I'm with a big problem here. I have a 1.0.0 application that installs an Access Database into the user's machine. I have also a 1.0.1 version that needs to be released, and it has an new database file that i want to be installed overwriting the old file. Unfortunately, if the user does any update to the old file, the 1.0.1 version does not overwrite it anymore, and i did not find in any place how to force this file to be deleted or overwrited after being updated.

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Syntax Highlight Component For Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm developing a source-editor. I'm going into the 1.3.1 version and it's about time to get a syntax highlighter.

I want a free, easy to use, and simple syntax highlighter and it needs to be a component.Leave a comment if you need more information and I will update.

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Visual Studio 2010 Crashed On Compiling Project [Using C++ COM Component]

Jun 16, 2011

I have a simple Win App VB project with a single form in it. I also have an Active X component which I am adding onto this form. This component is made in C++. On building the VB project i get the message "COM Reference 'CPPLib' is the interop assembly for ActiveX control 'AxCPPLib' but was marked to be linked by the compiler with the /link flag. This COM reference will be treated as a reference and will not be linked." but it compiles successfully. When i try rebuilding it or opening the view designer of the form VS2010 crashes. The project is locally creating two dlls namely "Interop.CPPLib.dll" & "AxInterop.CPPLib.dll". I have made the Embed interop types False for both these references.

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Sql - Script Component To Convert Text File To Excel In Visual Studio 2005?

Apr 25, 2011

I would like help with a script component in Visual Studio 2005 to take a text file as a source and convert it to Excel file (output). The text file uses a ~ (tilde) as the column delimiter.Also, can this be done without installing Excel on the server? Any and all suggestions are welcome. Below is sample I am having a problem with in the script component:


I keep getting an error stating that Excel.Application is not defined and I also get Option Strict On requires all vairable declarations to have an 'AS' clause. Can someone point me into the right direction?

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Force Visual Studio To Preserve Exponent Shorthand Notation Eg "1e6"

Feb 7, 2012

I'm working with Ticks a lot at the moment and when setting a timespan/similar, I find the shorthand exponent notation 3e6 far more easy to read at a glance than 3000000

VS converts to the long form as soon as it tidies up the line.

Is there any way to turn off the editor feature which reformats this?

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IDE :: Toolstrip Dialog Objects Do Not Appear In Component Tray In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional On A Windows 7 System

Oct 5, 2011

I am running Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional on a Windows 7 system.While working on a visual basic exercise in chapter 4 of the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step book on the MyMenu program I added a Toolstrip to my form and then I was trying to perform the add OpenFileDialog and ColorDialog controls to the component tray as described at the bottom of page 111 under Using Dialog Box Controls. I could never get the controls to appear in the component tray as instructed in the book.

I added a toolstrip to the form. According to my instructions I should be able to click on the Open file icon on the toolstrip to select it and then click anywhere else on the form. When I do that, the OpenFileDialog should appear on the component tray where I can then select it to enter code. This however does not happen.The only way I was able to get them to appear in the component tray was by opening the Menu program supplied on the DVD under chapter 4, selecting both of the above controls on the component tray, right clicking and then press copy. I then closed the Menu program and opened the MyMenu program that I created and then I was able to paste the two object controls to the component tray.

I went back to the original Menu program to see if I was able to place any other controls on the component tray by following the instructions in the book but was not able to. I also tried the same thing with MyMenu and it also still would not work.I have been unable to find anything that might explain why the component tray does not work as explained. Perhaps there is some setting somewhere that needs changed, but all searches have been unsuccessful.

PS. I have entered this on one of the other MicroSoft forums and although it has gotten multiple views I have not yet received any feedback.I also get the following error: Cannot add component of type 'ToolStripButton' to container of type 'form'.

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Visual Studio Random Quiz And Possibility Of .swf Dile Calling Form?

Jan 29, 2012

How to create a Random quiz? I use groupboxes for every questions that i have because it has 10 items per quiz then i have 10 groupboxes. Another problem is, i was planning to create a .swf file in my visual studio project actually a button to make it more fascinating to use but it is possible to have a .swf file on my project and every time i click the button on ".swf" file the visual studio form will appear.

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.net - Very Long Build Time In Visual Studio?

Oct 28, 2009

I've a solution with 15 projects (14 class libraries and one web application). Each class library has corresponding test project (i.e. if I have MyApp.Services project there exists MyApp.Services.Tests -- using NUnit). Everything is written in VB.NET. The problem is that when VS tries to compile any of *.Tests project it stops responding (the bigger the project the longer the period without reposnse). I don't know where to start looking for an issue. I'll add that I've R# 4.5 installed.

UPDATE 1:Is there any way to benchmark a build in visual studio? To get build times for every project?

UPDATE 2:It seems that there is no difference after disabling R#.

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Best Use Of Time At Visual Studio Launch 2010

Jun 27, 2012

I am switching from Winforms to WPF in April. I am also going to be in attendance at the Visual Studio Launch in Las Vegas.I have a real need to get up to speed quickly in WPF, so What sessions are going to be the best use of my time?I've got some picked out already, but I'm looking for some more advice on how to wade through all the marketing fluff and get some real educational value out of these few days. I have not been to one of these events before, so I don't really know how much is marketing hype, and how much is solid content/A couple of the workshops look interesting (VPR02 and VPS02), but I don't know enough about the actual content of these to justify the extra expense right now. I do have WPF learning planned other than just these few days in Vegas, but since I'm going to be there anyway, I want to learn as much as I can in the time available.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Show Time In Statustrip?

Feb 20, 2012

How to Show time in statustrip format (HH:MM:SS) that will automatically changed Like a (TaskBar Time in Windows)

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Visual Basic Form Design?

Feb 19, 2012

Okay guys this is my first thread as well as my first dive into programming. So my question is, I want to have this design on my form that would fade from blue to black, and I have no idea how to do this. So picture a form thats blue and when you look

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SystemTime Formatting (day - Date And Time) In Visual Studio 2008

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to format the day, date, and time to look like something like this "Thu,


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Weird Error Every Time Open My Project In Visual Studio

Feb 25, 2011

I have a VB application that uses databases and writes information onto an Excel-file. I have the Excel-file in my Project folder(Visual Studio 2008ProjectsProjectXProjectXExcel objektitListy.xls)Every time I open up my project I get the following error:[code]The thing is, I don't know why the error starts up in the first place. Why is the VS 'unable to open the module file' even though it exists in that folder and can be opened normally?Also, why does the error disappear when the file is opened manually from the containing folder?

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IDE :: Design Time Form Load

Jul 25, 2011

I've developed a derived form class that contains various collections of data. Corresponding to this data, I have a series of custom controls which can be linked to said data. I do this via custom UITypeEditors that convert the Custom Controls' Form into my derived Form Class Type and filling in a ListBox with the relevant data for the control in question. When the controls are serialized by the designer, it only stores the index value.

The above all works fine. However, I have found 1 bug that I am trying to work out - which is that, during Design Time, Custom Controls that are placed in sub containers (like a Tab Control) will fire their Load Event BEFORE they are placed inside of the Form. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? OR is there an event which occurs when the Controls are truly placed inside of a form (and not merely a sub container)?

EDIT: Upon Further Inspection, this problem only occurs with the Tab Control and not with other sub containers like Group Boxes, Split Panes, etc.

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Run-time Design - Exit The Form?

Dec 6, 2011

I want to create a simple program and I'm trying to do this with run-time design.with this form, when you click on the button1 with the caption(Text) "Show Another Form", another form will be created with this code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]....

How can I exit the form I've created when you click on the Cancel Button. The code I've provided doesn't work.

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Force Reload Of A Referenced .Net Component In VS2005

Feb 19, 2009

We have a VB project that loads a reference to a .Net dll (which we also make). Both projects are being simultaneously developed.

When we add new classes to the referenced dll, the main project normally fails to notice the changes.

That is, if we added a new class Bar to the Foo dll, we should be able to type "Foo." and have Bar listed in the intellisense dropdown. It's never there.

Removing the reference and then adding it back in again sometimes fixes the problem. Sometimes we have been able to just manually type Bar in and then rebuild without errors.

It seems to me that there should be some way to tell Visual Studio to reload the referenced project because it has changed. Actually, I think VS should notice the change itself, but failing that, we need a simple way to force a reload.

Edit: It is VS2005 and we are referencing output assemblies (the dll)

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Visual Studio 2010 :: Excel Deleting Multiple Columns At The Same Time?

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to delete more than one column in my excel sheet.

For Each lvi In ListView1.Items
If lvi.Checked = True Then
arrayLetters = lvi.SubItems(1).Text & ":" & lvi.SubItems(1).Text & "," & arrayLetters


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Designate A Form As A MDI Child At Design Time?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Pro (.Net 3.5 SP1). I'm trying to make some MDI child forms in a Windows project (VB) and cannot find any "MDI Child" or "MDI Parent" property for any form.

How can I designate a form as an MDI Child at design time?

I've read the help files and they reference either an "MDI Parent" or "MDI Child" property but I cannot find those properties in the property list of any form.

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.net - How To Show A Form's Custom Property At Design Time

Oct 22, 2010

I have a form where I have created a custom property, DataEntryRole, and set its Browsable attribute to True, as shown:

<Browsable(True)> _
Public Property DataEntryRole() As UserRole.PossibleRoles
Return mDataEntryRole
End Get


When I view the designer for my form, DataEntryRole doesn't appear in the property box. I assume that it should appear if I were to create another form that inherited from this base form, but that's not what I want. I want this property to show up in my current form.

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Select A Standard Windows Form At Design Time?

Dec 5, 2010

When I select a standard windows form at design time, then in the toolbox, under the "general" section, there are ellipse, line, and rectangle, but they are all gray and so can't be used and I can't find any way to make them not gray and thus usable. What am I missing? The help system tells how to USE them but nothing about how to make them accessible, it just assumes they are.

I have no problem drawing a line on a form at run-time but I want to drop one on at design time and can't find any way that's my real problem.I'm not a heavy user of VB.NET so I figure there's probably something simple that I'm overlooking.

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Visual Basic 2005 - Save The Design Page Of The Form?

Feb 2, 2010

How can I save the design page of the form? I can only save the code

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C# - Web Matrix Differ From Visual Studio - Is It More Efficient Than Visual Studio To Develop ASP.NET Web Project

Oct 12, 2011

WebMatrix is a web development and deployment tool by Microsoft so how is this compared to Visual Studio? which Use C# Razor Syntax is that more better coding.


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Compile A Solution In Visual Studio 2005 Which Was Compiled In Visual Studio 6?

Sep 15, 2009

I have to compile projects which was compiled in Visual Studio 6 in Visual Studio 2005. When i compiled i got a set of same error. I opened the project for VS6 by selecting File->open->project/solution and tried to build a solution by Build option but i am getting the following error.


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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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