Get Element Children In Webbrowser That Are Added By Javascript?

Jul 13, 2009

Dim hDoc As HtmlDocument
Dim tEle As HtmlElement
Dim tEleOption As HtmlElement


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Xml - .Net XMLTextReader Keeps Skipping 1st Element In Children?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm hoping somebody can help me with this... I am reading an XML file created from the server and all is good except that when I try to process the file it's always skipping one of the first child elements. And when I run a test with no processing, just a straight reader and looping through the elements, the 1st element is there. But as soon as I add a check to see if the node is an Element, it skips an "Attachment" element.Here's my XML:


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Tree View Nodes Children Added While The Program Is Running?

Feb 25, 2012

I have been developing all sorts of programs and have found myself making a password safe program. While making this program I tried to use a listbox to display the passwords and such but have found that to be insecure and hard to manage and so I decided that adding a treeview to replace the listbox would probably be my best option. So in my program the user has an 'Add Entry' option and that loads a form where they enter the information they want put into the program and saved. So far I have it set up like this, They enter the user name in textbox 1, their password in textbox 2 and the website this information goes to in textbox 3. And then I have an 'Add Entry' button and when they press the button it adds the website to a node, and I'm trying to make the username a child of that node, How should I do this because I've been messing with this for about an hour and can't seem to figure anything out. Here is the code for the 'Add Entry' button if it helps:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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Make Webbrowser Not Click On Element But Grab Element Name?

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?

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Array With A Single Element Javascript

Sep 1, 2011

I have a site that dynamically creates two arrays of Lat/Long values based on the stores that the currently logged in user can see. If the user can only see one location then I get an error about array length needing to be a finite integer. When I look at the source I see var ls = new Array(45.056124);is being created on the page dynamically which is what I'm expecting. Except I think it is treating it as if I am trying to set the length of the array instead of set the first element to that value.How do I go about creating an array using the ClientScript.RegisterArray Declarationfunction to hold a single double value using

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Array With A Single Element Javascript?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a site that dynamically creates two arrays of Lat/Long values based on the stores that the currently logged in user can see. If the user can only see one location then I get an error about array length needing to be a finite integer. When I look at the source I see

var ls = new Array(45.056124);

is being created on the page dynamically which is what I'm expecting. Except I think it is treating it as if I am trying to set the length of the array instead of set the first element to that value.How do I go about creating an array using the ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration function to hold a single double value using

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Using LINQ To XML With Global Namespace - Xmlns Is Added To Each Non-data Element?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to create an xml doc for a vendor who specifically states they must have their xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
<WMWROOT xmlns="">

I cannot find a way to get LINQ to spit out xml the way they want. Question is, can LINQ do it or do I need to resort to hardcoding the xml the old way before LINQ to XML?

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Jquery - Post Table Rows, Added Via Javascript To The Server In ASP.NET?

Oct 3, 2011

Access <asp:table> table rows added by javascript in webform . Apologies for the duplicate question but I'd really like an explanation why this is the case. It is probably due to my lack of understanding on how browsers process HTML tables on submission to the server.If I have a <HTML> table or an <asp:table> control on an aspx page and I add rows to it client-side using JQuery / Javascript, why can I not include these added rows in a post-back to the server?

I've been trying to get this to work and it looks like I can't do it based on the answer to the previous question. But can someone explain why this is the case? The table itself can be returned in the post-back but the only rows present are the rows that were part of the table when it was sent to the browser originally - it does not include the rows added by the browser.there was a way to include these new rows in the post-back, the same as any client-side user input?

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Optimal Use Of Realtime Application List(of T) Avoid Internal Redim Of When One Extra Element Is Added Or Removed?

May 30, 2012

I am working on a realtime application where the data is addded to a List(of T) all the time. MB per minute

Elements older than X minutes shall be removed from the beginning of the list to free memory.

As far as i can understand will there be an internal (slow) redim when i add each element after i have reach the number defined with the Capasity metod. (I set that quite big from the start, but the data speed is unpredictable so it can be exceed)

What happens each time i remove and element from the beginning of the list , seems like it takes a lot of time, ? new redim ?

What is the most CPU fficient way of removing 1 or many elements from the beginning of such a list?

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How To Get Element By Id Without Webbrowser

Feb 18, 2012

I was just wondering if their was a way to get element by id without webbrowser?

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Acquire First Element Of A WebBrowser / And Not Go On After

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to gather text information from a website. There is a list of "Prices" and I want to collect the Price text of the very first one. Since the very first item is the very first item in the Documents HTML, I figure it is possible. [code] So as you can see I don't have much to go on. and this exact code is followed more down the Document, but with different numbers. So please, is there a way to collect the "R$250" and then stop there?

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VS 2010 Get Element From Webbrowser?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to get information from the web source of the page, i'm use WebBrowser to load a page:
sample of source:

<div id="dn" class="queueNumber">602</div>


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WebBrowser Element As Label?

Jul 6, 2011

I want create label with numbers from page webbrowser1. For example I open [URL]..

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HTML Element Location (X And Y) In WebBrowser?

May 1, 2011

I need a HTML element location (X and Y) in WebBrowser... Not the OffsetRectangle.Location one where you get a location coordinates inside parent element. I need a location coordinates inside the webbrowser...

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Use A WebBrowser To Get An Element By ID Or Class Attribute?

Feb 16, 2012

I know that in a WebBrowser you can use Document.GetElementById to find an element by its name attribute, but I want to search the webpage for an element using the id or class atributes, how would it be possible to do this in a WebBrowser? I want to make it click on an image tag.

<td id="button1-cell"><img src="/static/button1.png" alt="Button 1" id="but1"></td>

Also, is it possible to InvokeMember("click") on divs?

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WebBrowser Html Element & Error?

Jan 18, 2011

1. Some buttons have a site that I want to run them through my program (with button 1) through the following command:WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ID").InvokeMember("click")I look at source code of the sites and see the button, the problem is I did not see the ID is always his, or it finds the Id, but does nothing, what's the problem with this?

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WebBrowser Scroll Down (HTML Element)

Aug 4, 2011

I want my webbrowser to scroll down to a html element called "submit"?

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WebBrowser, Hide A HTML Element?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a problem.I know how to do something with this:

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("Input")
For Each curElement As HtmlEle


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Check If Element Exists In Webbrowser.document?

Jun 19, 2010

Is there a way to check if an element is in the webbrowser1.document ?

I can click the button fine, IF the element is on the page, but sometimes i get to the end page, where i just have the "back" button, and no forward button.[code]...

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Display Canvas Element Of HTML5 In WebBrowser?

Dec 21, 2011

How to display canvas element of HTML5 in Visual Basic .net 2010 webbrowser (I try in framework 2 and 4, WebBrowser version 2 and 4)? It seems that VS2010 not support new version of HTML. In Microsoft Web Browser - "AxWebBrowser" didn't work too. Any idea to make this thing work?

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Finding Unnamed Element In WebBrowser Control?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm writing an application that queries a web page for information. I'm using a WebBrowser control to access the page that contains the info I'm looking for because I need the application to log in to the website and navigate to the desired page.

My code:

Dim wb As WebBrowser = New WebBrowser
While wb.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete


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Get Index Of FORM Element In The WebBrowser Control?

Jul 7, 2011

let say a site has 2 forms: one search form and the other is a registration form[code]...

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How To Make WebBrowser Scroll To HTML Element

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to figure out a way to to make a webbrowser scroll to an html element and center the element.

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Adding HTML Element To Source Created By WebBrowser

Jun 11, 2011

How to add an html element like id="" to inside current html source created by webbrowser1.

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Find A Specific HTML Element In A Webbrowser.document?

May 19, 2009

How can you find a specific HTML element in a webbrowser.document? I'm making a program that will go to a specified address on the internet and find a html element and get the src link from the element then return the src to the imagelocation of a picturebox. Is this at least possible?

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Forms :: Invoking A Click Via The Webbrowser Control On An Element With No ID?

Mar 31, 2011

I am attempting to fill the zip code through on Target Mobile Find in Store and click the GO button. However the button does not have an ID when I look at the HTML. I am able to fill the zipcode text box using:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("zipcode").Inn erText = txtZip.Text

but I cannot figure out how to click the button. I've tried using sendkeys.send("{enter}") but that doesnt seem to do anything.How can I either send the enter key after filling the zipcode or click the button?

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Forms :: Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEBBROWSER CONTROL

Jun 11, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.

Public Class Form2
Dim WithEvents IEDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2005 Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEBBROWSER CONTROL

May 7, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.

Public Class Form2
Dim WithEvents IEDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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VS 2008 Drag Drop Html Element In Webbrowser

Jul 10, 2011

i want to drag this html element when i click button [code]

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VB2010 DHTML Element Event Catching Using Webbrowser Control

Jul 26, 2011

VB2010 DHTML element event catching using webbrowser control

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