How To Create An Automated Excel Files

Jun 8, 2011

i want to create an atomated excel files actually this software exceLINX ( my research software) build in excel files.then this exceLINX software is the main software to trigger my data acquisition equipment. thus

i need a coding in VB/macro to trigger the excel in the exceLINX software to start my measurement for the experiment.

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Create Automated Backup Files In Application?

Jan 12, 2010

How to create automate (or) schedule backup files in application using window services

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Automated Excel Doesn't Close

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to automate writing some data to an Excel spreadsheet (Office 2010, VS 2010), save the spreadsheet, and then open the spreadsheet for the user to view and edit. When I save the spreadsheet, an instance Excel is left running in the Task manager. No matter how many spreadsheets I create, there is always instance in Task Manager left.[code]...

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Can't Get Automated Excel To Close Gracefully

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying for the first time to automate Excel 2007 using VB.Net. I have VS 2008 Pro running on a machine with Windows XP 64-bit. All updates have been applied.

Like other posters, my problem started out with Excel.exe hanging up in the task manager, even after calling the Quit method. I have tried to recreate the suggestions of using the Garbage Collector and Marshal.FinalReleaseCOMObject methods. The problem that I get now is that after about 20 seconds during which I can still see EXCEL.EXE in the task manager, I always get the Microsoft message box stating: "Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close." asking me if I want to send or not send a report.[code]...

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Automated Creation Of PDF Files

Oct 12, 2009

So I am attempting to do the following: Use VB to select multiple Files(Excel, Word, RTF, PDFs) and create one PDF from all these files. I need to perform this for approximately 2000 files with a different number of files going into each PDF. I have Acrobat 8 and Visual Studio 2008.

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Office Automation :: Excel 2007 Automated By .Net 2003?

Feb 12, 2009

I have both Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 installed on my system. When I call oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel 2003 is used in the context in my .NET code instead of Excel 2007 (which I need to be used). I have referenced the "Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library" but when the code runs, the 11.0 version is used.

Is it because I am using Visual Studio .Net 2003 that Excel 2007 cannot be correctly referenced or do I need to change a reference or setting?

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.net Automated Word/excel Mail-merge Code Snippet?

Sep 10, 2011

I've got a Word doc with insertion fields already created and an Excel spreadsheet with the data for a mail-merge.Does anyone have a code snippet for merging the two into a Word form-letter in

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Create Automated Bookmark Url?

Nov 4, 2011

how to create automated bookmark url using

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Automated Method Of Getting Disk Space On All Servers And Putting It In A Txt Or Csv (or Even Excel) File Once A Week?

Aug 3, 2011


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Automated Process - Create An Application That Will Make Calls To An API

Dec 16, 2009

I am trying to create an application that will make calls to an API. I want this process to be fully automated to run a few times a day. What kind of application in can be automated? I've created windows applications in the past, but never automated anything.

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Form Exit Click - Sql Database Should Create Automated Backup

Feb 19, 2010

i need to run sql database backup tasks everytime i click on Exit button. Suppose my database name is -myauthor which contains tables,views,procedures and this is my windows forms. as soon as i click on Exit button i want my database myauthor should create a backup file or is there any other way to do with windows forms.

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Merge Multiple Excel Files Into One Excel File And It Works For 3 Source Files But Its Not Working If Workbook With Worksheet Count Is > 3?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy multiple excel source files into one excel file. My current code is working only for 3 source files..If more than 3 files are there, it doesn't copy the data but creates blank work sheet in the output excel file. Lets say I have a source folder with 5 excel files. Each workbook contains one worksheet with data. It copies upto 3 worksheets along with data into output excel file.

Lets say excel1 contains A as work sheet, excel2 contains B as work sheet ,excel3 contains C as work sheet ,excel4 contains D as work sheet ,excel5 contains E as work sheet .Now my output excel file should look like..OutputExcel with A, B, C, D, E along with respective data.But my current code is giving output as A,B,C worksheets along with respective data but its creating blank sheet1,sheet2 in place of D & E.

SSIS Script Task Vb.Net Code:

Sub Main()
Dim filePath
String =


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Reading Excel Files In Leaves Excel Process Hanging?

Oct 23, 2009

The following code works fine but seems to leave instances of excel.exe running in the background. How do I go about closing out this sub properly?

Private Sub ReadExcel(ByVal childform As Fone_Builder_Delux.frmData, ByVal FileName As String)
' In progress
childform.sampleloaded = False


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VS 2008 C# To VB Conversion Errors-Generate Excel Files Not Using Ms Excel?

Feb 12, 2012

[URL]..a good way to create Excel files without using Ms Excel,but this is C# source code,I used [URL] convert from C# to VB.NET,but after conversion There are some strange errors :

Error21Too many characters in character literalc:BBBXLSExportDemoXLSExportDemoExcelDocument.vb1625XLSExportDemo
Error22Empty character literalc:BBBXLSExportDemoXLSExportDemoExcelDocument.vb1633XLSExportDemo

View 8 Replies

Control To Display Docx (word Files) And Xls (excel Files ) Inside Form?

Jun 20, 2010

which are the control used to display word files and excel sheets inside forms ? (i have already added reference lib.)

Platform: (framework : 3.5)
language : visual basic

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Importing All Files In A Folder (all Excel Files) Into A Single Table In An Access Database

Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to import a bunch of excel 2003 files all with A:H columns and they are under the same headings etc. into a table in access 2003 database. This is a module in access im making. Im using a file search to look for every file that begins with Format (which they all do ) to get at all the files in the folder path. is there a more efficient way to do this? somehow select all files in a folder? and import each to the same table in access? The DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet seeems to take each file path individually so I'm not sure how to get each file name in the folder to import it.

I have this at the moment:

Sub Import()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb


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Cannot Create ActiveX Component - EXCEL - Does Server Have To Have Excel Installed

Apr 1, 2009

I have read some of the other posts on this and seem to be a little different than my situation. Trying to print out some reports into an excel document on the clients machine - of course it works fine on my local (heard that before right). I went in and set my references Ms.Office.Core and Ms.Office.Interop.Excel to 'Copy Local' = True so the .dll are in the servers bin folder.


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Create An Excel File In Excel 2003?

Jun 24, 2009

how can I create an excel file in excel 2003, open it, add workbook, write into it, save it and close it by visual basic 2008.

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Create An Excel File Without Excel Installed?

Feb 12, 2009

Is there a way in VB .NET to create an Excel file without having Excel installed?

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Create New Files Alongside Itself In The Program Files Area?

Jul 30, 2009

Having a slight permission problem with Win 7 I am guessing it will be the same on Vista but work fine on XP (yet to try)But my program is sitting in: C:Program FilesCompanyProgram And its trying to create new files alongside itself in the Program Files area but bombing out which I know is permissions. If I go there to create the file myself it comes up with a UAC prompt and when I hit allow it works fine but obv the program can't do that byiteslf so bombs out.Is there anyway I can over come that without the user having to grant admin rights to the program each time it starts or do I have to write data to another place?

View 4 Replies

VS 2005 Create TLB Files Which Are So That Can Comunicate With DLL Files

Apr 14, 2009

I have many applications that create TLB files which I guess are so that vb2005 can comunicate with the DLL files. Now what I would like to do is have all my TLB files in one folder and have my application point to that folder to use them.The problem I am having is that my EXE will not run unless all the TLB files are in the same folder as the EXE. I do not want this. I want to put some code into my file that sais that the tlb files it needs are located in say: [code] and still have it work. again right now they all have to be in the same folder which is really bugging me.

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VS 2008 Automated Telnet?

Oct 28, 2009

I'm new to VB and i'm using VS 2008, i just wanted to know if there's a set of instructions you can provide me that can enable me to auto login when you telnet on a node. That is when you telnet an ip address of that particular node it will automatically log on the system with your username and password already inserted in the instruction. So it wont have to prompt a screen saying insert username or password

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.net - Automated DataSet/DataTable Instead Of SQLCommands?

Dec 26, 2011

I used to do all the database logic with SqlCommand and the Methodes ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonReader and never used something like DataSet or Datatable.

Dim dbcon As Data.Common.DbConnection
Dim cmdselect = dbcon.CreateCommand()
cmdselect.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1"[code]...

This is sometimes hard to administrate. So I would like to use a more efficent way. May thought was to Query a DataTable, make changes to it and then call .AcceptChanges and all changes where wrote back to the Database. But this seems not to be the way it works?The method .Update requires that i bring with my own update command, if i have to do that myself, why using the datatable, dataset... anyway?How do you write your DB Backend?

With SQLCommands arrays and variables?
With DataSet, DataTable?
With a VisualStudio genereated template?
With Linq?

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Automated Calculation After Button Click

Sep 20, 2011

I have created a small game where you need to add value to be able to play. This all works fine and after every game a certain value is deducted.This all works fine but the extra credit is only added after you play again.Is there a command so I can execute a calculation (of the remaining value + the game winnings) ?

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Automated Outlook Behaving Strange?

May 23, 2011

I�m using Outlook to automatically send an email to my mobile phone. To bypass the stupid "security" bug in outlook I use redemption.safemailitem.Now, this has worked for years, but for some reason I can�t change the adress to which outlook sends the mail. Instead of sending to the adress in the code, it sends to an old adress that�s not anywhere in the code (but it was, ages ago)

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Automated PC Shutdown Program Memory

Jun 3, 2011

I made a little VB app to shutdown a laptop after it has been powered on for 2 1/2 hours, and giving the user a little over 8min warning that it is about to be shutdown. However I have nothing in place to stop the user from restarting the device once it is shutdown. What I would like to integrate in this, is a sort of memory where if the user doesn't wait at least 30 minutes, the shutdwon will re-iniate immediatly.

I included the code I did so far.

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwmilliseconds As Long)
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Automated Send Email Using Smtp?

Nov 14, 2011

how to automate generated send email using, example what time do you want to send the message. and set time before you leave and after that the system will automatic to generate.

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Develop An Automated Reply To An Email

Mar 31, 2010

I receive info requests through email, generated from a web form, which I cant touch, I would, but I can't cos it's an external service. These emails have assigned differents template replies, which I, manually, use to answer them. For this company, this is obvious. For me is a machine work, it¡s totally automatic. So, why don't I set up a rule in Outlook? Because the reply-to address doesn't match with the real one. As it comes from our own server, the reply-to address is our own address.

i just have to answer with different specific templates I already have depending on different fields in the message and send this to an address that is also in one of these message fields. For more data, here is one of the messages I could receive:


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Make An App That Can Be Automated In The Same Sense That Get MS Word?

Mar 10, 2012

Firstly please see this thread.>>[URL]..In the code in that thread the code calls on MS Word to check its dictionary and then report back TRUE / FALSE if the word is found or not.

Rewriting the code slightly for a Windows Form application with one Button on the Form I now have.>>

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off


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Load A Excel Files And Use It?

Aug 6, 2011

I'm starting with VB 2010. I have an Excel file with a lot of info (dates, kilometers, price, name, etc.). I have been reading about that but I don't do it right. I want to now If someone of you have some code to study or any other resource.

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