Inherit Then Remove Member

Dec 26, 2009

is there anyway to inherit a class, then instead of overriding its methods, i wish to delete its methods such that my derived class would not have such a method that the base class provides

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How To Remove An ArrayList Member

Jan 21, 2009

How to remove an ArrayList member using a code in the member itself not by ArrayList.Remove method

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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

Jun 2, 2011

how do I overcome it? I have created a class and compiled into .dll This code


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Access Of Shared Member - Constant Member - Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Insta

Aug 13, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008, if I do this:


Does anyone here know how to get the above to work WITHOUT warnings being generated?

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Warning 1: Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

May 31, 2010

In the following code i get a warning at line 59:Warning 1: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated.and.. At line 78 I get this Warning:

Warning 2 Property 'SelectedCustomer' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

The program compiles and runs well, but i cant' undesrtand the reason for these warnings. Any Idea ?

1: Public Class Form1
3: 'Form level members
4: Private objCustomers As New ArrayList


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VS 2005 Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member?

Apr 28, 2011

Cannot appear to be able to get this function to not have the above error.Private Function GetIncidentActions(ByVal FromAgentID As Integer, ByVal ToAgentID As Integer, ByVal incidentAction As Integer, ByVal ActionDate As Date) As String


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Does The Assignment Operator In 1.1 Do A Member-by-member Copy Of The ObjOriginal To ObjClone

Nov 18, 2009

I'm "cloning" objects in my code. For instance: objClone = objOriginal My question is: Does the assignment operator in VB.NET 1.1 do a member-by-member copy of the objOriginal to objClone or does objClone simply point as a reference to memory referenced by objOriginal?

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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Memberor Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated?

Jun 23, 2009

i changed a class variable to shared so i can access it in all instances of the class, but it caused an error. what is causing this, and how can i fix it?

Shared img As Bitmap
.img = bgImage

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VS 2005 Configuring A Datasource Value Member & Display Member

Jan 6, 2011

I have 2 tables Table A & Table B Table A has the table values that I want to be populated in a datagridview control.The challenge is that column 1 in table A contains an ID(foreign key) to a name field that is a located in table B. I need the datagrid to have the first column be a combobox that displays the names(from Table B) that are already in table A via the ID's, but reference the populating values from Table B. So that when you bring down the combobox you would be choosing from Table B data but populating table A with the ID and you would see a name there instead of an ID.[code] How do I populate my DS dataset with Table B? And how can I create a link to these two tables using a bound datagridview control?

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.net - The Member 'X' Was Changed To Be Inconsistent With The Association Member 'Y'?

Jan 3, 2011

I get this error if I follow these steps: Change property Y of an object (an associated entity property)
Attempt to submit changes At this point the value of Y and the value of X (the underlying key) are not in agreement -- LINQ to SQL apparently doesn't synchronize these until GetChangeSet is called.An expected error occurs due to some business logic or database level constraint during the update operation.At this point the value of Y is in agreement with X because GetChangeSet was called.Change the value of Y to Nothing (aka null).Call GetChangeSet.

The error occurs on the last step because the value of X and the original value of X (returned by GetOriginalEntityState) are different, and the new value does not agree with Y? Is that why? Is this a bug in LINQ to SQL. Must be because I don't see the same behavior if I change Y to another (non-null) value instead during step 5. What's the right way around this? I can see a few ways:

Discard the DataContext when an error occurs and leave the UI as-is. I don't like this because then optimistic cocurrency change conflicts cannot be detected. The new context doesn't have the original values in it that were populated at the same time the UI was populated, so if the UI has any stale values in it, they will cause data in the database to revert.Refresh the datacontext (OverwriteCurrent) and leave the UI as-is. I don't like this for the same reason as #1.Refresh the datacontext (OverwriteCurrent) and re-populate the UI. I don't like this because then the error message just presented to the user does not show the user the error they made and allow them to correct it. It also discards all the other changes the user may have made.When the error occurs, explicitly retrieve the key for Y that corresponds to the original value of X and reset Y, then call GetChangeSet to re-synchronize X (X is read-only or private so I can't reset it directly). This seems to work, but seems like a hack, and may require lots of code for other similar errors.

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ComboBox / Binding / Display Member & Value Member

Aug 31, 2011

I know I have done this before and as I remember it should be really easy. But for some strange reason I can't do it now and I am about to jump off the building.I will make it simple:Two tables, one is just a list of products and their code.The other table: "details" has a field named product. I want to store only the code there.In the second table's entry form, I am putting a combobox. This combo box should display the list of products, their names, but depending on which one is selected, the code is what is passed to the table "details". Currently If I set the display member to product and the value member to code it still pases the product to the binded data source.

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Show Display Member Based On Value Member?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a database that holds information about a particular job. One of those things is a customerID. CustomerID links to another table containing customer details. I have a combo box attached to a custom object that holds customerID as the valuemember and CustomerName as the displaymember.The JobDetails holds the customerID info. How do I set the default selection in the combobox based on the ValueMember of the combo box?

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In C#, Implement An Interface Member Using A Member With A Different Name?

Apr 4, 2011

in VB.NET you implement an interface like this...

Sub SomeInterfaceMember()
Implements ISomeInterface.SomeInterfaceMember
End Sub

while in C# you do it explicitly like this (which can only be called via the interface)...

void ISomeInterface.SomeInterfaceMember(){}

or more simply, implicitly like this...void SomeInterfaceMember(){} // Note the name matches the interface member However, regarding VB, I can also do this...

Sub SomeRandomMemberName()
Implements ISomeInterface.SomeInterfaceMember
End Sub

In other words, the method that handles the implementation can have a completely different name than the interface's member name.I'm just wondering if there's something similar to this in C#. (Yes, I know I can simply do an explicit interface, then access it via another 'wrapper' member with a different name that simply delegates to it, but in VB.NET?

View 2 Replies - Inherit Same Method For 2 Different Class?

Sep 22, 2010

How to simplify this, 2 method in class are identical.First class.

Public Class Gui
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public Sub CreateStyleLink(ByVal StyleArray() As String)


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C# - Using Many Classes In GUI That Inherit From A Base?

Oct 20, 2010

I have classes setup similar to this:

<DataContract()> _
Public MustInherit Class SystemTaskProcessBase
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Description() As String
Public MustOverride Property Result() As SystemTaskResult


I need to use these classes on the client system, but also need to be able to create these "tasks" through a management interface. Each class (Task) that inherits the base, could have its own properties that are unique to each class, but at the same time, share the same common base class properties. For example, the above shows a reboot task and a delete file task, the delete file task needs to know which file to delete, so has a property for that. But the reboot task does not need this property. So when the management application is creating these tasks, it shouldn't provide a text box for the file property for the reboot task. There may be more tasks created at a later date with completely different properties.

How would I go about providing the WinForms management application a way to enumerate each class into a ListView for example, and allowing the user to create these tasks and filling in the dynamic properties that each class would have? Desired functionality would be to create a task form that creates dynamic controls available for the properties as needed, depending on the public properties in each class, but at the same time have the base class properties available as well.

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Inherit A Sub New (Constructor) With Parameters?

Apr 25, 2009

In the code below I recieve the compile error "Error Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()'" on the "Dim TestChild As ChildClass = New ChildClass("c")". I do not recieve it on "TestChild.Method1()" even though they are both on the base class I am inheriting from.

Public Class BaseClass
Public ReadOnly Text As String
Public Sub New(ByVal SetText As String)[code].....

As suggested below but I do not have to do that for Method 1 or other inherited methods and I am looking for the cleanest code possible. This may be a limitation in the system with inheriting parameterized New statements but I can not find it documented anywhere. If it is required then I would like to see the documentation.

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Inherit A UserControl Created?

Dec 21, 2009

I would like to inherit a UserControl I created.I use to C#, is this possible in Visual Basic? [code]The error I am getting is on the inherit BaseObject: Base class 'BaseObject' specified for class 'BaseLeftObject' cannot be different from the base class 'System. Windows.Forms.UserControl' of one of its other partial types.

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Inherit Interface Of Office 20-7?

May 25, 2009

I have a DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll file. I want to inherits interface of it.

That is office 2007 interface but i dont know inherits it. In C# :

public partial class K47IT_Typing : DevComponents.DotNetBar.Office2007Form but in VB.NET i dont kow please tell me.

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Inherit Same Method For 2 Different Class

Dec 19, 2010

How to simplify this, 2 method in class are identical.[code]

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Inherit The Same Controls To The Next Customer?

Mar 25, 2009

i created a sales form and it is using currency also the project is working greatthe thing is when the form loads everything works great shows the decimal and dollar sign's for the first customer but when i click on the navigator for the next customer there is no decimal and dollar sign's how can i inherit the same controls to the next customer.

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Inherit And Then Override A Resource Or Contents Of It In .NET?

May 21, 2012

I have a project, let's call it "BASE", that has a bunch of .CSV files as Resources. The project makes references to My.Resources.XXXXXXX in different methods where XXXXXXX is the CSV filename. I am working on a class that derives from "BASE" and I would like to change some of the .CSV files and replace the ones that are in the "BASE" project with mine. I would like the methods in the base project to use my CSV files when it calls My. Resources. XXXXXX instead of the files that are in "BASE"'s Resources. Any tips on how to do it? (any .NET language is welcome)

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Inherit From A Generic Class Without Specifying A Type?

Apr 29, 2009

I have the following sample code in a VB.NET console application. It compiles and works, but feels like a hack. Is there a way to define EmptyChild so that it inherits from Intermediate(Of T As Class) without using the dummy EmptyClass?

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim Child1 = New RealChild()[code].....

The other way to do this would be to move the generic code out of the Base class and then create 2 Intermediate classes like this [code]...

Then RealChild would inherit from the generic Intermediate and EmptyChild would inherit from the non-generic Intermediate. My problem with that solution is that the Base class is in a separate assembly and I need to keep the code that handles the generic type in that assembly. And there is functionality in the Intermediate class that does not belong in the assembly with the Base class.

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Construction - Inherit A Class That Also Has A Constructor

Mar 15, 2010

i'm working with different classes and different constructors. It's working fine until i try to inherit a class that also has a constructor. vb asks for but when i add that vb says that a constructor cannot call itself, when i try it in a different way vb asks the parameters of the constructor of the class that i want to inherit.

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Create A New Project And Inherit A Form From Another By Dll?

May 21, 2011

I have to create a new project and in that project I have to create a inherited form from an older project. When I choose an inherited form, it says that I only can choose a dll file. But in my older project there is only an exe file. In all subfolders I cannot find a dll file. Can anyone help me to create a dll file for the older project so I can inherit that file in the new project.

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Custom Event Inherit/reuse?

May 13, 2011

(using vb 2008 I am learning the workings of Custom Events. I think they might solve the problem of being unable to declare nonserialized events in vb2008. However, do custom events follow any sort of inheritance pattern like classes

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How To Inherit A Abstract Class In Code Behind

Aug 25, 2009

By Default code behind looks like --
Partial Public
Class InhAbs


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Inherit From Custom Controls VS 2008

Nov 16, 2009

Is this possible? Must be surely but I've tried and come up short. I've created a very basic class (person) with 2 public properties, forename, surname. My user control is databound to this class and has 2 textboxes to store the properties.

I've built the control and can add the user control to a windows form but how can I add to a new user control (Staff) which will show my 2 existing textboxes and I can add dateJoined datepicker also??

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Inherit From ListBox ObjectCollection Collection?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm in the process of creating my own version of the Combo Box as MS version does not give me the flexibility I need, this is work fine. I just had a little niggle

The List box contains/uses ObjectCollection to hold all its objects, but it does not have the facility to inform by the way of events that an item has been added etc.

If I inherited from this collection could I add the necessary code to make this happen, I have done this in my previous controls I�ve created when I wanted this facility.

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Label1 Don't Inherit The Font Of GroupBox

Jun 9, 2011

I use visual basic 2008, I use Groupbox1, In the Groupbox1 in have two labels: label1 and label2. I have change the font of label1 with properties to size 12, No i change the font size of Groupbox1 with properties to size 8, Only label2 inherit font (8) format from GroupBox1 and label1 inherit not font change. I want that label1 and label2 inherit font from GroupBox1, always! I how can i do this?

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Plus Is There A Base Class Of Integer For Us To Inherit From?

Dec 16, 2009

why is it that Strings are declared notinheritable? plus is there a base class of Integer for us to inherit from?

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