Have 8 ComboBoxes And 8 Identical Items In Each ComboBox?

Apr 19, 2012

I have 8 comboBoxes and 8 identical items in each comboBox.If I select one of the items in comboBox1, how can make this item to disappear from all other comboBoxes ?

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Identical Comboboxes For 2 Different Fields:ie WorkState And HomeState

Jul 21, 2009

VB.Net, Visual Std 2008 These 2 fields would use the same table for the display data, but "MyInfo.workState, ie KS" and "MyInfo.homeState, ie TX" would be 2 different fields. How do you avoid syncing the "Display Member" of these 2 comboboxes. In other words, if the user first selects "KS" for the workState combobox, how do you avoid the workState combobox display changing to "TX" when you change homeState combobox to "TX"? Do you have to use different databinding sources for each like combobox.


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How To Detect Identical Data Values In A Combobox

Dec 8, 2010

I am wondering how to detect that the values in the combobox are the same, as i am doing a application that will show the dates from the combobox. So if there is identical dates in the database, it will show only one date, and when the user clicks on that date which has many entries, it will show all relevant data to that date to a listbox for example.

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How To Add Items In Two ComboBoxes

Feb 12, 2010

I have this code that adds items in 2 comboboxes: The first code works fine as it adds the dates into the comboxes

Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand
Dim myDataReader As OleDbDataReader
myConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|Network_Info.mdb"
[Code] .....

But when I try to add items by month I always get this error in these lines:
It says: IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled
[Code] .....

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Reading Items From File And ComboBoxes

Oct 21, 2009

I'm program that uses quite a few different comboboxes. Essentially drop down boxes to prevent invalid user input. Anyways, the problem I've run into is when I'm loading files that will populate those combo boxes. Essentially, certain selection in the combo boxes invalidate selections in other boxes. What I'm doing is taking a text file, and reading it line by line. Each line is based off the combo box selections previously made and saved using the same application. Returning to the same screen, I want to populate the combo boxes with the data previously selected.

I'm initially populating the combo boxes in program with
<combo box>.Items.Add()
Other than searching item by item for the proper text, getting the index of of that text, and then setting that as the selected item?

So what I'm thinking of doing is this...
Dim Fin As System.IO.StreamReader
Fin = System.IO.OpenText(FileName)
Dim sInput As String
Dim iIndex As Integer
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Loading Items Comboboxes

Nov 12, 2010

I have a list of a few 1000 names, which I need to load in several comboboxes. Now I can add them manually in the editor, but then the code would be huge, which is unneeded in my hones opinion. Sure I can add then in a database and load them, but that takes more time then loading a file from the hard-drive.

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Fill Other ComboBoxes DataSources When Another ComboBox Changes?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a form that has three comboboxes in it, cbxStudy, cbxMethod, & cbxAnalyte. When I call the form I load a data table and use that table to fill the comboboxes. I want to assign a value to cbxStudy, then fill cbxMethod by filtering the data table using the value in cbxStudy, then fill cbxAnalyte by filtering the data table using the values in cbxStudy and cbxMethod.

This code keeps failing when the forms New constructor is called, but once the form is loaded the code works great. I indicated below where the code is failing. It's failing because Me.cbxStudy.SelectedValue is = {System.Data.DataRowView} when the constructor is called even though I set the SelectedValue myself.

Public Class frmSelectMethod
Private cv_dt As New DataTable
Private cv_strPrevValue As String


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Runtime Fill Multiple Comboboxes With Same Items?

Feb 22, 2010

I have 16 comboboxes with a naming convention of:


These will all contain the same items and I need to add them at runtime. I know how to loop through the controls, but not sure how to make sure I'm only editing the correct comboboxes. (I will have to do this for 2 more sets of comboboxes with similar naming conventions as well)

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VS 2010 - Adding And Saving New Items To 2 ComboBoxes?

Sep 25, 2010

I'm working on a program in which I have 2 comboboxes and have to be able to add new Items in both of them, now that all no problems at all but as soon as I close the program I loose all my Items. Is it possible to add a code which checks if an Item already exists and if so give a error message and don't add the new Item to the combobox?

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Marking Items In ComboBox1 Need To Pass Values To 3 Different ComboBoxes

Apr 18, 2010

new to VB and having some problems with my code.the story is that while marking items in comboBox1 need to pass values to 3 different comboBoxes so far I have made code that pass data only to one comboBox. [code]

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Save Current Selected Items Of The Comboboxes And Load It

Feb 17, 2011

im just wondering if its possible to save the current state of a combobox,for example there are two combo boxes, i selected "3" on the 1st one and "apple" on the second one, is it possible to save that setting so that when i open my program again..i can load that settings?..

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VS 2010 - Multiple ComboBoxes And Dropdown Lists With Different Items

Jul 16, 2010

I have multiple combox boxes,
Combobox B has items Fruit, Veg, Dairy
Combobox C needs to contain 3 list and depending on what value is selected in Combo Box B.

For example,
If I select Veg in Combo Box B, I would like to have a drop down list containing "tomatoes, lettuce, onion,..........."
If I select Dairy in Combo Box B, I would like to have a drop down list containing "Milk, Cheese...................."

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Filter Other Comboboxes Based In First Combobox Whish Is Having Same Data As All?

Jun 3, 2012

my question is how to filter other comboboxes based in first combobox whish is having same data as all.i am using visual basic 2010 and a ms access database which is connected with code.a vb form have five comboboxes and all comboboxes are field with same data with this code:

Private Sub loadsubject()
Dim OleDBC As New OleDbCommand
Dim OleDBDR As OleDbDataReader


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Choose A Value Dynamically From ComboBox Depending Of The Values Selected Previously In Two ComboBoxes?

Mar 29, 2010

I want to choose a value dynamically from comboBox depending of the values selected previously in two comboBoxes.the code that loads the comboBoxes:

Private Sub LightClassComboBox_DropDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AreaClasificationComboBox.DropDown


The problem is that in the last Sub in the If sentence gives an error of: Null Reference Exception, because the compiler thinks that in that event the data are not loaded, although the data are loaded when loadcomboBoxes sub is executed.

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Combobox - .net Cascading ComboBoxes Connected To DataSet From Access - Changing Units And Decimal To Fractions?

Oct 2, 2011

I have a DataSet with a DataTable that has several numeric columns of Data. The numeric data is composed of distances given in U.S. Standard units. I currently have my ComboBoxes set up and working, but I need to expand on what I currently have in two ways.I need to be able to convert the Decimal numbers in my data column being displayed to Fractions, is there a way to do this and maintain databinding? In this case its the Display Member of the data source...I need to be able to display my drop down options in different sets of units... I've written Unit Conversion classes to help take care of this, but I don't know if I can somehow do this as well and maintain databinding? I'd like to convert the units on the display members as well...

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectionChangeCommitted
Select Case ComboBox1.SelectedItem


What is the best approach for using ComboBoxes when dealing with issues such as displaying fractions and units...

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Dynamicaly Refresh Databound Combobox Items Based On Selected_index_changed Event Of Another Combobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET together with ADO.NET to create a program. I have set my TableAdapters as needed and bound the correct tables-columns to my comboboxes.My problem though is this:My combobox2 item is bound to a datatable. The table adapter's Fill method (the select command basicaly) includes a public variable in the where clause to fetch the correct results. I ll put some code here to clarify it a bit more.Public Class Frm_inv


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Renaming ComboBoxes Causes Compiler - Cross Linked ComboBoxes?

Apr 24, 2012

this is a subset of a previously posted problem, I have narrowed down my issue and am reposting a question from this thread: [URL] I have apparently confused the compiler by renaming some comboboxes in Visual Basic .net express? (See relevant code below) I think the confusion is in who should handle what, with two routines named with variations of ComboBox1 and one handling the other ( it confuses me just trying to interpret it mentally):


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Get All Items From One Column Of Database Table To The Combobox Items

Apr 28, 2012

I want to get all items from one column of database table to the combobox items.

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Combobox.items.add - Combobox To Have A List Of Choices From A Table In A Db

Jun 14, 2011


I'm making a combobox on a form. I want the combobox to have a list of choices from a table in a db. The two columns are a String and a Date. I want the date column to only show the year. I'm hoping I have the code right as it is above, but I'm not positive I've done the whole date thing right.

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Filter ComboBoxes DataSource Based On Another ComboBoxes Changes?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a form with 4 comboboxes and a button. The first combobox is enabled, but the rest of the controls are disabled. When the form is opened I fill the first combobox (cbxMethod) with a datatable. When the user selects something in cbxMethod the next combobox (cbxStudy) will be filled and so on. When the last combobox (cbxAnalyte) has a selected value I want to enable the button and give it focus so the user can move forward with the program. I basically want to force the user to move from one combobox to the other, until all are filled.I am currently using the SelectionValueChange event, but this event only fires when the user changes the value with their mouse or hits the Enter key, not when the user hits the Tab key.

Public Class frmCalculatedAnalyte
Private cv_dt As New DataTable
Public Sub New()


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Select A Particular Value On A Combobox By Looping Through Combobox Items?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a form in my vb.net application used to take the data about the returned stock. The form contains two comboboxes. One, named combobox5, contains invoice numbers and the other, named combobox3, contains party codes. Both the comboboxes are pre_loaded using sqldataadapter.

Now what i want is to change the party code in combobox3 when the invoice number is changed in combobox5. Elaborating it further, When Stock is issued the party code is stored along with the invoice number to keep track of to which party was the stock issued. Now when stock is returned i want to keep track that which party has returned the stock and i want that the party code should be automatically selected when the invoice number is changed and it should be what is stored in the database against that particular invoice number....

I'm using the following code for doing so:

Private Sub ComboBox5_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox5.SelectedIndexChanged
' defines a new connection to the database
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=TAHA;Initial Catalog=ADT;Integrated Security=True")


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Show/hide Another Combobox With Combobox Items?

Feb 3, 2012

i'm creating a simple search application which have a TEXT box and some combo boxes and radio buttons and a search button.radio button names "Videos", "Audios", "Pics" etc..when radiobutton of video is selected, a combobox is appear having options "DailyMotion", "Metacafe" etc I want that when i click "Metecafe" item in combobox of video, an other combo box appear having items Like "Entertainment", "How To", "+18" etc(categories of video search).

if combobox1.SelectedItem = "PAKISTAN" Then
combobox2.Visible = True
End if
if combobox1.SelectedItem = "INDIA" Then


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2 Items With Same Name In Combobox?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a combobox in an app that auto-populate. Some of the items have the same name and so there is the problem: when an item is selected and there is another one w/ the same name , when the combobox is clicked again, the fisrt item with that name is selected, not the one that was clicked.

for example:

there is a combobox with the following items:


I open the combobox. I click the last ccc. I open the combobox again and the first ccc is selected, not the last.

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Get Items In A Combobox?

Mar 21, 2010

or t As Integer = 1 To combortpnumber.Text rtpkoen(t) = New ComboBox How do i get items into the combobox?

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'Select' Is First Items In All Combobox

Feb 4, 2010

i using VB.Net to developing my application.in forms i have comobox, in combobox datas are filled by using datasource from process layer.i want '--Select--' is first items in all combobox. but i tried my ways, i cann't bring it.

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Add Items In Combobox Error

Oct 9, 2009

How to add item in combobox when combobox has a set datasource property?

those combobox is datasource enable.. when it display data from the database but when i add new item i want to those data from datasource is clear and add new items for selection and those are in bold line but it start process to add those item it gives me error "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set."

how could i add item to a combobox with an enable datasource property[code]...

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Add Items To ComboBox Using Program?

Apr 7, 2010

I have created a comboBox1 on an excel sheet with the following statement

Set MyCombo = Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Cells(10, 1).Left, Cells(10, 1).Top, 50, Cells(10, 1).RowHeight)

1.Now how to add items to the comboBox1.

2. How to create a comboBox 2 adjacent to comboBox1 when an item is clicked in comboBox1.

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Adding Items To A Combobox?

Nov 27, 2007

In VB.Net for an ASP project I was able to do the following:

Dim Item As ListItem While DataReader.Read Item = New ListItem Item.Text = DataReader.Item("CustomerName").ToString Item.Value = DataReader.Item("CustomerNumber").ToString Me.lstCustomers.Items.Add(Item) End While

However in a VB.Net Windows Project it won't let me duplicate this.

I need to display the CustomerName but return the CustomerNumber of the selected customer

I am also adding the items in code because they are changing based on changing values.

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Combobox Adding Items?

Jun 16, 2011

I Need A Code To Add A List Of Items To A Combobox. Every Item Is Listed In One Textbox,

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Combobox Items Maintenance ?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm in the process of converting an Access 2007 database to vb.net (in visual studio 2010). I want the user to be able to maintain the items in these comboboxes....adding, updating, and deleting any item they choose. In Access, I had a button which would display the combobox items and allow the user to maintain. Upon leaving this display, the combobox would be refreshed. Is this the best practice for vb.net? Would it be any different than what I'm doing now in Access?

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