VB2010 DHTML Element Event Catching Using Webbrowser Control

Jul 26, 2011

VB2010 DHTML element event catching using webbrowser control

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Finding Unnamed Element In WebBrowser Control?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm writing an application that queries a web page for information. I'm using a WebBrowser control to access the page that contains the info I'm looking for because I need the application to log in to the website and navigate to the desired page.

My code:

Dim wb As WebBrowser = New WebBrowser
While wb.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete


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Get Index Of FORM Element In The WebBrowser Control?

Jul 7, 2011

let say a site has 2 forms: one search form and the other is a registration form[code]...

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Forms :: Invoking A Click Via The Webbrowser Control On An Element With No ID?

Mar 31, 2011

I am attempting to fill the zip code through on Target Mobile Find in Store and click the GO button. However the button does not have an ID when I look at the HTML. I am able to fill the zipcode text box using:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("zipcode").Inn erText = txtZip.Text

but I cannot figure out how to click the button. I've tried using sendkeys.send("{enter}") but that doesnt seem to do anything.How can I either send the enter key after filling the zipcode or click the button?

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Forms :: Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEBBROWSER CONTROL

Jun 11, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.

Public Class Form2
Dim WithEvents IEDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2005 Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEBBROWSER CONTROL

May 7, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.

Public Class Form2
Dim WithEvents IEDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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WebBrowser Control - Clicking Element Inside Of HTML Table

Feb 13, 2012

What I'm trying to do is click an html link inside of a html table via code in vb.net using a web-browser control. The link I want to click can be anywhere in the first column of the table so I need to cross reference with another column in the table to make sure I have the re way I'm going about this is to loop through the html elements till I find the table I want (multiple tables on the page) then dump that table to an array. Then loop through the page again get to the table I want and then start comparing the link and another column in the now array. I need to check to make sure that the url of the link contains a work and that another column in the table contains a specific or lower numerical value. Basically where I'm stuck is while dealing with the html element "Table" wanting to identify and interact with another html element inside it.

'Flag to say dump to array
Dim RecordFiles As Boolean = False
'The last two headers in the table are blank so need to skip them
Dim FirstBlank As Boolean = False
Dim SecondBlank As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Dhtml Edit Control Does Not Display Context Menu Strip?

Feb 12, 2012

I am changing the content menu strip of the control to my menu strip but nothing happens.I can see my menu strip in the rest of the form but dhtml edit control does not react to right click.

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Webbrowser Control - Create A Routine That Lists All Elements Values And Then Display Each Element Name And Its Value?

Dec 27, 2009

I wish to read a web page that had various frames and div elements.To start with I would like to create a routine that justs lists all of those elements values and then display each element name and its value so I know what I have and how to reference it later on.I have been using the WebBrowser control and have managed to do a few basic things so far like go to a website and auto login.

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Make Webbrowser Not Click On Element But Grab Element Name?

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?

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Cannot Change Font Size, Font Name And Color In Dhtml Editing Control?

Aug 25, 2010

I can't change change the font size or font name or color of the text in the DHTML Editing Control. I have 2 listbox controls FontNameList containing all of the installed fonts on my PC and FontSizeList containing some numbers to be used as fontsize and I use the execommand and build my App but the font did not change instead it grew bigger but when I tryed to change it back it stayed the same. The Code for that was:

Design.ExecCommand(5044, False, Font.Name)

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How To Detect DocumentReady Event Of WebBrowser Control

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to get the event firing when document is ready.
Public Class Form1
Public Event DocumentCompleted As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler
Private Sub Main(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Dim frm As New Form1

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Catching ENTER Key Disable The TextChanged Event?

Nov 2, 2011

I have two functios to catch enter key:

Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, _
ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean
Dim handled As Boolean
If keyData.Equals(Keys.Enter) Then
handled = TypeOf Me.ActiveControl Is ComboBox
Me.SelectNextControl(Me.ActiveControl, True, True, True, True)


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.NET WebBrowser Control's DocumentCompleted Event Passes No PDisp Argument?

Sep 6, 2011

I have some experience developing for VBA inside Office apps, but I am quite new to VB.NET, and I just noticed that its WebBrowser control is a bit different from that one I used to reference via ShDocVw to use in my VBA Forms.ShDocVw.WebBrowser had the DocumentComplete event, which passed these arguments: URL as string and pDisp as object..NET WebBrowser has the DocumentCompleted event, in which i successfully found e.URL.ToString, but I couldn't find nothing similar to the pDisp object.

This is critical to me on migrating my project from VBA to VB.NET, for I need to handle particular IFrames when they complete loading, which I only could do by getting pDisp's document property. So I need help on learning how to do the same thing with this .NET WebBrowser control, and/or how to reference and use good ole ShDocVw.WebBroser in my Visual Studio project, to embed it in my forms.

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Fire SelectedIndexChanged Event Programatically In Combo Box Of WebBrowser Control

Jun 20, 2009

I am using visual studio 2005. i am using webBrowser control to automate third party website.My problem is SelectedIndexChanged event is not getting fired. I used the code.[code]This code is changing the value in combo box but it is not firing the selectedindexchanged event. If i manualy select the item then after selecting a item it shows different message. How should i do it programatically.

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Handle Browser Popups Using The NewWindow Event Of The WebBrowser Control

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying to handle browser popups using the NewWindow event of the WebBrowser control. The one main thing I needed is the cookie from the main browser control on my form to be passed to the popup window. Below is the only way I've been able to open the popup and pass the Document.Window.Opener value to it so that when java script is executed, it knows where the opener window is. I am getting the following error right now when trying to set the cookie from my webbrowser control to the iexplore instance of the popup window that opened.


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Webbrowser Control Documentcomplete Event Not Firing When Iframe Does Not Load?

May 23, 2008

First off I hope I'm in the right forum.I have an application I built with the WebBrowser control in Visual Basic 2005. I am using the DocumentComplete event to track when a page has fully finished loading as some of the webpages I need to work with have frames.

The problem I am having is that when some iframes time out or don't load, the documentcomplete events stop firing. So if my webpage has 2 frames on it, we'd expect 3 documentcomplete events. One for each frame and one for the parent document once the frames have loaded. If say frame 2 does not load properly, the documentcomplete event for the overall document never fires.

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Disable The Right Click Event In The WebBrowser Control While It Is In Folder View Mode (and Not HTML)?

Jun 7, 2012

Tried to look for a solution for this problem everywhere and can't seem to find it?I have found solutions related to sub-classing the document, but this method results in a Null Exception as there is no document.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

AddHandler Me.WebBrowser1.Document.ContextMenuShowing, AddressOf WebContextMenuShowing
WebBrowser1.ContextMenu.Show(WebBrowser1, pas)
End Sub


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Make A Webbrowser In VB2010?

Mar 22, 2011

i am trying to make a webbrowser in VB2010, but one major roadblock that has been in my way for a while, is the fact that i can't get my bookmarks bar to work

i have no code to show you and i am completely open to ideas as long as i use a toolstrip just make sure that the bookmarks work and they are Saved when the program is closed and opened again.


instead of "WebBrowser1" use:
CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.AttachedControl.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).PutWhateverHere()

(i am using a dotnetbar tabcontrol so i need the "AttachedControl")

the toolstrip i am using in this case is called "BookmarksBar" so please don't use "ToolStrip1"

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How To Get Element By Id Without Webbrowser

Feb 18, 2012

I was just wondering if their was a way to get element by id without webbrowser?

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HttpWebRequest, WebBrowser, And Cookies (VB2010)?

Aug 26, 2011

I'm writing a program for my sister for a game which she plays online. It uses a WebBrowser control, and HttpWebRequest as well.The basic function is it searches through the website, we'll say the url is http://hersite.com/pet/* (don't follow the link lol it's just an example) where * is a number and this is how it searches.I use a for loop to cycle the numbers from a specified start to end, and use an httpwebrequest to fetch the html code, then process the string using InStr and .split()When I access the webpage using the WebRequest.Navigate, it takes me to the page correctly. However, if I fetch the source through the HttpWebRequest, it fetches the source of the login page, which the website redircts you to if you are not logged in.Is there a way to transfer the cookies from the WebBrowser to my HttpWebRequest?

Some examples:Get the HTML somewhere in here I need to add the cookie to the http requester, don't I?

Function GetHTML(ByVal strPage As String) As String
Dim strReply As String = "NULL"
Dim objHttpRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest


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Acquire First Element Of A WebBrowser / And Not Go On After

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to gather text information from a website. There is a list of "Prices" and I want to collect the Price text of the very first one. Since the very first item is the very first item in the Documents HTML, I figure it is possible. [code] So as you can see I don't have much to go on. and this exact code is followed more down the Document, but with different numbers. So please, is there a way to collect the "R$250" and then stop there?

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VS 2010 Get Element From Webbrowser?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to get information from the web source of the page, i'm use WebBrowser to load a page:
sample of source:

<div id="dn" class="queueNumber">602</div>


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WebBrowser Element As Label?

Jul 6, 2011

I want create label with numbers from page webbrowser1. For example I open [URL]..

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VS 2010 External Web Pop-up Referring To A Webbrowser Within A VB2010 App?

Mar 5, 2012

I have an app that pulls up a webpage that has a button on it with the following ( I CANT change the webpages, but I can change anything in the App.)


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HTML Element Location (X And Y) In WebBrowser?

May 1, 2011

I need a HTML element location (X and Y) in WebBrowser... Not the OffsetRectangle.Location one where you get a location coordinates inside parent element. I need a location coordinates inside the webbrowser...

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Use A WebBrowser To Get An Element By ID Or Class Attribute?

Feb 16, 2012

I know that in a WebBrowser you can use Document.GetElementById to find an element by its name attribute, but I want to search the webpage for an element using the id or class atributes, how would it be possible to do this in a WebBrowser? I want to make it click on an image tag.

<td id="button1-cell"><img src="/static/button1.png" alt="Button 1" id="but1"></td>

Also, is it possible to InvokeMember("click") on divs?

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WebBrowser Html Element & Error?

Jan 18, 2011

1. Some buttons have a site that I want to run them through my program (with button 1) through the following command:WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ID").InvokeMember("click")I look at source code of the sites and see the button, the problem is I did not see the ID is always his, or it finds the Id, but does nothing, what's the problem with this?

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WebBrowser Scroll Down (HTML Element)

Aug 4, 2011

I want my webbrowser to scroll down to a html element called "submit"?

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WebBrowser, Hide A HTML Element?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a problem.I know how to do something with this:

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("Input")
For Each curElement As HtmlEle


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