Implement IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) In VB?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to create an implementation of the IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) interface to provide some wrapper functionality.


The error is Interface 'System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of T) is not implemented by this class. I am not sure what to do about this error. I don't even really understand it. I trade to change the (Of T) to (Of TValue) but that didn't help.

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Retrieving The Index Of A Key In A Dictionary(Of Tkey - TValue)

Jun 15, 2011

Is it possible to retrieve the index number of an item/key in a Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue) object?

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Fill Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue) Directly In Program?

Jul 21, 2010

Is there any way to do the same in VB.NET?[code]...

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Linq Query On Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Working As DataSource?

Dec 21, 2010

I have the following in VB:

Dim sources = From source In importSources Select New With _
{.Type = source.Key, .Source = source.Value.Name}
dgridSourceFiles.DataSource = sources


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SortedList Vs. SortedList(of TKey, TValue)

Jul 9, 2009

1) SortedLIst has a GetKey property: you ask for the nth key in the sorted list of keys and you get it. SortedList(of TKey, TValue) does not have this kind of feature. Why not?

2) SortedList stores values as "object." Is this a less memory-effective method to store values of Double than SortedList(of TKey, TValue)?

View 8 Replies Mvc - Post IDictionary Back To MVC Model

Dec 18, 2009

To make this easier I will use a concrete example using movies and genres. A genre can be associated with many movies. Genres can increase over time and so can movies.

The use case is as follows. The user wants to filter movies by selecting his/her desired genres.

So, I have a page where at the top there is a section where the user can pick any combination of genres to filter on using checkboxes. Below that is a list of movies that are in those genres.

In MVC I am trying to implement this using a ViewPage(of IDictionary(of Genre, Boolean)) where the boolean is whether or not a particular Genre has been selected for filtering.

I then go into loop that creates checkboxes for them to select:

<% for each genre As KeyValuePair(Of Genre, Boolean) in Model %>
<%=Html.Hidden("genre[" & i & "].Key", genre.Key.ID)%>
<%=Html.CheckBox("genre[" & i & "].Value", genre.Value)%>


I am aware this can be done using Ajax and I will most likely do it using Ajax but I would still like to know why this doesn't work.

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How To Declare And Use TKey That Is Pair Of Integer

Apr 28, 2010

VB2008. I would like to use a Dictionary(Of TKey, Tvalue) where the key is a pair of Integer (and TValue is String, no problem). How can I declare it ? How can I add an item ? How can I retrieve a value, knowing the key ? I can do it when the key is an Integer, but with a pair of Integer I am lost.

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How To Overload Dictionary.Item(TKey)

Feb 9, 2011

I created my own Dictionary class, based on the .NET Dictionary. Now I want to overload then Item() Method. This works fine with the following code: Public Overloads Property Item(ByVal key As TKey) As TValue


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C# - Track Changes Of Object Contained In Dictionary And Change TKey Accordingly

Nov 17, 2010

I am writing a class library to interact with a domain Active Directory. In my object model, I have the following:
Organizational Unit;

In my Domain object, I have an Entries property and an Add() method.
public class Domain {
// The ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> is a custom wrapper over an IDictionary.
public ReadOnlyDictionary<string, IDirectoryEntry> Entries { get; }
public void Add(IDirectoryEntry entry) {
Entries.Add(entry.Name, entry);
[Code] .....

For your information, I implemented the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to ease my life, but I don't seem to find a way to make it work the way I want. Perhaps am I not doing things right somehow, as for the location of different methods, I don't know. How can I make my Domain aware of a change that occured within one of its Entries, so that the TKey value is also changed? That is wanted because one could possibly add an entry, change its name meanwhile adding a new entry with the "old" name of the actual within entry, and cause a conflict, etc. In the end, causing the test to fail. But I'd like to make it pass like it actually is. Is there another better approach or workaround?

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Request For Peer-Review KeyedBindingList (Of TKey / T) Generic Collection Concept

Aug 18, 2011

There are a lot of different generic collections available, so the wisdom in creating a new one may be questionable right from the start.However, I often find myself wanting the same features from my custom generic lists, but cannot quite find all of those features in an existing object; namely, I would like to have a generic collection which works like a List or Dictionary (much like the System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue)), but also works like a BindingSource does when it is bound to an ADO object (that is, it supports full sorting and filtering as well as currency).A feature I almost never need however, is transactional adds (the BindingSource's ability to 'cancel add-new').Again, with so many existing collections out there, I should take a moment to go over the reasons why none of them quite meet my needs.There is the System. ComponentModel. BindingList(Of T) which would provide some of the functionality of a BindingSource, but has strict requirements about the type {T} implementing IComparable in order to support sorting, and does not provide filtering (it is not an IBindingListView).It also only maintains a base item list by index, so does not provide keyed access.We could use simple databinding with a custom list inheriting from System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue) bound to a BindingSource, but again TValue would have to implement IComparable to support sorting and we would still not have filter support.So to get all the features I was after, I decided that the best thing would be to create a new generic collection object which implemented IList, IDictionary, IBindingList, and IBindingListView (along with a few others) and would be capable of serving as a simple list, or as a binding source while providing full sorting and filtering over any newable object type.

To that end, I've created the KeyedObjectModel which contains the KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) generic collection/binding source. This collection can be used as a typical list, or as a binding source (you do not need an additional BindingSource component between the collection and UI controls, although you could certainly have one).Various constructors are provided in order to initialize an instance of the collection as either an enhanced list-dictionary, or as a complete BindingSource.Any object that has a public constructor which takes no arguments can be used at type {T}, providing that the object has a property of type {TKey} which will contain unique values for each entity in a given collection.If the object implements System.ComponentModel.NotifyPropertyChanged then the collection will also bubble up property changes on the current item to the collection's CurrentItemChanged event.An implementation of IComparable on type {T} is irrelevant because sorting and filtering are performed on the property values of {T} based on the type of the specified property.The current design of KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) is in an 'alpha' stage.The class is mostly complete from a feature implementation standpoint, however, the code has not yet been optimized and the base collections of values, keys, and view are being maintianed in generic lists of their own, rather than raw arrays.However, even without performance tuning, the collection appears to be performing quite well, up to a few thousand entries, given the amount of flexibility and funcitonality it provides.At this stage, I would really love to get some peers to try using the compiled DLL and beat up the collection a bit.Once the code has been proven and optimized, I will publish it as an example.It is a fairly complex class though (currently made up of eleven or so partial classes) so I don't really want to post the code until it has been optimized. [code]

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Pass Function (Of TElement / TKey) As A Function Parameter

May 28, 2012

I want to make a GetAllContacts method which takes a sort parameter of type Func(Of Contact, TKey) which is the same type that the OrderBy method for an IEnumerable(Of Contact) takes.[code]"Too many arguments to extension method 'Public Function ElementAtOrDefault(index As Integer) As Contact' defined in 'System.Linq.Enumerable'." on the second parameter.

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Difference Between Dictionary(Of String, String) And IDictionary(Of String, String)?

Jan 18, 2011

Can I do anything more or less with IDictionary? How do these two collections differ?

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Implement Something In VB?

Mar 14, 2011

How to implement such a feature in

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Implement WCF In VB?

Apr 5, 2012

We have a application where we have implemented multithreading. We determined that we need to either implement .net remoting or WCF. After researching remoting in .NET on MSDN, Microsoft considers remoting legacy for .NET framework 4.0 and recommends using WCF instead. My question is: can we implement WCF functionality into our VB.NET application or do we need to rewrite the app from the ground up in WCF?

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Implement Threading In App?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a program that I would like to implement using Threading.I wand to load a form that takes a couple of minutes to open using threading.Here is my code

Imports System.Threading
Public Class frmAdjustments

Function LaunchForm() As Integer[code].....

I am new to .net programming and could use any suggestions you may have. I'm trying to grasp the concept of multithreading apps and would like to have both my main form (Adjustments) and the (frmNewAdjustments) form to load concurrently.Here is the error I receive with the code above: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' can be called with these arguments:

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.net - Implement VB With Statement In C#?

Sep 3, 2010

How would you create an extension method which enables me to do the following (warning: exteme pseudo-code)...

class FooBar
Int32 Foo { get; set; }
String Bar { get; set; }
new FooBar().With(fb => new Func<FooBar, Object>(instance =>


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C# - How To Implement Of A Generic In .net

Mar 13, 2011

This is just a Translation question. But how do you write a the following C# code in My problem is that i don't know how to rewrite the this part of the generic T. C# code i want to translate

public static void ShouldEqual<T>(this T actualValue, T expectedValue) {Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue); }


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C# - How To Implement Tracing In .net

Aug 7, 2009

I am implementing a tracing mechanism myself. Now what I'd like to know is what is the best way to implement this mechanism(I mean, the architecture).[code]But then I saw there is an TraceListener class that let's me implement Write and WriteLine methods. The big drawback is that both those methods allow only strings as arguments, and I'd want to be able to send a lot more info than strings. What should I do? Maybe my first ideia is the best?I do know there are a lot of tracing mechanisms like PostSharp and so, I'm just doing this for learning purposes!

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C# - Implement A Bitboard In .NET?

Mar 9, 2012

My Questions are: Is is possible to implement a bitboard in Tutorial/Reference to do bitboard in VB?

C# answers are acceptable because it's not that hard to translate.

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C# - Implement The Equivalent Of SQL IN() Using .net?

Aug 4, 2010

In .net (c# or vb) expressions, how would you implement SQL's handy IN() functionality?i.e. value in (1, 2, 4, 7)rather than:

value = 1 or value = 2 or value = 4 or value = 7

There are obviously many ways, I'm looking for the most clean and simple!

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C# - When Should Implement IDisposable

Mar 12, 2010

What is the best practice for when to implement IDisposable? Is the best rule of thumb to implement it if you have one managed object in the class, or does it depend if the object was created in the class or just passed in? Should I also do it for classes with no managed objects at all?

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Can't Implement The Interface

Aug 7, 2009

I am trying to implement an interface defined in IDL, in a class here is the idl

interface IEmissaryRoot : IDispatch {
id(0x68030000), propget]
out, retval] IActivityCol** );


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DirectCast How To Implement

Jan 14, 2012

i am using code to the value textbox2.text in the report and using the code like below [code]the textbox2 take various values in run time but when i run the code it display only the final value intermediated values are not displayed the whole situation is as follows.[code]

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How To Implement A Regex

Aug 12, 2011

I would like to use regex for a txt file as follows. What I want to do is to get the whole text if CRC is other than 00000000. The content of the file below has 2 blocks of data below. And I should get the second one after the regex operation.


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How To Implement Blowfish

Jun 18, 2010

I guess Blowfish is not included in .net class to implement it,,there are any sample code.? ive already try but still have a trouble to encrypt data without padding. [code] the original source from schneier that implement with vb6 we can encrypt data with or without padding.its mean we can encrypt data in 1 block that contents less than 8 bytes.

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How To Implement Blowfish In VB 6

Feb 26, 2010

How to implement Blowfish in VB 6 and

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How To Implement DLLGetVer

Jun 19, 2010

how to implement DLLGetVer written in I currently have tried the following code but when I try the fucntion, I get Unable to find an entry point named 'DLLGetVersion' in DLL 'msi.dll'.


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How To Implement Dos Printing

Nov 23, 2010

how to implement dos printing from

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How To Implement Next Vbs Code in C#

May 31, 2010

How can I implement the next vbs code in C#:[code]

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How To Implement Truncate To A Row

Jun 22, 2010

[TEX]Hello[/TEX] How do i use truncate in vb 2008?my database its in Access and i want to implement a truncate table in vb but i don't know how to do it.

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