Installing On New Client

Jan 31, 2011

I get the following message when trying to install on some computers:


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Difference Between Mapping An Exe And Installing Separate Client Software?

Apr 30, 2009

I have seen many good inventory software were having a server and a client software.

My Pm ask me to install the software in server and map it to other clients.

if we map it we just need to update only one exe in server, but if we install the client software in all client machine, it needs to install in all machine, which is some heavy work.

what is the difference of mapping it and installing a client software itself on each machine ... ?

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Installing An Application On A Client Machine "Class Not Registered"

Aug 20, 2009

I am installing an application on a client machine. The application is throwing an exception that I am logging that states "Class Not Registered". This an app written in Visual Studio 2005 using VB.NET. The dll dependencies of my .exe are located in the same folder as the .exe. What class is this talking about and how can I resolve this issue?

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Make Client Server Without Installing Sql Server?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application in which i have a database .mdf file in directory which i use a connection string to give a path of to access it, which means without installing sql server i can access database. Connection string below to access this database(.mdf) which placed in the directory.

dim con as sqlconnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|Universal_data.mdf;user instance=true")

Now the question is that if i access this .mdf file without installing sql server, i also want to access to this .mdf file on other computer(client) after creating DSN or any other connectivity tool.

Let me know you that when i install sql server 2000 or 2005 i create SA user name and password which i use to create DSN on client computer and give SA username and password in the connection string that successfully works and client get access to sql server, connection string is below.

Dim serv = "MY-LAPTOP"
dim con as sqlconnection = new sqlconnection("Data Source=" & serv & ";Initial Catalog=clinic;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa")

I only need to know that my application access .mdf file without installing sql server works fine on a single computer, and i want to give access to this .mdf file on other clients without installing sql server on server computer (like i mentioned above paragraph) how will do it.....

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How To Publish A Program Which On Installing On A Computer Asks For The Drive For Installing?

Sep 9, 2009

I created a program and published it using the wizard through the "Property" in menu.

When I used the Published program to Install it in my same computer it got installed in "StartMenu".

I didn't get the option to select the Drive for Installing it like what we get when installing other program.

how to make that option to appear on installing the program?

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Client-Server-Client Multithreading - Instant Message Another Client

Jun 21, 2010

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the "Life Lines" we want to use is "Ask a friend", where one client is able to Instant message another client for a short time to get help on the question.


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Writing A Program With 1 Client And Server Where Client Side Creates A Text File

Dec 1, 2008

I have been reading through Atheists posts in regards to client-server and TCP client/server connection's. But how do i go about writing a program with 1 client and server where the client side creates a text file.Once the server sees there is a text file it connects and downloads it to itself or the client pushes the text file to the server.Once on the server i will read the text file and put its info into a sql db.

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SMTP Email Client Fails On Local Machine Needs To Run On Client

Jun 29, 2010

I have an application that takes a series of reports and sends them as attachments in an email to a specified group of email accounts.

When I run the Java version of this using apache commons and the same setting, the email is sent. However, when I run the VB.NET version of the code, it fails on my local machine and on the client machine.

I have a VB.NET web application running on a server that uses similar code. I tried that code locally and it fails. Yet, the web application is working perfectly.

Why is it that the Java application can send the email, but the .NET application cannot?[code]....

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Chat Server/client - After The Client Clicks Disconnect Or Closes By Task Manager, Looses Connection

Aug 18, 2009

Im using the code from [URL] as a starter, most of the code is the same. the chat system works fine but on the client a added a disconnect button "clientSocket.Close()" and as soon as i click that i get errors, on the client, this is the code...

Private Sub getMessage()
For infiniteCounter = 1 To 2


And this line...

serverStream.Read(inStream, 0, buffSize)
gives me "Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall."

Now im talking the server, after the client clicks disconnect or closes by task manager, looses connection, etc the server crashes and gives me.

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Chat Client To Client Without Server Just Use IP Address For It?

Apr 19, 2012

Chat Client to Client Without Server Just Use IP Address For it?

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How To Make A VB Application That Can Stream From Client To Client

Feb 7, 2011

for a school project i need to make a vb application that can stream from client to client.

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Client Socket - Send Message Through Client Socket Receive Specified Argument Was Out Of Range Of Valid Values

Oct 15, 2011

Below is my code, but when i send the message thru client socket i receive Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: size

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = clientSocket.GetStream()
Dim outStream As Byte() = _


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VS 2008 Client-to-Client Messenging?

Jun 28, 2009

this is probably easier than I think it is.I would like a client-to-client messenging system without using Winsock if possible. At the moment an IP based connection system would be okay.

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VS 2010 Client-to-Client LAN Messenger?

Jun 15, 2010

Can't find any free ones so thought I would work on one on my own for the heck of the learning experience with TCP stuff.I'm about ready to start on the messaging aspect of it.The biggest thing I'm wondering about is figuring out when people are online.I'm not too sure how the whole thing works.Say I turn on my messenger. Would my messenger just send a message to all IPs on a certain port to say I'm online and then wait for a message back from the IPs that can return messages and then figure out who is online that way?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

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VS 2010 : Send Data From Client To Server (encrypted) And The String Sent From The Client Is Not The Same As Received From The Server?

Jun 27, 2011

Hey guys, I am trying to send data from client to server (encrypted) and the string sent from the client is not the same as recieved from the server. I've been killing my brain for hours to get this to work but I cant manage. Im converting everything to Base64 string.


Public Sub SendMessage(ByVal msg As String)
SyncLock myclient.GetStream
sw = New IO.StreamWriter(myclient.GetStream)


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Error While Installing App

Jan 7, 2012

While installing the application that i build on Visual Basic VS 2010, the following error occurs.

"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly stdole Version 7.0.3300.0 be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. "

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Installing A Sql File

Nov 13, 2010

I have a sql file that i need to use with Visual Basic, im assuming i have to install it as i had to do that with a different sql file, the only difference between the sql file i have now and the other one i had is that the one i need to use with VB has only an sql file and does not have a database file that goes with it, this one is only an sql file. I have opened the file in SQL server management studio express and executed it over and over and it says (1 row(s) affected) (I have attached a screenshot) but nothing happens. If you look in the screenshot, on the left hand side you can see the "Pubs" database, that was the other sql file i had that had a database with it and it installed fine. Im really not sure what else to do with this.


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Installing App On A Different Domain?

Jun 9, 2011

I have an app that I've developed that has a front end and a SQL Server 2000 database backend. I currently have it running fine on my machine and it also installs fine on all the users that are inside the domain that the app was written in. When I try to install my application on another domain it hangs and doesn't even run the install script.

Has anyone ever experienced problems installing an app accross domains?

Is there something that I need to code differently to make it non-domain specific?

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TCP Server/Client "Individual Send To Conected Client"?

Jul 4, 2009

I have got the server app an the Client app Both Working to what i can see But My issue is i was only asked 4 days ago if i could add a Private msg and Whisper Feature as well as admin controls I have Done what i could to it then realised i have no idea how to only send the data to the selected client.

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VS 2008 : TCP Server/Client "send Hashtable To Client App"?

Jul 15, 2009

i have been working on a chat program Server side and client side i have most of the features i was asked to put in but then once i got most of the bugs out i noticed something the server admin could send whispers and alerts to single users but then when you try do do it on the client side it wont work so i looked through it all and found my issue the user list on the client is only a list of the names in server hash table so i was wondering how do i send the hashtable and all of its data E.G. user connection information to the client so that it can send commands to individual users like the server side can

Public clients As New Hashtable()
' This subroutine checks to see if username already exists in the clients
' Hashtable. If it does, send a REFUSE message, otherwise confirm with a JOIN.


i tried to send the hashtable over the same method used to send the user names to the client but it cannot convert the hashtable to a string so that wont work so my question is How do i send the hash table to the user from the server then display the username on the client ??

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Installing Application After Publishing

May 30, 2009

i can publish my app creates the setup and the rest of the files, whatever they are.on my operating system, the setup runs fine.when trying to install it on another system, it asks for the microsoft update can take quite a can i publish my app, in such a way that it can run from the files in the setup and not have to have any other addons, as .net framework. i know it's possible, since i was able to install other software before i had the .net framework.

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.net Windows Service Not Installing?

Aug 27, 2009

I have created a Windows Service in for building xML from a database. I need to install it in my machine. I have followed all the steps as shown in [URL] When I right click on setup project and click install it opens the installation wizard and after hitting the next buttons it promptly says that the Service is installed successfully.When I go to Services I don't see the service. I refreshed the list and rebooted my machine n times.

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Add A Folder When Installing Programme

Nov 6, 2009

When I test run my programme (F5) it automatically saves files in a folder that is within the test project.I'd like to create a folder that is created when the programme is first installed (My Documents or in within the programme folder). How do I do this? I also want to give it a specific name instead of a name being given to it automatically. I know how to create a folder and save files in it during the test runs when I press F5 (If directory.exists etc etc etc) but that is during the runtime - how do I make a folder already available that is created during installtion.

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Cannot Save In Access After Installing Sp1 Of Win 7

Jul 27, 2011

I have a vb script in access 2007 and there I read some text documents and save them as record in the database. This is on a machine with windows 7. When I do this without sp1 for windows 7 it all works. When i install sp1 on windows 7 then I get the error massage cannot save with the code 2147286781 (80030103). In the VB code I use I put a example of the code below. Here i created a new DB and want to save 1 record. I got the same error back.[code]

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Distribute DLL Without Installing Net Framework

May 21, 2009

I create Win32 DLL using (VS2005), for later use in vb6 application. I've try and it's workout (on my pc). I'm wondering if theres a way to distribute that dll files with my vb6 application, without installing net framwework on target pc.

If you wonder why i'm doing this, the answer The current application on target computer still using application that i've develop with vb6. My company have a plan to migrate to so i have to update a litle by litle so the old application still running until the new one (which i developed using is ready to lunch. By the time new application running, my plan/target is i only update a minor change/installation.

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IDE :: Getting Error Message When Installing App

Mar 15, 2009

The message is "System Update Required"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache(GAC) First. It is not completely clear to me if this is something that I have to 'include' in my application, or something I have to direct my friend to install in his computer. (Or how he can get it?)

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Installing A Program From A Combobox?

Dec 15, 2010

how I would install a program from a combobox, for example, I select an option inside a combobox like 'adobe reader', click the install button, and it installs the selected option? (all programs will be stored in a share or directory).

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Installing Application Published In .net?

Jun 9, 2009

i built a very simple application in, installed it, it worked. then i did some very slight updates, build it, tried to install it but got the following errors. i restarted computer, uninstalled app for the uninstall menu, and tried to run setup.exe and still have been getting this error.

Windows : 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.3053


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Installing DirectX Or OpenGL On VB?

Sep 13, 2011

I wanted to install visual Basic or C++ (but Basic really seems easyer to use) with DirectX or OpenGL but I can't get it to work!I've tried Visual Basic Express 2008 and 2010 and i'm getting the same type of errors...

-> Directx

When I try this program [URL]with VB I either get

with 2008 : just a red cross on a blank screen

with 2010 : an unlimited waiting time, and when i click i get an error message that tells me to continue waiting, im forced to CTRL -ALT - DEL to shut down VB.

-> OpenGL:So i've tried a lot of times! they tell me that it's already installed on windows so i don't need any installation but then VB gives me alot of errors, telling me that some part of code isnt recognized!!

i've tried tutorials with Csgl or Tao, but none seem to work...I already got some knowlege of OpenGL but not DirectX, so could anyone please tell me which one does work on my computer and is best for creating a graphics window inside an API that i create, for instance a mob maker?

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