Getting Default Icon Files In Vb 2008?

Sep 4, 2010

I am making a simple text editor, I am creating the menu and I need to add icons such as open, save, redo etc.I was just wondering if VB has built in default icons for these or do i have to download them from here or a 3rd party?

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VS 2008 Hide Assemblies Default Icon After Running Any Exe?

Mar 5, 2012

how to hide assemblies default icon after running any exe in app)?

in running any exe then its icon will be show in the to hide running exe icon using

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Icon Does Not Appear At Taskbar / What Appears Is A Default Icon Instead

Jun 2, 2011

Why is it that the icon of my form appears only when I am running it in my IDE. When I publish my program and running it in Windows, the icon does not appear at the taskbar, what appears is a default icon instead.

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Desktop Icon: Only Default Icon Displayed?

Nov 21, 2011

I have an issue with the icon displayed on the desktop. I have used the project's properties, application form and used the dropdown menu under icon to associate an Icon to the application. I have done this loads of times before and it has always worked.

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C# - WPF JumpTask Another Icon Than Default One?

Mar 19, 2011

I am using a WPF JumpTask object, and I would like my Windows 7 jumplist icon to be an icon from my own application - but not the default one. A different one. So how do I do this? I guess I specify a different icon resource index. But how do I even store my icons as resources, and how do I know which icon is which index?

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VS 02/03 Changing Default Icon

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to change the default icon of my program to something else. Specifcally, the one that is associated with the executable file.I was under the impression that if you set the icon property on the main form, that it will carry over to everything else. when I try to set the icon, I get an error message stating that "The arugment 'picture' must be a picture that can be used as an icon. I have a 32x32 icon that is saves as .ico but it doesn't work.

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Change Default Taskbar Icon?

Feb 13, 2012

How do I change the default taskbar Icon? I can change the application Icon but how do I change the "boxes" icon that appears in the taskbar? I found this but how do I change it to use a icon from file?[url]...

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Change The Default Form Icon?

Feb 12, 2009

How do you change the default form icon in 2003 form?

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Change The Default Icon Of .exe File?

Aug 17, 2011

i have developed a program on Visual Studio.Net 2005, also i have deployed the program and got a shortcut icon on desktop which is fine but when i go to C:\program files\[MyProject]\MyProject.exe, the ,exe file has the default icon, i want to change that default icon to the custom icon. How can i perform this task?

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How To Hide Default Assembly Icon

Mar 7, 2012

how to hide default exe or assembly icon which is seen in a task bar in

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Set The Default Application Icon With Code?

Jan 23, 2012

I know, how I can change the default icon of an application in the designer.

But I want to know, if there is any way to change the default app icon with code.

I already change the Me.Icon, but this has only effect on the main form and not on the exe.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Use The Default Icon In The .exe File

Oct 26, 2011

I like the default icon the program uses on the form title bar. The icon with the little red yellow and blue colored squares. I would also like to use it as the application build icon so it use it as the icon for the .exe file and shortcuts to the .exe file.I searched a long time and couldn't find the answer. Some said to take a screen-shot of the icon displayed on the screen and crop the image and make an icon that way, but when I tried to use alt-tab with the program running, and press print-screen, the alt button made it take a screen-shot of the currently selected window and not the entire screen, so I couldn't figure out how to get a screen-shot of it at it's full size.

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Hide Assemblies Default Icon After Running Any Exe In (Windows App)?

Mar 5, 2012

how to hide assemblies default icon after running any exe in app)? in running any exe then its icon will be show in the to hide running exe icon using

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Hide Assemblies Default Icon After Running Any Exe In Windows App)?

Mar 5, 2012

how to hide assemblies default icon after running any exe in app)?

in running any exe then its icon will be show in the taskbar. how to hide that to hide running exe icon using

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Install An App In Win7 With Icon Showing In System Tray By Default?

Apr 11, 2011

I have a custom app which I deploy to my Win7 users, the app sets up a tray icon which is automatically hidden by the OS. The user then has to manually change the settings of the System Tray to always display my app's icon.What can I do when installing my app on Win7 to make the icon show in the System Tray without user-intervention?

|+--JDMils|+--VB6 & XL VBA+--VB Dot Net 2K8|

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VS 2008 How To Reference A Specific Icon Location In A Icon Collection In A Dll

Jul 28, 2009

I'm not sure exactly if the folder icon is in shell32.dll, but nonetheless if it is.Basically, whenever I come across a folder in a FileSystem list, I want to add the icon for a folder to the image list that I am using for the ListView. The problem is that I'm not sure how to reference a specific icon location in a icon collection in a dll.Is this possible with Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon and shell32.dll?

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Give Saved Files A Icon?

Mar 31, 2011

i'm making a progam to study,but it has his own save file format. (*.lad)and it get a dirty icon , so i want if i save,or open a file with the progam, the file has his own icon.

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Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon For Things That Are Not Files?

Oct 11, 2009

Is this possible? It gives me an error, and I had previously thought it could work for folders and drives and stuff like that as well. Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon("C:") did not work when I tried it, and threw an error. How can I get the associated icon from EVERYTHING? This is

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Getting An Other File Extension As Default Instead Of All Files As Default Extension?

Jun 25, 2009

I am using VB 08 running an openfiledialogue wanting to get the result of the GDS file (*.gds) to be the default extension at the drop down menu instead of All file when the openfiledialogue box opens.

I coded it with:

OpenFileDialogue.Filter = "GDS File(*.gds)|*.gds|All files|*.*"

but the results i get in the open file dialogue box remains as all files being in the drop down menu as the default file extension. How to i set it to ".gds" format?

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How To Get Location Of Embedded Icon Files As String

Oct 31, 2010

My program toggles an existing IE add-on between enabled and disabled. At the same time, it creates a shortcut to itself in the Quick Launch folder using one of two icons which reflect whether the next click is a toggle on or toggle off. I store the two icons in the same folder as the targeted executable, and everything works fine, but I would rather have these two files embedded. I know how to embed them. The problem is locating them. At the moment I use:

Dim MyShortcut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut
MyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(QuickLaunchVariable & "Toggle.lnk")
MyShortcut.TargetPath = path/executable
MyShortcut.IconLocation = path/iconfile

MyShortcut.IconLocation requires a string and I don't know how to get to the location of an embedded file as a string. There is no MyShortcut.Icon which would allow me to simply refer to the embedded file.

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Get A Specific Icon For The Exe And Also A Specific Icon For The Files Associated With An App?

Apr 10, 2006

I am getting ready to release a .NET 2003 application, and this application has a file type associated with it.During the installation I register the extension to be associated with my application, and everything is working fine.My question has to do with the icons. I want a specific icon for the exe, and also a specific icon for the files associated with my app.i want to have both icons in the exe file.I guess my question would be, how do i embed 2 different icons into an exe, so that if you selected that exe as an icon source, windows would see the different icons in it (as seperate icons)I know I can embed them as a resource, but windows only sees the main icon.To give you an example, of what I am trying to do, winamp, the mp3 player program, has several icons in its exe (see picture)(the visual studio IDE exe - devenv.exe - also has more than 1 icon in it)

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Get Cursors From Executable Files, And Then Convert To System.Drawing.Icon?

Dec 3, 2010

How do you get the cursors in an executable file? Like how to extract all cursors from a .exe, .dll, .ocx, .cpl or .src file, and then convert to an System.Drawing.Icon...

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Default Saving Function For Files

Jul 11, 2010

is there any VB.Net existing saving function?

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Open Files With Default Program?

Mar 20, 2011

Is it possible to open a file with the default program installed on Windows ? Lets say we have the exact location of the file on the hard disk and it is a *.pdf file , how can we give the order for that file to get opened by the default program ? In case it matters , I want to open *.pdf and *.doc files . It doesn't matter which program exactly will load the file , the default is fine by me .

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Set Application As Default To Open Txt Files?

Dec 28, 2009

I want to set my application to as the default program to open a .txt file. How can I do this? A link to a tutorial is ok too.. couldn't find any.

The biggest is obstacle is, how does my application know which file the user wants to open?

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Opening And Saving Files In A Default Location?

Jun 14, 2009

within my project i need to open and save some files. i wont go into detail as theres no need. what i need to do is open the files from the install directory, which could be where ever the user puts it! i also need to be able to open them whilst im building too. if i hard code the directory in then it will fail..obviously

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Forms :: Write A Program And Set It As Default To Open .txt Files?

May 8, 2010

i want to write a program and set it as default to open .txt files so when i double click on a text file that it opens in that program and displays the text into a RichTextBox

my question is how do i display the text in the RichTextBox after opening the program through a double click on a text file?

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Listview Explorer -- Load Files In Their Default Application?

Aug 9, 2009

i can load files in a listview for a folder in my app.. what i would like to do is, when double clicking the file , to have it open in the default application for that file.. also , i would like to be able to view the files within a folder , if i double click a folder....

trujade.i like:

VB General
fast cars


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Setting Application As Default Notepad Will Not Load The Text Files?

Jul 10, 2009

i have always seemed to have found the default windows notepad useful. no matter what type of app i create that saves, edits, and does everything notepad does plus tons more, i always seem to end up using notepad one way or another.. until recently..

i finally designed my own custom notepad. pretty much all the features, minus a few, and plus a few.. i like the new features. ;o)


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VS 2010 Open Multiple Files From A Checkedlistbox With The Default Program?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox. In the box are files from a directory. All *.jpg files.

Now I want to open the checked files with the default program.

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