Can't Capture Message Of Standard Output (Stdout) And Standard Error

Dec 15, 2011

I build program to launch application(launch application can as local profile or can as network credentials) using Advapi32 "Create Process WithLogonW".but I got the problem, I can't capture message of standard output(Stdout) and Standard Error(stderr).could everyone help me how to capture message and the code?

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PowerShell Host And Standard Error Output

Aug 15, 2011

I wonder if it is possible to write and capture errors when running a script to PowerShell.In my case I am using the following code:[code]' add an extra command to transform the script output objects into nicely formatted strings' remove this line to get the actual objects that the script returns, for example, see the script "Get-Process" returns a collection.[code]

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Add Standard Button To Toolstrip / Make Toolstripbutton As Standard?

May 27, 2009

I usually use standard button and do the settings like causevalidation etc if required.

i decided to use toolstrip and inserted some buttons but end up that it doesn't do the validation for control and also doesn't call leave event of textbox control.

so my question is, anyway to use regular button functionality for toolstripbutton or there is a way to add regular button on toolstrip.

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.NET Read Standard Output?

Jun 30, 2011

From my application I need to run a command and parse the output. I can do this with no problem but I don't want the command to be displayed. I hoped WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden would work but it doesn't. Take the sample code below for example. It works fine but the command window still visibly opens and closes very quickly and I need it to never show its ugly face. How can I fix this?


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Redirecting The Standard Output?

Jun 16, 2010

I am having trouble redirecting standardoutput and standarderror from a command line program that dumps a lot of numbers to the screen. I've looked through a lot of similar posts and think my code matches what it should be doing (asynchronous reading of the data with appropriate invokes for writing to the log text box) but it still just hangs the application until my p.WaitForExit times out. Once it times out and I kill the process, a chunk (but not all) of the data is written to the textbox in from the OutputDataReceived event handler. Any ideas what is going on here? I've seen some posts regarding buffer size, but that apparently is fixed (i.e. I can set a buffer size of 1 and receive every char). Below is my function to execute the process and two relevant event handlers.

Private Function ExecuteWallGen() As Boolean
Dim bResult As Boolean = False
Dim szExec = Me.ExecutablePath & Me.WallGenExecutable


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.net - Redirecting Standard Output When Generated?

Dec 18, 2010

I am trying to redirect the output of a c program which generates output in the console. I can redirect the output once the process exits. But is there the way to redirect the output as and when there is some output in the shell window? I require this to make it understandable that the program is running and since different steps of the c code may take, say 10-15 minutes to run.

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Get The Standard BackColor Of A Standard TabPage?

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to add a TabPage containing a UserControl to a TabControl at runtime, because the number of TabPages to add are determined at runtime.

The UserControl (objDataInfo) is just two Textboxes, two labels and two Radiobuttons, nothing too exciting...

The TextBoxes have their Anchor properties set to Left, Up, Right so they scale with the width of the usercontrol.

The TabPages are added in the constructor of the form, which takes the number of tabpages to create (n) as an argument:
Dim cList As List(Of objDataInfo)
Public Sub New(ByVal n As Integer)


So... How can I get the standard BackColor of a standard TabPage?

(I tried leaving out the usercontrol all-together, but the TabPage still has a gray background...)

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Monitor Process Standard Output That Does Not Necessarily Use CR/LF

Jun 29, 2009

My application periodically starts console programs with process.start. I need to monitor the output of the programs in "realtime".

For example, the program writes the following text to the console: Processing...............

Every second or so a new dot appears to let the user know the program is still processing. However,... until the programm outputs a CR/LF, I am not able to retrieve the standard output of the program (while it is still running).

What can I do to get the output in realtime for - let's say - piping it into a database for instance in VB.NET?

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Status Updating While Reading Standard Output?

Dec 23, 2010

I use the following code to read the standard output from a command line application from a main winforms application, and then I use the BeginInvoke code to update a textbox with the status. What I am not sure about is if I can have a smoother process. The code loads up about 10 to 20 text inserts, and those are all seen at once... not a smooth process where each status is updated. Any thoughts on if the reading of the standard output and/or the beginvoke code could seem more smooth to the user?

Delegate Sub UpdateUIStatusHandler(ByVal StatusMessage As String, ByVal JobName As String, ByVal Direction As String)
Dim ProcessJob As New ProcessStartInfo(GSyncExe, RunJob)
ProcessJob.UseShellExecute = False : ProcessJob.CreateNoWindow = True : ProcessJob.RedirectStandardOutput = True : ProcessJob.RedirectStandardError


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VS 2008 Redirect Standard Output Woes

Feb 26, 2010

i have a form app that needs to get the output of a console app in real time.or as close to it as possible.[code]that is my code so far, and it seems to work great for everything other than the actual console app i need it to.when i use it on ping commands it comes up in my text box perfectly.when i use it with my console app (which i don't have access to the source for) it outputs nothing until the app closes, depends on the arguments given. i am 100% sure it is the way the app is written but there is nothing i can do about is there any way to get the desired functionality some other way?

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Redirecting Standard Output From A Process (msxsl.exe) To A String

Nov 24, 2010

I am writing a command line application in VB.NET. This application is calling another one, msxsl.exe, to run an XSL transform. I am using the Process class to do this:[code]What I want it to be able to display the output from this process to the console of my application. I have read several posts explaining this method, but it does not seem to work in this case. The output is an empty string.[code]I have verified that if I run the msxsl executable on its own (i.e. running "msxsl.exe base.xml test.xsl -o styled.xml"), it displays output on the command line. What am I doing wrong?I should note that the msxsl process is currently failing due to a malformed XML file. It is displaying this error message:[code]This is exactly the type of thing I want displayed in the console of my application (or, eventually, a log file.)

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Know The Font + Size For A Standard Message Box In Windows Vista?

Oct 23, 2009

Does anyone know the font + size for a standard message box in Windows Vista?

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VS 2005 Error : This File Is Not In The Standard ZIP Format 2.0

Aug 6, 2010

i have usied ICSharp.dll for zipping my sucessfullyzip the folder but when i try to unzip file manually it shows me error " this file is not in the standard ZIP format 2.0"

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Standard SQL SELECT * FROM TABLE Return Syntax Error?

Mar 30, 2011

I keep getting an error saying "there is an error in your sql syntax." when i use this sql statement:SELECT * FROM gsm_oceanwide_integrationEDIT:To put this in context heres the code im using this query statement in (

Dim con As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection("Data Source=" & frmLogin.txtserver.Text & ";Database=stratocast;User ID=" & frmLogin.txtusername.Text & ";Password=" & frmLogin.txtpassword.Text & ";")


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IDE :: Differences Standard - Professional - Team Suite - Team Foundation Server Standard & Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition

Jul 15, 2009

1) Can anyone post a link or tell me the differences between these versions of VISUAL STUDIO please? >>

Standard, Professional, Team Suite, Team Foundation Server Standard & Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition

2) I imagine Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition is the most expensive and therefore has the most functionality?

3) Are there any others I have not mentioned?

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Capture Streamreader Output And Return Friendly Message

Feb 8, 2010

Im using a function to set an option on a web page - I'm trying to capture the return message (Which is "ok" or an error), I want to cature "ok" and return a friendly message, otherwise return the actual message. This If Then Else seems to be false for the If even when "ok" is returned:


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VB Piping STDOUT From Cmd.exe Output To To Write To Textbox?

Apr 1, 2012

I'm trying to adapt a VBscript that runs the QWINSTA command against a text file I've defined as an array and displays the results in a text file.after looking at numerous examples on Stack and other sites this is my latest iteration, that displays everything except the STDOUT, which is really what I'm after, not sure if it's an issue with how I'm calling the command piping the output or what. I'm also passing two variables as arguments to complicate matters :)

The Text file that stdout is piped to is empty after the FOR Loop completes I may be going the long way about this, most of my past experience with this is in BATCH


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Sending Output To Stdout (console) In Win Form Project

Jul 13, 2009

I have an application with a String variable that repeated gets a Date from a database, does something with that field, then goes onto the next row. Is there a way I can send send out some debugging information to the stdout console so I can debug better/view the progress of the program?

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How To Develop A Standard C#

Oct 5, 2009

So, I don't want this to get into a flame war between C# and VB.NET developers. This is purely from a standpoint of a development department going forward. We've been a VB.NET company for years, but that was mainly due to who we've hired. That requirement has fallen off the wayside as of late, as we've pulled in 2 guys who specialize in C#. I used to be a C++/C# guy before converting to VB.NET for this company.

So, to everyone who has to deal with this whether on a hiring basis or a maintainability basis: how do you handle standardizing languages of choice going forward? I'm inclined to make a push for C#, as that'll make 3 solid C# developers here. But just curious what everyone's thoughts on this are.

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Standard EXE Template ?

Jul 24, 2008

On creating a new project in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition (Version 9), where you get to choose a template, I can't find Standard EXE anywhere.

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C# - Update The Code According To Standard?

Feb 24, 2010

Using VB.Net, C#.Net and SQL Server.Windows Application.I want to separate a code for 3 Tier Architecture(Presentation Layer, Data Access Layer, Business Logic Layer).


Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim ada As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet


Above code is working, But i want to do a same process by using 3 Tier Architecture.How to separate my code according to 3 tier Architecture.

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Get Default/standard Program?

Nov 4, 2010

It�s there a way in VB to get the dominant Webbrowser, antivriusprogram, firewall, mailprogram or other things that can be set as default?!
I have search on the internet but probobly not the right refrences, with no success?

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How To Access Standard Icons

Jan 20, 2007

How to access standard icons, like the "back", "forward", open and stuff? i want to put then in my menus, the save etc can be accessed by inserting standard items but the IE "back"? any eternal free sites?

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How To Convert Standard To Encoded Hex

Sep 3, 2011

I have an example of standard text (in Hex form) in a specific encoding (selected by the user). And I have a weirdly encoded text which is in the same encoding but a little different. How do I convert the Standard to the encoded Hex?

Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5) Example:
## 12 91 BB BE BA B8 C0 2E 20 CD BA C0 B0 BD B0 20 B8 20 BA BB B0 B2 2E <- ALTERNATIVE
B1 DB DE DA D8 E0 2E 20 ED DA E0 D0 DD D0 20 D8 20 DA DB D0 D2 2E <- STANDARD
Diff. from Standard (in Decimal): -32

Hebrew Visual (ISO-8859-8) Example:
## 1C 0B E0 E2 D9 DC EA 20 DE E1 DA 20 D5 DE E7 E9 D9 DD <- ALTERNATIVE
F0 F2 E9 EC FA 20 EE F1 EA 20 E5 EE F7 F9 E9 ED <- STANDARD
Diff. from Standard (in Decimal): -16

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Paging With Standard .net 2.0 Gridview

Apr 3, 2009

I am using a standart .net 2.0 Gridview which uses an XMLDatasource to populate the Grid. The Data property of the XMLDatasource is set dynamically which allows the gridview to change based on input.All this works fine however I am having problems with paging.I have set the AllowPaging Property to "true" and set the PageSize Property to "10". The GridView populates fine the first time around showing the first 10 records and the number of pages as hyperlinks at the bottom, BUT when i try to click on any of the page numbers to view them a message box pops up saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"..[code]

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Redirect The Standard I/O Of A Process?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I redirect the standard I/O of a process?

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Remove VB Net Standard 2002?

Jul 31, 2010

I need to remove VB .Net Standard 2002 installation from a XP SP3 laptop I used for development. Unfortunately I threw away the installation disk which came with a VB MSPress Manual. I have read and followed the advice in KB Articles 312383, 320114 and 319714 with no success. The MSIs would not even run in admin mode. Has anyone removed this product without the installation disk? Is there a source for a detailed list of the files and folders I must manually remove?

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Specifying Standard View In Arguments?

Oct 28, 2009

How can I start a new process (calc.exe) and specify Standard view in the arguments?

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Use Standard Windows Icons?

Aug 20, 2009

In VS.Net 2008, if you choose a new form with the Explorer template, the form is preloaded with a menu strip, and all the items have the familar save, print, open, etc, icons/bitmaps. I would like to use these icons in other forms, but the form does not appear to reveal the location of these icons or where they came from. Does anyone know where they are? If I find them and point to them, can I be assured that these icons are in the same place on any computer (or do I need to embed them in the exe)?

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VS 2008 : Using Non Standard Colours In DGV?

Sep 6, 2009

I have a colour that is not predefined and I want to change the selectionbackcolor in a DGV. In the DGV it is defined as 255,255,192.

RoomNamesDGV.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = " a colour "

How do I set the colour using 255,255,192.I need to do this as I have 2 DGV side by side and I want to show where the focus lies.

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