Select A Standard Windows Form At Design Time?

Dec 5, 2010

When I select a standard windows form at design time, then in the toolbox, under the "general" section, there are ellipse, line, and rectangle, but they are all gray and so can't be used and I can't find any way to make them not gray and thus usable. What am I missing? The help system tells how to USE them but nothing about how to make them accessible, it just assumes they are.

I have no problem drawing a line on a form at run-time but I want to drop one on at design time and can't find any way that's my real problem.I'm not a heavy user of VB.NET so I figure there's probably something simple that I'm overlooking.

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IDE :: Design Time Form Load

Jul 25, 2011

I've developed a derived form class that contains various collections of data. Corresponding to this data, I have a series of custom controls which can be linked to said data. I do this via custom UITypeEditors that convert the Custom Controls' Form into my derived Form Class Type and filling in a ListBox with the relevant data for the control in question. When the controls are serialized by the designer, it only stores the index value.

The above all works fine. However, I have found 1 bug that I am trying to work out - which is that, during Design Time, Custom Controls that are placed in sub containers (like a Tab Control) will fire their Load Event BEFORE they are placed inside of the Form. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? OR is there an event which occurs when the Controls are truly placed inside of a form (and not merely a sub container)?

EDIT: Upon Further Inspection, this problem only occurs with the Tab Control and not with other sub containers like Group Boxes, Split Panes, etc.

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Run-time Design - Exit The Form?

Dec 6, 2011

I want to create a simple program and I'm trying to do this with run-time design.with this form, when you click on the button1 with the caption(Text) "Show Another Form", another form will be created with this code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]....

How can I exit the form I've created when you click on the Cancel Button. The code I've provided doesn't work.

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Designate A Form As A MDI Child At Design Time?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Pro (.Net 3.5 SP1). I'm trying to make some MDI child forms in a Windows project (VB) and cannot find any "MDI Child" or "MDI Parent" property for any form.

How can I designate a form as an MDI Child at design time?

I've read the help files and they reference either an "MDI Parent" or "MDI Child" property but I cannot find those properties in the property list of any form.

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.net - How To Show A Form's Custom Property At Design Time

Oct 22, 2010

I have a form where I have created a custom property, DataEntryRole, and set its Browsable attribute to True, as shown:

<Browsable(True)> _
Public Property DataEntryRole() As UserRole.PossibleRoles
Return mDataEntryRole
End Get


When I view the designer for my form, DataEntryRole doesn't appear in the property box. I assume that it should appear if I were to create another form that inherited from this base form, but that's not what I want. I want this property to show up in my current form.

View 2 Replies - Format A Varchar In A Gridview In Military Time To Standard Time

Apr 19, 2012

There is a varchar column in the database table in this format of military time 1230 or 1750 or 1320 and that field get populated into a gridview in asp. I need to convert that string to standard time. I have tried the DateFormatString and nothing seems to work.

the asp is

<asp:BoundColumn DataField="ScanTime" SortExpression="ScanTime" ReadOnly="True"
HeaderText="Scan Time" DataFormatString="{0:hh}:{0:mm} {tt}">
<ItemStyle Width="80px"></ItemStyle>

that DateFormatString causes Input string was not in a correct format. error.

I have tried combinations of hh:mm and things like that but since its a varchar I think its failing

View 1 Replies - Get The Current Date And Time In Textbox In IST ( Indian Standard Time)

Dec 6, 2010

How to get the current date and time in textbox in IST ( Indian Standard Time) in ?

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Force A Form Or Component To Redraw At Design Time In Visual Studio?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a component which hooks up with the paint event of assigned control and draws on its surface, Whenever i make any changes to the component i need to resize the form or control at design time in order to see the changes.

I want to ask if there is any other way to refresh the contents of a control at design time which forces it to redraw.

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Create Link To Open User Control In Program Form To Use At Design Time?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got a VB.Net form application that dynamically loads user controls based on which navigation link the user clicks on. I'd like to make it easier to use at Design time by putting a link of some sort to open the User Control at design time. The link would go onto the form in the space where the User Control will be going. This just saves a little time from having to browse through the files to open the correct file.

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Forms :: Missing Design View On Windows Form

May 6, 2011

I have a project which still runs fine without issue however i dont seem to be able to access the design view of Form1. The icon in soultions explorer has also changed from a form to a sinple vb reference. Im unable to right click in solutions explorer and view designer as there is no option there.

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C# - Standard Windows Menu Bars In Windows Forms?

May 6, 2010

I noticed that adding a MenuStrip (from the Toolbox) to my form design doesn't yield a menu bar like many native Windows applications. Instead I get a menu bar like Visual Studio's own. None of the style settings for MenuStrip appear to mimic the much more common native menu bar.Is there a way to add a menu bar to my Windows Forms application that looks the same as the one you see in Notepad, Task Manager and others? (Preferably with the designer, but I wouldn't mind adding it programmatically either.)

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IDE :: Component Will Not Render At Design-time, But Works Fine At Run-time?

Jan 30, 2009

using VS2008, targetting framework 3.5I have a rather complex UserConrol which does some of its own rendering.I display this UserControl on a form.Opening that form in the Designer creates an instance of the UserControl in the Designer, which tells me a NullReferenceException is occurring in one of my rendering methods.I have attempted to correct this by making alterations to the UserControl's default constructor, but have not found success.

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Standard SQL SELECT * FROM TABLE Return Syntax Error?

Mar 30, 2011

I keep getting an error saying "there is an error in your sql syntax." when i use this sql statement:SELECT * FROM gsm_oceanwide_integrationEDIT:To put this in context heres the code im using this query statement in (

Dim con As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection("Data Source=" & frmLogin.txtserver.Text & ";Database=stratocast;User ID=" & frmLogin.txtusername.Text & ";Password=" & frmLogin.txtpassword.Text & ";")


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Form Design - Cannot Expand Vertically In Design View

Jun 27, 2011

I seem to have reached a limit on the size of the form. I cannot make the form longer and I need to add more fields. Is there a limit on how many fields can be included in a form?

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Unable To Select A Value From A Dropdown Of Windows Form Using Autoit?

Jun 16, 2011

Using the following code

ControlCommand("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "ShowDropDown")
ControlSend("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "This is my default value (TEST) - First")

ControlCommand("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "ShowDropDown")
ControlSend("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "select", "This is my default value (TEST) - First")

It selects the combo box but not selecting the desired "this is my default value (TEST) - First" from the list. Basically what it is doing is selecting any value that starts with t . e.g first value is "TMP". So instead of exactly matching it is selecting any first character to force it to select the exact string from list.Also tried using the following code but nothing seems to work

$Index = _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_FindStringExact($hcombo, $sText)
_GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetCurSel($hcombo, $Index)[code].....

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Merge Row In Run Time In C# Windows Form?

Mar 10, 2010

i use datagrid view in my project in Windows form. During run time there are 8 column, among these, in one column(PURPOSE) there is a value which is repeated 3-4 times depend on Query. now i want that i merge these 3-4 cell in PURPOSE that the data which is repeated 3-4 times can only 1 time..

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Use Standard Windows Icons?

Aug 20, 2009

In VS.Net 2008, if you choose a new form with the Explorer template, the form is preloaded with a menu strip, and all the items have the familar save, print, open, etc, icons/bitmaps. I would like to use these icons in other forms, but the form does not appear to reveal the location of these icons or where they came from. Does anyone know where they are? If I find them and point to them, can I be assured that these icons are in the same place on any computer (or do I need to embed them in the exe)?

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How To Display Time In Windows Form Application

Jan 10, 2011

i am using MS access as my database and as my table has four table name is myRecordtbl and the columns are ,myid, myname, starttime and i know how can i insert into table. but i got hard how to display times then i can choose to insert into my table.the time should be in the form of Hours:Minutes:Seconds AM or PM with up and down arrow.then when i select the time and hit ADD, it should insert into my table.

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How To Make Only One Windows Form Show At A Time

Feb 16, 2012

i have a combobox that has 3 cases. case "0" opens a dialog saying, "Not a valid choice"but case "1" and case"2" open up there own separate forms. (FormMain and Form3)How do i make it so if Form3 is open FormMain Can not be opened, And a messagebox appear saying so. I do not just want the ".hide" function. I already have that set.I have tried a few differant things, none of which worked. And i tried them in the formload and in the combobox selected index

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Login Time Out Solution For Windows Form App?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a print driver Windows app that uses a web service to connect to an authenticate its credentials. But the problem is, I don't want a user to login every time they want to print. Basically I want the login part of the app to only pop up if the printing functionality hasn't been used in 20 minutes.

tell me what would be the best way to go about this? I'm unfamiliar with Timer functions. This app isn't always on. It's on briefly then closed. So I need a solution where the timer is set somehow on the computer.And I don't want to write data to a text file when it can just be edited..

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Opening Windows In MDI Form With Different States At Same Time?

May 5, 2012

I did a MDI Winforms application and noticed behaviour that I have a question for. If one of the forms is opened with a Maximized Window State and another form is opened with a Normal Window State, the form Window State that used to be Maximized is changed to Normal. Can several windows be open in a MDI form with different window states at the same?

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Access Key In Standard Windows Forms

Jan 29, 2012

I've run into an issue with Access Key in either Visual Basic or C#... also happens whether on my windows 7 64 but laptop or my Windows Vista 32 bit laptop - in Visual Studio 2010 professional... I create an Access Key (for example E&xit)... while the underline under the x shows up in the development area, it does NOT show up when I run the application NOR does it work... for example, press alt-x does not run the code associated with the exit (nor does a break into that code show it gets into that code).When I try it in a menu, it is a little different at first the underline under the access key does not show up but then after I access something by hand, it sometimes shows up and is usable.

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What Is The Cursor That Windows Uses For Standard Dragging

Mar 25, 2010

I don't know if I have gone blind, or if I am just searching in the wrong place, but what is the cursor that Windows uses for standard dragging, and where is it found? I can see the icon that is used when something is dragged over a control that is not a drop target, but not the control that is used for dragging elsewhere.

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Save Data In A Database Table While At The Same Time Sending Standard Template Email

Jun 9, 2012

I haven't done any VB coding since school (15 years ago) but currently have a need to run what "sounds" a fairly simple app at work. I'm hoping some of you might be able to give me some pointers as to whether or not my idea is possible, and if it is, how best to approach it.

I work for a company where we send a number of standard emails to potential clients asking them to contribute to our magazine . if no response we then send a number of follow up emails. each and every time I send a new email to a new prospect I'm editing one of our template emails, putting their name and email address into outlook and manually sending emails. Then for every reminder I'm going back into outlook, clicking reply all and then c&p'ing our second or third reminder emails in each and every time. needless to say at least 2-3 hours of my day are spent editing and resending the same emails on outlook.


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IDE :: Windows Mobile 6 SDK With VS2008 Standard Edition

Jun 1, 2009

I have just purchased VS2008 SE to run on my PC with VS2005 SE. I have been developing a WM6 application using the VS2008 PE trial, the trial period has now ended, hence the purchase of VS2008 SE (full not upgrade). As a private user for hobby purposes I can not afford VS2008 PE. I am astonished to learn that in actual fact VS2008 SE is a step back from VS2005 SE in that the WM6 SDK's on not supported. I have read the below thread: url...I am also annoyed that on the WM6 SDK refresh download page it states clearly that VS2005 SE or higher must be used - hence the purchase of VS 2008 SE.As I have installed on my PC a full version of VS2005 SE and VS2008 SE, is there a way to develop WM6 devices with the tools I have or is VS2008 PE the only solution.

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IDE :: Windows Mobile 6 SDK With VS2008 Standard Edition?

Oct 3, 2009

IDE :: Windows Mobile 6 SDK with VS2008 Standard Edition

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Starting Windows Service As Standard User

Aug 4, 2010

My app (which runs ok as a standard user) requires updates to be installed, but I don't want to have to input the administrator username/password each time nor do I want to increase user privileges to administrator.

I have a windows service which handles the downloading of updates etc (running as Local System) but the start command needs to come from the main app (running as a standard user). This is not permitted and I get Access Denied.

I understand why this is happening but is there an alternative way to achieve this? I want to handle program updates as the standard user without using ClickOnce or installing to a non Program Files folder.

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Constantly Update Current Time Display On A Windows Form?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a windows form where I want the time to constantly be updated. Right now it will take the current time from when the program was started.

For example, if I started the program at 4:30:29 PM that is what it will show the whole time the program runs.I need it to constantly be updated as the seconds tick by. So, If I started the program at 4:30:29 PM and ran it for exactly 5 minutes, the time displayed then should be 4:35:29 PM.The data being taken in and saved needs a time associated with it and the end user also need to know the current time as the program is ran in full-screen. [code]...

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Know The Font + Size For A Standard Message Box In Windows Vista?

Oct 23, 2009

Does anyone know the font + size for a standard message box in Windows Vista?

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Can't Capture Message Of Standard Output (Stdout) And Standard Error

Dec 15, 2011

I build program to launch application(launch application can as local profile or can as network credentials) using Advapi32 "Create Process WithLogonW".but I got the problem, I can't capture message of standard output(Stdout) and Standard Error(stderr).could everyone help me how to capture message and the code?

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