How To Make Alignment Of Msgbox

Jan 16, 2010

I want to know how to make the alignment of the msgbox is that possible? if yes may someone tell me please?

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Make Msgbox Ok Button To Say M'k ?

Jan 25, 2011

how to make the msgbox ok button to say m'k ?

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Game Programming :: How To Make Question Box (msgbox)

Jul 8, 2010

I am making a game in and was wondering how to make question box eg. if a person clicks on a button he gets a message boxs which asks him a question he has to answer. the msgbox should have a text box or something for input and if their answer is the same as the one i have specfied then the message box says correct. if not then says it is wrong.

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Make A MsgBox Popup With The Text That Is In Textbox1 And Textbox2?

Jan 2, 2010

This should be pretty easy, I've been experimenting, just can't seem to figure it out. I'm trying to make a MsgBox popup with the text that is in Textbox1 and Textbox2. I want the MsgBox to display both values...

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Make Show A Msgbox With An Empty Textbox Inside?

Aug 19, 2010

i have made a button that opens a msgbox dialog what i need is to make it show a msgbox with an empty textbox inside and an ok cancel button,so when a user clicks it,it appears and asks for an url string and then,if uses pressed ok,the url should be placed as a movie to axshochwaveflashobject like this Private Sub FromUrlToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FromUrlToolStripMenuItem.Click If FromUrlToolStripMenuItem.Pressed Then MsgBox("emptytextbox",title "Enter the url") If MsgBoxResult = ok Then AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = "msgbox answer"AxShockwaveFlash1.Refresh() End Sub

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Make The Search Part Popped Out Error Msgbox?

Oct 31, 2009

I am doing a project of insert,delete,update and search of customers in a windows application. But I have the problem on the search part. The search part is that I am searching by telephone. But the problem is that I want display an error messagebox if the user have enter an invalid telephone which does not match in the database.


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Msgbox Capabilities - Msgbox Cleared Without Having The User Do It Manually?

Nov 15, 2011

if its possible to have a msgbox cleared without having the user do it manually? what would be my best option here?

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MsgBox("") - Unable To Popup Msgbox If Count=0

Jun 22, 2010

I am unable to popup msgbox if count=0. It will work only if i use MsgBox(""). I am unable to understand how it has anything to do with msgbox("")

Private Sub txtstaffID_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtstaffID.TextChanged
Dim conn As SqlClient.SqlConnection


Both IF and Elseif code executes but the problem is the msgbox won't popup in both the cases( i.e when IF executes and when Elseif executes) unless and untill i have a msgbox("") before da.Fill(dt)

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Show The First MsgBox If The NewEntryName.text - Show The Second MsgBox If Openfiledialog1 = Nothing

Jun 17, 2012

If NewEntryName.Text = "" And OpenFileDialog1.FileName = Nothing Then MsgBox("Please choose a name for your game.", vbExclamation) MsgBox("Please find your game.", vbExclamation) Else Button1.Text = NewEntryName.Text game1 = True Panel1.Visible = False End If

I want it to show the first MsgBox if the NewEntryName.text = "" and I want it to show the second MsgBox if openfiledialog1 = nothing... how do I do it?

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Getting RichTextBox Alignment Right?

Mar 12, 2009

I am bringing in data to a richtextbox but when I bring it isn't aligned like i thought it would. Is there a property or something i need to enable to get this to work. Here is how I would have imagined it to work:-I figured this wouldn't display correctly.this was just an example, but was hoping to have the asterisks display even with the last asterisks on the first line and the slash on the last line.

* *
* Some Text *

The text when i look at the .Text Property and click the magnifying glass shows it like i would imagine but within the control itself the alignment is all over the place and doesn't make much sense how it is doing it. If i bring the same text file into notepad it all looks fine and is also aligned correctly.what I need to enable to get this to work?

I should also mention that I thought maybe it had something to do with tabs, but when i view the .rtf property for many of the lines that should be aligned still are not even without tabs.

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.net Printing Richtextbox Alignment?

May 29, 2011

i want print richtextbox but its text alingment is wrong i am using that code i am using print document

Dim Con
New SqlConnection
Dim Da


its print my text like this ("Building 34989,Street 4564 ,053534-345,4533 ,U.K")but i want like this

("Building 34989,Street
4564 ,053534-345,
4533 ,U.K")like richtextbox text

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Alignment Of Zones For Output?

Nov 19, 2011

How is it posible to align each "Column", so that, no matter the size of each value, the columns line up perfectly under each other. I'm using a listbox for the output, I thought I had an understanding of this but apparently I don't. I am using a fixed width font and the screenshot shows my results. I have done this before but not in to set up the zones. I know the minus sign in front will left justify the column results but I'm having trouble with the other columns.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fmtTicketInfo As String = "{0,3} {1,-20:} {2,20:c2} {3,20:c2}"

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Cell Alignment In The DataGridview?

Mar 23, 2011

how to change the Cell Alignment depend on the conditions. If cell value is text then cell alignment should be Left and If cell value is Integer then cell alignment should be Right.

I am going to change the Default Cell Style property then all cell alignments are changing.. But i want to see if cell value is Integer then the value starts from Right Side...

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Datagridview Alignment Does Not Work?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to align datagridview columns at once to middlecenter. It works for the first column and does not for the others. I suspect it's a matter of the datasource property which is bind to a datatable which catches data from a SQL Server table. Below is my simple code and I thought that after this code runs I would have every column aligned to middlecenter:


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DataGridView Header Alignment?

Jan 20, 2010

I am using 2005. I want one clarification for datagridview.I use the following property to set the alignment of header text:

DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomCenter


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Groupbox Text Alignment?

Oct 14, 2009

The groupbox text is set to TopLeft position if "RightToLeft" property to "No", and to TopRight position if "RightToLeft" property to "Yes". But if I want the text to be set in center, how to do that?

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How To Change The Text Alignment

Jun 8, 2011

i want to know how to change the text alignment example text from left to middle in listbox also i would like to know how to make the text appear automatically when i run the program

example in listbox "Welcome To Atm Machine"

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Justify Alignment In RichTextBox?

Oct 4, 2005

how to perform justify alignment (not left nor right nor centre) in RichTextBox programatilcaly ?

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Listview Alignment First Column?

Feb 21, 2012

I am trying to the first column in a listview to have right alignment.

I made this test VB in a new Windows form project:

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim listview1 As New ListView
listview1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(210, 210)
listview1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 10)
listview1.View = View.Details


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Possible To Set Image Alignment Of PictureBox?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a PictureBox that is docked in the upper left corner of a form. It is contained inside of a SplitContainer, and the PictureBox is set to Fill the side of the panel that it resides:

| _________ >
| | | >
| | LogoBox | >
| |_________| >

I have the SizeMode set to Zoom so that the image will be resized to fit the bounds of the PictureBox. By default, the image is centered with this SizeMode. I am wondering if it is possible to force the image to be left-aligned instead of centered.

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Status Bar Alignment And Formatting

Jun 26, 2009

I've added a status bar to the form and have it set to "RightToLeft" True so that it adds my Label to the far right hand side.Now what I wanted to do was add a label that is left justified, but I can't figure this out by looking at the properties, so I'm assuming this has to be done through code somehow?I'm aiming for something along the lines of a browser's status bar layout.

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Tab Alignment At Bottom For Smooth Look

Oct 5, 2011

Looks like the tabs have been plucked and chucked at the bottom. How can I make it look smooth and like they are meant to be there?

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Unable To Get Alignment In A Form?

Oct 7, 2011

Having an issue with alignment in a form. On the system i designed the program on everything lines up the way it's suppose to, but i took the build executable to show an associate and nothing lined up right and looked horrible. I'm using several picture boxes to achieve the look I'm after. The issue reminded me of a resolution problem, but the resolution of the machine it was created on, were it appear the way it should and, the system of my associates were the same. The only difference was the os. I'm running xp and he was running vista...

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Add The Autosize And The Center Alignment Properties?

May 26, 2011

I am having trouble with a custom label control I am working on. I want to add the autosize and the center alignment properties. In order to do that, I need to get the string length in twips, or points

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Alignment Of Pre-printed Stationary In .NET Application?

Apr 15, 2012

In our VB.Net application, we print a no. of documents (pre-printed forms); Since the formats of these forms vary client to client, we want to provide an option for client to adjust the alignment while printing. Is there an option which will enable the user to move a data element (that is printed) up / down / right / left so that the alignment comes out correctly without calling for the help of programmer?

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Combo Box Text Horizontal Alignment?

Jun 18, 2009

On my form I have a Combo Box with long text strings. These are accomodated fine by DropDownWidth property. However, when an item is selected from the list, it appears aligned to the Left not the Right as I would expect.

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How To Apply Column Alignment To DataGrid

May 19, 2012

I have an VB.Net ASP page that I have a datagrid on it with 5 columns and a few rows of data. The page will show the data and grid just fine. I need to now apply alignment to the datagrid columns.
dgLast5Bills.DataSource = dtBill
dgLast5Bills.Columns(0).ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
The code above will error out when it hits the line for the alignment.

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Keep Alignment Of Windows Form Same On Maximization

Apr 8, 2012

my application contained window forms,when the window form is maximizing its all text box and datagridview standing in same location and the magnified size is adding to one means.the window forms lose its alignment made by can i keep it looking in the same manner on the click of maximize icon

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Label Multi Line Alignment

Apr 15, 2011

I am having a slight problem whenever I use the multi-line option with labels. No matter what computer I am using, as soon as I accept the text each line seems to move and seems to get worse when I change font types and size.

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Listview, Column Alignment CENTER?

Jun 22, 2010

My first column does not align to center, although the sub-columns aligns perfectly

Listview1.Columns.Add("Column1", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center)
Listview1.Columns.Add("Column2", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center)
Listview1.Columns.Add("Column3", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center)

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