How To Insert Values Into Datagrid

Aug 31, 2010

how to insert values into datagrid

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Insert Values Into Database From Datagrid?

Sep 1, 2010

how to insert values into database from datagrid?

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How To Get DataGrid Cell Values And Insert Into Label

Feb 21, 2010

Using VB.Net. I want to get a all datagrid cell values, then insert into table1.

cmd = New SqlCommand("insert into table1 values('" & DataGrid.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value & "', '" & DataGrid.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value & "', '" & DataGrid.Rows(0).Cells(2).Value & "', '" & DataGrid.Rows(0).Cells(3).Value & "')", con)

The above code is inserting first row of datagrid cell value, but I want to insert all the datagrid cell values. How to modify my code for getting all the datagrid cell value.

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How To Insert Data To SQL Table From DataGrid

May 12, 2010

I am trying to insert data to my sql database from a datagrid, and have the following error as highlighted, how can I change the code to be able to insert the data to the table
Private Sub Exportdata()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()
Dim query As String
Dim irow As Integer
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Insert Text Box Data Into Datagrid?

Sep 29, 2009

I want to connect datagrid to ms access, how and insert text box data into datagrid.

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Insert Data From Datagrid To Sql Table?

Jan 15, 2012

is someone can give me a code example of insert data from datagrid to sql table?

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Insert Data To Sql Database From A Datagrid?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to insert data to my sql database from a datagrid, and have the following error as highlighted, how can I change the code to be able to insert the data to the table

Private Sub Exportdata()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()


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Refresh The Datagrid After Insert The Data?

Jan 6, 2012

i am new to after insert the data datagrid should automatically refressh itself. how can i do it? for example in C#


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DataGrid - How To Insert / Update And Delete Data

Jun 5, 2011

I'm developing an application for my ping SQL Server 2005 as database and VB.Net 2008. Ive created the form and successfully connected all text boxes etc. Using the code, I have managed to open the database and fill the dataset. However when I BIND the Datagrid datasource to the Dataset, I can only see the COLUMN NAMES in the datagrid and not the rows or the data. How to Insert, Update and Delete data. I'm fairly new to VB.Net but I have used VB6 before

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAdd.Click
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbprovider As String
Dim dbsource As String
Dim ds As New DataSet
[Code] .....

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Insert , Edit And Update Data In Datagrid?

Jun 22, 2010

How insert , Edit and update data in datagrid? Im using visual basic 2008 express.

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Insert A Checkbox With The Data From The Database In A Datagrid?

Mar 5, 2009

How do you insert a checkbox with the data from the database in a datagrid?

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Insert Multiple Rows From Datagrid To Database?

Sep 1, 2010

i have a datagrid contol with multiple rows. my database structure and datagridview stucture is same.

now how to insert multiple rows from datagrid to database in

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Insert Images On A PictureBox And Change With Datagrid Selection

May 10, 2011

I am having trouble to make a form that displays the picture of the student which all his info is in a datagrid. I used the following

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'BdSyngentaDataSet.Training' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed


It worked. But, when i click on the next student and go back to the previous, the picture is not there. When I stop the debugging and start again the picture is there but it stops displaying again after going back and forward.

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Insert Programmatically Datetime Value Inside Datagrid Cell?

Apr 3, 2009

i have datagrid bind to datatime that has one coloumn datetimeI want that user press space bar inside datagrid cell and i want insert current datetimei try so

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Space Then
dgrdVisite.Item(dgrdVisite.CurrentRowIndex, 4) = DBNull.Value
dgrdVisite.Item(dgrdVisite.CurrentRowIndex, 4) = Now.Date.ToShortDateString


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Insert Records From A Datagrid With Multiple Rows Into Database?

Aug 30, 2010

I want to insert records from a datagrid with multiple rows, into the database, is it possible?

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Insert Statment - Pass The Data From A Datagrid To A Table

Apr 26, 2009

I have this code to pass the data from a datagrid to a table that will be created at the same time the data will moved. I have cancreate the table with no problem, but I have the name of the table on a variable and I can't call it on the sql. I have try diffrent codes and it doesn't read me the variable. This is the code I have. It says syntax error in query incomplete query clause


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Datagrid Displays Fine But INSERT, DELETE And UPDATE Don't Work

Oct 28, 2009

I have created a test application to display data in a datagrid, using the Dataset Wizard per the help. All fine - data is displayed.

I then added insert, delete and update queries by selecting Edit Dataset with Designer, selecting the table and adding a query for each action via the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard. In Advanced Options, all boxes are checked, and on the last screen of the wizard it says it has generated SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements, table mappings, Fill, Get and update methods. The TableAdapter shows four entries: Fill, GetData(); DeleteQuery; InsertQuery; UpdateQuery. On the DataGridView Tasks page, Adding, Editing and Deleting are checked and the data preview shows data.

When I run the application, I can update, add and delete data, but this is not saved.

View 14 Replies

Office Automation :: Select Some Csv Files And Insert Them Into Datagrid View?

Jul 8, 2011

what i'm trying to do is to select some csv files and insert them into datagrid view but the problem now i can't manage to perform a find and replace ,and here's the code

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
For RowsCount = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2
For Each dgvr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


but isn't working it gives me " null reference exception was unhandled "

View 4 Replies

Running Insert Statement To Pass Data From DataGrid To Table

Mar 21, 2009

I'm trying to run an INSERT statement to pass data from a datagrid to a table I have on my database. The problem I have is that the table has 6 columns and the datagrid has only 3. So I only want to pass those 3 columns but I get the error that the other 3 columns does not accept null values. I need to change the columns to accept null values. The other problem it is that I can't pass more than 9 records, if I have more than 9 record on the DataGrid it says "object not set as an instance of a reference" and it only add 9 records if I have more than 9.

Dim RowCount As Integer = datagrid1.Rows.Count - 1
Dim ColumnCount As Integer = datagrid1.Columns.Count - 1
Dim RowIndex, ColumnIndex As Integer
Dim myconecction As String
myconecction = My.Settings.DataSource
[Code] .....

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When Enter Datagrid And I Press Insert Key From Keyboard New Form Should Get Open?

Jul 13, 2010

I am using i am having datagrid on my form. Now i want that when i enter datagrid and i press insert key from keyboard, new form should get open.

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Add Some Values In DataGrid In Vb 2005?

May 18, 2009

add some values in DataGrid in vb 2005 no code because i want some sample how to do it. I drow a DataGrid in my form i set Column name and Headers now how to add some values in them

i try this but nothing hapen

for i = 1 to 15

'I need thsi part here where you set column name and the value to insert

next i

View 11 Replies

Add The Values To The Datagrid Using DataTable?

Dec 1, 2010

I have an application in which I have two text boxes in which I enter name and age, after I enter the name and age then I click the Add button when I click the add button then the Name and the age should be displayed on the Datagrid contol in the same application. But the data should not get saved in the Database, it should just show the data on the Datagrid contol. And they have told me that its mandatory that I have to use the DataTable object.

And when i click the Commit Changes then only the data should get saved to the Data base...This i can do .

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Add Values That Are In A Datagrid Column?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a database and a dataset as the image shows in the link, how would i add the values of the colums "amount1" and "amount2" for every row and entry as the user make entries to be automatically displayed in the "total" column. Meaning that every time values are entered in those amount columns, they will be added and the total displayed in the "Total" column.


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Adding Values To DataGrid

May 16, 2009

I wanna add values from my database to a datagrid, my bigger problem is adding a whole column of values, because I know how to add 1 by 1. So, how can I add a whole column of values from my database?

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Calculate Values On Datagrid?

Nov 5, 2010

Calculate Values On Datagrid?[code]...

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Calculating Values On Datagrid

Nov 5, 2010

[code]i need to calculate the item on my datagrid(gallon_qty) but im receiving the error when running it

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Datagrid Values To Textbox?

Oct 24, 2007

I am using VS2005 vb. I have two textboxes and one grid with two columns

I want to populate the grid values to text box while clicking the exact row?

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Duplicate Values In A Datagrid?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using an unbound data grid in Visual Basic. I made the following loop for the purpose of searching each cell and each column for a duplicate value. But for some reason I get a "InvalidCastException" when I try to add a second row.

Private Sub AddJudgeBtn_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddJudgeBtn.Click
Dim exists As Boolean
' ToDo: If the value entered is already on the list, don't add again.
If JudgeList.Rows.Count() > 0 Then


EDIT: Adding the entire click event.

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Get The Headername Of Datagrid And Row Values?

Feb 28, 2011

In my applicartion im have to import excel sheet in datgridview but no limit in rows and column.i want to loop through all columns and row to get the column header values , to get each and every rows value from datgridview in

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Get Values From Db According To Checkbox To Datagrid

Aug 17, 2010

I created 10 checkboxs dynamically. I am using DataGridView. According to Checkbox Checked the corresponding data will display in the Datagridview. How can i connect checkbox to DataGridview. Example: Assume Each Checkbox have one subject. like English,Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Arts..... If i click English Checkbox then Corresponding Students list will show in the datagrid. when i checked Maths , corresponding students list will show in the Datagridview. How can build the code to develop this???

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