Get The Program To Check If The Inputted Word Has Ascending Alphabetical Letters?

Sep 30, 2009

how do I get the program to check if the inputted word has ascending alphabetical letters

Public Class frmAlphabetical
Private Sub btnPress_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPress.Click


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Write A Program That Requests A Word Containing The Two Letters?

May 25, 2009

(Write a program that requests a word containing the two letters r and n as input and determines which of the two letters appears first. If the word does not contain both of the letters, the program should so advise the user.)I got the program to work but he said its wrong because we need to have it looping and if one of the letters is missing you also have to say which one is missing.I have some of the pseudo code but I don't know how to make it work.If Index of("R") = 0 or index of ("N") = 0 Find out which is missing and display message.Else Find larger and display message.


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Write A Program That Validates An Inputted Ten Digit ISBN Number Using The Check-digit?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm supposed to write a program that validates an inputted ten digit ISBN number using the check-digit at the end to ensure that the sum is a multiple of eleven. Before calculating this and detecting if the entered number is indeed a valid ISBN, we're required to check the first nine digits and see if they are indeed integers. After this the tenth digit is checked to see if it is "X" (for ten) or 0-9.

With the code I've written it keeps returning false for whether or not the ISBN is valid, even with valid numbers. I feel like its something to do with the hyphens; have I misused the replace function?I'm a little lost on how to make my code work, but I'm fairly certain my logic is okay so far.


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Sort A Word In Its Alphabetical Order?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to do a bubble sort using arrays and i am trying to sort a word in its alphabetical order... and my problem is that. i could not assign a value into my array from my textbox and get the length of the word from the text box... i do have this alogorithm'dim asd () as string'asd() = Text1.text'Len(asd()) but it seems that it doesn't work that way as what i am to do it? it has been bothering me for days now and even if i do a lot of library sessions for this but still i could not find what i want to know.

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Check Whether An Inputted Number Is Prime?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm working on a console application in VB .net that checks a number that the user has inputted, and tells you whether the number is prime.

The number that has to be inputted has to be between 1 and 100. I have all the code so far and at the moment it can check whether the number is or isn't within the boundries.

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Word Check - Code That Will Make Possible Check If The User Typed A Word

Mar 11, 2010

Is there any code that will make possible check if the user typed a word i want in order to show him something ? something like , if the user types time , or tim or timing or the word time and transformated to show him up the time ..

View 4 Replies

Write A Program In Measures The Frequency Of Sound Inputted From Microphone?

Mar 10, 2009

I want to write a program in that measures the frequency of sound inputted from microphone. What kind of ideas can you offer

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Calculating The Average Letters Per Word

Dec 10, 2009

Im having a problem getting my calculations to work. I need to find the average letters per word.

Private Sub btnCount_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCount.Click
'Determine word count and average letters / word in the sentence


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Find If A Word Has 3 Consecutive Letters?

Dec 9, 2011

The problem is to find if a word has 3 consecutive letters in it. Such as THIRSTY, STUDENT. Here's the code I've written, but I'm stuck on how to actually write the code to check the letters.

Private Sub btnRun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRun.Click
Dim word As String = txtWord.Text


View 19 Replies

String - Find All Variations Of Letters In A Word?

Feb 24, 2012

In a program used to find words from random scrabble letters how do you loop through each of the possible combinations of letters? ie: abc acb bac bca cab cba

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VS 2008 - Moving Letters From One Word Into Strings?

Feb 23, 2010

How to get letters from one word into strings (one letter, one string).

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VS 2008 : Produce Every Possible Combination Of The Letters In A Word?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm trying to produce every possible combination of the letters in a word, however I've been very unsuccessful at figuring this out.
I can't seem to grasp what I need to do to get this working, I've been at it for the last four hours or so.for example, the word "one" would produce: one, oen, eon, eno, noe, neo.

View 5 Replies

Program - That Arranges The English Alphabets (A,B,C,.....Z) In Ascending And Descending Order

Oct 5, 2010

I want to write a program in that arranges the english alphabets (A,B,C,.....Z) in ascending and descending order.

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String Method - Ignoring The Word If It Was Written In Capital Or Small Letters

Mar 4, 2010

I'm searching for specific string method that ignoring the word if it was written in capital or small letters when I want to type this word in a field for searching purposes or when a user wants to enter its usrename in capital or small letters.

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Check Each Letter Of A Word If That Word Doesn't Contain (AEIOUY)

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to check each letter of a word if that word doesn't contain (AEIOUY) then I have to append (-way) to the end of the word. Now I have this if statement and it doesn't work:

If OriginalWord.ToUpper Like "*[!AEIOUY]*" Then
Label1.Text = OriginalWord & "-way"
End If

I need to append a (-way) to the end of a word that doesn't have (AEIOUY)

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Check If String Contains When The Letters Are Mixed Up?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a string of randomly organized characters and I am trying to search a wordlist for matches. If the wordlist has a match I want it to add it to a listview. I wasn't for sure how to word the first two sentences and I think an example will help explainmy problem better. So here is an example. I have a textbox where you input what you want to search for in the wordlist. Lets say you type in tca . The wordlist contains cat frog dog , each word on a separate line. What i want to do is take what you typed in the textbox, tca , and find the word cat in the wordlist.


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VS 2008 - Check For The Letters Of The Given String

Feb 20, 2010

I want to check for the letters of the given string. for example: the string = Visual Studio next is i want to check per letter of the string. next I want to change V to x

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Check Letters (but Not For Comma, Spaces Or Linebreaks)?

May 10, 2010

In my textbox I only want the user to be able to insert numbers, commas and spaces. Therefore I have tried to read every single symbol in the textbox whenever it's changed and then exit the sub if a non-numeric, non-comma, non-space or non-linebreak is detected. However it exits the sub, even if I'm inserting numbers. It's a multiline textbox.

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
Dim str As String
Dim str1() As String[code]......

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 : Writing An IF Statement That Would Check For Letters?

Jul 14, 2009

How would I go about writing an IF statement that would check for letters? Something like:

IF field IS NOT Int THEN
Response.Write "WRONG!"
Response.Write "OK"

View 8 Replies

Check The Word If Both The Given Word Pronunciation Is Correct?

Oct 7, 2009

How to check the word if both the given word pronunciation is correct Is there any function to check this using vb.net2.

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Scramble Word - 4 Set Of Words Store In Array And Wan Randomly Selects And Scramble Its Letters In A Label

Feb 12, 2011

I have 4 set of words store in array and wan randomly selects and scramble its letters in a label. i just know how to do the coding part of randomly display the words in the label but it no scramble i have no idea to do the scramble part, any expert can give the solution or example?

Below is my code:

Dim word(4) As String
Dim random As New Random

word(0) = "superman"


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Make VB Code To Take Apart A Word To Make Sure It Has Required Letters?

Sep 10, 2010

I've been looking through the book I own and I've been looking online but I just don't understand what code would I write to have it check the text box or input box for the right letters in a word?

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VB Program- Count Letters?

Nov 4, 2011

i cant get it to work.I am creating an application on visual basic that displays the number of times a specific letter occurs in a word or phrase. (both upper and lower case counts)So far this is what i have, and its not working:

private sub BtnCountLetter_Click(ByVal sender As object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCountLetter.Click
Dim strText As String


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Read Word Doc But Don't Want To Open Ms-word Program?

Aug 16, 2010

when i open another word doc when my program still running.

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Make A Program That Generates A Combination Of Letters?

Feb 8, 2011

How can i make a program that generates a combination of letters,starting from user-specified to the end of the user-specification. here is an example of what i mean:

and so on...

How can i make this?

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[2008] Make The Program Support Some Letters?

Jan 7, 2009

i have a Program that filters out Text from a site but when Characters like:� � � � are there it makes them to: ?How can i make them show right in the Program?

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Make A Program That Translates Binary Code Into Numbers/letters?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm wanting to make a program that translates binary code into numbers/letters and numbers/letters into binary code. I know the general system of binary code, but I dont know how to translate anything with Is there a general command I need to use or can someone link me to a good tutorial about translating?

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NumericUpDown With Letters - Show Only The Range Of Letters

Apr 2, 2012

I'm keeping track of some things that are numbered and others that are lettered; while NumericUpDown is perfect for selecting numbered things, I need an analogue for selecting lettered things. The obvious choice would be a listbox that just contains all the letters of the alphabet. But I need to show only the appropriate range of letters, so if I want to use a listbox, I need to write a function that populates the listbox with the first n letters of the alphabet; if n > 26, it should continue with aa, ab, and so on. How do I do this?

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Check For Hyperlinks In MS Word?

Jul 31, 2010

I want to add an if statement that checks if there are no hyperlinks in the document and if there are no hyperlinks display a message that there are no hyperlinks in this document.The problem is that Word is divided in stories, so the body of the document is a separate story from the footnotes story of the same document.So when I attempt to check for hyperlinks the if statement checks the body of the document first and if there are no hyperlinks in the body, then exits the program even though there may be hyperlinks in the footnotes story.

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Mar 23, 2010

I am looking for SPELL CHECK capability - but WITHOUT using WORD. Does anyone use a commercial product that does this and has had good success with it?

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