How To Change System Clock Using Cod

Oct 31, 2006

Does anyone know how to change the system clock using code. I want to be able to set the date and time in my code.

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Synchronising Clock With System Clock?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm a totally newb to VB and I want to do this. I want to do display system clock into a textbox. The trick is that I want it to be synchronized with the Windows XP clock. I want to have something like +/- 100 ms accuracy.

Each 'second' change will trigger an output pin to ground into the parallel port. This is very important that the 'second' change in the same time the Windows XP second change. Do not care about the parallel output thing, I'm nearly there. My main concern is the synchronisation with Windows clock.

In my code, I've added a counter that increment +1 at each 'second' change. So, when the 'n' value will reach a determined value, it will trigger another event.


I searched on the net and I found a thing about NIST time server.. Maybe this could be an otpion, but I have even no idea about how using it... I'm a total newb, but I'm ready to learn. So, please use simple language, no hard to understand acronym etc.

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How To Get Date On System Clock

Jul 27, 2010

I want to extract the current Date that is set on my computer. what command do I use to get it from my system clock to my date variable.

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Sync With System Clock?

May 22, 2009

I'm writing a logging program that should log some values each 10 seconds, but I want these 10 seconds to be in sync with system clock e.g 8:32:00, 8:32:10, 8:32:20 e.t.c. One way to achieve this would be to use a timer with quite small interval like 0.2 seconds and do logging if the right time has come, but maybe there is a better way?

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How To Call Function On End Of Min Of System Clock

Jan 20, 2012

I have a code written in VB.Net that will run on multiple systems. One of the function of that code is to check for files in some folder each minute.If we run code on different system at different times, it is possible that timer will execute the function to check the files at different times on each system. Is there any way, to make the timer running in each system in sync with each other so that it doesn't matter when the timer start on each system, they all will check for the file at the same time.

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Disable The System Clock To Avoid Editing The Time

Jan 4, 2010

I want to disable the clock so no one can edit the time.

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JavaScript - Clock On Webpage Using Server And System Time?

Jul 8, 2011

I need to add a clock to a web page. The clock needs to be synchronized with a server but I really don't want to have it constantly check the server as the page will be open 24/7 on several PCs. Is there some way to get the time from the server and then use the systems clock to keep it updated and check the server every 15 minutes or so to keep it synced?

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Change Coordinate System On .net?

Mar 15, 2012

i am looking for to change coordinate system on i am using 2010.when i try to use e.graphic.transform in mouse move event it does not take. it only take in PaintEventArgs

by default the coordinate system is from up to down for Y Coordinate. and i need to change it in to down to to change that system on mouse event.

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Change The System Date By Using App?

Oct 6, 2011

I would like to change the system date by using a VB.NET app. I specifically don't need the format to read a system date.

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Change System Date Programmatically?

Mar 2, 2011

We have different system date needs on different computers.

An application is using the following to get the current date[code]...

Unfortunately, it is NOT an option of changing the date format on the PC permanently. Is there a way to force the currDate to be retrieved in YYYY-MM-DD "date" format?

View 8 Replies

Change System HTTP Proxy?

Feb 11, 2012

I am working on an application where User enter the IP address and Port of HTTP Proxy Server to use it. figured out a way to change Proxy settings using registry, however that is not system wide, that only works for IE and chrome.I have been searching internet for about a week and could not find a way to set a system wide proxy to be used by all application. Is there any way to do so.

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Change The System Color Settings Using VB Or VBS Or VBA

Apr 12, 2010

code to change the System Color Quality setting using Vb, Visual Basic Script or VBA?

eg., If the Color quality is set to Medium (16-Bit), I want to change it to the Highest (32-Bit)

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Detect System Date Change?

Nov 12, 2011

I am writing an application on Windows-7 using Visual Basics 2010. I am accessing System Date with

Dim today As Integer
today = Format(Now, "dd")

Well, that works fine. But I need some indication/notification when system date changes, so that I can retrieve the new date.

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FAQ Item: Change The System's Cursor Using .NET?

Feb 1, 2010

How to change the system's cursor using VB.NET?

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How To Change System Screen Resolution

Oct 5, 2007

How to change the system screen resolution in VB 2005 or 2008? As it something to do with this:
Code Block

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VS 2010 System Icon Change?

Apr 26, 2011

i want the icon in my programs tray to change after time. I have no idea how to do this change. Anyone that can help me? I hope i made my self clear enough to understand what i mean. If not so, please write me to explain a bit more.


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Find System Date Change In Windows?

Mar 22, 2010

I need to find the system date change made by the user, i can find out this by checking the event log, and the event log can be deleted so it is not good idea.Can anyone suggest a method to find out the system date change in windows?

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VS 2010 Change The System Date/Time?

Apr 28, 2011

how to Change the System Date/Time via VB.Net?

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Change System Date And Time Using API SetSystemTime In Program?

Sep 28, 2007

While trying to set date time using SetSystemTime by passing the Structure.Only the date of the system is changed.Time is also gets changed but incorect time is showing in the System Clock of the Taskbar.e.g When I pass the following Structure(timeStru) to the SetSystemTime [code]...

View 5 Replies

Change The System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture In .net 4.0 Web Application?

May 7, 2011

It seems that I have problem changing System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture value according to the user preferences (.net 4.0 web application). In my Web Application, I have two buttons. One for the Greek Language and one for the English Language. When the buttons are clicked a request goes to the server asking to change the user preferred language. For Greek, I send "el-GR" and for English, I send "en-US". On server side, I use the following piece of code to change the Current CultureInfo:


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Change Or Reset The Local Admin Password Of The Opreataing System(win Xp) ?

Oct 5, 2006

I want to change or reset the local admin password of the opreataing system(win xp) using vb.netIs it possible?

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Change The .BaudRate Property Of A System.IO.Ports.SerialPort While It's Already Connected?

Nov 18, 2010

For whatever odd reason, we have a legacy data recorder device that runs at 9600 baud. Except when it needs to transfer its recorded data to a PC, in which case it switches to 57600 baud.

The old VB6 code worked, although it had its own set of problems of course.

The routine is this: Do several COMMAND/RESPONSE routines to populate a list of available records, listed by timestamp, at 9600 baud. Once a timestamp or several are selected, display a file save dialog. At the moment that dialog is closed, send a command to the device to tell it "hey we're going to warp", sleep for 100ms, then set the baud rate property of the persistent COM1 connection to 57600, before beginning to process XMODEM data and do the progress bar dance.

The problem I'm having is that it doesn't appear that the data received is ever really kosher as far as the byte marshaling is concerned. Which makes me wonder just how well SerialPort is at dynamically changing bauds on the fly. The VB6 version used MSComm.

I've even attempted to just use MSComm through the compatibility layer but "CTL_E is not supported" which makes it sound like it's incapable of doing XMODEM. (?)

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Change The Contents Of A Text File While Installing The Application In To The System?

Dec 2, 2009

I have devloped a small applicaiton in Now i have a requirement where i have to change the contents of a text file while installing the application in to the system

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VS 2010 : Change Application From Windows Form To System Service?

May 3, 2012

one of the apps that I wrote a couple months ago is getting to be rolled out to my production floor; one issue tho - It works great as a standard executable (you double-click, it starts and waits for data), however, I cannot get it to start as a system service.

I've already done a little bit of research for how to create a system service, but most of the information that I've come across is point to VC# or Visual Studio 2010 - I'm not finding much for VB 2010. Additionally, I'm only using VB 2010 Express and I'm pretty sure that I don't have the Windows Service application template's on my PC.

My application does have a "UI", but there isn't any user interaction; it starts and just sits minimized in the system tray polling a directory for the existence of a file - i.e. the windows form is not required.

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Archiving System (Document Viewer) Change The Component Or Upgrade The Software?

Jun 7, 2012

Good day, i have an application which can upload and preview image files, e-presentations, word duments, excel files and pdf files. On my program i used Web Browser Control and I'm planning to change the component or upgrade the software. Aside from Web Browser Control, what else can I use to preview those file types? By the way, i am using visual basic 2003( 2003) with this application.

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Change Image In Windows Forms App. System.Drawing.Bitmap In A PictureBox

Jul 19, 2010

I have a VB.NET Windows Forms app with a logo image on the form as a System.Drawing.Bitmap inside a PictureBox.I used the Visual Studio Designer to add the logo .bmp image so I don't currently have any VB code doing anything with it.I'd like to make the current logo a clickable object/button so when I click on it a file browser dialog opens and I can select a new image to replace the current image.The current image is a local resource and is set in a PictureBox as a System.Drawing.Bitmap.How would I replace that System.Drawing.Bitmap with a file selected from the file browser dialog?

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How To Get An Icon To Appear Next To The Clock?

Jul 13, 2009

i built a small app in and i would like my icon to appear next to the computer clock in the taskbar. how can i do this?

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How To Make A Clock In VB

Oct 11, 2009

i dont know what is Visual basik I want to mak a clok posible?

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Make A Clock In VB?

Sep 1, 2009

how do you make a clock in visual basic

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Clock In Form Application?

Mar 15, 2012

Using format NOW will just show the current time but the time will not run. Is it possible to make it to make the time keep running?

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