Get The Values Of Combobox2 Always Visible?

Sep 4, 2009

I am Working in .The only i found is C# .. "The fuction you want can be called "cascade comboboxes", i.e. there're two comboboxes and the items of the second combobox depends on the selected item of the first combobox. The basic way to implement cascade comboboxes in a DataGridView is to handle the EditingControlShowing and CellValueChanged event of the DataGridView. in the EditingControlShowing event handler, if the column in question is the second DataGridView combobox column, change the data source of the editing control (DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl) to another data source and filter the new data source.... In the CellValueChanged event handler, if the cell value under the first DataGridView combobox column is changed, clear the cell value under the second DataGridView combobox column in the same row.."

The Problem is this: 2 ComboBoxColumn already with their dataset (via propretries of datagridview design) and the DGV2 is a detailed datagidView Reffered to a Master which is another DGV on the top of my Form. So in DGV2 the first ComboBox 1(column 2) displays data .According to this Data the other ComboBox2 (column 3 ) filtered. The problem is that when you select more than one time the same value of the Combobox1 and then you try to select another value the displaying data of the ComboBox2 dissapears.
keep the values of combobox2 always visible..

Private Sub DGV2_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DGV2.CellValueChanged
If e.ColumnIndex = ComboBox1Column.Index Then


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Remove Selection In Combobox2 If Selected In Combobox1?

Oct 9, 2009

I want to learn how to populate a combobox so if a vlaue is selected in another combobox then it will be invisible for selection. You can NOT use combobox1.items.remove since my box is bound to a datasource.So I either need to create a new query and adapter and bind the combobox2 to that query, or fill combobox2 from combobox1 minus the selected item in combobox1. Either way I need some help writing code correctly.I have tried a few different ways but not succesful, I was probably on the right track a few times but I am still not very proficent in code writing.This is the code I have written so far for my program, I deleted all my attempts at remove selected item since none worked and were just confusing.

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt"


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Select Combobox1 Auto Fills Combobox2

Jan 19, 2010

I have one table from where two comboboxes get their drop down lists, showing info that has been entered into the table (boxes are bound to the table columns I.E City (Box1) and Country (Box2). what I would like to do is if a city is selected in box1 then box2 will autofill with the country name.

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Change The Value Of ComboBox1 Depending On What The User Selects In ComboBox2

Nov 23, 2011

In my datagridview, I want to be able to change the value of comboBox1 depending on what the user selects in comboBox2

I had this working correctly, however if I move onto a new line in my gridview and select a different value in the second row it changes the previous row also. For instance, on Row1, if comboBox1 = A, combox2 = B

Then on Row2, if comBox1 = Y, comboBox2 = Z

However, when I change Row1, Row2 is also changed to reflect what was chosen in Row1. Is there a way I can tailor it to each specific row?

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Combobox Selectindexchanged - Populating Combobox2 According To Selection Of Combo1

Feb 20, 2011

in my windows form i have 2 combobox. populating combobox2 according to selection of combo1. combo1 i am binding on formload.


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Big Panel Visible And Not Visible Based On Selections Made By User

Jan 28, 2009

I've got a panel - that's in a group box. All of this - with lots of other textboxes on labels - is in another panel (the big panel).I make the big panel visible and not visible based on selections made by the user.This small panel - that's in the group box. I cannot seem to make it appear.Even if I leave it VISIBLE at design time - the objects in it will not appear.Is there some kind of nesting problem that I'm not aware of!

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Making Menu Item Visible Or Not Visible In Master Page

Jan 25, 2011

I have five menu items that i have created as a user control and placed on the master page. Now i want one of the menu items to be visible only for particular user role and not visible for others. Here is what I did. Its not working though.


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Jumping Between Forms - Making A Form Visible And Not Visible

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having an odd problem when making a form visible and not visible and it not continuing to function. Here is what I have happening. I have a main form (frmMain) that is an MDIParent. On this form I have a menu to open a second form (frmCalculate) and populate a listview from Items in the database.

As I click or select items in the listview on frmCalculate the tag is read and data is pulled based on the id stored in that tag and fills in various fields on the form. This works great. However, I also have a context menu attached to the listview that allows me to perform a "what if" scenerio on the items I am calculating. When I select this menu, I hide the frmCalculate and open the frmWhatIf form where I can mess around with values on the item I had hilighted in the listview on frmCalculate. Nothing is pulled from or written back to the database here, all the information is filled in from fields on frmCalculate. It just allows me to look at rising costs and how they will affect my margins.... anyway.

If I then close frmWhatIf, it brings my frmCalculate back by setting its visible propery to true (never closed frmCalculate, just hid it). At this point if I click an item in the listview I get an exception for a null reference. IF however I never hide frmCalculate, I can open and close frmWhatIF without ever having an issue. Why do I lose the functionality to select items just by hiding and unhiding the form? As a test I added two menus to the toolbar on frmMain one called hide and one called show. I then opened frmCalculate with original menu item to populate the listview and selected a few items to test that it was working and then using the hide menu I made the form invisible and the show button to bring it back. This yielded the same exception so without even opening frmWhatIf the problem still occurs.

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Make Several PictureBox Images Randomly Visible = False And Then Back To Visible = True Giving The Appearance Of Flashing Or Blinking Images?

Jun 28, 2010

I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:

Dim picLight(2) As
For intX


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Make Form Visible For The First Time From Another Form (form.visible = True)

Aug 18, 2009

Below is the exception code info. when I try to make form visible for the first time from another form then I get an exception code. something like 'a required variable not set'



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Get A Value From A Textbox That Is Not Visible?

Dec 25, 2009

Does a textbox have to be visible = true to get it contents in code? I am finding that if I make a textbox visible = false then there is no value there when I reference it in my code. I am using the Text property. Am I doing something wrong or does the textbox just have to be visible?

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Program Won't Become Visible?

Aug 10, 2009

if i set the "window State" to "normal" then my;

Private Sub NotifyIcon1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles NotifyIcon1.MouseClick
If Me.Visible = True Then


works fine, however, if i set the "window State" to "Minimized" then clicking the notify icon no longer makes the app visible? :s

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Progressbar Not Visible?

May 6, 2011

I have a tab control and when I click on a tab button I show a user control in the panel associated to the tabcode works like data access , bind data to controls and hide or show , resize controls

now in tab click
pbar.visible = true
my code for binding


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Way To Add Visible Ressources

Mar 7, 2009

My program has an icon that is set via the property panel of the visual studio project.This icon is added as ressources in the main output (exe) and can be grabbed for the setup (exemple : for shorcuts).But i need to get one more icon visible from the setup.

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Why ToolStripStatusLabel Does Not Become Visible

Dec 16, 2009

why my ToolStripStatusLabel does not become visible when i run this code

But does become visible if I place it at top of code before openfiledialog?

Will Not Become Visible

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:"


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.net - Detect If A Message Box Is Visible?

Feb 25, 2010

I have 2 forms that are visible. Is it possible to detect if a message box is visible/being displayed on from one of the forms on the other?

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C# - Get ListView Visible Items?

Jun 25, 2012

I have a ListView which might contains a lot of items, so it is virtualized and recycling items. It does not use sort. I need to refresh some value display, but when there are too many items, it is too slow to update everything, so I would like to refresh only the visible items.How could I get a list of all currently displayed items ? I tried to look into the ListView or in the ScrollViewer, but I still have no idea... the solution must NOT go throught all items to test if they can be seen, because this would be too slow.I'm not sure code or xaml would be usefull, it is just a Virtualized/Recycling ListView with its ItemSource bound to an Array.

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COM Visible DLLs: Are They Only Legends

Dec 5, 2005

straightforward method of creating a DLL with properties and methods exposed to other programs? I followed the instructions that I found on the MSDN websites as well as suggestions from forum participants. The DLL should be available both for COM and .NET programs. So far, nothing has worked.There are numerous variations listed on the MSDN site. No doubt there are reasons for the differing instructions. However, I have not had sufficient success with any of them. Sometimes, just building the project makes the class visible to COM compatible programs. Other times, only after running regasm. Still other times, I have to run regasm, sn and gacutil before the DLLs class gets exposed. Then forums posters tell me: "you shouldn't have to do all that.


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COM-Visible And Multiple Folders?

Jul 20, 2010

I have built a com object in vb with the "Make Assembly COM Visible" that I use from the strange dialect, "Clarioneese." I maintain 2 versions of our main software, so I have 2 folders, one for each version.My COM object works from one of the folders, but not the other. I copied the exposed dll into both. I used regasm on the copy in the nonworking folder, but still, my Clarioneese programs can only work it if run from one folder, and not the other.Working Folder: C:cs46exe (I didn't name this, don't blame it on me)Non working folder: C:cssqlsdkv6 (I inherited this awful folder structure)If I move an exe built by Clarion into the cs46exe folder, the dll works, but not in the v6 folder.I thought I understood how this works, but I guess not. You can't be successful at this unless you're at least 1/2 a bubble off level.

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Controls Not Visible When Moving Them?

Apr 16, 2011

When I place a control on a form and need to move it, it becomes invisible when I click the mouse to move . What did I accidently change? I use to be able to see it before.

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Data Sources Non-visible?

Sep 7, 2010

for some reason my "data sources" window is empty when I open my project.Worked last night ,but this morning it's blank.Reads:Your project currently has no data sources associated with it.Add a new data source ,then add a new data source by dragging from this window onto forms or exsisting controls. What happened and how do I get this back to how it was.I can no longer open any project forms.

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Forms :: Visible Textbox After A While?

Sep 6, 2011

i need to make a textbox in my windowsform after 3 seconds.

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Get First Visible Item In A Listview In Wpf?

Jun 27, 2009

How can i get the first visible item in a wpf listview (listview view is gridview).

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Get Handle Of Top Visible Window

Apr 27, 2011

If you open several FullTilt games table, you can see that when on a table is required action it jumps automatically in foreground, BUT WITHOUT TO BE ACTIVATED, so that it title bar is grey and not blue. The window is the top window for my eyes, but it is not active.Now the question is: how to get the Hwnd of the topt VISIBLE desktop window (the window that is over all the other windows), also if it is not the active window?I can't use the GetForegroundWindow Api, becouse it gives the Hwnd of the top ACTIVE window...

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Get Visible Controls With Reflection?

Sep 11, 2011

I would like to list all visible controls in a form, I use reflection to do this, I have done what I want, but I have to write code for specifics controls that doesnt exist in the Framework, so i would like to know if there is some code to do that generic for any control (even third party controls).

Private Sub LlenarArbolFormularios(ByVal Arbol As TreeList)
Dim parentForRootNodes As TreeListNode = Nothing
Dim tipos() As Type = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()[code]......

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GroupBox Refuses To Be Visible?

Jan 23, 2012

In my card game program, I have used 4 main GroupBoxes to act as dialogue boxes. Some contain additional GroupBoxes to house such things as RadioButtons, TextBoxes and CheckBoxes.Software places them when and where needed, so I usually move them apart in the Design screen to keep them all visible at once. However, with each new GroupBox I added to the program, their behaviour became increasingly vexing.In the design window, they are not allowed to overlap, or they will either partially or completely disappear. When they disappear, I have to find them with the Properties Viewer (when selected, the 4 sizing blocks appear and I can tease the drag symbol to appear).Worse, when my program is running, a GroupBox left in the Design mode in an "unfavoured location" (for lack of a better term) will refuse to appear when called.

I have single stepped past the code that positions the GroupBox and makes it visible and I have noted that the top and left positions are correct, but when I let the mouse hover over the word 'Visible' in the line "GroupBox1.Visible = True" the popup reports it as False.There is nothing I can do at run-time to make the GroupBox appear. I must return to the Design window and try moving it to a more favourable location.

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How To Get Only Visible Image On Picturebox

Sep 11, 2009

How to get only the visible image on Picturebox the picture size is 320 x 240 and the picturebox is 240 x 240..i want to save the image in 240 x 240 pixels how?

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How To Get UserControl Visible After Logging In

Feb 14, 2012

I have a popup login usercontrol in a masterpage, once logged in I want another usercontrol on a content page to appear automatically, currently it only appears if I manually refresh the page.

MasterPage - > login usercontrol
View.aspx - > bookmark usercontrol (should appear after logging in)
login usercontrol in Master Page
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="login" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
[Code] .....

After logging in how can the Bookmark usercontrol on View.aspx appear. Do I need to use an updatepanel?

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How To Have All Instances Of A Visible Concurrently

Jan 6, 2010

On a Form, I have button which, when clicked, creates an instance then Shows another Form. If this button is clicked a second time, a second instance of the other Form is created and displayed.However, the first instance then becomes invisble - it still has an occurence in the Task Bar, but is not visible on the display.

Using the Taskbar, one can select either instance of the Form and that instance displays correctly, but, only one instance is visible at any given time (the windows are at different locations on the display and are not hidden behind other windows). What needs to be done to have both instances visible at the same time?

The computer is running Windows 7 64 bit - I don't know if this problem is present in with other Windows versions or not). Here's the code that responds to button click:

Private Sub btnPermissions_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPermissions.Click
Dim PermissionsObject As New Permissions

"Permissions" is the Name of the Form, which is in the same Visual Studio 2008 Project as the Form with the btnPermissions button.

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How To Make GroupBox Visible

May 4, 2012

I'm a beginner at using vb. I'm having a problem with making group boxes visible. I have two buttons: btnLevel1 & btnLevel2. When user clicks btnLevel1 GroupBox3 must be visible and GroupBox4 must be hidden. And when user clicks btnLevel2 GroupBox4 must be visible.


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