Generate All Possible 3 Or 4 Digit Combinations?

May 30, 2009

I am trying to generate all possible 3 or 4 digit combinations from 0 to 9. I will be outputting them to a text file but I just need help with actually generating them.

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Combinations :: Generate All Possible Words On File?

Dec 10, 2011

Example :

If a got word "don" then file will contain


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Generate Combinations Of Elements Of A List<T> In .NET 4.0?

Jul 13, 2009

I would like a function generate all of the k-combinations of elements from a List of n elements. Note that I am looking for combinations, not permutations, and that we need a solution for varying k (i.e., hard-coding the loops is a no-no).

I am looking for a solution that is a) elegant, and b) can be coded in VB10/.Net 4.0.

This means a) solutions requiring LINQ are ok, b) those using the C# "yield" command are not.

The order of the combinations is not important (i.e., lexicographical, Gray-code, what-have-you) and elegance is favored over performance, if the two are in conflict.

(The OCaml and C# solutions here would be perfect, if they could be coded in VB10.)

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Generate Combinations Of Pixels On A Page?

Mar 25, 2011

how to generate combinations of pixels on a page using 24bit color using MS VB 10.0.

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.net - Generate All Unique Combinations Of Elements Of A IEnumerable(Of T)?

May 12, 2011

This question is virtually the same as this SO post, only I'm looking for a VB.NET (.NET 4) solution. I've spun my wheels long enough trying to come up with a generic solution to solving this "power set" problem.

Dim choices As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"Coffee", "Tea", "Milk", "Cookies"}
Dim choiceSets = choices.CombineAll()

I'm looking for choiceSets to be an IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T)) so that I can do something like:

For each choiceSet in choiceSets
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", choiceSet))


As you can see, this is every non-repeating combination from the source IEnumerable(Of T) (which could have 1 to many items in it - this example only had 4), it operates based on the order of the items in the source IEnumerable(Of T), and each item in the list is >= the previous item in terms of number of items in the inner IEnumerable(Of T).

For what it's worth, this is not homework; though it sure does feel like it. EDIT: Updated the example so it does not look like the result is alphabetically sorted, to stress that the source IEnumerable(Of T)'s existing order is used and added a 4th choice to clarify the sorting requirement within each set.

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How To Generate All Real Combinations From String Array

Apr 2, 2012

I need to generate all combinations (not permutations) in VB .NET, I've been search and all I found is for permutations (some says combinations but when I was try it, all are permutations).

What I need is to generate combinations from string array:
Dim data_array As String() = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"}

I need that: If I say just 1 length, it must returns:

If I say 2 length, it must returns:
... etc ...
... etc ...

And continues til end with all combinations. If I say more length do it as well.

View 2 Replies - Generate And 7-digit Random Number/special Character String ?

Dec 1, 2010

How can I generate a 7-digit random number and special character string in a textbox on a button click event, in VB.Net?

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5-digit Credit Card Number With Fifth Digit As Check Digit

Apr 6, 2010

I just finished this application where you enter a five-digit credit card number, with the fifth digit being the check digit. everything seems to work except, I can't seem to get it to determine that any number is "valid". Every 5-digit combination that I enter returns "The credit card number is not valid". Im using visual basic 2008 express


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Generate Serial Number (last Six Digit Number)

May 17, 2010

I want to generate a serial number in this format: INDDMMYY000001, INDDMMYY000002, INDDMMYY000003, ... I can generate INDDMMYY using following code: lblNoSiri.Text = "IN" + Date.Now.ToString("ddMMyy") However, I don't know how to generate the last six digit number. I only can generate number without zero in front of it. How to create the number with fix number of digit?

View 4 Replies

Write A Program That Validates An Inputted Ten Digit ISBN Number Using The Check-digit?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm supposed to write a program that validates an inputted ten digit ISBN number using the check-digit at the end to ensure that the sum is a multiple of eleven. Before calculating this and detecting if the entered number is indeed a valid ISBN, we're required to check the first nine digits and see if they are indeed integers. After this the tenth digit is checked to see if it is "X" (for ten) or 0-9.

With the code I've written it keeps returning false for whether or not the ISBN is valid, even with valid numbers. I feel like its something to do with the hyphens; have I misused the replace function?I'm a little lost on how to make my code work, but I'm fairly certain my logic is okay so far.


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Convert Single Digit To Double Digit?

May 28, 2011

I'm making a project that randomly picks a number from an array, but if it picks a number less than 10 then the number is a single instead of a double.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim N(2) As Integer
N(0) = "0" & 1
N(1) = "0" & 2
N(2) = "0" & 3


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Make Double-digit Numbers From One-digit?

Apr 22, 2012

Ok, I have like this:

Public basic_numbers(10) As Integer
basic_numbers(0) = 0
basic_numbers(1) = 1


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Make A Digit Number In A Field Of A Database Add One Digit Number To It Self?

Aug 12, 2011

i want a button to perform a function of checking the last digit number in a field of a table in and add a digit to it and display it in a textbox.

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SQL : Get Minimum Value From List Of 3, 4, 5 Digit Numbers But Want Minimum 4 Digit Number?

May 4, 2012

I'm using Visual Studio and table adapters using an Access DB as the backend. I need the minimum 4 digit value. I want to get next available 4 or 5 digit number. And this will change depending upon the users request. Currently I use a table adabpter query. But how would I write a query. I suppose I could do a long iterative loop through all values until I see a 4 digit.But I'm trying to think of something more efficient.

Function GetNextAvailableNumber(NumofDigits) as Long
'SQL Code Here ----
'Query Number Table


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Combinations Of 16 Take By 2 Using LINQ

Oct 28, 2009

I want simply to generate rapidly combinations of 16 take by2 using linq.So I want to display me the combinations only not arrangements:1,2 (not 2,1 because there are combinations)...1,16 2,3 (not 3,2) because they are combinations..2,16..Comb of 16 take by 2 makes 120 so 120 combinations will be displayed on screen.[code]So my question is how to display rapidly on screen the combinations of 16 take by 2 using this Enumerable class of Visual Basic .NET(the 120combinations in fact)

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Detecting Key Combinations In Vb?

Aug 16, 2011

I am facing problem while in detecting the multiple key combinations is my cod

Private Function keyboardCallBack(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr


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Get Combinations With Repetition?

May 26, 2011

How can I write all possible combinations to the console? For example, if user enters abc, then it will write aaa, aab, aac, abb, abc, acc, bbb, bbc, ccc.

Here's some code:

Dim abc() As String = {"a", "b", "c"} '
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of characters")


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Permutations Or Combinations ?

Dec 28, 2010

I think what I'm trying to do is considered a permutation but I could be wrong. I've come across several examples of how to permutate a string as follows:

Permutations of {A B C}: {A B C}, {A C B}, {B A C}, {B C A}, {C A B}, {C B A}

What I'm needing are results similar to this (using the same input) with a repeat of each item to create a list of all possible combinations: {A A A}, {A A B}, {A A C}, {A B A}, {A B B}, {A B C}, {A C A}, {A C B}, {A C C}...and so on.

Below is some code that I found that almost gets me there with an exception of the repeated values:

'Generates all possible combinations from a series of words
Public Function PermutateString(ByVal input_string As List(Of String), Optional ByVal Base As String = "") As List(Of String)
Dim i As Long


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SendKeys And Certain Key Combinations

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to send Ctrl+A to Notepad but nothing is happening. Code for the button:


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Binding Key Combinations To Application?

Sep 8, 2009

How can I bind a key combination to my application? I know it has SOMETHING to do with the registry, but I have no earthly idea what or how to go about doing this. I want the user to be able to hit those keys when the app is open and have it execute my function, but not while the app is closed.

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Generating A List From Combinations?

Aug 3, 2009

I am writing an application in which we have a Product Module, Now instead of defining individual products, we want to just state the Size Ranges in Width, height and different size scale available, and then automatically generate a list of products with all the Size combinations. I cant figure how to do this.Ill give an example.This is how we define a product


If i had a fixed number of Size types i would just run For loops within for loops and inside the inner most for loop write an Add Item statement with Index of evry selected item, however since the Size types are dynamic, i need to write a recursive loop, and i just cant figure how to.

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Generating Binary Combinations?

Dec 11, 2010

My task is to develop a Control library (VB 2005) in which u enter a variable in textbox (>=1 , <=5). Lets say you enter "3" then u have too see in table all combinations of boolean numbers for 3bits (000, 001, 010 .....etc). If you enter "4" the table have to be different (0000,0001,....etc) with 16 combinations.

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Register Two Hotkey Combinations?

Aug 16, 2008

how you can register 2 hotkey combinations.(CTRL + END, and Alt + END).I'm using this code as a reference.


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Achieve A List With All Possible Combinations Of Letters?

Sep 9, 2009

I was wondering how to achieve a list with all possible combinations of letters. Now there are some nice examples on the Internet, however, I'd like to have the following:

Let's assume you have 3 letters (A, B, C), and have a limit length of 3, then it should display this list:



Now, this would be fine with recursive calls I think, but I find it really difficult to think how to code that and how the computer will execute the code. It would be easier if all possibilities had a length of 3, but here that isn't the case.

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Create Algorithm / Formula To Get Combinations?

Jun 11, 2011

I want to create an algorithm or formula that gives me the following combinations below. I have manually printed out all the combinations for the example containing 4 tables with respective values.

This is not permutation because i need the combinations to always follow the unique format [code]...

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Get Different Combinations Depending On Checked CheckBoxes

Jan 15, 2012

Example: That's 8 different combinations:
1, X, 1
1, X, X
1, 2, 1
1, 2, X
X, X, 1
X, X, X
X, X, 1
X, 2, X

Any way to get the different combinations depending on the Checked checkboxes into an ArrayList. One entry per possible combination (like the example above). Note this example is just for 3 games, I will have 13 games in my program so if you click all checkboxes thats 1,6M combinations. Is it really wise to have 1,6M entries in an Array? I also want to be able to set demands, like: delete all lines in the Array containing two X. Maybe an ArrayList isn't the way to go?

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Get Only Unique Month And Year Combinations?

Oct 11, 2011

Using VBNET, MVC 3 and Entity Framework to write my first mvc application - a single user blog application. I am trying to create an archive sidebar that will render something like October 2011 and when the user clicks they will see all posts in october. Right now all my attempts show either duplicate dates - if there are 3 posts in october then i see october 2011 3 times or i only get back one month year combo say oct 2011. Using groupby with firstordefault i only get back one month yaear combo.

posts = _rdsqlconn.Posts.Where(Function(p) p.PostIsPublished = True).GroupBy(Function(d) d.PostDatePublished).FirstOrDefault

How can i get back unique month year combos with EF?

Additional info: I have that function in my repository. I want to pull the month and year pairs so that i have only one pair for say ocotober even if there are 3 posts in october.In the repository:

Public Function SelectPostsByDate() As IEnumerable(Of Entities.Post) Implements Interfaces.IPostRepository.SelectPostsByDate
Using _rdsqlconn As New RDSQLConn
Dim posts[code].....

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Make All Possible Sum Combinations From Array Elements In VB

Mar 24, 2010

If there is an array with elements: 1,2,3,4, the program should return another array with sum of all combinations:



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Math - Produce All The Possible Combinations Of Numbers

Oct 6, 2009

I have 36 numbers in sets of 5. (eg. 1-2-3-4-5, 2-3-4-5-6 etc..) I need to find all the possible combinations of these numbers which total the same sum. For instance the lowest sum would be: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15. The highest possible sum is: 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 170. Now every five number combination within these 36 numbers will sum up between 15 and 170. How would I go about this in to produce all the possible combinations which would total say 92.

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Use Multiple Combinations Of Font Styles?

Feb 2, 2010

If I want to set my Font I can use new Font=("Times New Roman", 12, Drawing.FontStyle.Bold)Instead of Bold, I can use Italic, Regular or Underline

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