I am graphing using Visual Basic graphics and it works. I would like to know how to draw a DASHED line instead of a solid line. Could someone help me with this?gphFormGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Green, pt2, pt1)
How to find the correct DashOffset and DashPattern to fill in the gaps with another color within a dashed line if the 1st DashPattern has an array of mixed values? If the 1st array for a DashPattern is like this though? myPen.DashPattern = New Single() {20, 15, 30, 45}
I'm trying to draw a solid line if VB.NET the way I can in VB.What I WANT to do is set the pentype to solidcolor, but it says pentype is read only and you have to instantiate the brush as the pen type that you want, SO ... I do this:
Public myBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Red)Public p1 As New Pen(myBrush, 5)
And what I get when I draw a line is a pen type that is hashed. It's a bit weird, too. The line I'm drawing is between captures of the mouse position and if I move the mouse really fast, I get an almost solid line, but if I move the mouse slowly, I get a hashed line.
I have a picture in my picturebox. In that picture, I need to draw a straight line between two points and calculate the length of that line (probably in pixels). Is there any suggestion how to do it?
I am using word 2010 VBA to clean up a "dot matrix" looking report. One thing I want to do is replace a row of dashes with a solid line. I think the code would look something like this:
count strings = "-------------------" for each strin (i) select string delecte selection move up insert solid line next (i)
Or if it can be done as a find and replace all that would be even better, but I cannot find how to replace a row of dashes (text) with a line object.
This is simple program, draws a rectangle, marks the x & y axis, & plots a dashed line grid. However, the grid sub has to be called twice - only then will the grid line be visible. Why does this happen?
what i need to do is open a txt file, read line by line, decode each line into an array and display. Now all works ok apart from one line.
sTextLine = objReader.ReadLine() <-- Value of string cannot be converted.
full code here ------------- Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(sOpenFile.Text) Dim sTextLine As New ArrayList() Dim sText As String = "" Dim i As Integer = 0
How would i go about reading a file Line by Line that within that line The values are delimited by " Example of the data:
"bob" "cat" "1243" "steve" dog" "6789"
I've started this with this code but not sure how to go about the next stage:
Using MyReader As New _ Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "Records28112011.jd") MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
I am trying to read in a TextBox line by line and take the first 7 characters of each line and output everything in another TextBox.This is what I have so far.
Dim line, lines() As String lines = TextBox1.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine) Dim i As Integer = 0
For class, I am creating a Tic Tac Toe game. When there is a win I would like to draw a line over the 3-in-a-row. Not sure if this is possible because I used an array of buttons to represent the X's and O's. If this is not possible I would like to highlight the winning buttons.
Private Sub ColorKeyForm_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint 'Draws diagonal line of dot and dash on form
... the top part draws a line on the form but the second part does nothing. The picColorKey is a picture box on the form.
I searched this forum for the answer before posting this and from what i have noticed there is no "simple" way ofcourse "simple" definition varies from one person to another
my definition of simple is something like this Line(x1,y1,x2,y2,color) or something like that.[code]...
I need to draw a line on a series of pictures: I have decompiled a movie file to 1200 pictures. I also have 1200 samples of vector data (coordinates of the line: beginning point, ending point , size of vector (length) and direction (angle)... anything). With these data I want for each corresponding picture to draw a line corresponding to this vector data for instance: picture 550 needs to get a line drawn from point (5,95) ... these are (x,y) coordinates. in direction of 5 degrees from a vertical line and length 55. Visual Basic do that? I understand there will be some work in locating the origin of the x,y coordinate system and telling the program what 'size 1' means...
I want to move cursor with visual basic and it seems I found way how to do that. It is possible even click with Visual Basic whereever on screen. But I cannot check out where on the screen the click was done and so I want to draw two short crossing lines on that point as marker where Visual Basic clicked on screen. If it is possible to move cursor to that position and show it then it is as good as drawing marker.
I seem to have great difficulty in creating a draw pen line function whereby the user clicks a button to create a line then picks a point on the form and types in a length in a textbox, which will also become the length of the line, its self.
I have a borderless form that I'm "docking" onto the top edge of my screen. Inside of the form, I'm placing a single toolstrip control, which docks across the entire form -> (picture the taskbar to get an idea of what I'm talking about).Because the borderless form has no edge to it, I wanted to draw a black line along the bottom edg` of the form to differentiate the form from the windows or desktop behind it.
The problem that I'm facing is that`the toolstrip will not move "behind" the line when it's docked, no matter how I order the control layers.
I've tried programatically sending the control to back to no avail either.
Any ideas on how to get the line to show above the docked toolstrip?
I would like to draw a rubber band line on a form. how do I do it? what I would like to make is when I click button1 I can draw a line in a form but Im having some problems with my code. here is my code
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D Public Class Form1 Dim x1 As Integer Dim y1 As Integer
Based on some calculation i will get the (x,y) coordinates of the points to be plotted. I need to draw a line graph based on these points. Which is the best and easiest way to do so?
i know vb6 but i am currently trying to teach my self vb.net how to draw grid line onto a picbox ie both horizontal and vertical lines so i end up with a grid affect