Disable The System Clock To Avoid Editing The Time

Jan 4, 2010

I want to disable the clock so no one can edit the time.

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JavaScript - Clock On Webpage Using Server And System Time?

Jul 8, 2011

I need to add a clock to a web page. The clock needs to be synchronized with a server but I really don't want to have it constantly check the server as the page will be open 24/7 on several PCs. Is there some way to get the time from the server and then use the systems clock to keep it updated and check the server every 15 minutes or so to keep it synced?

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Synchronising Clock With System Clock?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm a totally newb to VB and I want to do this. I want to do display system clock into a textbox. The trick is that I want it to be synchronized with the Windows XP clock. I want to have something like +/- 100 ms accuracy.

Each 'second' change will trigger an output pin to ground into the parallel port. This is very important that the 'second' change in the same time the Windows XP second change. Do not care about the parallel output thing, I'm nearly there. My main concern is the synchronisation with Windows clock.

In my code, I've added a counter that increment +1 at each 'second' change. So, when the 'n' value will reach a determined value, it will trigger another event.


I searched on the net and I found a thing about NIST time server.. Maybe this could be an otpion, but I have even no idea about how using it... I'm a total newb, but I'm ready to learn. So, please use simple language, no hard to understand acronym etc.

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Avoid Editing In Display Instead Of Selecting From Dropdown List?

Mar 7, 2010

I made a little program what worked perfectly, till some started writing his input in the display of the comboBox istead of selecting it.

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Clock - UTC - Give The Users Current Time Zone/local Time

Jul 22, 2011

So I currently have the following:

2 timers

2 labels

1st label is "Clock" this pulls the time from the users current time zone/local time

2nd label is "UTCClock" Which would be UTC time

Now I have this for the first label: clock.Text = Format(TimeOfDay, "hh:mm:ss tt")

Which would give the users current time zone/local time. As for the UTC.. how would I add in for the UTC time from where the user is located at? I did some searches.. but couldnt find what I was looking for.. IM pretty sure its not as easy as getting the users current time zone/local time.. So im assuming that Theres a "bit more" code into getting UTC time..

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Avoid System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException By Detecting A System Folder Before Writing A File?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a vb .net application where the user can choose a directory into which an excel file is written. If the user selects a system directory (yes, my users do this, don't ask me why) then a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException is thrown at runtime. I am handling this exception telling the user to please select another directory.

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VS 2008 Disable Editing A Combobox?

Mar 20, 2009

Is it possible to disable editing a combobox. With a textbox you have the option readonly. Is there something like that for the combobox?

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Getting The Time From An Atomic Clock?

May 28, 2010

I'd like to write a small app to get the time from an "atomic" clock -- I believe the UTC time and then compare this against the system clock.

So far I've been able to get the system time details with the code below but just cannot figure out where to start on getting the atomic clock(s) time.

I did Google this for examples and have not found anything useful, I did find a list of atomic time servers @ the following URL and realise I have to connect to NIST Internet Time Service clock

Dim localDirect As Date = Date.Now
Dim utcDirect As Date = Date.UtcNow
Dim localFromUtc As Date = utcDirect.ToLocalTime()


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How To Change System Clock Using Cod

Oct 31, 2006

Does anyone know how to change the system clock using code. I want to be able to set the date and time in my code.

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How To Get Date On System Clock

Jul 27, 2010

I want to extract the current Date that is set on my computer. what command do I use to get it from my system clock to my date variable.

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Sync With System Clock?

May 22, 2009

I'm writing a logging program that should log some values each 10 seconds, but I want these 10 seconds to be in sync with system clock e.g 8:32:00, 8:32:10, 8:32:20 e.t.c. One way to achieve this would be to use a timer with quite small interval like 0.2 seconds and do logging if the right time has come, but maybe there is a better way?

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Alarm Clock - Launching App @ Certain Time

Dec 4, 2010

I would like to make an alarm clock application, however I am having some problems in the brainstorming phase.

My main problem is the fact that I dont know how to ensure the application will be able to calculate the time and thus set off the alarm. For example, when the application is closed, how will the alarm go off?

Ideally I would like to make this app a system startup item, so if the system is rebooted, the application will automatically relaunch - but again, I dont know how to do that.

If the system is sleeping, how can I wake it up? These kind of problems.

Another dilema I have, is if this application is always running, how could I have it go to my taskbar hidden icon menu (the right section of the taskbar next to the time).

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Auto- Check On Time Clock?

Aug 6, 2010

Auto check on time clock

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Auto-check On Time Clock?

Feb 14, 2010

I would like to know how I could set up an automatic time checkup on the label text in each min?

Here it is the Private Sub Form1_Load1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Cannot Capture Clock In / Out Time Of Each Worker Once A Day

Dec 28, 2009

My system needs to capture the daily clock -in and clock out time of each worker. Each worker is only allowed to clock-in and out once a day. Im using visual studio 2008 currently and my database is using microsoft access. Below is that i used for my login.


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Create A Simple Clock With Different Time Than PC?

Oct 25, 2008

i want to create a simple clock with different time than PC.I mean to say that application will as a user to input time in HH:MM:SS format and after it is submitted clock start from that time.

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How To Call Function On End Of Min Of System Clock

Jan 20, 2012

I have a code written in VB.Net that will run on multiple systems. One of the function of that code is to check for files in some folder each minute.If we run code on different system at different times, it is possible that timer will execute the function to check the files at different times on each system. Is there any way, to make the timer running in each system in sync with each other so that it doesn't matter when the timer start on each system, they all will check for the file at the same time.

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Enabled Propreties To Disable Editing Combobox Items?

Sep 27, 2011

i've tried the enabled propreties to disable editing combobox iteam but it make it gray and it become unreadable.so i changed the combobox style to simple (it looks like a texbox) and i want to know how can i prevent user from changing the content.

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Build An Time Clock That Is Separated Into Tiers

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to build an employee time clock that is seperated into tiers(Data,Business,Presentation) but i am not sure on how to do this and would like to discuss the matter. This is what i have so far.


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How To Read Clock (Official Time) From Website

Sep 1, 2009

Is it possible to make program with VB to read the clock from websites? The official U.S. time - clock. How can I do that? And trigger actions based on the clock time.

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Disable Bound Field From Editing Dataset Until Save Button?

Nov 17, 2009

On my form i use binding source bound to fields.. if a user starts to change something then hits cancel (i set all the fields to "" to clear them) and then if they choose that record again it shows nothing in the bound fields..

is there a way to reset/cancel from editing without loosing original values?

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Constant Time Changer - Changing Clock Speed

Feb 23, 2011

im trying to make a cheat for minecraft(speed walk) but im having problems. every minuet i want the clock to go ahead by 2 minuets to speed walk. can someone correct my code? TimeOfDay.AddMinutes("2:00")

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Creating A Clock - Link The Current Time To Corrospond With The Shapes?

Apr 21, 2010

I am currently creating a clock like the "24" clock, i have made the numbers using the drawing tools within Visual Basic, i was just wondering how i can link the current time to corrospond with the shapes i have drawn?

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Form_Load I Randomly Generate A Time Value - Running Virtual Clock?

Aug 18, 2010

In my program's Form_Load I randomly generate a time value. Once I generate the time value, I put it in a DateTime variable. I need it to work like a clock. I know I can do this with a timer with an interval of 60000, or using TimeGetTime and updating a variable.Is it possible to do this with a thread?

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VS 2010 - Shading Some Areas Of Clock Image Based On Time

Mar 30, 2011

I have a table which contains the start date and end date, in my db. What I currently do is simply display both the fields in a ListView control. But instead of that approach, I'm thinking about displaying a 'clock' image and shading those areas with some color. This is similar to a Pie Chart. But the only difference is, I'm going to display a clock's image as background and the shading is based on the time.

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'global' Type Timer That Will Allow To Basically Run Clock Entire Time Someone Is On Site

Oct 21, 2009

I'm in need of a "global" type timer that will allow me to basically run a clock the entire time someone is on my site, no matter what pages they go to. I've played around with the timer available for forms but I didn't see a way to make it continue to run after someone left that page.The effect I'm attempting to create is for a timer to start whenever someone hits my site, then every X minutes an event will trigger. This event should happen no matter where they are on the site. I've read a couple articles on timers but to be honest I'm fairly new to VB and I didn't know if I really needed to learn about 'threading' etc, to get a timer to work.

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Time Error When Automatically Adjust Clock For Daylight Saving Changes Is De-selected

Jan 15, 2010

I have noticed in a windows-based VB application I am working on when the "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes" is de-selected, the time in the application is off by one hour. Is there anyway to make the application not sensitive to that and just display the date value that is retrieved from the database?

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Avoid System Volume Information Folder

Sep 3, 2010

I am using following code to get directory info. it works well if I search topleveldirectory. But when i search alldirectories, it reaches system level information and throws error. Is there any way to avoid searching system level information folder?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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How To Avoid System Menu Show On Title Bar

Jun 24, 2009

I has been looking for the codes which it avoid the system menu to be showing on title bar when you click on your right mouse button. The only one I found is removemenu method. I don't want to use removemenu as it would disable the title bar close button. I only needs the code to avoid me to click the right mouse button on the title bar so I still has no luck.

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Avoid A Possible Hang By Limiting The Time A Method Is Allowed To Take?

Jul 6, 2011

I am using an external DLL (pdfsharp) to open (then manipulate) lots of PDF files. I use: Dim inputDocument = Pdf.IO.PdfReader.Open(PDFPath, IO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.ReadOnly) Problem is - it seems to hang on certain, rare files. I don't seem to get any timeout - it just hangs for hours on this line. We read thousands of files with this code, always on tiny files, so I was thinking that a quick workaround might be to somehow timeout if the this method takes more than a second or two. But I don't see a simple way to do this. I am hoping to avoid spinning up a worker thread.

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