How To Compress Folder And Its Subfolder Using Winrar

May 2, 2011

how to compress folder and its subfolder using winrar i found a lot of example using gzip but not through winrar a programe that compress file using winrar and display progress report as well as

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Use WinRAR's Dll File To Compress Files In .net?

Sep 11, 2008

I'd like to use WinRAR's dll file to compress files in there any way this can be done? The only one I found was using the unrar.dll to uncompress files. Also, I'd like to know how to implement WinZIP's dlls to compress files as the zipfldr.dll does not achieve very high levels of compression and encryption.

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File - About Folder Under Subfolder

Mar 6, 2012

i want to delete all the under root folder e: richy.root folder contain also sub folder like e: richychn2000820204*.mp3 files. always getting an error.


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Copy Subfolder Structer To New Folder?

Jun 5, 2011

Does anyone know how to copy subfolders from one place to another in VB?. I have a Template folder on a network share I want to use to set up the base folder structure on newly created job folders, however, I can't seem to get any copy methods to take just the subfolders and not the parent.[code]...

View 12 Replies

FTP Upload Of Entire Folder And Subfolder?

May 23, 2011

basically i am creating a program that can upload an entire folder with all its subfolders to my account on [URL]when its on my drivehq account i can download it The folder have files of all extension pdf,doc,xml,exe etc

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim URI As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim request As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create(URI), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)


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Read All File In A Folder And Subfolder?

Jul 31, 2010

I want some help creating a function to loop thou a folder and get all its file and the files that are in the sub folders. I want to test also if each file type is mp3 or not.


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Compress A Folder To *.zip File?

Dec 29, 2009

I need a simple code to compress a folder to *.zip file silently without modules or adding project .... etc.

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How To Compress Folder From Textbox

Feb 26, 2009

How would I compress a folder from a text box becasue what I have at the moment is just returning a value of true
Dim compres As IO.Compression.CompressionMode
TextBox1.Text = IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress = IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress = 1
And I don't understand how to use the compression.

View 7 Replies

How To Compress A Folder In Appl To ZIP Format

Apr 21, 2009

How to compress a folder in appl to ZIP format?

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Zip (Compress) A Folder That Contains Uploaded Documents (VB ASP.NET 3.5)?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a web application using VB ASP.NET 3.5 that along with many things allows users to upload documents into a directory on the web server. I would like to know how I can zip a folder on a webserver and download it to the client machine via a submit button.Currently, I have the files displayed as URLs so that the users can right-click and "Save Target As." But I think just having everything zipped in one file would make it alot easier for the users.

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Compress Folder In D: Directory In Turn (loop)

Jul 14, 2011

I have a task..Since im a beginner in VB, how do i create the program which can compress the folders in Directory ( D:BackupFolderName) automatically in turn..I have around 20 folder in this directory..(20110501-20110520)..I need to use Loop or which statement?this is compress codes to compress one folder automatically..


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VS 2008 - No Longer Compress Images In Resources Folder

Jun 5, 2010

Recently I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio 2008. Before that, Visual Studio compress images that I put in the Resources folder. In this folder I put images in PNG format for use in the project. When I was compiling the project, the executable was of a size much smaller than the sum of the bytes of the images as they were compressing in the compilation. The sum of the size of the images gives a 47MB, and the file compiled with the images was around 3.5 MB. But now the images are not compressed. For the resulting executable with the build is about 48 MB ... I'm deducing the problem is because the images were not compressed it so?

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Generating A "Safe" Folder/Subfolder List: An Adaptation Of John Wein's Function?

Dec 26, 2010

I've been obsessed with this since I explored it this morning.The post by John Wein shown here fostered a renewed thought about something I've wanted to do for a long time: Generate a "safe" list of folders/subfolders to search in. Whether we're trying to copy or just look through them to show them in a list or whatever else, invariably we're faced with the exception of "Cannot access", usually due to System Volume being attempted to be accessed.John came up with a brilliant strategy in that it's effective, fast, and done with such little code! My hat's off to you John!Now to the purpose of this post. I've taken his code and modified it (only to be run in debug mode so you can see exceptions) and I'm wondering if anyone would care to set up a little test project and run it also - so we can see if in fact we may now have an effective means of generating a list of safe folders/subfolders as preface for whatever other file operations happen next?

Copy and paste the following and let me know the results? Change the drive/folder as you like and let me know if it runs into an exception?


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List All Files In A Folder Including Subfolder Files

Jun 9, 2011

How to list all files in a folder including subfolder files.

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Programmatically Set "compress" Attribute Of A Folder?

Dec 3, 2010

How to programmatically set the "compress" attribute of a folder

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Setup Solution In Winrar?

Oct 24, 2009

How do i complied my form design into winrar compress??

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How To Get Files From Subfolder In FTP

Mar 30, 2011

im developing a tool that will be downloading the files from the ftp which has subfolder in their root directory.

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Delete File In Subfolder?

Aug 24, 2011

I have below code and i want to change it so that it will delete the file "test.test" in a sub directory. I don't know the name of the sub directory so it has to go true the sub directories and when it finds the "test.test" file it needs to delete it.

The folder only has 2 sub directories. That is the only thing i know.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim path As String =


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VS 2008 Drag A SubFolder

Jan 16, 2012

My code is here..


This is working a folder but.. not working subfolders.. how can i do that ?

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Unzip Folders And Subfolder And Files Using 2.0?

Dec 20, 2009

I want to unzip folder and all its contents like sub folder and files. Can I write a program in 2005 to solve this issue.

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Recursive Search : Compare The Subfolder To Time?

Aug 15, 2011

I wrote this code. It works, but when the directory has a lot of subfolders it freezes up. I really only need to access the folders created in the last 24 hours. I cannot however figure out how to compare the subfolder to time.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("V:E72")


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VS 2008 Copy All The Subfolder & Files From One Location To Another

Feb 20, 2011

I have got the following code to copy all the subfolder & files from one location to another.


to access the code. However i want it to run asynchronously and the progress of the copy to be displayed on a progress bar however i have no clue how to do this.

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Forms :: Copying Entire Embedded Resource Subfolder

Sep 6, 2010

I have an exe which I am wanting to deploy to my userbase. I have a bunch of embedded resources which are used throughout the application and they work fine.What I need help with is copying an entire subfolder of embedded resources to a specified directory on the local machine.[code]So I need to copy the entire subfolder (keeping its file structure) to a specified location.

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My.Settings & Application.StartupPath - Allow The User To Be Able To Change The Location Of This Subfolder

Oct 23, 2011

I have an app that will need a file repository located in a subfolder in my program's directory. For example: c:program files (x86)myapplicationmyfiles But, I need to allow the user to be able to change the location of this subfolder if they wish to store them on a network drive etc..


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Compress An Image Using .net?

Dec 7, 2009

How can i compress an image using

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Way To Compress Image

Jul 21, 2009

How to compress an image? because i am capturing a screenshot. but my problem is sometimes the image size is too large. how can I compress the image?

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Way To Compress My Project

Feb 15, 2012

When i'm working on my project,many times it show the message something like this "...out of memory" so can any one help me what should i do?

Should I compress my project and make it smaller in size?

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Forms :: Get A Button To Enter The Applications Subfolder And Randomly Select 1 File To Be Played In The Windows Media Player

Oct 19, 2010

I need to get a button to enter the applications subfolder and randomly select 1 file to be played in the windows media player COM which i have put in the form. I have tried creating a shuffling playlist but i cant get it to stop after one file is played (it just goes on shuffeling to another file, and i really do not want a playlist). I manage to create a batch file to be started to randomly pick a file in that folder, but when i do this the file is being played in the systems default player..

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Make A Compressing Program Such As "winrar" Or "winzip"

Nov 22, 2009

I want to make a compressing program such as "winrar" or "winzip". i want to make it in basic language. i'm using VS 2005 .net

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Compress Decompress String?

May 23, 2010

How do I compress/decompress a string in VB.NET ?I am trying to send long string through the Network and need them to be as small as possible before sending.

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