How To Create Table Without Using Datagridview

Jun 8, 2011

i wan to create a table to show my sales report in vb,but we are not allowed to use datagridview what type of form we can use to show our sales report without using datagridview...?

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Create DataGridView Columns From Table Values?

Apr 22, 2010

I am using data grid view in Windows Form standalone application to display items as excel spread sheet in VB.NET. I got a table named CostTypes with column names [CostTypeID, CostType] and values [1,External] and [2,Internal] (These are constant but more values can be added to table).

I want to create columns with names of the values[External , Internal] in DataGridView. If I use databiding directly I get columns [CostTypeID,CostType] which is not what I am looking for.

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Forms :: WebBrowser Component And Table - Transform This Text Organized As Table Into DataGridView?

Dec 15, 2010

Let's say, I have something like a table in the WebBrowser component, it's not actually a table, because the data organized in flash, but, it's organized like a table, it has like rows and columns. You can see more in the attached file. Can I transform this text organized as table into DataGridView or some another tool that serves as table. like_a_table.JPG

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Avoid Create/drop Table Scenario With A Perm Stage Table?

May 10, 2010

I created a function that creates a global temporary table to stage data from a excel sheet I need the table to persist for me to map the columns using a form. The table is still there when the code goes back to the sub that calls the function until I call the form where I do the mapping. I am trying to avoid create/drop table scenario with a perm stage table.How can I get this table to persist until the data gets loaded into the perm table?

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Create Table Button Which When Clicked Creates A Table In Sql Server?

Sep 17, 2009

I am working with a 2005 application. On the application I have a Create table button which when clicked creates a table in Sql server with the code shown below;

Code: Private Sub BtnCrtTable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCrtTable.Click


This is really a pre-defined table and the data is already specified to be inserted to the table. However, my primarily task is to read a flat file which has the data and consider the first line as the column to be column names.

Therefore, initially I created an open dialogue to browse for the text file and store the path such as E:Datafile est.txt, in a TextBox1 visible at run time. Now the task is to change the above "create table" to read the txt file (column names are on the first line) and then create the table in the database.

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Show Parent Table And Child Table In Datagridview?

Jun 18, 2009

in DataSet ds I have "tbl1" as parent table and "tbl2" as childtablehow to show both table in datagridview if column id in "tbl1" related to column headerId in "tbl2" ?

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Populate Datagridview Table From Access Table?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to populate my table in datagridview from my access database table

I'm not just trying to bind the table in access to my datagridview...I want to put the data's in my access database to my table in datagridview

so far this is my code.....

Sub filldatagridview()
Dim conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConnect)


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VS 2008 Create Table/table Name From Textbox?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm trying to create table in my database, that would have name like i type in Textbox and than i have to click the button With code like this :

sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE NAME = '" & TextBox1.Text & "' (First_Name char(50))"
I'm getting erorr : Incorect syntax near "name that i type"

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Get Datagridview Table Row When Datagridview Datasource Is DataTable?

Dec 8, 2010

My application must display some data in Datagridview (status of COM ports communication) and i Used .mdb databases before for faster search and Datagridview update. How i understand Datagridview is importing data from DataTable and data in DataTable is imported from .mdb file, so i decided to make shortcut - stop to using .mdb file (data must be erased every time application start and it is useless make .mdb file and erase it every time, becouse it is increasing even when drop is used) and using only DataTable..

I want to row in Datagridview change it color to red when it's Collumn(6).text countains %error% string..

When Error in COM port is starting, i can fast find row in DataTable for that port and write information that Error accured for that port and DataGridview automatically updates:

Dim RRow as () DataRow
RRow = ds.Select("Port = 'COM3')
RRow(0).Item(6) = "Error Opening COM3"

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Sql Server :: Display In A Bounded Datagridview A Field From Another Table Related To The Bounded Table?

Jan 20, 2012

i two tables named tblaccess(nID,nRoleID,nModuleID,cAccess) andtblmodule(nModuleID,cModuleName) and i have a datagrid which is bounded to tblaccess. the problem is, I want to display cModuleName from tblmodule instead of nModuleID. please tell me how.

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Create Temporary Table And Insert,delete,update,read In Temporary Table

Mar 15, 2008

i am using visual studio 2005 and database sql server 2000. i want to read table of database and readed data insert in temporary table again update that inserted record.

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Create From 2 Table One Table?

May 18, 2011

in my application I have 2 different dataset.[code]How I can accumulate all content of second table in the first table (table_completa should store the result of all query) table_ Completa = table_completa + table_query..Remember that the table are in 2 different dataset

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Create A New DataGridView Control For Each New Row In Another Datagridview?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a DataGridView control (DataGridView6) that displays a list of managers. I want to generate a new DataGridView everytime I add a new manager to the list and put it in a specific place on my form.

EDIT: say if i have a main datagridview, and i want to add another datagridview of the same size directly below it, how would i achieve this using the event handler method described in your answer below? im not sure if this is the most efficient way of displaying new members in the program though...

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Create Table In Sql Via .NET?

Sep 14, 2009

I am working with and Sql server 2005. I am creating a mini application to load data to a database in SQL.Presently, I have a form with a browse button where you can select the file you want to load. This file extension for example is E:DatatobeLoaded est.txt. This file extension is then shown on a text box (TextBox1) on the form.

I have another button called BtnExport. What I want to do is when this button is clicked the code reads the data in the table test.txt, and connects to SQL and creates a table. Now, by default the first line will be column names. (It is similar to the create table option you have when you import data to SQL).

The sql Connection is :


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Create Table To Sql?

Sep 17, 2009

I have the follwoing code which reads a .txt file on my form and shows the path on a textbox called "TextBox1".

Private Function GetDBName(ByVal filename As String)
Dim MyStreamReader As StreamReader
Dim pathfile As String


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How To Create A Table

Mar 29, 2012

i am designing an invoice billing software using i need to add the products, rate and quantity. how can i set a table for this?

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DataGridView Does Not Update SQL Table?

Oct 25, 2007

I'm creating a really simple app that connects to a SQL Server 2005 data sourceThere is a DataGridView component that binds to a single table. The data pulls up just fine, and I am able to add and edit records in the grid, however, it does not actually update the tables.

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Fill Datagridview From SQL Table?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a datagridview which I have set up with the Form Designer and created 2 columns and set header names and column widths. When I try and fill the datgridview instead of filling the columns I have created two additional columns are appended to the right of the existing ones and the additional ones are populated leaving thje ones I created blank.[code]...

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Get Data From Another Table Into Datagridview

Jul 20, 2009

I have a table namely packing containts only one field pack_size. the data on this field


I have a datagridview namely DGVPRICES there is five columns sku,qty,upc,desc and price. I need to get the data from packing like listbox when you click on desc column.

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Join Two Table In Datagridview?

Apr 22, 2010

How can i Join two tables in datagrid view? Presently this is the command which still cant work after i tried the sql JOIN command...

Dim cmd1 As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM LECTURE_DETAIL WHERE LECT_ID = '" & cmd_lecID.Text & "'", con)

I get the error:

One or more errors occurred during processing of command. ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined

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One To Many / Datagridview / Table Manager?

Dec 22, 2010

Made what I think was a tactical error by using lots of 3rd party controls that made it easy to get stuff going but resulted in carrying a lot of baggage with my apps. Now it is finally time to switch to VB.Net and I want to avoid 3rd party controls as much as possible.

The database is MS Access. Master table called GroupName, key GroupID, string GroupName. Child table is GroupCustomer, key GroupID+CustomerID. Two datagridviews, GroupName on top, CustomerGroup on bottom. I've studied the one to many videos and howto's and it is easy and works like a champ. Fill the tables, sort, filter, add, update, delete, all is well.

Top grid
GroupID1 GroupName1
GroupID2 GroupName2
and so on.....


However, adding a third table is where I get into trouble. In the bottom grid I want to link customerID to the Customer table to pick up Name, address, city, state & zip for display purposes. I've modified the table adapter to create a select query returning the lookup data with the groupID and customerID. It displays nicely on the Fill but doesn't automatically refresh the customer lookup fields when I add or change a customerID and I can't seem to update new records or deletes. The only table in my query that I want to update is the GroupCustomer table but the query is not updateable.I've been trying to figure this out, read articles, learn, step back and think but am still stuck. how to use the controls that come with VS2010.

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Reading A Sql Table Into A DataGridView?

Oct 24, 2011

I am reading a Sql table into a dataGridView. The SQL Table contains many nulls and my select query is not returning them. I would like to include them with a wildcard search.


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Updating A Datagridview Table?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to update a database table that's attached to a table adapter and can't quite seem to be able to get the code to work. It was suggested that I use an update statement, but the person I was working with had no idea how to update a table adapter. how to update a table adapter.

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Updating A Table From Datagridview?

Mar 10, 2010

In a table I�ve a bit field which is shown as a checkbox in datagridview (col 20). Once the dategridview is painted in my form, I�d like to save the checks made in the checkboxes. The following code is not updating my table but it�s not generating errors either.

For i = 0 To Me.DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
Dim data = Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(20).Value
Dim sql As String


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.net Get Frozen When Try To Create New Table

Feb 5, 2009

I do not know what happen to my program. there is one table, if i want to view its properties, .net get frozen...try to create new also gets frozen..

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Create A Word Table?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using to create a Word table. Everything works fine, except that it is very slow. It takes about 0.34 seconds to create each cell in the table. I am using an HP machine with i7 processor and 12 GB of RAM. At 0.34 seconds per cell, times 7 columns, times 189 rows ~ 7.5 minutes to create a small table! I must be doing something wrong, but I have no idea what it could be. The table looks looks fine.

My code looks something like this:

oWord = DirectCast(CreateObject("Word.Application"), Word.Application)
oWord.Visible = False


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Create An ASCII Table?

Apr 26, 2010

Trying to create an ASCII table using vb So far i have

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
sCalcASCIICharacter30to54 = lblcalcASCIICharacter30to54.Text
For iCounter = 1 To 24
sCalcASCIICharacter30to54 = Chr(iCounter)


It does not output anything.

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Create An Index On Table

Sep 2, 2009

I want to create an index on my table. I used the following command Code:

cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:database.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")
cmd = New OleDbCommand("Create INDEX itmno_idx ON INVENT (ITEM_NO)", cn)

Now I want to use this. Is there a file created with some extension when i do an Indexing?. Is the above statment actually index the field, ITEM_NO or do i have to use ALTER TABLE command? Currently I am getting error "Cannot execute data definition statements on linked data sources"

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Create Table Syntax?

Jan 6, 2011

I have no problem creating it. I have created a yes/no (bit) field and set it's default to False. once created if i open the database this column shows data as 0 or -1 as expected. If i created it in Access it would display as a checkbox

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How To Create A Table On A Panel

Dec 16, 2009

how to create a table on a panel at runtime

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