Getting A Response From Site?

Aug 15, 2011

using i need to access a website and then look for a specific string in the html

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Site Login Webrequest / Response (Aspx)

Feb 27, 2012

For my work i'm making a console program that log in into a a website ([URL]) The problem is i can grab the login page and read out the viewstate & EventValidation But when i try to submit my login details i get a error.

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Build An Application That Will Login To A Web Site, Navigate The Site And Download Files?

Mar 26, 2010

I am not sure if this is possiable but I am looking to build an application that will login to a web site, navigate the site and download files. I would like to do this all in code and able to run multiple instances of the program to get information from many different web sites. Is something like this possiable in

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VS 2008 - Threaded Ping - Click Another Site While Its Still Pinging Them It Doesn't Wait Before It Switches Site

Feb 9, 2010

Ive got an app that holds a list of site we have, At each site there are a few devices. The idea is when they click on a site all the details for the site are loaded and then a second thread sits and pings each device to see if its live. Im trying to do this in a seperate thread so if they click another site while its still pinging them it doesn't wait before it switches site. This all seems to be workling fine except if you click through the sites quickly, when you do that it will eventually come up with


{"Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute."}

The error flags up on the "Next" line in "ThreadedPing"

Thread stuff

Public Sub ThreadedPing(ByVal dt As DataTable)

Dim dr As DataRow


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User Can Change The Update Site With Out Building The Program Again With The New Site?

Oct 13, 2010

When i publish my program i choose to let the application check for updates via a website and if their is one update automatically when the program starts. Is their a way were on the main user form i can make it so that the user can change the update site with out me building the program again with the new site. I want to do this becuase the site i use goes down alot so when i changed the update url no one was able to download the update for the new update server.

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Internet Explorer - User Click A Command Button To Open IE To A Financial WEB Site And Download Informaion From The Site?

May 19, 2011

I'm deploying a VB.Net app (VS 2010 Pro) that requiers the user click a command button to open IE to a financial WEB site and download informaion from the site. The app works fine in every detail when installed on the development computer. But, on the target computer when the command button is clicked an unhandled exception occurs which says: System.IO. FileNotFoundException:File Not found.My code behind the button is Shell("C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe www,",AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

This works fine on the development computer. Do I need a way to code this as a relative path? If so,can you tell me how this is done?Throughout the app I have written relative paths to needed files using paths like (Open(Environment. GEtFolderPath (Environment. SpecialFoldder.Desktop) + "File Name). They all work fine when deployed.

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Label Staging Site To Prevent It From Being Used As If It Were The Production Site

May 18, 2012

I'm being asked to maintain several internal-only web apps for my company. For testing, after making my changes, I've created some staging sites which make use of separate databases. As such, if my users were to mistakenly use this site as if it were the production site, they may enter important data and wonder where it "disappeared" to thinking it was the production server.

I'd like to create a big banner of some sort across the top of the staging site (which ONLY appears on the staging site) to remind my users that they are on the test site. I'd like recommendations on the best way to do this, with the following considerations:

IDE: Visual Studio 2008
Server: Windows 2003 with IIS 6
Language: VB.NET 2.0

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Open Site When Click (Visit Site Button)

Jan 8, 2010

i want to know how can i code my button when i click it will open my site ... i Think i was clear.

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Login Directly From One Site Another Site?

Oct 21, 2010

when i am surfing in one site,i want to see the another URL...without going URL directly access the login......for example this is the login page url i want know automatic login to this page [URL]

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Server Response Was Successfully Sent To Client Without Client Response Back?

Apr 21, 2010

i made a tcp/ip application using the .NET TcpListener class, my problem is that sometimes (about 30 / 4000) the connection between the client and the server got interrupted in the middle and the server response to the client is there a way to know if the server response was successfully sent to the client without the client response back?

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Getting A Response From A Website?

Apr 12, 2009

I am trying to develop an authentication system and a way of which is making a user log in to my forums via my application this works great as I have a wonderful web coder helping me out but I also have the problem that if they log in correctly then it will display the webpage with the number 1 on it and if they log in but they don't have permissions to view it will not go to the correct and it will just go to the log in page.

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How To Capture URL Response

Aug 11, 2009

I asked a question like this earlier this week, but I think I was way off basis, and I think I was getting help on the wrong subject. Let me explain the entire situation here, and I will be as detailed as Possible. I have developed an application for Windows Mobile Devices using Visual Basic 2008. One feature of the application, allows users to view records that are stored online, on the device.


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How To Get Web Service Response In .net

Jun 22, 2010

I need help with something it drives me nuts. I have an application which send XML to a web server through a POST method. This part works excellent. But where I have issues is with receiving the standard response from the web server for OK or error. Instead of receiving the actual response, I get the error message" WebException was unhandled. The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine" . The response I should receive is in XML format where I have as elements the error result (ok or error), the error number and the error description. Here is the code I have:


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No Response From The Database?

Apr 8, 2012

this codes doesnt have any reponse from the database .. these codes is for case sensitivity of the usernametxtbox and if satisfied, the secretquestion textbox will automatically display the correct secret question.

Dim i As Integer
Dim PassResult As String = ""
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data


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.net - Accessing More Data From A 403 Response?

Nov 4, 2009

I've an application that's uploading data to a server. Occasionally the server returns a 403 response from a call to HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(). The response contains more data than simply the response code, but I can't figure out how to access it. Is there a way to do this?

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.net - Response.AppendHeader() Is Broken

Sep 23, 2011

I'm using Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "2; url=default.aspx") To send users back to the home page after they log in or log out and it works. But, on the contact us page it fails and this is what it says: The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.Requested URL: /default.aspx, 2; url=default.aspx The weird thing is this doesn't happen in debug, only on the live site. It looks like it's appending the header twice somehow...

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API - Get The Response From It Display It To My Textbox?

Feb 17, 2011

how can i send a URL "https:[url].....without opening the web browser? and how do i get the response from it display it to my textbox? im using a vb 2008, can this possibly done?

View 3 Replies - How To Parse An Xml Response From A Post In .net

Oct 12, 2011

I am posting to a website to get data back. The site returns it as an xml. I am able to get the data into a string. But what i really want to do is to have each item in the xml in a different string field.


I want to be able to split these fields and set them to different text boxes on the page.

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Communications :: Get Response From Php File?

Aug 21, 2008

Private Function web_scan(ByVal code As String) As String
Dim myReg As Net.HttpWebRequest = _
DirectCast(Net.WebRequest.Create(ServerSelect.Text & "/scanner.php?code=" & code), _


I need to give a variable to php file via GET and recive responce. HttpWebResponse dosen't work on my PocketPC so I need n alternative.

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How To Notify A User (UI) From BLL And Get Their Response

Jan 15, 2010

Using VB 2008 .NET 3.5..I am working on an N-Layer desktop application.Suppose a method in the BLL runs into an situation where the user needs to be notified and the method needs to wait for the user input (OK, Cancel, etc.) before continuing.Assume that this situation happens fairly often but not all the time, and is expected. It doesn't seem correct to throw an exception. The only solution I have so far is to raise an event with a custom EventArgs, and allow the UI to set some property in the custom EventArgs to reflect the user input.

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How To Read SOAP Response

Sep 6, 2011

How can I read SOAP response? Below the function, only read some specific node. I want to read whole SOAP response.[code]

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Interpret A Xml Response That Gets Fed Into RichTextBox?

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to interpret a xml response that gets fed into my RichTextBox so that i can alert the user of their success when posting a record to a website I am managing to count the number of successful and failed postings by searching for text shown below:


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Manage GSM Modem Response?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm creating a small program in Visual Basic, using Visual Studio 2010, which communicates with a GSM modem via serial port.The connection works, I can even communicate properly with the modem and I can also send sms and mms .. But I can not handle the modem answers ... I'll explain:If I send a command like AT + CSQ modem replies with + CSQ 22.0. This command gives me the value of the signal as a response on a scale of 0-30 ... I can see on the screen (in a dedicated console) but I would like to manage the response in the sense that I would do something like that

IF (answer.text = "+CSQ 22,0") Then
label1.text = "Good"
label1.text = "Bad"

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Open A New Tab With Response.addheader?

Mar 13, 2012

I am wondering how to open a new tab with the following bit of code. Using "Inline" instead of attachment will open the pdf in the current window. By using "attachment", a Save box opens and download the pdf. I don't want to do either. I want the pdf to open in a new tab or even a new window is fine. Is there anyway? Pdf is dynamically created and can't just use [code]...

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Php - Splitting Response At A Certain Point?

May 13, 2012

I had a question earlier involving php and mysql on this same project,

This is .net, Im trying to read the source of my php response, and stop after a certain character or phrase, in which mine is <br />

here is my current code.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest =


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Possible To Detect UDP Response Encoding?

Jan 16, 2010

I query a Quake3 masterserver via UDP, and get the response as below.As you can see, I had trouble figuring out the encoding of what the server sent...Is there any way to detect or set the receive encoding ?

baBuffer = new byte[1024*100]; // 100 kb should be enough
int recv = sctServerConnection.ReceiveFrom(baBuffer, ref tmpRemote);
Console.WriteLine("Message received from {0}:", tmpRemote.ToString());


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Post A CGI Response To A Text Box?

Feb 14, 2009

I am trying to build an application that will return a responce from a url containing an CGI "get" or "set" instruction. Example : This is the syntax that would be entered into any web browser to solicit the IP camera for the current exposure value.

What I am trying to do is build an application that will allow these responces to be placed into a TextBox. Conversly I want to place values into a text box and submit the new value. Example: Http:

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Raw Data In HTTPRequest/Response

Nov 11, 2010

Background information: I am simply using Fiddler2 to monitor my HTTP connections.

When I am posting data, there is no actual post data. The data I enter into the web page is only in the hex view or the raw data. How can I send a request using raw data or whatever method with a webrequest?

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Response.ContentLength Property?

Mar 2, 2009

If you run this code, builder.Append("Content length: " & response.ContentLength & _" bytes" & vbCrLf)

it returns a string builder object which shows the number of bytes contained in the page. But the url here must exceed some sort of character limit because it is returning -1 as the value which means (Unknown?)

Dim uri As New Uri("")
Dim builder As New StringBuilder
builder.Append("AbsolutePath: " & uri.AbsolutePath & vbCrLf)
builder.Append("AbsoluteUri: " & uri.AbsoluteUri & vbCrLf)
builder.Append("Host: " & uri.Host & vbCrLf)


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Sql - Getting Response From A Stored Procedure

Jan 6, 2012

i am looking to recieve a response back from the SP that i call out using This is my code for doing just that:

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
command.CommandText = "RPT_C_S_H"


I keep getting the error: String[4] the size property has an invalid size of 0

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